
Chapter 146 The girl in red

Chapter 146 The girl in red
In the giant hall, when the walls collapsed, revealing the truth behind.In the Qinglong Mountains, the three hills that buried the entire tomb of King Wu began to shake violently, the rocks cracked and gradually began to collapse.

The giant hall even collapsed directly to the third floor.

The faces of the people in the tomb suddenly changed, not only because of the shock of King Wu's tomb, but also because of what they saw in front of them.

In front of everyone was a blood-colored lake, which was a hundred feet in size.During the period, there was surging blood, exuding a foul smell.

In the lake, there are tens of thousands of bloody crows.

Every crow flapped its blood-colored wings and was struggling vigorously. Tens of thousands of blood-colored eyes stared like terrifying devils in the dark night, making everyone's backs shudder.

In the main hall, the squeaks of tens of thousands of crows converged into the cries of the devil, which was shrill and terrifying. Even the strong Marquis Wu was shaken by the stimulating sea of ​​consciousness, and his face turned pale.

And the terrifying aura in the hall was condensed by these tens of thousands of crows.The feeling of horror is like the god of death in hell watching the creatures in the world.

Seeing this, Shen Qingshan took a deep breath, and the killing intent in his eyes became stronger.

Lin Huang's face was earthy, if any crow entered his body, it would be the nemesis of Marquis Wu.There are so many blood crows here, it is undoubtedly the grave of everyone present.

In the arena, Xueyihou laughed and stared at Shen Qingshan gloomyly, "Now that the blood lake has appeared, I want to see how you, Xuanyuan Mansion and Renzi Thirteen Kill, can stop this!"

As he said that, Xue Yihou turned his eyes and stared leisurely at a dead body sitting cross-legged on the blood lake, with playfulness in his eyes.

At this moment, it was precisely because of the existence of that corpse that the blood crow in the lake did not break out of the lake.But now, all he needed to do was push the corpse to the ground, and his mission of entering King Wu's tomb was considered complete.

Lin Huang also turned his head to stare at the corpse on the blood lake. It was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the blood lake. The terrifying power filled the corpse, forming a powerful seal, suppressing tens of thousands of screaming blood crows.

At this moment, except for a pair of eyes that remained clear, the whole body of the corpse has been dyed bright red by the power of the blood lake, thus becoming evil and awe-inspiring.

"Yang Xuangan!"

Without any guesswork, Lin Huang knew that the corpse sitting cross-legged on the blood lake at this moment was the real Yang Xuangan, the strong Martial King who had been guarding here.

"Smash it to Benhou!"

Xue Yihou looked at Yang Xuangan's corpse, and ordered the warriors in the Blood Spirit Hall.

In a blink of an eye, several beams of light were heading towards Yang Xuangan's corpse, with excited expressions on their faces, as long as they pushed down that corpse, they could gain supreme power.

In the main hall, before Shen Qingshan could speak, the rest of the Xuanzi army and the Renzi Thirteen Killers all headed towards Marquis Wu of the Blood Spirit Palace, their speed was not slow at all, vowing to protect the corpse.

At this moment, there was an explosion in the hall, and the terrifying aftermath made everyone in the hall fly backwards.When I was shocked, I only saw dozens of warriors charging at the front in the Xuanzi army, attacked by a mysterious and powerful force, and exploded at the same time.

The sudden change made everyone's complexions change. A middle-aged man in purple appeared at the place where the Xuanzi army exploded, standing with his hands behind his back. The terrifying aura emanating from his body suppressed the audience.

After Lin Huang glanced at the middle-aged man in purple, he couldn't care less about this person, but shifted his gaze to the direction of Yang Xuangan's corpse.

The Xuanzi army was wounded, and the people from the Blood Spirit Palace rushed to Yang Xuangan in an instant without any hindrance.Several willow-like palms fell down, intending to turn the blood-colored corpse of King Wu into powder.

At this moment, the mutation suddenly occurred again!
The moment everyone in the Blood Spirit Hall dropped their palms, the air suddenly froze for a moment.Just in this instant, a crimson figure appeared behind Yang Xuangan's corpse.

It was a girl with a snow-white gauze.

The girl flew up, and the moment the air froze, the three-foot green blade in her hand burst into a peerless and sharp light, and as she swung across the air, the blade swept across the throats of all the warriors in front of her.

Several heads flew high at this moment, and then sank into the blood lake.

Kill Wuhou with one sword!

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone's complexion changed drastically, including Shen Qingshan, who was dumbfounded and indescribably shocked. Hundreds of Xuanzi troops plus the thirteen kills of the people's characters, who hadn't piled up to death in the Blood Spirit Hall powerhouse, were actually killed. A girl was instantly beheaded!

Marquis Wu Realm!

Shen Qingshan had an unbelievable expression on his face.

But at this moment, Lin Huang stared at the girl in red with fiery eyes, and was stunned for a moment, froze in place.

That familiar figure in red.

Those starry eyes.

Under the snow-white veil, there was a cool look between the eyebrows.

On the three-foot green front, there are flowers on the other side that are as bright as blood.

Between his gestures and gestures, he was as cold as the moon, holy and unattainable.


All of these have long been hidden in the depths of Lin Huang's soul, engraved into Lin Huang's bone marrow, and branded in Lin Huang's life.

Lin Huang could even see the cheeks under the woman's veil, which were like the first snow.

The peerless youth who does not have time to look back and smile is as stunning as a blooming crabapple.

The red-clothed girl in front of her eyes gradually merged with the never-to-be-forgotten figure in her mind, and finally became a single person, appearing in front of Lin Huang like that.

——Jun Qingcheng!

Lin Huang's heart felt sour for no reason, and his eyes were moist.The complicated and inexplicable emotions in his heart made him feel at a loss at this moment. It was overwhelming joy and endless sourness.

The girl in red in front of her is Jun Qingcheng, the person Lin Huang has always missed.

The Rakshasa-like woman who had hunted him down for thirteen hundred miles in the Eastern Emperor Territory.

That clumsy woman who spent three years embroidering a sachet for herself.

The woman who, with her weak body, dealt a fatal blow to her current madman Chu.

The woman who has been waiting for ten years.

The woman who saved herself from the Gate of Condensed Time in the Wind and Snow Region and faced tens of thousands of warriors alone.

The woman who was originally above the clouds, but was willing to give up everything for herself.


Lin Huang looked at the girl in red with the sword beside Yang Xuangan, and made a hoarse murmur from his throat, joy mixed with sourness, excitement with pity and guilt.

All of a sudden, all kinds of emotions surged in my heart.

"So lovely!"

All Lin Huang's emotions finally condensed in one place, looking at Jun Qingcheng, he smiled infatuatedly.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly there was a questioning voice in the hall, and the middle-aged man in purple who appeared earlier looked at Jun Qingcheng, with a sullen voice in his voice.

Jun Qingcheng didn't raise his eyebrows, didn't look at the middle-aged man in purple clothes, but calmly stood beside Yang Xuangan's corpse.

"Who are you?"

In the main hall, Shen Qingshan stared at the middle-aged man in purple with a trace of fear in his tiger eyes.He felt the strength of the middle-aged man in purple clothes, even stronger than Hou Xueyi.

The middle-aged man in purple frowned slightly, slightly displeased with Jun Qingcheng's indifference, then turned his head to look at Shen Qingshan, "Someone killed Benhou's two sons in King Wu's tomb."

Originally, Lin Huang's attention had been on Jun Qingcheng, but now he had to turn his head and look at the middle-aged man in purple.

The middle-aged man was tall and tall, with a slight charm, and the two beards on his lips matched his eyebrows, as if he had four eyebrows.

Wrapped in a purple dress, with a gold and jade belt inlaid around the waist, he has the bearing of a superior.

"Hmph, Jiang Licheng! Now that he has appeared, why bother to disguise himself!"

Not far away, Shen Qingshan groaned heavily, and continued: "I didn't expect that you are really a member of the Blood Spirit Palace, and the second-ranked figure on the Wuhou list is also a lackey of the Blood Spirit Palace! "

Jiang Licheng?
In the hall, everyone was shocked.All eyes fell on the middle-aged man in purple, with an inconceivable look in his eyes.

They had heard that Jiang Licheng had entered Xuanyuan City, and guessed that the latter might have come to King Wu's tomb, but now he really came.They are also shocked.

Jiang Licheng, ranked second on the Marquis Wu List.

Looking at the entire East Spirit Realm, apart from Xuanyuan Tibing, this person is the strongest.A state of being, enough to kill everyone here.

Lin Huang couldn't help taking two steps back secretly.

He had just beheaded the disciples of the Jiang family on the fifth floor, and Jiang Tianyue and Jiang Tianhe brothers were all killed by puppet formations. It is impossible to say that he is not guilty.

What's more, now that Jiang Licheng has discovered that the Jiang brothers have been beheaded, he doesn't know what monstrous flames of anger are hidden under that calm appearance.

Jiang Licheng snorted coldly, his eyes swept over everyone present, and the voice in his throat was full of murderous intent, "So what? If not, so what? Xuanyuan Tibing is not here, so who can escape? "

Xueyihou on the side said impatiently, "The tomb of King Wu is about to collapse, let's destroy Yang Xuangan first!"

"It's not your turn to order me," Jiang Licheng glared at Xue Yihou, and continued:
"If it weren't for your ineffectiveness, why would you want me to show up. But the mere Xuanzi Army and Renzi Thirteen Kills have made you so embarrassing!"


Xue Yihou was furious, but he was so choked that he couldn't speak.

Afterwards, Jiang Licheng turned around to look at Jun Qingcheng again, and said, "Ask me again, who are you? Why are you guarding Yang Xuangan? You'd better give me an explanation for killing me from the Blood Spirit Palace!"

While speaking, Jiang Licheng was already walking towards Jun Qingcheng...

(End of this chapter)

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