
Chapter 131 Tomb of King Wu

Chapter 131 Tomb of King Wu

When the sky was slightly bright, Lin Huang, Lu Han and the others entered the Qinglong Mountain Range and headed towards the tomb of King Wu.

In less than two hours, the four of them appeared on a peak in the Qinglong Mountains, looking at the rolling hills in the distance.

In the middle of the mountains, there are three hills in the shape of Pin.It is not too high, but it is surrounded by many peaks, presenting the tendency of a fierce tiger lying down.The river flows around the mountain, just like a black dragon spiraling out.

The trees on the hills are lush and full of aura.

This may be the so-called Feng Shui treasure land.

At this moment, tens of thousands of people gathered in front of the three hills of King Wu's tomb.There was a mass of darkness, staring at the three hills like a group of starving ghosts in desperate need of food.

In front of each hill stood a huge bronze gate, more than ten feet high.

At this moment, it was these three huge bronze gates that blocked everyone's way, making them wait hard and unable to enter the tomb of King Wu.

Above the huge bronze gate, there is a large formation circulating, shining radiantly, illuminating the mountains in a radius of ten miles.The flowing pattern reveals a fierce and lore aura, making it untouchable by everyone.

And in front of the huge bronze gate, many formation masters gathered, using their own methods to nibble away at the large formation on the huge bronze gate bit by bit.

"What is there in the tomb of King Wu that can gather tens of thousands of people!"

Mo Canfeng stared at the dark crowd below, and sighed.

"Because this is the tomb of King Wu," Lin Huang pursed his lips and said with a smile, "you know, there hasn't been a King Wu in this East Spirit Realm for many years. Even anything in the tomb may drive a warrior crazy !"

"It makes sense, considering our current state. Perhaps the ladle used to drink water in front of King Wu is an extremely precious weapon."

Mo Canyun said with a blank face.

"Do you think that the tomb of King Wu will have an opportunity for Marquis Wu to step into King Wu!"

Lu Han said silently.

The three people on the mountain peak frowned.

"I heard that Jiang Licheng, who is ranked second on the Wuhou list, entered Xuanyuan City a few days ago," Mo Canfeng continued, "Perhaps this is the reason why he can show up!"

"If this is the case, I'm afraid that the top ten people on the Wuhou list will appear, and even Xuanyuan Tibing will appear!"

Mo Canyun shook his head and said.

"Probably not." Lin Huang shook his head. He remembered that Qin Xuance had said earlier that the tomb of King Wu was probably arranged by Xuanyuan Tibing.

If there is really an opportunity to step into King Wu in this tomb, then Xuanyuan Tibing has already grasped this opportunity in his hands.

Or, Xuanyuan Tibing has already stepped into the realm of King Wu!
Arriving here first, Lin Huang shook his head and said, "It's useless to guess any more, let's wait and see after entering King Wu's tomb!"

With that said, Lin Huang led the three of them towards the hill where King Wu's tomb is located.

It was only after the four of them got close to the tomb of King Wu that they felt the power of the tomb of King Wu. The three hills became extremely tall at this moment, and the aura pouring out from the huge bronze gate was like a mountain.

Among the crowd, Lin Huang's eyes wandered, sizing up the tens of thousands of people in front of King Wu's tomb without any trace.These people may be his opponents who entered the tomb of King Wu.

The leader is naturally the disciples of the four major sects.


Snow Palace.

Storm Building.

Thousand Sounds Valley.

The disciples of Tianleizong and Fengyulou stood together, obviously in an alliance.While Piaoxue Palace is relatively close to Qianyingu Station, but it is not as friendly as Tianleizong and Fengfenglou.

In addition, it is the people of the top ten dynasties.

Most of these people are wearing armor and can be easily identified.Many of them are younger generations from their respective dynasties, among a group of armors, it is quite obvious.

The top ten dynasties are divided into four camps, and each camp is composed of three major dynasties.

On the contrary, the people of Beiyan Dynasty were isolated.

However, it seemed that the people of Beiyan Dynasty were also quite arrogant, they just stood there quietly, their fierce aura was not much panic compared to other dynasty camps.

Apart from the members of the four great sects and the ten great dynasties, the most dazzling ones are Qi Tianmeng and the six great families.

Qi Tianmeng was established by Qi Changgong who ranked third on the Wuhou list.Its strength is second only to the Jiang Family of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties and the Six Great Aristocratic Family.

Looking at the dozens of people lined up in the distance, Lin Huang frowned slightly.The people who appeared in the Qi Tianmeng this time were quite good, there were seven Tianyuan strongmen and four Earthyuan warriors.

As for the strong Wuhou Realm, Lin Huang did not find out, let alone the leader of Qi Tianmeng.

In addition, the people from the six great families are relatively inferior, but the advantage lies in the large number of people.Each family has 30 people, roughly divided into three camps.

Among them, the Jiang family is an independent camp.

After all, the background of this Jiang family is quite deep. The family has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are many talents.There is also Jiang Licheng, who ranks second on the Wuhou list, sitting in charge.

How dare an ordinary family dare to compete with it.

Even Qi Tianmeng didn't dare to confront the Jiang family head-on.

Looking at the 30 Jiang family disciples, Lin Huang frowned slightly, and gathered his pitch-black cloak.He did remember that Jiang Huaiyin, whom he killed in Piaoxue Palace, was also a disciple of the Jiang family in name.

For such a big family, it doesn't matter if a disciple dies.But if you lose face, that's a big deal.

Moreover, Lin Huang had heard in Xuanyuan City before that Jiang Licheng had entered Xuanyuan City a few days ago, so did he also come for the tomb of King Wu?

Thinking of this, Lin Huang couldn't help but linger on the Jiang family's children a few more times, feeling a lot more vigilant in his heart.

In addition to the above top forces, the rest are some second- and third-rate forces.Among these forces, most of the leaders can only reach the realm of Tianyuan, or even the realm of Earth Yuan.

Among the crowd, Lin Huang's eyes scanned the audience bit by bit, silently remembering these forces and some people hiding in the dark.

For such an existence as King Wu's tomb, even the strong Marquis Wu is quite tempted.I don't know how many hidden powerhouses are there among these tens of thousands of people?
I'm afraid I can't count on a hundred fingers.

Regardless of where the four major sects are located, they are all a group of young disciples.Not far behind him, there is this team of sect elders.

The kind that can scare people to death.

As Lin Huang's gaze shifted, his gaze finally landed on the huge bronze gate.The three giant bronze gates are more than tens of feet high, with ancient monster totem patterns engraved on them, which look extraordinarily fierce, and under the layers of copper rust, they look extremely vicissitudes.

Looking at the huge bronze gate and feeling the massive aura emanating from the huge gate, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of insignificance in their hearts.

Not long after, the roar of monsters came out from the formation, which was extremely terrifying, and the screaming sound made all the warriors present pale.

Even the strong ones in the Tianyuan realm covered their ears.

Lin Huang only felt the qi and blood rushing in his body, as if a boulder was pressing down on his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

And in front of each giant bronze gate, there are formation masters standing in twos and threes, looking tiredly at the lines on the giant bronze gate.

They have already spent half a month, consuming most of the spiritual power in the formation, but they did not expect that the power of the formation is still so terrifying.

However, even though they were extremely exhausted, they were excited when they thought of the things in King Wu's tomb.Even pulling back the huge bronze gate and studying the patterns on it would benefit them a lot.

As time went by, the sky gradually darkened...

Under the cooperation of several formation masters, the formation prohibition above the huge bronze gate became weaker and weaker. Although the roar of monsters was still terrifying, the light of the formation was almost annihilated.

During this period of time, Lin Huang didn't pay attention to other things, and his clear eyes fell on the techniques of several formation masters.

Most of these formation masters are the top formation masters in the Eastern Spirit Realm, at least having the strength of a third-level formation master, and some are two points stronger than Shen Diexin from Piaoxue Palace.

During this period of time, Lin Huang has been on the verge of breaking through the second-level formation masters. Observing the formation of the third-level formation masters has been of great help to him.

"After two full months, the tomb of King Wu is finally about to be opened!"

Around Lin Huang, low voices of discussion sounded.It was a slightly tired middle-aged man with a weathered look on his face.

From the looks of it, the man might have guarded the place as soon as the news of King Wu's tomb came out.

"Who said it wasn't? It took a month to find the entrance to King Wu's tomb, and then there were all kinds of restrictions. It was really exhausting."

"Do you think King Wu's tomb is the same as your family's grassy tomb? This is King Wu's tomb!"

A man sneered.

"Anyway, it's good to be able to go in, as long as you can bring out a little bit of something, I'm afraid it will be of great benefit in your life." A man sighed and said, his eyes were full of scorching heat.

"I don't know, what treasure is in the tomb of King Wu? All the top forces that can include the Eastern Spirit Realm appear!"

"The things in the mausoleum of a generation of Wu Wang are not ordinary things." A square-faced man took the conversation and said: "In the past thousand years, the number of Wu Wang who appeared in the Eastern Spirit Realm is only a palm. , those are all figures who dominate for a while."

Lin Huang pursed his lips when he heard the discussions around him. What everyone said was not unreasonable.

A strong person in the realm of King Wu may not be considered a big deal in the Great Domain, but to the Eastern Spirit Realm, he is number one in the world.

That is the current myth.

"The seal is about to be broken, and the bronze gate is about to be opened!"

In the crowd, someone suddenly said in surprise, which instantly caused a commotion in the scene.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the giant bronze gate in the middle. Under the joint efforts of several formation masters, the light of the formation on the giant gate was annihilated and completely disappeared.

The monster roaring terrifyingly in the formation also disappeared at this moment.

"Hahaha... It's worthwhile for me to spend half a month, try 370 times, and finally break through this formation." An old man under the huge bronze door laughed hoarsely, his eyes were full of satisfaction and pride .


Under the pitch-black night, as the formation on the giant bronze gate was annihilated, the sound of the giant gate grinding followed in the void, instantly attracting the attention of tens of thousands of people present.

Then, cheers erupted in front of King Wu's tomb.

"Grandma, this damn King Wu's tomb has finally been opened!"

A burly middle-aged man spat and hummed heavily.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this time I entered Baoshan, I must not return empty-handed. I have stayed here for a month. Even if God doesn't favor me, I should get some good things."

A warrior said with a smile on his face.


Outside the tomb of King Wu, everyone stared intently at the giant bronze gate that slowly opened. Their eyes all revealed excitement. Everyone was gearing up, and it was already difficult to suppress the excitement in their hearts.


Under everyone's attention, the huge bronze gate slowly rises like a guillotine until it can allow warriors to enter...

(End of this chapter)

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