
Chapter 149 The Meeting Ceremony of Jun Qingcheng

Chapter 149 The Meeting Ceremony of Jun Qingcheng
In the hall, Jun Qingcheng's long sword suddenly deflected!
However, it still stabbed Lin Huang's chest. The only good thing is that the long sword narrowly avoided Lin Huang's heart.Otherwise, Lin Huang would be dead at this moment.

"What did you call me?"

There was surprise in Jun Qingcheng's eyes. She was sure that no one knew her name, let alone her origin, in this East Spirit Realm.

"Is it an illusion?"

Jun Qingcheng shook his head.


Lin Huang grinned, and when Jun Qingcheng suspected that he had heard it wrong, he completely shattered the latter's thoughts.

"How do you know my name is Jun Qingcheng?"

Jun Qingcheng Qiushui stared at Lin Huang and asked coldly.The hand holding the long sword trembled a little, not knowing whether to pull it out or cut into Lin Huang's heart.

Lin Huang seemed to be aware of the pain just now, looked down at the long sword on his chest, and said with a hoarse smile, "Is this the gift you gave me? That's great!"

When the Mo brothers and Lu Han heard this, they couldn't help but stare at Lin Huang in disbelief.

"He...wouldn't be stupid!"

Mo Canfeng said.

"It's really stupid. After being stabbed with a sword, you still laugh so happily, and you say it's great!"

Mo Canyun nodded in agreement.

"He followed the way of this evildoer!"

After Lu Han looked at it for a while, his dark face was slightly disdainful, and his wooden head seemed to have noticed that Jun Qingcheng was very good-looking.

As good-looking as Miss Cangxue.

Therefore, Lu Han felt that the girl in red was an evildoer who had fascinated Lin Huang's evildoer.



The giant hall began to collapse completely at this moment, Lin Huang's face was slightly relaxed, he didn't care much, grabbed Jun Qingcheng's jade hand, and walked towards the lake that had already dried up.

While waving his left hand, dozens of array seals flew out and landed on sixteen places in the lake.

Immediately, the dry lake vibrated, emitting a dazzling light, and a formation of star lines emerged, pulsating with the aura of space fluctuations.

Teleportation Array!

At this moment, Jun Qingcheng's eyebrows turned cold, and he slashed at Lin Huang's hand that was holding him with a sword. Lin Huang quickly retracted his hand in fright, and laughed twice.

The remaining people in the palace rushed towards the lake.

Gradually, the figures of the people began to become unreal...

Looking at Jun Qingcheng's disappearing back, Lin Huang suddenly said, "You said, you must let me chase you!"

Jun Qingcheng, who stepped into the formation with one foot, paused, turned his head slightly to stare at Lin Huang, a little snow-white face was revealed in the floating veil, Qiu Shui's eyes became more and more cold, and said:
"Next time we meet, I will definitely kill you!"

Afterwards, Jun Qingcheng's figure completely disappeared.

Lin Huang was stunned, with a slightly helpless expression, "What should I do?"

Afterwards, Lin Huang's figure also disappeared.

All the people in the hall stepped into the formation one after another, and they completely disappeared here as the light of the formation flowed.

And at the moment when the main hall completely collapsed, Xue Yihou, who was already dead, suddenly trembled, his chest and abdomen were cut open by an inexplicable force, and a ball of blood-red flesh rolled out from it.

As the meat ball stretched, a blood-colored figure formed, which was exactly the same as the previous bloody figure.

The slight difference is that the realms of the two are quite different, only the realm of Tianyuan.

The latter's pair of blood eyes stared leisurely at the shining formation, and looked at the backs of Lin Huang and Lu Han leaving, with a gloomy smile on his face, and then his figure flashed, followed Lu Han and Lin Huang into the formation Fa's point of departure.



There was a loud bang, and the entire Qinglong Mountain Range shook slightly.The three hills that buried King Wu's tomb finally collapsed at this moment.

The mountains and rivers are cracked and the dust is flying.

Xuanyuan City, a hundred miles away, could feel the huge rumble.

Tens of thousands of people went in, and I don't know how many warriors were buried when the tomb collapsed at this moment...

Xuanyuan Mansion!
"My lord, the matter of King Wu's tomb seems to be over!"

In the huge hall of Xuanyuan Mansion, Chen Wuji looked at the back figure on the hall, and continued: "Qingshan's soul jade tablet is still there, the plan should be very smooth!"

The back figure shook his head slightly, "Blood Yihou's death was nothing more than cutting off an arm of the Blood Spirit Palace. But Master Yang Xuangan's soul was blown away, but he cut off one of the eight detentions that suppressed the Yin-Yang Valley!"

Chen Wuji frowned.

"It's okay, at least everything is still under control now! Next, they should plan to attack Dongling Dragon Vein or Xuanyuan City!"

The figure continued.

Chen Wuji's face was slightly stunned, a ray of murderous intent swept across his brows, and then he said: "Your subordinates will make arrangements now!"

But the back waved his hand and said, "Let Qin Xuance try it!"


Chen Wuji nodded after a little hesitation.


Thousands of miles away from King Wu's tomb, a mountain in an unknown location suddenly pulsated with the aura of space fluctuations.

After that, two figures appeared amidst the flashes of light.

Forest shortage!

Lu Han!


Breathing the fresh air in the mountains, Lin Huang let out a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, appearing to be in a great mood.

Although the visit to King Wu's tomb this time was more thrilling than he had imagined, the harvest besides the thrill made him extremely satisfied.

Although beheading the Jiang Brothers, there is a potential threat.But he got the Burning Heart Lotus after all.

Now that Yehaihua and Fenxinlian are in hand, only Yanlongguo and Tier [-] formation are left.

Yanlong Fruit also has news!
Although Tier [-] formation masters are rare, sometimes it is much easier to find someone than to find a natural treasure.

Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Huang's face became even more intense. He believed that in the near future, he would be able to witness the nirvana of his sister Lin Cangxue's martial soul.

The woman who was once known as the legend of Dongling will eventually return with glory stepping on the wreckage ridiculed all over the place!

Lin Huang clenched his fists tightly, feeling more and more excited.He is looking forward to, he is waiting...

Apart from Fen Xinlian, it can be said that Lin Huang's greatest achievement was to evolve Tian Shura to the Xuan level.Between Wuhun, there is a difference between clouds and mud every other rank.

Sometimes, for warriors with the same realm and the same level of martial arts, when there is a difference in the level of martial arts, in many cases, they are crushed.

And looking at the strong in the mainland for thousands of years, the Huang rank martial soul has never been on the stage of history.Even though Xuanjie is pitifully few, there have been ones.

Although the existence of evil spirit made Lin Huang a little worried, but compared to Tian Shura's evolution, these were nothing.

"Finally a Xuan-rank martial soul!"

Lin Huang happily recalled that no matter in his previous life or present life, his martial soul was only of the yellow rank, but now that Shura suddenly became of the Xuan rank, Lin Huang's eyebrows were even crooked with a smile.

Although a low-grade martial soul of the Xuan rank is also rubbish in the vastness of the world... But Lin Huang itself is very poor. To have a martial soul of the Xuan rank is like a beggar who picks up a sesame seed and feels that it is the best of the world. The most amazing food ever.

Poverty limits his imagination.

As for the inheritance of Yang Xuangan, Lin Huang never paid much attention to it.After all, he had to wait until the Tianyuan realm to realize it, so Lin Huang didn't have too many surprises.

But since it is the inheritance of King Wu, it won't be too bad...

In addition, Lin Huang also has a mysterious pill!

On the top of the mountain, Lin Huang let out a long sigh of relief, feeling that the sun was particularly beautiful at this moment, and it was warm on his body.

"You are a pervert!"

Lu Han on the side suddenly said coldly.


Lin Huang turned his head and asked.

"You followed the path of that evildoer!"

Lu Han looked serious.

"You are the monster!"

Lin Huang laughed angrily.

"That evildoer stabbed you with a sword, and you still laughed. When the hall collapsed, you only cared about that evildoer. Now I solemnly remind you that you are still stubborn!"

Lu Han listed his reasons one by one, then widened his eyes and said: "It's over, you are really fascinated by that evildoer, I will kill her for you next time we meet!"

"you try?"

Lin Huang glared, not to mention that Lin Huang didn't allow it, just based on Jun Qingcheng's realm, how many people in this East Spirit Realm could really kill her.

Dayu Tianjiao's name is a waste of fame!
Thinking of this, Lin Huang's face turned bitter, and thousands of melancholy filled his heart.As he expected, Jun Qingcheng has indeed stepped into the realm of Marquis Wu.

And now he is still a young man in the realm of earth element.

"Actually, I think you are quite shameless!"

Lu Han suddenly continued.

"Can you say that again?"

Lin Huang's face turned cold.

Lu Han curled his lips and said, "You are only a teenager, but you have the realm of Marquis Wu. I think the background of this evildoer must be very scary."

"Martial arts realm, background, and even appearance, you are completely different from her." Lu Han waved his hand and hit Lin Huang fiercely, "And you actually have thoughts about her, how shameless?"

Lin Huang's eyes turned, and he nodded thoughtfully, "It seems really shameless for you to say that!"

"But chasing after a daughter-in-law, you don't have to die, what are you doing!"

Lin Huang hummed again.

Lu Han looked at Lin Huang's proud look, his dark face trembled, thinking that this person was really shameless.


Just when the two were quarreling over Jun Qingcheng, there was a sudden fluctuation on the top of the mountain, and an aura that belonged exclusively to the teleportation array spread out.

"Huh? Someone is here!"

Lin Huang frowned, and saw that the light of the teleportation array in front became more and more intense, and then a red light shone, and appeared at the exit of the teleportation array within a few breaths.

The red light paused, revealing the original figure.

"Blood-clothed Hou!"

Looking at the truth of the latter, Lin Huang suddenly exclaimed, and an extremely dangerous breath surged into his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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