
Chapter 133 Stealing a plaque

Chapter 133 Stealing a Plaque
On the cable plank road, Lin Huang stared at the huge plaque in front of him, frowning slowly.

Yang Xuangan should be the owner of King Wu's tomb.

As for the title of night watchman, he seemed to have heard of it in his previous life, but he didn't remember it clearly.

Looking at the words on the giant plaque, Lin Huang thought deeply.The brush strokes are extremely domineering, with a maddened sword intent, so vivid that it seems that Lin Huang can see an old man or middle-aged man with rustling black hair and endless vigor.

"This plaque is weird!"

When Lin Huang looked away, a strange feeling came to his heart suddenly.For some reason, this giant bronze plaque gave Lin Huang a familiar feeling.

Although the handwriting on it was extremely murderous, it made Lin Huang feel close.

This feeling is quite strange, Lin Huang couldn't say it for a while, but could only vaguely feel that there seemed to be two completely different auras remaining on the huge plaque.

Lin Huang was on the iron cable plank road, looking at the huge bronze plaque for a full quarter of an hour.

"excuse me!"

"excuse me!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lin Huang bowed towards the palace, then flew forward, vigorously kicked towards the cliff behind him, and jumped towards the opposite palace with his strength.

Then, Lin Huang climbed up the pillars of the palace, and carefully removed the huge bronze plaque.

Just now on the iron chain, Lin Huang had comprehended for half a quarter of an hour, but he couldn't feel the artistic conception of the huge bronze plaque.Then you can only bring it out and understand it well in the future.

"Put down the plaque!"

At this moment, a young voice came from the top floor of the giant hall.

Lin Huang jumped up and jumped off the beam.Gathering their eyes in one place, they looked warily at the young man who spoke in front of him.

"Jiang's disciple?"

Lin Huang looked at the latter's Tsing Yi attire, with the word 'Ginger' on the neckline as big as a fist, and said.While speaking, he had put the huge bronze plaque into the storage ring.

"Jiang Family elite disciple, Jiang Lai!"

The young man watched Lin Huang put away the plaque, his expression was a little cold.He moved his feet, looked at Lin Huang, and said with a chuckle: "I give you a wise suggestion, hand over the plaque!"

"Jiang family elite disciple? Is it amazing?"

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Huang's mouth, he dusted off his clothes, and said, "I'm also an inner disciple of Piaoxue Palace?"

"You should understand that in this tomb of King Wu, it doesn't matter which side you are from. What matters is how strong you are." Jiang Lai shook his head and joked.

"It seems that Piaoxue Palace is nothing more than that, a boy from the fourth heaven of earth element can enter the inner door, tsk tsk..."

Jiang Lai continued.

"so what?"

Lin Huang smiled and drew out the Suppressing Demon Knife.

"If I were you, I would put away your seemingly unruly posture. Because you don't have the qualifications in front of a warrior in the sixth heaven of earth element. Not only is it unwise to pose like this without qualification, but also You are courting death!"

Jiang Lai said with a smile, "However, I can give you one last chance to hand over the plaque. How about I just let you go? Think about it carefully, whether the life is more important than the plaque!"

"It's all important!"

Lin Huang looked up at Jiang Lai and said.

The smile on Jiang Lai's face stagnated, and his expression gradually became gloomy, "I don't know how to praise things, since they are all important, then there is no need for them!"

After saying that, Jiang Lai let out a long heh, and the sharp sword energy instantly filled the hall, heading towards Lin Huang.Jiang Lai jumped up and jumped into the air like a goshawk with fluttering wings, heading towards the forest to kill.

"Sword Eagle Martial Soul?"

Lin Huang pursed his thin lips slightly, and the Suppressing Demon Knife suddenly came out of its sheath, casting a bright light of the knife in the hall.

"Kill God with a knife!"

"Shura's Wrath!"

In the giant hall, Lin Huang's figure suddenly became illusory and blurred, and a blood-colored thread emerged in the void, moving towards Jiang from afar.

The Demon Suppressing Saber came out, and the sword energy in the giant hall was instantly annihilated.Jiang Lai's complexion changed drastically, and he felt a deadly silence covering his whole body, forcing him to move in the air.


The Suppressing Demon Knife slashed across Jiang Lai's left shoulder, directly cutting off the latter's arm, and scarlet blood sprayed out and sprinkled down the giant hall.

With a scream, Jiang Lai fell heavily to the ground. Because of the pain, fine sweat appeared on his forehead.Staring at Lin Huang with shock and resentment.

He doesn't understand, why is this the result?
Lin Huang obviously only has the fourth heaven of earth element, yet he can unleash such terrifying strength.Even if you are not careless, you can't shake this trick.

"I forgot to tell you, there is a side disciple in Piaoxue Palace, named Jiang Huaiyin, who is also in the sixth heaven of earth element like you, and I killed that guy when I was in the third heaven of earth element!"

"I'm not an unwise person, but when facing you, I don't need to be wise!"

Lin Huang squatted down, looked at Jiang Lai with a smile on his face, and once again raised the Suppressing Demon Knife in his hand.

"What do you want to do? My son is an elite disciple of the Jiang family, and my uncle is Jiang Licheng, who ranks second on the Wuhou list. How dare you kill me!"

Looking at the raised Suppressing Demon Knife, Jiang Lai shouted in fear.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, but the Suppressing Demon Knife became more and more sharp, "In the tomb of King Wu, who would know if I killed you?"

"Your name is Jiang Lai. But you have no future!"

dong dong!

Just as the blade was about to fall, the sound of footsteps came from the giant hall, getting louder and clearer.

Lin Huang frowned, staring at the entrance of the giant hall warily.Then a golden spear appeared in Lin Huang's eyes, and the person holding the spear also appeared, a young man in sackcloth and black face.

Lin Huang curled his lips and smiled, and withdrew the Suppressing Demon Knife, and the person who appeared at the entrance was Lu Han.

After watching the scene in the hall, Lu Han was also startled, and then said: "This person can't be killed!"


Lin Huang wondered, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"Mo Canfeng is in the hands of Jiang's disciples and needs to be exchanged with this guy," Lu Han explained.

Lin Huang frowned, "What's going on, where is Mo Canyun?"

Lu Han shook his head, with a look like a wolf in his eyes, "Mo Canyun hasn't been found yet, but Mo Canfeng and I found a few mysterious pills in a secret room in the giant hall. I accidentally captured Mo Canfeng!"

"Mysterious Spirit Pill!"

Lin Huang was startled, Xuan Ling Pill was fatally tempting to warriors under Tian Yuan.

"Hahaha...Kill me, you kill me, if you have the ability, stab me to death!"

Hearing Lu Han's words, Jiang Lai on the side suddenly went mad, looking at Lin Huang with excitement and viciousness in his eyes, "You dare not kill me, you can't kill me!"

"Since you can't kill me, just wait for my Jiang family's revenge!"


Lin Huang frowned, drew the knife backhand and directly cut off Jiang Lai's right arm, making the latter's crazy laughter turn into screams again.

Lu Han's dark face moved slightly, and said: "The Jiang family sees, and Mo Canfeng will also have his arms removed."

"Then deal with it!"

Lin Huang said indifferently, "Use two sticks to connect his body and arms, seal his mouth, and clean up the blood on his body."

"you you……"

In the pool of blood, Jiang Lai stared at Lin Huang with a cold face, panic appeared in his eyes.

"Your Jiang family likes to mess around, and if you don't obey the rules, I like to mess around even more." Lin Huang patted Jiang Lai's frightened face, with a biting chill in his smile.


In the giant hall, Lin Huang and Lu Han carried ginger and headed towards the lower floor of the giant hall, from the ninth floor to the eighth floor, and then to the seventh floor...

"Is there anything weird in this giant hall?"

Looking at Lu Han beside him, Lin Huang always felt that there was something extraordinary about this huge hall.But the two walked from the ninth floor to the sixth floor, but neither found anything special.

Lu Han shook his head dully, "Mo Canfeng and I just entered the giant hall!"

"Many people have already entered this giant hall. I have seen people from the four sects and ten dynasties, but most of them are scattered and have not yet formed a team!"

"Yun Feifei and the others also came in?"

"I've seen Ye Cheng, but I haven't seen Yun Feifei," Lu Han recalled. "There should be many Marquis Wu and elders who entered, but I can't find it!"

Lin Huang nodded, it is normal that King Wu's tomb can attract so many powerful people.After all, the plaque hanging on the giant hall was picked up by Lin Huang as a treasure, so there will be more treasures in this giant hall.

When the three of them were about to go down to the fifth floor, the giant hall shook suddenly, and a loud sound suddenly spread throughout the entire tomb.

Lin Huang's expression froze, and he looked around warily.Suddenly, it was discovered that there were cracks on the walls around the giant hall. The cracks were too small to be seen, but they were densely packed, and the cracks were constantly expanding.

"It seems that the ninth floor of the giant hall has collapsed!"

Lu Han raised his head and looked at the giant hall, and said speculatively.

Lin Huang looked at the cracks on the wall with blinking eyes, then walked to the exit on the sixth floor leading to the opposite cliff, and threw a vase over there.

With a bang, the bottle exploded with a bang just as it flew out of the giant hall.

"This giant hall has become a cage, you can only enter but not exit, anyone who wants to go out will be banned and beheaded!"

Lin Huang said solemnly, "From the collapse of the ninth floor on the top, to the eighth floor...the seventh floor, everyone will be buried afterwards!"

"But why did the building collapse?"

Lu Han's dark eyes revealed doubts.

Lin Huang shook his head, also a little puzzled, "Could someone have touched the prohibition in the giant hall?"

Just as the two of them were contemplating, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded from the fourth floor below the giant hall, running straight through the entire mountain:
"What little bastard stole even a broken plaque! Now the building has collapsed!"

(End of this chapter)

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