
Chapter 134 Burning Heart Lotus

Chapter 134 Burning Heart Lotus

On the sixth floor of the giant hall, Lin Huang was stunned for a moment when he heard the words echoing in the hall.


Lin Huang coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

"...mentally retarded!"

After a moment of contemplation, Lu Han commented.He had seen that plaque before, and there was nothing special about it.

Lin Huang stared at Lu Han with a frosty face.

Jiang Lai who was carried by the two yelled loudly, but couldn't make any sound. He saw Lin Huang take off the plaque with his own eyes.

Afterwards, the three of them entered the fifth floor of the giant hall.

The layout of the fifth floor is obviously different from that of the upper floors. The huge space is divided by many corridors, turning into countless stone chambers. The passages are filled with a fiery atmosphere, making the walls extremely hot.

"The disciples of the Jiang family were on the fifth floor before!"

Lu Han said with a sharp face, Axiu's golden gun was tightly held in his hand, and his dark eyes swept all directions quickly.

And Lin Huang's figure also disappeared in the fifth floor at this moment.


Half a quarter of an hour later, Lu Han came with Jiang in his arms, and found Jiang's disciples in a stone room.Not all the disciples of the Jiang family who entered the tomb of King Wu, only six.

But among these six people, there are two half-step Tianyuan.

There is also a martial artist from the Ninth Heaven, one from the Eighth Heaven, and two disciples from the Seventh Heaven.

Mo Canfeng was restrained by the crowd with iron chains. The sharp spikes on the iron chains pierced into his flesh fiercely. His white clothes were stained red with blood. His complexion looked extremely pale, obviously he had suffered a lot of trauma.

"Hehe...he finally came. If you are a little bit late, you, a brother from the same sect, will be buried with King Wu in the tomb!"

Looking at Lu Han who appeared, the disciple headed by the Jiang family narrowed their eyes and said, with an indescribable smile on their handsome faces.While waving their arms, the people behind them surrounded Lu Han.

"Show me someone!"

Lu Han still looked so dull, and then he swung his golden spear, picked up Jiang Lai outside Shiwai, and hung it on the spear.


Lu Han said sharply.


The disciple of the Jiang family looked at the person on the gun, and suddenly exclaimed. His eyes were full of anger when he looked at Lu Han, and he unconsciously pressed his hand on the weapon.

Jiang Yun, the disciple headed by the Jiang family, stared at Lu Han with a sneer, and continued, "My disciples of the Jiang family have never been threatened!"

"You don't want this kid's life?"

Lu Han frowned slightly.

Jiang Yun hesitated for a while, glanced at the disciples of the Jiang family present, then turned his head and smiled lightly, "Hmph, what's so important about a disciple from a side branch of the family. It's far less important than the Xuanling Pill!"

"On the contrary, this guy named Mo Canfeng, if you don't want him to die, you should hand over the Xuanling Pill as soon as possible, otherwise... tsk tsk..."

Jiang Yun continued.

"Since this is the case, there is no need for him to exist!"

A sincere smile appeared on Lu Han's dark face, and then he pierced Jiang Lai's thigh with a single shot, and blood came out along with it.


Jiang Yun's complexion changed, with murderous intent in his eyes, he said coldly, "Do you know who Jiang Lai is?"

"It doesn't matter, the important thing is whether you change or not!"

Lu Han smiled, showing his big white teeth.

Jiang Yun froze, staring at Lu Han angrily.Then his eyes shifted, and he scanned his companions around him again.

The disciples of the Jiang family around seemed to understand Jiang Yun's thoughts, and after a little contemplation, they nodded, apparently having made up their minds.

"Don't change!"

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to replace Mo Canfeng, you can only use Xuanling Pill!"



Hearing Jiang Yun's answer, Jiang Lai's face on the ground changed drastically, he kept struggling, his eyes were full of anger looking at Jiang Yun, his eyes were like two sharp swords.

"Hand over the Xuanling Pill, otherwise this kid will be completely dead!"

Jiang Yun's face was cold and unfeeling, the long sword lay across Mo Canfeng's neck, and a blood groove had been wiped out, and blood gurgled down the sword.

"Is it?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded behind the Jiang family disciple.

Jiang Yun's complexion changed, and he swung his arm violently, about to wipe off Mo Canfeng's throat, but at this moment, another long voice sounded in the stone room:
"Kill God with a knife!"

The next moment, Jiang Yun's arm holding the sword fell directly to the ground.

Lin Huang supported Mo Canfeng, a cold light shone on the edge of the blade, and cut off the iron chain wrapped around the latter.

In the stone room, the disciples of the Jiang family didn't react until Jiang Yun let out a scream.Looking at the sudden appearance of Lin Huang, his face was extremely alert.

"Kill them for me!"

Jiang Yun clutched his shoulder and roared angrily.

"Could it be that you look down on me?"

Lu Han frowned slightly, his face was very ugly.So he pierced Jiang Lai's chest with a single shot, and then swung his golden spear and killed the disciples of the Jiang family.

The so-called gap between Earth Yuan and Tian Yuan is that Lu Han smashed someone's head with a single shot, and the latter couldn't hurt him at all.

In the stone room, gun shadows continued, ruthless and ruthless.

With just a few breaths, the remaining five people were killed by Lin Huang and Lu Han. Of course... Lin Huang just stood aside!
"He...they have my Xuanling Pill on them!"

Mo Canfeng coughed, his mouth was still full of blood.

"Exactly four Xuanling pills, one for each person." After finding the Xuanling pills, Lu Han cracked a smile on his face, took out one and threw it to Lin Huang.

Xuan Ling Pill is a good thing. Although it is not a magical pill, it is formed by compressing the vitality of the heavens and the earth, which is equivalent to the liquefaction of the vitality and then solidification.

After taking the Xuanling Pill, warriors can quickly turn the vitality in the pill into their own use.

A mysterious pill the size of a thumb can allow a martial artist in the Earth Element Realm to break through to the first heaven.

However, the Xuanling Pill that Lu Han found was the size of an egg.

At least it can help warriors improve the realm of the two heavens.

This is also the reason why Jiang Family disciples would rather sacrifice Jiang Lai's life to get the Xuanling Pill.

If the realm of the two heavens is cultivated according to normal practice, it will take at least half a year.And this mysterious spirit pill is enough to make them rise to two heavens overnight.

This is a fatal temptation for earth element warriors.

Lin Huang looked at the Xuanling Pill in his hand, it was crystal clear and exuded a faint fragrance, his dark eyes shone with light, if he could really ascend to the second level, then when facing Yun Feifei in the future, maybe the difference in realm would not be so great big.

Whenever he thinks of the woman who is as proud as a peacock, Lin Huang's heart is full of murderous intent.

"In this tomb of King Wu, it's really a big deal!"

After Mo Canfeng calmed down a bit, he said in amazement, "This is only the fifth floor of the giant hall, and the existence of Xuanling Pill has already appeared. If it is a few floors below, I don't know what will appear again." .

"The stone chambers on the fifth floor are densely packed, we can continue to search, maybe there will be other discoveries!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and said, with the same look of hope in his eyes.

Mo Canfeng nodded, his eyes lit up, and he seemed to think of something, "I heard from the disciples of the Jiang family that there was something called Burning Heart Lotus in the giant hall. They were going to look for it, but you and Lu Han appeared Already!"


In the stone room, Lin Huang's expression changed, and he suddenly turned his head to stare at Mo Canfeng, surprise and anticipation reflected in his dark eyes, and his hand holding the Suppressing Demon Knife was tightly squeezed.

"It's called Burning Heart Lotus!"

After Mo Canfeng thought for a moment, he said firmly.

The next moment, Lin Huang rushed out of the stone room.

"What's up with him?"

Mo Canfeng scratched his head in doubt.

Lu Han looked at Lin Huang's back, and after thinking for a moment, his dark face said with certainty: "Goat epilepsy is crazy!"


There was another loud noise in King Wu's tomb.

After the entire giant hall shook violently for dozens of times, it finally calmed down.

The eighth floor of the giant hall has collapsed!

On the fifth floor, Lin Huang and the others searched for half an hour before they noticed the fiery breath in the air.

Since the Burning Heart Lotus dominates the Yang, the reason why the fifth floor is so hot probably comes from the Burning Heart Lotus.

The three followed the source of the heat, and finally stopped at the end of a corridor.Looking at the hall at the end, Lin Huang took a deep breath expectantly.

In the palace, an astonishing wave of spiritual power rippled, making the air even hotter.

Lin Huang pushed the door and entered, his eyes swept across the hall, and then he stopped for one place, only to see a lotus platform floating in the air in the very center of the hall, crystal clear as jade, with petals shining brightly.

And in the center of the lotus platform, there is actually a fiery red lotus floating in the air. The red flame is burning in the lotus, and there is a palpitating breath...

(End of this chapter)

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