
Chapter 148 Xuanyuan's One Shot

Chapter 148 Xuanyuan Tibing's Shot

Lin Huang turned his head, only to see Jun Qingcheng speak suddenly, with eyes as cold as ice between his brows.

"Little girl, do you know the Night Watchman?"

Yang Xuan looked curiously at the girl in red in front of him.

"The remnants of the Devil's Cult, everyone gets it and punishes it!"

Jun Qingcheng said coldly, the long sword in his hand was shining brilliantly.

"The remnants of the Demon Cult?"

In the main hall, Yang Xuangan's expression froze, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he smiled softly, and then said: "It seems that you are not from the Eastern Spirit Realm, but you actually know that this king is a remnant of the Demon Sect!"


Yang Xuangan gathered his sleeve robe, stared at Jun Qingcheng freely and freely like a breeze, and said with a smile:
"Since I, the night watchman, have shouldered the sins of the whole world and been reviled by the people of the world, there are not many little girls like you... the remnants of the devil sect are the remnants of the devil sect, so what?"

"But do you have a way to suppress the bloody crows in the lake? If there is, what if the remnant soul of this king is annihilated under your sword? But I don't know that the little girl alone can support the righteousness of the world? "

"If there is no way, then don't take action! This old man is a person who is going to die, why should he die! You just watch carefully, what is the remnant of the demon sect, what is the night watchman!"

In the hall, Jun Qingcheng frowned for the first time, and the old and peaceful words in her ears made her hesitate.

I saw Yang Xuangan let out a shriek, endless rays of light bloomed from the illusory body, piercing the eyes of everyone present, only feeling that there was a power that did not belong to the world, pouring out from Yang Xuangan's soul.

"This life is long, and the years have been eight hundred years. I sprinkled my blood to soak the loess, and my corpse was turned into smoke and dust. Today, in memory of my soul flying away and my soul scattered, laugh at the demons in the world, and respect my Zhaozhao Sun and Moon Banner!"

"Yang Xuangan, the night watchman, 300 years later, in the name of my immortality, I will suppress the demons forever!"

In the main hall, Yang Xuangan's hoarse and old voice echoed in the hall like a chime, like a mighty river and sea, like a roaring mountain rock, like the roar of thunder, in the hoarseness there was an ancient desolation, in the old age there was a thousand years of righteousness!

On the blood lake, a wisp of Yang Xuangan's remnant soul began to burn violently, turning into soul flowers drop by drop, falling into the blood lake...


In the blood lake, tens of thousands of blood crows screamed in fear.

Gradually, there are more and more soul flowers.

Drop by drop.

Fall into the lake of blood.

In the main hall, the miserable sound of crows came and went, and the blood lake surged, setting off a manic evil spirit, but it was always difficult to break through the carnage of Yang Xuangan's soul karma.

Suddenly, Yang Xuangan turned his head to look at Lin Huang, and after deeply forgetting the latter glance, he said with a smile:
"You can see through the power in the plaque, bring the plaque here, and awaken the old man's soul. It means that you are destined to be with the old man, and I hope that the Cross Yama will not perish in your hands!"

As Yang Xuangan finished speaking, a ray of light flew towards Lin Huang, sinking into the latter's eyebrows...

Lin Huang was stunned for a moment, only to feel a complex imprint suddenly pouring into his mind, mysterious and terrifying, revealing Xiao Xiao's killing intent.At the first glimpse of Lin Huang, he felt thousands of sword lights manifesting in front of his eyes, as if cutting mountains and rivers.

Lin Huang's blood surged suddenly, and blood rushed out of his mouth.

"Hahaha... You kid who doesn't even have the realm of Tianyuan, now you want to comprehend the Cross Yama, but you are still a little too late, practice hard, the day you break through the realm of Tianyuan, it will be the time for you to rise! It's a pity that this king I can't see it, what a pity!"

Yang Xuan laughed heartily.

Lin Huang wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and bowed respectfully to Yang Xuangan, "Thank you for preaching, senior!"

"Pretentious, hypocritical... But this king likes it!"

Yang Xuangan snorted coldly, his soul burning more and more fiercely.

"You dare!"

At this moment, Jiang Licheng's roar suddenly sounded in the hall.The latter looked at the blood crow that was gradually annihilated in the blood lake, with a strong murderous look in his eyes.

Then, a long knife went towards Yang Xuangan...

"I am the soul of nothingness, with your little Marquis Wu, how can you destroy me!"

Yang Xuangan laughed out loud, even though the knife pierced through the soul, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Do you really think that this Marquis has nothing to do with souls?"

Jiang Licheng raised his brows upside down, his palms stuck into the air, and a blood-colored crow was slowly crawling out of his palms, making a shrill roar.

Xue Crow stared at Yang Xuangan's remnant soul, looking extraordinarily excited.

Yang Xuangan's face was a little dignified, the blood crow made him feel dangerous.Coupled with the killing of Xue Yihou before, and the burning of most of the soul...

"Perhaps, this Marquis will tame the remnant soul of a Martial King today!"

Jiang Licheng smiled, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"Jiang Licheng!"

At this moment, Shen Qingshan in the hall suddenly spoke, and saw him come out, looked at Jiang Licheng with a grin, and said:
"Master Xuanyuan asked me to bring you a sentence!"


Jiang Licheng turned his head.

I saw Shen Qingshan raised his eyebrows, holding a piece of letter paper between his fingertips, and with a wave of his palm, the letter paper was heading towards Jiang Licheng...

Jiang Licheng hadn't received the paper yet, but the letter was burning violently in the void.

In the hall, there was a sound like the roar of an overlord:


Accompanied by the roaring sound, an illusory golden gun was transformed from the burning letter paper, like the backbone of a mountain and river, exuding a monstrous murderous intent.

The guns were all over the place, covering up all the light in the hall, and the terrifying aura made it hard for everyone present to breathe.

Everyone's eyes widened, only to see the illusory golden spear trembling, like the setting sun on a long river, carrying the time of the collapse of the mountains and rivers, it quickly penetrated the void and headed towards Jiang Licheng.

Jiang Licheng looked horrified and fled in an instant...

With a bang, Jiang Licheng escaped quickly, but was still pierced through the chest by the golden gun, and the terrifying power of the golden gun burst out, instantly injuring the latter's internal organs.

Jiang Licheng vomited blood and looked up, looking palely at the illusory golden gun on his chest, with an incredulous look in his eyes.

Is Xuanyuan's power to raise troops so terrifying?

In the main hall, the heroes were also shaking.The gun intent hidden in the letter naturally came from Xuanyuan Tibing.

Everyone knew that Xuanyuan Tibing was powerful and unparalleled, but they didn't expect it to be so tyrannical.With just a piece of paper, Jiang Licheng could be killed without any power to fight back.

If Jiang Licheng hadn't been vigilant, he might have turned into a dead soul under the gun.

Xuanyuan raised soldiers, and he really lived up to the name of the myth of Dongling!
In the main hall, Yang Xuan was a little stunned, and then his face was full of relief, and he laughed loudly, and his soul burned nine out of ten.

And as the embers of the paper dissipated, Xuanyuan's thunderous voice sounded again in the hall, "Xuanyuan Family No. 30 second-generation descendant, Xuanyuan's soldiers, send off Mr. Yang respectfully. Dongling's matter has its own strength." Suppress and kill! Old Yang, don’t worry!”

"Ha ha ha ha……"

In the main hall, Yang Xuangan laughed out loud, with a hearty smile and high spirits.

His soul, also in his laughter, gradually died.

The blood crows all over the lake also died out quickly under the terrifying soul karma fire, turning into little ashes and disappearing between the heaven and the earth.

In the ancient tomb, there are no more blood crows!
No more Yang Xuan feeling!
Looking at the empty front, Lin Huang felt mixed emotions in his heart, feeling an indescribable sense of oppression.He never thought that a generation of Martial Kings would suppress and kill blood crows all over the lake in such a way.

The price of burning the soul is never to be reborn!
Shen Qingshan also had a solemn expression on his face, facing the current ending, he also felt a little heartbroken, Yang Xuangan finally dissipated in this world.

And his Xuanzi army also lost two-thirds. Although they killed all the people in the Blood Spirit Hall, they seriously injured Jiang Licheng.But in his eyes, all these sacrifices were too great.


At this moment, the first floor of the giant hall began to shake violently.Numerous cracks appeared in the entire hall, extending like spider webs.

At the bottom of the hall, bright red magma gushed out, exuding an extremely hot aura.

"The hall is about to collapse!"

Someone shouted in panic.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically. Looking at the violently shaking hall and the continuous gushing magma, they were all at a loss.It wasn't until now that they realized that there was no exit from the first floor of the giant hall.

Lin Huang's eyes flickered, and then he sat cross-legged, his soul headed towards the light spot in the sea of ​​consciousness...



The swaying sound of the main hall became more and more intense, and it had begun to partially collapse.

At this moment, the Mo brothers, who were immersed in their comprehension, had just woken up. Looking at the dilapidated hall and everyone, they were stunned for a while.

The rest of Piaoxue Palace also appeared in the main hall.It's just that Yun Feifei and the others looked extremely pale, presumably because they were captured by Blood Yihou before, causing great harm.

"Xuanzi Army, set up your gun!"

Shen Qingshan said in a low voice.

The rest of the Xuanzi army all stood upright with spears, pushing up a void.

Lu Han walked towards Lin Huang, his dark face wrinkled slightly, and he stood beside Lin Huang with a golden gun in his hand.Although he didn't understand why Lin Huang entered the cultivation state at this moment, he still chose to be beside Lin Huang.

In the hall, everyone is looking for the exit at a loss...

At the corner, Jun Qingcheng stared at Lin Huang not far away, and frowned again.She just saw Yang Xuangan shoot a ball of light into Lin Huang's eyebrows.

After a little thought, Jun Qingcheng raised his sword and walked towards Linhuang.

"What do you want to do?"

The Mo brothers blocked Jun Qingcheng's way, and asked with a frown.

Jun Qingcheng raised his eyes and stared at the two of them coldly, and when he moved his slender fingers, he knocked them into the air lightly.

Nan Yunlie frowned, flew down in front of Jun Qingcheng, and said, "I don't know where the little girl came from, and what grievances do you have with me in Piaoxue Palace?"

"He's the devil!"

Jun Qingcheng looked at Nan Yunlie, as if because the latter was an old man, he opened his mouth to explain that the place where the slender jade finger landed was Lin Huang who was practicing.

From what Jun Qingcheng saw, in Dongling Restaurant, Lin Huang's god-killing slash was the famous stunt of the demon Qin Changsheng.

On the second floor of King Wu's tomb, the latter absorbed the monstrous evil spirit.

Here, it is inherited by Yang Xuangan, the remnant night watchman of the Demon Cult.

Then Lin Huang is naturally a demon.

Even if it is not now, it will be in the future!
Nan Yunlie frowned, but flicked his sleeve robe, and said: "He is my disciple of Piaoxue Palace, not some devil! If a girl wants to kill someone, she must first defeat the old man.

Behind Nan Yunlie, Lu Han walked forward with a gun, pointing at Jun Qingcheng!

"The mantis arm is the car!"

Jun Qingcheng glanced at the two of them, and said very coldly.Afterwards, there were no extra words, and when the plain hand waved, the void froze for a moment.

Afterwards, Nan Yunlie and Lu Han flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Nan Yunlie was horrified, he didn't expect the girl in red in front of him to have such terrifying strength.

In the corner of the main hall, Yun Feifei looked at the scene not far away, with a strange blush on her pale face.She knew that as long as the girl in red stabbed her with a sword, there would be no room for Lin Huang's life to be saved.

But when Yun Feifei's eyes fell on Jun Qingcheng, there was deep jealousy in her eyes!
Jun Qingcheng stopped and looked at Lin Huang who was sitting cross-legged and practicing.The latter was wearing a black robe with rustling blue hair, and on his sharp-edged face, there was a look of determination that didn't match his age.

His sword eyebrows slanted into his temples, he wasn't the kind of peerless beauty, but he had a masculine determination.

"I'm sorry, you're a devil!"

Jun Qingcheng stared at Lin Huang, and said with a complicated expression, his voice was as cold and moving as a mountain spring.

Afterwards, Jun Qingcheng raised his sword and stabbed towards Lin Huang's chest.

At this moment, Lin Huang opened it suddenly, with a warm smile on his face, and said warmly:

(End of this chapter)

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