
Chapter 137 The crushing of the fourth-level formation

Chapter 137 The Crushing of the Fourth Level Formation

Not long after Lin Huang and the others left the hall, the entire hall suddenly shook again, like the earth shaking and mountains shaking.


The seventh floor of the giant hall finally collapsed!

Not long after, the three of them entered the fourth floor of the giant hall.What surprised Lin Huang was that hundreds of people had gathered on the fourth floor.

The entire fourth floor is a large hall with a width of a hundred feet.The whole ground is a huge blue dragon relief.There are more gorgeous and ancient murals on the surrounding stone walls.

A faint light flickered in the hall and fell on the murals, making the whole space look a bit dark.

And in the center of the hall, there is a huge coffin.

The coffin is ten feet long and wide!

The whole body is made of bronze. Although the top is mottled with rust, the pattern of giant beasts on the coffin is embellished with more fierceness and domineering, lifelike.

Outside the coffin, there is also a formation of flying knives. Hundreds of sharp flying knives shuttle back and forth in the void, enveloping the coffin. The gleaming gloomy light of the blade is enough to kill anyone who touches the coffin.

But at this moment, hundreds of people had already gathered outside the Flying Sword Formation.

There are elders from Tianlei Sect, disciples from Fengyulou, and people from the Ten Great Dynasties.Lin Huang also saw Yun Feifei and Nan Yunlie from Piaoxue Palace.

There are many kinds of things, and many forces in the East Spirit Realm are gathered here.

"Yang Xuangan's tomb?"

Lin Huang stared at the coffin in the center of the hall, and murmured suspiciously, "The coffin is more than ten feet long, and it is made of poured bronze. It is engraved with the extremely high-standard pattern of azure dragon and giant beast, and it is guarded by a four-level flying sword formation outside, which is in line with the requirements of King Wu." Specifications!"

It's just that Lin Huang always felt that something was wrong.

"Elder Nan, for the current plan, we can only touch the coffin if we break through this formation together. Can we let go of the previous grievances first?"

In the main hall, an old voice sounded, and it was Qi Sifang, the elder of Fengfenglou, who spoke.

"The fourth-level formation can easily kill even the strong Marquis Wu, so how can it be broken as soon as it is broken?" Nan Yunlie snorted heavily, squinted at Qi Sifang, and continued:
"Even if the 23 Tianyuan here join hands, if there is no Marquis Wu state to suppress the formation, it is impossible to break through this formation! Besides, after entering this tomb, shouldn't we have a little respect for the owner of the tomb?"

Qi Si was slightly stunned, with a slightly sullen expression on his face, "There is no entrance to the third floor in this fourth floor, so the clues can only be found in this coffin. Now that the top of the giant hall has collapsed, is it necessary to Is it okay to be trapped to death here?"

As soon as Qi Sifang finished speaking, Han Xiao, the elder of the Tianlei Sect, continued: "This statement is reasonable. Since you have entered the tomb of King Wu, don't say anything that is afraid of disturbing the owner of the tomb!"

Having said that, everyone nodded.

It would be fine if there was awe in ordinary tombs, but this is King Wu's tomb, and there are so many good things in it, let alone Yang Xuangan's coffin.

Maybe there is Yang Xuangan's inheritance in it, how can he let go easily, there is no reason to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed!
"The formation has begun to spread!"

In the main hall, someone suddenly shouted, causing everyone's eyes to move away instantly, and fell on the formation outside the coffin.

Lin Huang's eyebrows were also fixed, and he saw that the formation of flying knives originally guarded outside the coffin gradually expanded, and the trajectories of flying knives in the formation became more and more erratic. From ten feet to fifteen feet, and then to twenty feet...

At the same time, flying knives shot out from the formation in the saber-qi ball, and slashed towards the warriors in the hall with a thunderous speed.

In the main hall, screams erupted instantly!
A martial artist in the Earth Element Realm was directly pierced by a flying knife through his throat, and fell headlong to the ground.

The faces of hundreds of people in the hall changed drastically in an instant.

"The entrance to the fourth floor is sealed!"

In the main hall, someone shouted again, although there are still people entering the fourth floor at this moment, after everyone enters, the entrance behind them disappears immediately.

In the hall, Lin Huang frowned tightly, feeling the terrifying aura coming from the flying knife formation, he couldn't help feeling a little palpitation.

The fourth floor of this giant hall seems to have become a prison that can only be entered but cannot be exited.

And with the continuous expansion of the Flying Sword Formation, the final result must be that the formation fills the entire fourth floor and kills all the people here.

In the blink of an eye, the area covered by the flying knife array has reached more than thirty feet.The flying knives that shoot out continuously are more like the scythe of the god of death. Their speed is so fast that ordinary earth element warriors can't capture the traces.

There were screams in the hall one after another, and one after another warriors in the earth element realm fell under the flying knives.

Lin Huang also held the Suppressing Demon Knife in his hand, staring at everything around him.

"Break the formation, there will be no time if you don't make a move! At that time, I will die here!"

Qi Sifang from Fengyu Building said with a cold snort, not forgetting to stare at Nan Yunlie.

Nan Yunlie shook his head and smiled, he didn't want to destroy the coffin.But now the situation forced it, and there was no way to do it, because it was not only about his own life, but also about the lives of the disciples of Piaoxue Palace who were behind him.

Moreover, Nan Yunlie noticed that Lin Huang, Lu Han, and Mo Canfeng had also entered.

Afterwards, several powerful auras rose from the hall at the same time, and the more than 20 Tianyuan warriors who were here moved towards the flying knife formation at the same time.

The rumbling sound resounded endlessly in the hall.The light of the sword, the shadow of the gun, the fire, the frost and the thunder, the fierce tiger and the wolf all appeared at this moment.

The aura in the hall suddenly seemed like an angry tide, moving towards the flying knife formation wave after wave, and the terrifying power permeated, making all the warriors under Tian Yuan stagnate.

Klang clang clang!

Countless attacks collided with the Flying Knife Array, making a sharp sound, piercing everyone's eardrums with pain.

However, even if more than 20 Tianyuan warriors joined forces, the condensed attack blasted towards the flying knife array, but it was like a sea of ​​mud, only blocking the flying knife array for a moment.

Moments later, the Flying Sword Formation continued to expand.

Everyone in the hall changed their expressions. The strength of more than 20 Tianyuan is enough to run rampant in an army of hundreds of thousands, but they can't do anything about the Flying Sword Formation.

Suddenly, the old man screamed in the hall.

I saw an old man in the Tianyuan realm, after accidentally touching the flying knife formation, his whole body was instantly pulled into the formation by a terrifying force, and he was cut to death by countless flying knives in an instant. Leaving blood falling like blood rain.

At this moment, even the Tianyuan warriors present were a little pale.

Instantly beheading a Tianyuan warrior, is this the power of a fourth-level formation?
Lin Huang looked at the rain of blood falling from the formation, his brows gradually frowned, and he lowered his voice and said to Lu Han and Mo Canfeng beside him:

"This coffin is weird!"

Lin Huang could clearly see that after someone died in the hall, their blood flowed into the coffin in the center of the hall.This made the giant beast's eyes gradually turn blood red on the coffin.

The lid of the coffin also trembled slightly.

In the main hall, the Flying Sword Formation continued to expand, and in less than a quarter of an hour, it had expanded by more than eighty feet.And the more than 20 Tianyuan warriors continued to attack the formation.

It's just that the effect of the attack is extremely weak.

Nan Yunlie and the others all looked solemn. They had already tried various methods to attack the Flying Sword Formation, but none of them worked.

The joint attack of more than 20 people in the Tianyuan realm was comparable to the full-strength attack of Wuhou Sanchongtian, but it was still unable to shake the Flying Sword Formation.

This made everyone present feel palpitations.

In a moment, the range of the Flying Sword Array expanded to ninety feet!The main hall is only a hundred feet long and wide, and the only way for everyone to retreat is the last ten feet.

Both Lu Han and Mo Canfeng looked worried.

Lin Huang stared at the huge saber formation in front of him, breathing rapidly, his dark eyes firmly captured the trajectory of the flying knives, and kept evolving in his mind.

Since you can't use brute force to break open, you can only use the formation eye to find the formation.

Once the eyes of the formation are broken, the flying knife formation will naturally disappear.

And there is no doubt that the coffin in the center of the hall is the eye of the Flying Sword Formation.The reason why it is so difficult to break through the eyes of the formation is that everything that enters the formation will be crushed to death.

Even if the formation can't get in, how can we talk about destroying the eyes of the formation.

"Are we going to die here?"

Mo Canfeng frowned, not too much afraid, but there was still resentment in his dark eyes.

Lu Han held the golden gun with a dull expression on his face.

In the hall, many people were blushing at the moment, staring at the ever-expanding formation, their eyes filled with despair.They didn't expect that they would die under a formation.

The formation has expanded to 95 feet!
"This formation can't be broken, and I can't escape!"

"Hehe... I didn't expect that one day I would die under the formation."

"Yang Xuangan, the dog day, let us fall into such a dead end!"


Looking at the flying knife array filling the entire hall, the warriors present had gradually given up resistance, even though their eyes were like wolves, they knew that they were helpless.

How can they break through the formation that the Tianyuan warriors can't break through together?

At this moment, both Earth Yuan and Tian Yuan warriors all looked ashamed.

Nan Yunlie also shook his head, and protected the disciples of Piaoxue Palace behind him...

In an instant, the formation has expanded to 98 feet.

At this moment, Lin Huang's eyes lit up, and the dark eyes shone with light.

I saw Lin Huang stomping his footsteps, shaking a scattered flying knife on the ground.

The slender fingers clamped the flying knife, looking at the intricate and endless traces of the flying knife in the flying knife array, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, then his wrist flicked suddenly, and his thin lips pursed lightly:

"Kill God with a knife!"

call out!
With a bang, the flying knives from Lin Huang's fingertips came out suddenly, like thunder flashing, submerged into the flying knives array, avoiding the trajectory of all the flying knives in the flying knives array, and went straight into the eye of the array...

 I didn't like the previous cover all the time, and finally changed it, so I thought it was a change of Feng Shui?
(End of this chapter)

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