
Chapter 145

Chapter 145
In the main hall, Lin Huang's complexion changed again, he didn't expect so many Marquis Wu to hide here.

"This Marquis wants to see how undefeated the Tiandi Xuanhuang Four-Character Battalion is! The Jade Broken Formation? How can you kill me Bloody Marquis!"

Xue Yihou laughed.

In just an instant, dozens of Xuanzi soldiers who had rushed towards Xue Yihou were suddenly intercepted and killed, and their heads fell to the ground amidst the brilliance.

"Xuanzijun, that's all!"

Xue Yihou scolded coldly, the laughter in his voice was as crazy as ever.But before his words fell, a bell-like sound suddenly sounded in the hall.

The voice was mighty.

The voice was dignified.

In that voice, there is a Confucian character and a chivalrous spirit:

"Zhao Keman, Hu Ying, Wu Goosen, Xueming!"

"The silver saddle shines on the white horse, like a shooting star!"

"Kill a person in ten steps, and leave a thousand miles behind!"



Hearing the thunderous sound in his ears, Lin Huang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Martial Soul—Xia Ke Xing!

Lin Huang knew that Feng Wanli had come.

The leader of the blood-clothed alliance who joined forces with Miss Hongxiu to kill Bai Wuchang with a knight-errant line in the blood triangle.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Huang saw a number of white-clothed knights coming with their swords, like shooting stars and shooting stars, like immortals walking down in the bright moon. When the fairy swords were swung, they lightly covered the entire hall with layers. Layers of sword energy.


Xue Yihou frowned, but his eyes became more and more contemptuous, and he said with a sneer: "Just relying on this swordsman transformed from a martial soul, can he compete against the Marquis Wu of my Blood Spirit Palace? It's ridiculous!"

"Just kill them all!"

Xue Yihou ordered coldly.

"After drinking Xinling, take off your sword and kneel in front of you!"

"Jiang Zhi coughed Zhu Hai, held the cup to persuade Hou Ying!"

"Three cups of vomit, the five mountains are lighter!"

In the main hall, Feng Wanli's voice became more and more full of righteousness, as if there were knights in the world, riding the wind with his sword, and with every gesture, he would dump the world, rivers and seas, and uproot three mountains and five mountains.

"Let's die as a hero, and be ashamed to be a hero in the world!"

"Who can write your Excellency, Baishou Taixuanjing!"


In the main hall, Feng Wanli's figure finally appeared.

I saw the latter holding a scroll and coming in white clothes with his hands behind his back. His brows were full of bright sun and moon, and his gentle voice resounded in the hall, like Huang Zhong Dalu, deafening.

And around Feng Wanli, there are several white-clothed knights accompanying him, who seem to be able to cut through the wind with a single sword, and can also travel between heaven and earth.

Feng Wanli, who was wrapped around his body, walked to the center of the main hall, and also to the middle of the many Wuhous in the Blood Spirit Hall. He, who was of a lower level, did not underestimate the power of the many Wuhous around him, and his brows were full of awe. Thin lips uttered lightly, as if the words were following the law, causing the atmosphere in the hall to shake:

As soon as Feng Wanli finished speaking, all the white-clothed knights who gathered around him all moved towards the surroundings, their figures were ethereal and illusory, like an exiled immortal coming to the world.Its sword light is vast, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun...

Fourteen states of frost and cold with one sword.

Xue Yihou's complexion suddenly changed, and he said quickly: "Back!"

Before Xueyihou finished speaking, many Wuhous in the Blood Spirit Hall reacted, but no matter how fast they were, they couldn't be faster than the long sword in the hands of the knight in white!

Xue Yihou also retreated quickly, but saw the sword light shining like a dragon in front of him, approaching in an instant.Sen Han's sword came straight to his throat.

Xue Yihou couldn't figure out why the power of a small Martial Soul that sealed thousands of miles made him feel in danger.

But it didn't take long for him to understand.

Just as the long sword came vertically and horizontally, piercing his chest, Xue Yihou smiled awe-inspiringly, and his body suddenly split into two, leaving an illusory clone in place.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

A snow-white and real figure suddenly emerged from the white-clothed knight who was stabbing at Xue Yihou. The sword light shone like a cold star, and instantly pierced Xue Yihou's chest.

Then, the snow-white figure withdrew his sword and returned, once again submerged among the knights in white, gathering around Feng Wanli.

At the same time, half of the Marquis Wu in the Blood Spirit Hall were injured by the sharp sword, and even two Marquis Wu who were of a lower level had their heads cut off by a sword.


Xue Yihou looked at the hole in his chest, his eyes were filled with inconceivable light, then he stared at Feng Wanli, and a Senhan roar came out between his teeth:
"Herringbone Thirteen Kills!"

In the main hall, Lin Huang looked at the knight in fluttering white clothes in the main hall, his eyes were also full of shock, the sword light that flashed just now, like a shocking rainbow, arrived in an instant, and disappeared in an instant.


Thirteen kills!

This is the legendary thirteen kills that exist in the East Spirit Realm.

Lin Huang didn't expect that it was the character Thirteen Kill who appeared.Although it is also in the realm of Marquis Wu, it is much different than Marquis Wu of Wuxueling Palace.But it was able to seriously injure the warriors of the Blood Spirit Hall at the moment of the shot.

Even cut off two heads.

If Lin Huang had the realm of Marquis Wu, his speed of killing gods would be no more than that.

Behind the main hall, Shen Qingshan snorted coldly, "My Xuanyuan Mansion's spies are all over the East Spirit Realm, we really don't know that there are no hidden blood spirits in the four great families, ten dynasties, six great families, and all the factions in this Jianghu The people of the temple?"

"Since Master Xuanyuan has planned to surround and kill you Bloody Marquis, there is absolutely no reason to fail!"

Xue Yihou's expression was gloomy, looking at the white-clothed knights around Feng Wanli, with a trace of jealousy hidden in his eyes, "I really didn't expect that the character Thirteen Kills is actually related to Xuanyuan Mansion!"

"The one who stabbed Benhou just now is the third kill?"

Xue Yihou then asked.


In the hall, there was a solemn voice.I saw a knight in white around Feng Wanli gradually dissipating, revealing the real figure hidden in it.

It was a snow-white man with a slender figure, black hair tied behind his back, and the long sword in his hand was shorter than ordinary swords, but sharper and colder.

Herringbone third kill!

There was a mask on his face, like a white face with impermanence, with a mysterious color in the ferociousness.The aura around him is even more restrained, making it difficult for people to see his origin.

Lin Huang looked at the real but illusory character third kill in the hall, with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

On this continent, people are very different.

Some people like to walk under the sun, and they are admired by thousands of people with high spirits.

Some people like to play tricks and accuse others of life and death.

Some people like to walk the world and pursue the true meaning of martial arts.

There are also people who like to walk in the dark night, killing people invisible under the bright moonlight.

But now the figure in the main hall can be called the king in the dark night of the Eastern Spirit Realm. With a flick of a finger, he sealed his throat with a sword, and then fled away into the vast crowd.

What surprised Lin Huang was that the third killer gave him a sense of danger, which was not as weak as the killer he met in his previous life.

This feeling has nothing to do with realm, but as an assassin, a natural feeling.

Moreover, Lin Huang was hunted down by Liu Cangsheng for ten years in his previous life, and he had already been tempered into half the present, so Lin Huang's feeling was particularly obvious.

That character's third kill is extremely dangerous!
Lin Huang's eyes stopped on the third kill of the character, quietly sizing up the latter, and then his eyes stopped suddenly, staring at a token on the third kill of the figure.

It was the status symbol of the third kill, and there was nothing special about it, but it made Lin Huang short of breath.

The token is only the size of a palm, and it is made of ancient bronze, which looks a little mottled.

On the top of the token, there is a fierce and violent tiger with thick fangs.

On one side of the token, there is an ancient Chinese character '人' in Xiaozhuan!

Lin Huang looked at the token on the waist of the third kill, and his mood fluctuated like a turbulent wave. This token gave Lin Huang an extremely familiar feeling, because he also had a token that was exactly the same!

It was given to him by Xiao Yishan when he left the East Spirit Realm.

The token in Lin Huang's hand had the character '人' on the front and a number engraved on the back: Thirteen!

Thinking of this, Lin Huang's breath became short of breath, "Could it be that I am also a member of the 13th kill? The No. [-] kill?"

"Or is Master related to the character Thirteen Kills?"

Lin Huang squeezed his warm palm, his thoughts were numb for a moment.

Everyone in the hall was a little dazed and shocked at this moment.Although the character thirteen kills are not included in the top forces of the East Spirit Realm.But anyone with a little insight knows how terrifying this organization that has existed for thousands of years is.

The so-called thirteen kills, there will always be only thirteen people, passed down from generation to generation.

These people are all warriors who are proficient in assassination, and their identities are extremely mysterious.They rarely appear in front of the world, but once they appear, some people will surely fall.

"Go out of the west gate, and Mu Tiren will turn his head back!"

This is the evaluation made by Xuanyuan Wuxiang Renzi Thirteen Kills more than 200 years ago.

And everyone obviously didn't expect that in the tomb of King Wu, they would meet a person who killed thirteen people.And there are more than one. If you look carefully, there are as many as five.

Almost half of the people came, absolutely generous!

Moreover, the person in the lead is actually the third kill in the word "herringbone", second only to the existence of the first and second.

What kind of existence is this Blood Spirit Palace?There is such a big face.

In the main hall, Xue Yihou looked at the third kill of the character, and his face became extremely gloomy, "It's just thirteen poisonous snakes that can't be seen, and they dare to appear in front of this Marquis openly!"

"Could it be that you think that my Blood Spirit Palace can't do anything to you?"

Xue Yihou sneered.

The third kill of the character was unmoved at all, and the low-mellow voice was extremely flat, "The so-called thirteen kills of the character are walking on the edge of life and death. If I show up today, you have no reason to walk out of King Wu's tomb alive." !"

"It's really a group of brazen fellows, but unfortunately you miscalculated a bit," Xue Yihou said coldly, and then laughed wildly: "I, Blood Spirit Hall, am I a person who is afraid of death!"

Before the words fell, Lin Huang's expression changed slightly, and his whole body was suddenly protected by a golden light.I saw a wounded Marquis of the Blood Spirit Hall in the main hall, who was heading towards the gradually collapsing wall in the main hall in an instant.

The sound of Marquis Wu's self-explosion was like thunder, and the terrifying air wave suddenly overturned everyone in the hall.At the same time, the slowly collapsing wall was blasted away in one fell swoop.

The walls collapsed, eventually revealing what was behind the walls.

In the main hall, everyone's expressions were shocked, and they could only feel a shocking and terrifying aura suddenly coming out from behind the wall...

(End of this chapter)

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