
Chapter 144 Yang Xuangan

Chapter 144 Yang Xuangan

In the main hall, Lin Huang looked at the line of small characters thoughtfully.Then he smiled casually, not understanding what Yang Xuangan was referring to.

On the other wall, there are many murals, which seem a little ordinary, accompanied by a lot of words, which are the life experience of the owner of the tomb, Yang Xuangan.

Lin Huang only read the first few sentences, and his expression changed...

"My name is Yang Xuangan."

"Follow Lord Xuanyuan all my life."

"I have guarded Dongling for more than five hundred years. I have fought all the evil spirits and evildoers here, and killed all the bandits and enemies here. There have been three out of nine hundred battles, and I have never been defeated!"

Looking at the lines of mottled small characters on the wall, Lin Huang's heart was shocked.

Follow Master Xuanyuan.

Guarding Dongling for more than five hundred years!

In Lin Huang's memory, the Xuanyuan family has been passed down for thousands of years, and Yang Xuangan has guarded this place for [-] years, so he is probably a follower of the first Patriarch of the Xuanyuan family.

The first patriarch who once sealed the Yin Yang Valley, Xuanyuan Zheng.

Lin Huang did not expect that the characters in King Wu's tomb were actually related to the Xuanyuan family, and they were related to the first generation of patriarchs.

Afterwards, Lin Huang continued to read:

"The so-called warrior has the end of life. My talent is not enough, and it is the limit to enter Wuhou in this life."

"However, the evil spirit of the East Spirit is not extinct, and I will die, how much I hate it!"

"When I was about to die, I was fortunate to meet Master Xiao Rentu."

Seeing this, Lin Huang's pupils shrank suddenly...

"Xiao Rentu?"

Xiao Rentu in Yang Xuangan's works, if Lin Huang's guess is correct, it is his master, Xiao Yishan, the Rentu of Yangjian!
"Could it be that Master and Yang Xuangan are also related?"

Lin Huang murmured, and couldn't wait to look back:
"Although I am a named disciple of the master, it is also my great fortune in this life. It is like being favored by gods and Buddhas all over the sky. I read this master-student fate every night, and I laugh like crazy!"

"I was instructed by my master to break through the entrance in my body and enter the Martial King Realm overnight! What's more, my master bestowed a martial art—Cross Yama!"

Seeing this, Lin Huang's expression became a little weird, "The owner of the tomb, Yang Xuangan, is really his senior brother?"

Lin Huang curled his lips and smiled, thinking that Xiao Yishan had quite a few apprentices, Yan Zangfeng counted as one, and Yang Xuangan counted as another, I wonder if there are any in the East Spirit Realm?

Lin Huang's gaze shifted, and he continued to read.

"I'm very fortunate that the dying man was able to step into the realm of the Martial King. Since then, he has lived a long life and can suppress the evil spirits of the East Spirit for another three hundred years!"

"However, the world is impermanent, and the Yin Yang Valley will eventually riot, the evil king will recover, and the little master Changge is too young to suppress the evil king!"

"At a time of crisis, I have no choice but to enter the Valley of Yin and Yang with my son Yang Tianque to fight against the evil king!"

When he saw this, Lin Huang's eyes brightened slightly, and Yang Xuangan's experience was strung together in his mind.The young master of Changge written by Yang Xuangan should be Xuanyuan Changge.

And Xuanyuan Changge is a member of the Xuanyuan family who joined hands with Jia Tiansheng more than 300 years ago to suppress and kill a generation of demons, Qiu Dali.

"Thinking about it this way, the riot in Yin Yang Valley was just before the rise of Qiu Dali!"

Lin Huang murmured, his eyes fell on the stone wall again:
"This battle finally repaired the seal of Yin Yang Valley, and silenced the evil king. However, I was also entered by a blood crow, and my injuries were serious. There is no chance of survival!"

"Hey man, what a pity to die, it's just a severed head and bleeding! However, I am worried that it will be a catastrophe if the evil king does not die, and what will happen after him is immeasurable. For this reason, I ordered the descendants of Xuanyuan not to bury my body. If he If there is another change in Chaoyinyang Valley, the members of the Xuanyuan family can control my corpse, and use my remnant body of King Wu to suppress the evil king again!"

"My life, the Evil King of Yongzhen for eight hundred years!"

"I die, and there will be no end to suppressing the evil king!"

Seeing this, Yang Xuangan's self-report has come to an end.

Lin Huang withdrew his gaze, his expression was complicated, and his eyes were full of reverence.

A warrior, regardless of life or death, is always fighting for his beliefs.

This is worthy of respect!

Lin Huang thought that before he took off the plaque on the giant hall, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.He didn't understand the meaning of the night watchman, nor did he understand Yang Xuangan's feelings for guarding the East Spirit Realm to the death.

But he can read between the lines, understand Yang Xuangan's heart of a warrior, as unwavering as a rock, shining brightly!

"Evil King!"

"Blood Spirit Palace!"

Lin Huang murmured softly, and the look of disgust between his brows became more intense. He knew that the purpose of the Blood Spirit Hall was to break the seal of the Yin-Yang Valley and revive the evil king.

And he naturally didn't have the slightest liking for the Blood Spirit Hall.


When Lin Huang was watching the murals, many people had already poured into the first floor of the giant hall.

And not long after, a roar suddenly sounded in the hall.

Everyone turned their faces away, and saw a blood-colored afterimage rushing into the hall.

And behind the afterimage, there was actually the sound of thunder's trampling, mighty like a landslide!
The bloody afterimage paused, revealing the figure of Bloody Hou.

At this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed, with dozens of cut wounds all over his body, and a hole the size of a fist in his chest, dripping blood all over his body.

And behind Xue Yihou, where the thunderous sound of thunder fell, it was the Xuanzi army who had frantically pursued and killed them.

The leader is naturally Shen Qingshan, the leader of Xuanzi Battalion.

However, there were only 200 people left in the Xuanzi Camp at this time.Half of the people's armor was broken, and the blood stained the robes under the armor red, and came out along the cracks in the armor.

Together with Shen Qingshan, there is a deep and visible scar on his chest!

"Blood Yihou, you're going to be captured before your hands are tied. I, under the command of Xuanziying, never leave anyone alive!"

Shen Qingshan raised his gun, pointed at Xue Yihou, and scolded angrily.

"Hmph! The legendary Xuanziying is nothing more than that. You don't have the qualifications to want me to be captured without a fight," Xueyihou said gloomyly, covering the hole in his chest with one hand.

Shen Qingshan smiled, and said: "It took me three years to find the tomb of King Wu. It took another half a year to spread the news, and you were finally lured out. Do you think you can leave here alive?"

Xue Yihou also smiled coldly, "Don't you know that this is a trick set up by Xuanyuan Tibing? But I still came, because what you don't know is that I already knew how to break Yang Xuangan's suppression strategy! "

Shen Qingshan's expression froze.

The suppression strategy mentioned by Xue Yihou is naturally the Xuanyuan family's method of turning Yang Xuangan's corpse into one of the eight ways of detention to suppress Yin Yang Valley.

Seeing Shen Qingshan's hesitation, Bloody Hou smiled, and continued: "What you don't know is that Cao Yangming participated in the design of King Wu's tomb back then, but he was just an unknown little geomaster at that time!"

"Cao Yangming!"

Shen Qingshan's eyes were fixed, and there was no doubt that there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"Hahaha... This battle was ultimately defeated by Xuanyuan Ti's soldiers!"

Xue Yihou laughed loudly, as the words fell, his ten fingers suddenly fluctuated in the void, and several blood-colored silk threads came out from the fingertips, falling towards the one hundred and eight points of the hall.

Shen Qingshan's complexion changed, and he suddenly shouted angrily: "Kill!"

The Xuanzi army roared like thunder, like a gust of wind and lightning, heading towards Xue Yihou...

"That's too late!"

Xue Yihou laughed sullenly, and his figure suddenly began to split into two, then into four, and then into eight!
"Eight-way avatar, I want to see how you, Shen Qingshan, kill me." Xue Yihou laughed, and the silk threads in the hall became more and more messy as he waved his fingers.

Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded at the scene in front of them, and they were extremely shocked in their hearts.

It never occurred to them that the so-called Tomb of King Wu was just a bureau for Xuanyuan to raise troops.

He didn't expect to see the legendary Xuanzi Ying today.

And this mysterious and powerful Bloody Marquis actually dispatched the Xuanzi Battalion to strangle him.

Who is this bloody man?
Few of the people present knew the existence of Xue Yihou, but they were still extremely shocked. The two hundred Xuanzi army faced a generation of Wuhou.

Lin Huang was also shocked, he didn't expect the two sides to fight from the fourth floor to the first floor.

However, in the battle between the two sides, Lin Huang paid more attention to the changes in the hall.

As the silk thread in Xue Yihou's hand continued to collide against the wall, the entire hall began to undergo earth-shaking changes...

Lin Huang had seen three of the four walls, but he hadn't seen the last one.

And at this moment, it was that wall that changed.

On that wall, there is only a simple relief.

The relief is a corpse sitting cross-legged, with a sad face and desolate hair.Below the corpse, a huge crow was suppressed.

On the top of the corpse, there is engraved a large inscribed sentence, which is extremely domineering and has a posture of shocking the world:
Night watchman Yang Xuangan suppresses demons with this!

This sentence made Lin Huang feel very familiar.

Lin Huang took off the words on the plaque, it was this sentence.

At this moment, the reliefs on the wall began to fall off slowly, and the entire wall began to collapse. A blood-colored light came out from behind the wall along the cracks.

An extremely cold breath filled the hall in an instant.

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically, and a familiar feeling came to his heart.The cold breath gushing out from behind the wall is exactly the blood crow's breath.

Looking at the gradually collapsing wall, Shen Qingshan's face also changed greatly, his resolute face trembled slightly, but he roared with extreme determination:
"Array of Broken Jade!"


The army of two hundred Xuanzi was resolute, his face was full of death will and determination, and he went towards Xue Yihou without the slightest hesitation...

Then, Lin Huang stared wide-eyed, only to see the dozens of Xuanzi soldiers rushing towards Xue Yihou bursting out of the void.The terrifying air wave instantly sent everyone in the hall flying.

"You crazy bastards!"

Xue Yihou roared angrily, the eight avatars merged into one, blood dripping all over his body was extremely miserable.

However, before Xue Yihou finished speaking, dozens of Xuanzi soldiers went to Xue Yihou to die!

There was another shock, and dozens of people in the Tianyuan realm blew up, directly shaking the entire hall, and the terrifying vitality turbine lifted everyone up again.

Lin Huang hit the wall, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his bones were about to fall apart. Even if he had practiced the Great Vajra Technique to the point of destruction, he couldn't withstand such a terrifying self-destruction.

Just like Xue Yihou, Lin Huang looked at those Xuanzi soldiers who were brazenly dying, like a group of lunatics.

Behind everyone, Shen Qingshan had a cold face, even though his face was trembling and his eyes were full of tears.But still standing there like an iron tower, with a proud will in the voice:
"Today, I will teach you and other demons what is the Iron Armored Xuanzi Army!"

"What are the Xuanyuan people!"

"Why evil cannot prevail against good!"

"What is the universe!"


Looking at the scene in front of him, Lu Han's face was trembling a little. He tightly grasped Axiu's golden gun with both hands. No matter how the soldiers roared, Lu Han didn't move half a step, but those dark eyes were full of bewilderment. color...

"Crazy! Crazy! You are all crazy!"

In the main hall, Blood Yihou roared, and let out sharp laughter, extremely crazy, "Do you really think that I, Blood Yihou, am the only one in this hall? Do you really think that the hidden Wuhou before entering the tomb , are they all dead!"

"Kill me!"

Accompanied by Xue Yihou's roar, several figures faintly appeared in the hall, and a powerful aura swept out, like a vicious snake of prey, peeping at the Xuanzi army.

Afterwards, those figures flashed brilliantly, and charged towards the Xuanzi Army suddenly...

 The third update, thanks to the book friend 'Broken Eternity' for your support... I have to work and overtime on weekdays, it is difficult to add more changes, but it is possible on weekends!

  The bosses should be more active, and the comments are also good, the single player is really tiring ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

(End of this chapter)

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