
Chapter 130 The Golden Scales Are In The Pool

Chapter 130 The Golden Scales Are In The Pool

On the seventh floor of the Wanbao Building, Lu Han's expression returned to clarity, his dark face was full of anger, and his clear eyes showed deep hatred.

He didn't see the picture of the woman's death.

But he knew that the woman named Axiu must have been killed by that man!

"I will kill you!"

Lu Han grabbed Axiu's golden spear in his hand, with unprecedented sharpness.

Caressing the word Xiu on the body of the gun, his callused fingers trembled slightly, and Lu Han's originally fierce expression turned into sadness in an instant.

He leaned down and kissed that pretty little character, but there was only a cold touch on his lips, no longer the tenderness of his childhood.At some point, Lu Han was already in tears, and he whimpered in pain in the building.

Lin Huang didn't understand why Lu Han was like this, but he could clearly feel the latter's emotions:





At this moment, Lin Huang felt that the Axiu Golden Spear should belong to Lu Han!

In the building, Lu Han tightly hugged the golden gun in his arms, like a lost love, he caressed the golden gun earnestly, the emotions around him were gradually suppressed by him, and then restrained.

He wiped the golden gun again and again, his expression gradually calmed down.

Then enter a mysterious state...

Lin Huang stared at Lu Han in amazement, and naturally understood that Lu Han was feeling the power of Axiu's golden gun, and at the same time, was breaking through the realm in a mysterious state.

In the building, Zhou Guanshi hadn't healed the trauma he had seen before, and found that Lu Han was feeling it again, so he couldn't help frowning, his eyes flickering.

Lin Huang's expression froze, and he moved, standing between Lu Han and Zhou Guanshi.

The puppet in the ring also appeared.

When breaking through the situation, it is most forbidden to disturb.So no one can be allowed to be present, even if there is no evil in the manager this week, Lin Huang is more vigilant than anyone else.

"excuse me!"

After looking at the puppet, Zhou Guanshi said calmly, then grabbed Xuanyuan Lihen's feet and dragged him out of the seventh floor of Wanbao Building.

In the building, only Lu Han and Lin Huang are left.


The so-called genius is someone who has been standing in the brilliant place of fireworks.

And ghost talent is the light that blooms at a certain moment, which can shame the so-called genius to the point where there is not even scum left.

Lu Han seems to be such a person.

On the seventh floor, Lin Huang stood beside Lu Han, his expression became more and more exaggerated, he opened his mouth wide, not knowing how to express the shock in his heart.

It was the first time in my life that I saw such a terrifying scene.

Indeed, this was indeed the first time Lin Huang had seen it.

The Lu Han in the building was still the same Lu Han, holding the Axiu golden gun in his arms, and mechanically and calmly wiped the Axiu golden gun in his hand.

But in Lin Huang's eyes, Lu Han looked more and more like that golden gun, straight and sharp, even though he bowed his body, it seemed as if he wanted to pierce the Wanbao Building.

His skin was still dark, and his expression was still so dull.But amidst the darkness and dullness, there was a touch of perseverance and domineering, as if he had the taste of a black-faced Hades.

In Lin Huang's eyes, Lu Han's breakthrough was even more terrifying.

At this moment, Lu Han is like a vortex, pulling the vitality from the heaven and the earth into his body like a confluence of rivers.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Lu Han broke through to the eighth heaven of earth element!
Another hour later, Lu Han arrived at the Ninth Heaven of Diyuan.

Nine Heavens Peak!
Half a step to the realm of Tianyuan.

it's not finished yet……

At this moment, Lu Han is like a glutton, unsatisfied.Looting the vitality in the void with an extremely domineering attitude, the aura emanating from his body is also getting stronger and stronger!

Then, a majestic force suddenly poured out from Lu Han's body.

Tianyuan Realm!

Lin Huang's eyes widened, fluttering in the wind.

"Breaking through the three heavens overnight!"

Lin Huang looked at Lu Han and muttered to himself, his heart was filled with huge waves.He has witnessed with his own eyes a person who breaks through two heavens in one night, but has never seen one who breaks through three heavens.

And this is not a simple triple heaven, there is also a mountain in it, a mountain that crosses from the earth element to the sky element.

Lu Han simply and easily crossed over.

"Is this entering the realm of Tianyuan?"

Lin Huang looked at Lu Han in disbelief.

Breaking through the third heaven in one night, he directly entered the ranks of Tianyuan warriors.From being unknown in Piaoxue Palace, he jumped directly to the ranks of the young generation of Dongling Realm.

Lin Huang felt very bad, and his mood became very bad.

Needless to say, her elder sister, Lin Cangxue, is a legend of the East Spirit Realm.

Bai Xiaopang is such a silly bastard, if he doesn't cultivate, he is like taking drugs, and his rise is soaring.

That guy Qin Xuance didn't have the realm of martial arts, but the vigor in his bones was weaker than anyone else.

Originally thought that Lu Han was just like himself, with low talent, and at most he was better at working hard.But I didn't expect that this dog day would break through the third heaven in one night, and directly cross the threshold from the earth element to the sky element.

Lin Huang wanted to smash Lu Han's head with a slap.

On the seventh floor, Lin Huang sighed helplessly.

"Golden scales are not things in the pool, they will turn into dragons when encountering storms, maybe this Axiu golden gun is your storm." Lin Huang looked at the golden gun in Lu Han's hand and said angrily.

Two hours later, Lu Han breathed a sigh of relief, and truly held Axiu's golden gun in his hand.

"Thank you!"

Lu Han grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth under his dark skin, which made Lin Huang very disgusted!

Thief disgusting.

"What did you see in the gun just now?"

Lin Huang is not a gossip person, but Lu Han broke through the third heaven overnight, so he felt the need to gossip.

"how about you?"

Lu Han didn't want to answer Lin Huang's question, so he stared at Lin Huang seriously and said, "You haven't passed out now, which means Axiu doesn't reject you, then you should have seen something!"

"What I see is not real!"

Lin Huang shook his head and said, he didn't believe that there would be a battle of hundreds of thousands of emperors.

"The soldier soul has memory, what you see is what he wants to tell you, so it should be true," Lu Han said seriously, "At least what I see is true."

Lin Huang frowned, lost in thought.

"You just saw those pictures, what do you think?"

Lu Han asked again.

"A little bit, but the feeling is almost gone!"

"I'll protect you!"

"it is good!"

On the seventh floor of the Wanbao Building, after Lu Han, Lin Huang sat cross-legged, holding the end of Axiu's golden gun under Lu Han's alms, carefully recalling the scene he saw before.

Black banner.

Golden Armor Legion.

Hundreds of thousands of Martial Emperors.

Heads with never closed eyes hung all over the mountain peaks.

Vultures flying around.

The black battle flag dipped into the bloody land.


Every picture made Lin Huang feel resentful, especially when he looked at the mountains covered with heads, vultures eating carrion, and black flags dipping into the bloody ground, his resentment became more intense.

Half an hour later, there was a shriek in the building.

With full of resentment, Lin Huang brutally broke through the entrance barrier in his body.

Earth Element Four Heavens.

Lin Huang should have been very happy to break through because of his comprehension.But he is very disappointed now, Lu Han watched the golden gun break through the third level of heaven overnight, why did he only break through the first level of heaven?

Life is too hard!
When the two walked out of the seventh floor of the Wanbao Building, Steward Zhou stared at Lu Han in surprise. With his current state, he naturally knew what kind of fortune Lu Han had obtained in just a few hours.

Tianyuan Realm!

Breaking through the three heavens.

Zhou Guanshi's expression can no longer be described as surprise, but shock.Neither Su Fo from Qianyin Valley, Han Xijun from Fengyu Tower, Shangguan Xuan from Shangguan Dynasty, nor Jiang Tianyue from Tianlei Sect had ever had such an experience.

Even Lin Cangxue, the legendary Dongling, has never broken through the third heaven overnight.

This is really too shocking.

"What is the origin of this young man?"

In contrast, Lin Huang broke the realm first level, it was much dimmer.

"Put the gun down!"

Xuanyuan Lihen, who had passed out, woke up. Seeing Lu Han holding the golden gun, his complexion changed, and he stopped in front of Lu Han, angrily saying.

"If you don't give way, you will die!"

Lu Han stared at the young man in front of him with a serious face.


Xuanyuan Lihen chuckled, "Do you know who I am? Do you know what my surname is? Do you dare to kill me? Put down the gun, and I will let you walk out of Xuanyuan City safely. This magic weapon is not something you can protect !"

Lu Han stared at Xuanyuan Lihen closely, and there was a sharp light in his eyes.

"In the Wanbao building, martial arts are prohibited!"

Sensing the murderous intent in Lu Han's eyes, Zhou Guanshi frowned.

"My surname is Xuanyuan, and my name is Xuanyuan Lihen." Xuanyuan Lihen continued, "Even if you have the money to buy Axiu's golden spear, how dare you go against the Xuanyuan family?"

"If you take away Axiu's golden spear today, you won't be able to leave Xuanyuan City!"

"This is my last advice to you!"

Xuanyuan Lihen said quietly, his eyes full of confidence.Although his current state is not as good as Lu Han's, he is confident that Lu Han dare not go against the Xuanyuan family.

What's more, Xuanyuan City is his home field, and Lu Han is just an outsider, so how can he win against Xuanyuan Lihen?

Lu Han glanced at Guanshi Zhou at the side, then turned his head to stare at Xuanyuan Lihen who was blocking the way, and calmly expressed his thoughts:
"I forgot to tell you, the person surnamed Xuanyuan is what I hate the most!"

After saying that, Lu Han held the gun with one hand, and while shaking his wrist, the long spear stabbed towards Xuanyuan Lihen like lightning. Before Zhou Guanshi could react, the tip of the gun had already pierced Xuanyuan Lihen's chest.

Lu Han calmly pulled out the golden gun, grinned at Zhou Guanshi, and handed the amethyst card to Zhou Guanshi at the same time.

"I took Axiu's golden spear away. I'm sorry for letting this man die in Wanbao Tower. If anyone asks, just say that the person who killed him is called Lu Han!"

As he said that, Lu Han smiled slightly, and walked out of the Wanbao Building with Axiu's golden gun.

Lin Huang looked at Lu Han who was holding a gun in front of him, and frowned slightly. This dull young man seemed to be enlightened the moment he held Axiu's golden gun!

This is naturally a good thing for Lin Huang!
With Lu Han's current ability, entering the tomb of King Wu is at least a little more secure.

After walking out of Wanbao Building, Lin Huang took Lu Han towards Xuanyuan City Gate, where the Mo brothers were waiting for them.After leaving Xuanyuan City, one hundred miles to the east is the Qinglong Mountain Range, and there is a tomb in the Qinglong Mountain Range.

It's called the Tomb of King Wu!

(End of this chapter)

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