
Chapter 136 I'm Really Sorry

Chapter 136 I'm Really Sorry

In the hall, after the previous anger, Jiang Tianyue calmed down.He concluded that Lin Huang did not dare to kill Jiang Tianhe because his surname was Jiang.

Behind them is the Jiang family and Jiang Licheng!
Lin Huang is not a fool if he knows how to control Tianhe to threaten himself.Since he is not a fool, he dare not kill Jiang Tianhe.

In the main hall, Lin Huang didn't count out the word 'three' for a long time.This made Jiang Tianyue have a contemptuous smile on his face, he knew that Lin Huang was afraid.

Since he was afraid, he had no choice but to die.

Jiang Tianyue put the knife back into its sheath, rolled up his sleeves, "Let Tianhe go, I promise not to kill you this time! Fen Xinlian, don't even think about it, you can't get your hands on such a rare thing!"

"Actually, even if you let Jiang Tianhe go, you really won't kill me?"

In the hall, Lin Huang suddenly spoke, and then said: "Besides, what I hate the most is when others threaten me, especially threats from family members."

"So, sorry!"

A smile appeared on Lin Huang's face again, and his thin lips spat lightly:

As soon as Lin Huang finished speaking, Jiang Tianyue's complexion changed suddenly, full of anger and ferocity, and he walked towards Lin Huang with a long howl.

However, no matter how fast his figure was, it couldn't be as fast as Lin Huang's knife.

While Lin Huang's wrist was shaking, the Suppressing Demon Knife suddenly swung, blood flew across the blade, and a large head fell to the ground in an instant.

In the hall, everyone was horrified.No one thought that Lin Huang actually killed Jiang Tianhe.

That was Jiang Licheng's son.

The second person on the Marquis Wu list, together with Lu Han and Mo Canfeng, were a little sluggish.

"Give me death!"

Jiang Tianyue roared like a mad lion, killing Lin Huang.The manic aura instantly submerged Lin Huang, and a pair of iron fists hit Lin Huang's head like a huge hammer.

Lu Han's complexion changed, and the golden gun in his hand flew towards Jiang Tianyue with a flick of his hand.

However, no matter how fast the golden gun was, it couldn't be faster than Jiang Tianyue, who was only a short distance away from Lin Huang.Facing one of the four prides of Dongling, if there is no accident, Lin Huang will undoubtedly die!
At the moment when Jiang Tianyue's iron fist fell, the sound of Jin Ge clashing suddenly resounded in the hall, where everyone's eyes intersected, a huge figure appeared in front of Lin Huang, blocking Jiang Tianyue's iron fist, domineering general Those who were shocked back.

"Who are you!"

Jiang Tianyue turned around and left, staring coldly at the figure in front of Lin Huang, with palpitations in his angry eyes.

"My puppet!"

Lin Huang pursed his lips lightly, revealing a biting murderous intent, "I know your father is Jiang Licheng, who ranks second on the list of Marquis Wu. Naturally, I can't afford to offend him. Since I can't offend him, then only There is a way!"

In the main hall, Lin Huang smiled, paced and glanced at the people of Tianlei Sect, the puppets beside him made a crackling sound, and a powerful aura spread from the main hall, terrifying beyond measure.

"I can't afford to mess with him, so I can't let him know that I messed with him. If he doesn't know, then I can only kill you all. So, I'm really sorry!"

Lin Huang stated calmly, the puppets beside him were like a mad dragon released from prison, fiercely heading towards the members of the Tianlei Sect in the palace.The huge figure was like a mountain blocking everyone's retreat, and a pair of iron fists, like the scythe of death, crashed down, smashing Han Hu's head with one punch.

"The puppet can only be used a few times, it was originally used to save lives!"

Lin Huang sat down in the main hall, looked at the people running wildly in Tianlei Sect, with an indifferent expression, "I am also afraid of Jiang Licheng's anger, but I need Burning Heart Lotus even more. For Burning Heart Lotus, even the son of Xuanyuan Tibing, I dare to kill too! So for the sake of Fen Xinlian and to prevent Jiang Licheng from knowing about this, I can only use the puppet once!"

"I'm really sorry!"

Lin Huang smiled and said, the puppets in the hall killed Han Hu, Han Qing'er, and Ling Huangyi one after another, leaving only Han Ming and Jiang Tianyue.

Lin Huang stared at Han Ming and Jiang Tianyue quietly, and then said: "I don't think I am a good person, but I am not a person who caressing about human life. The only thing I can only be thankful for is that you are not innocent people. If you kill them, you will be killed!"

In the hall, listening to Lin Huang's words and looking at the terrifying puppet, Jiang Tianyue was startled, and said to Han Ming with blood spitting out, "Hurry up and run away!"

Han Ming instantly recovered from his panic, turned around and was about to escape from the hall.

"Yes, as long as you escape, I will bear the anger of the Jiang family and Tian Leizong. This kind of anger is enough for a Marquis Wu to die tragically, let alone me!"

Lin Huang said with a smile, but his figure suddenly disappeared in place.A gleaming knife light diffused from the hall, and along with the bloodline shot out from a long distance, Lin Huang suddenly appeared in front of Han Ming.

The Suppressing Demon Knife in his hand had already sunk into the latter's chest.

"Remember the alley on a rainy day in the Great Xia Dynasty, is that the place where you intercepted me for the first time? Do you remember the place outside the blood triangle, that is the place where you intercepted me for the second time. In Dongling I didn't kill you in the restaurant because I don't like killing people. Just because I don't like killing people doesn't mean I don't kill people!"

Looking at Han Ming's gradually graying eyes, Lin Huang slowly pulled out the Suppressing Demon Knife from the latter's chest.

Until his death, Han Ming never imagined that one day he would die in the hands of a person who was once regarded as an ant. With the hatred and panic in his dying eyes, he fell to the ground with a bang!

"Young master of the Jiang family, it's your turn!"

After Han Ming died, Lin Huang looked up at Jiang Tianyue.The puppet stood in front of Lin Huang, like a mountain, and Jiang Tianyue couldn't breathe.

"Are you really so heartless?"

Jiang Tianyue struggled to get up, stared at Lin Huang with a frosty face, grinned sullenly and said, "If you want to kill people, don't forget to kill your two companions too!"

"Are you still trying to provoke me when you are dying?"

Lin Huang pursed his lips and smiled lightly, "Since you dare to kill you two in front of them, then you must trust them absolutely. But your provocation is extremely childish!"

"Hmph, even if they can keep the secret for you, there is no impenetrable wall in this world!"

Jiang Tianyue smiled coldly, "One day, you will bear the wrath of being ranked second in the Wuhou list, and you will definitely repent for your actions today!"

Lin Huang nodded, and said: "Maybe there will be that day. But when that day comes, I may not be too afraid of the so-called second place in the so-called Wuhou list!"

"Hahahaha... Who do you think you are, a martial arts prodigy? Extraordinary talent? Don't be afraid? When you really face the power of the Marquis Marquis, you will know how ridiculous your thoughts are!"

Jiang Tianyue laughed out loud, his eyes filled with disdain.

"No matter what the future holds, you can't see it no matter what." Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Go all the way, Mr. Jiang, the genius of the East Spirit Realm!"

As soon as the words fell, the puppet suddenly exploded and charged towards Jiang Licheng.

Poor Jiang Tianyue, even though he was one of the four favored sons of Dongling, was able to avoid several times of bombardment by puppets.But in the end he was invincible, after all, before possessing the puppet of Tianyuan Seventh Heavenly Layer, everyone in the hall was vulnerable.

After all, Jiang Tianyue's head was smashed by the puppet's punch, and he fell to the ground.

Looking at Jiang Tianyue, who had lost his life force, and the members of the Tianlei Sect in the hall.Both Lu Han and Mo Canfeng were a little sluggish, and they didn't expect the changes to come so quickly.

All six members of the Tianlei Sect died.

Jiang Tianyue, the number one in the Tianlei Sect's inner sect, was punched and killed by a puppet!

Lu Han and Mo Canfeng looked at each other, and from the startled eyes of each other, they both confirmed how much trouble Lin Huang had made.

Six inner disciples of Tianlei Sect.

Two of them are Jiang Licheng's sons.

Lu Han and Mo Canfeng felt that in the future they would not be able to talk in their sleep at will.

At the beginning, Xuanyuan's son who raised soldiers was killed, and the latter was so angry that he directly raised a million soldiers and wiped out a sect.And this Jiang Licheng is ranked second, if he finds out who the enemy is, I'm afraid...

The two shuddered and held back their next thoughts.

In the main hall, Lin Huang obviously didn't have such complicated thoughts as the two of them, his eyes fixed on Fen Xinlian, and finally he showed a smile and excitement from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Huang took out a glazed jade bottle, and carefully removed the Burning Heart Lotus on the lotus platform. Even after practicing the Great Vajra Technique, Lin Huang's hands were scorched by the burning flames of the Burning Heart Lotus, and the pain flowed down A pair of arms spread to the whole body.

However, Lin Huang was laughing in pain!

After putting the Fen Xinlian into the jade vase, Lin Huang let out a long sigh of relief. Looking at his charred arms, his face was full of helplessness, but there was no sign of pain.

As long as he can get Fen Xinlian, he doesn't care about everything.

"I've always wanted to ask, why are you so attached to Fen Xinlian!"

In the main hall, Mo Canfeng finally couldn't help asking.Although Fen Xinlian is a strange thing, it is far less than the risk of offending Jiang Licheng.

"What if this is the hope for my sister's spirit to recover?"

Lin Huang grinned at the two of them.


"What did you say?!"

In the main hall, after a long pause, the two asked at the same time, staring at Lin Huang in disbelief and surprise.

"I didn't say anything," Lin Huang shook his head, "This matter needs to be kept absolutely confidential, I hope you can understand!"

Mo Canfeng and Lu Han nodded fiercely, Lin Cangxue had kindness to both of them, otherwise the Mo Brothers would not have gone down the mountain to help Lin Huang.

Lu Han would not give Ye Haihua to Lin Cangxue either.

They naturally hoped that Lin Cangxue would get better one day, but the elders in the palace were helpless with Lin Cangxue's martial spirit, so they could only sigh.

Now, when Lin Huang said this, they were instinctively unwilling to believe it, but they were willing to believe that Lin Huang could do it.

After all, that woman is Lin Cangxue, who was once an incomparable genius in the East Spirit Realm.

The woman who once killed Tianyuan with Diyuan.

Leading the disciples of Piaoxue Palace, in the battle of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties, it is a legend that one person defeated all the geniuses in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

Even though Lin Cangxue has been in decline for three years, they are still looking forward to it in their hearts, looking forward to the day when that once high-spirited woman will return again in the name of legend with a three-foot green sword in her hand!

(End of this chapter)

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