
Chapter 150 Pursuit and Escape

Chapter 150 Pursuit and Escape
On the top of the mountain, Lin Huang's expression changed drastically as he watched Xue Yihou gradually appear, and he immediately pulled Lu Han down from the top of the mountain.

"Isn't Xue Yihou dead?"

"Why is he still here?"

Even though Lin Huang had 1 questions in his mind, he didn't care about them at the moment.He never believed that Xue Yihou was teleported here just by accident.

If it is not accidental, it is inevitable!

He came to kill himself or Lu Han's, or both of them were the targets of Xue Yihou.

At this moment, Lu Han also had a tense face. He had seen the power of Xue Yihou before. With the current state of the two, it would be tantamount to wishful thinking to contend against the latter.

Among the mountains, Lin Huang and Lu Han rushed down the mountain like two beams of light...

On the top of the mountain, the figure of Xue Yihou gradually manifested, and finally appeared completely.


Xue Yihou breathed a sigh of relief, and his face showed the joy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.Then it became a little gloomy again, gritted its teeth and murmured:
"Yang Xuangan, Xuanyuan Tibing, Shen Qingshan... This time the Marquis is not dead, you will definitely have to pay a very painful price!"

Standing on the top of the mountain, Xue Yihou clenched his fists, full of murderous intent.Then the murderous aura around him dissipated again, looking at Lin Huang and Lu Han's disappearing backs, a playful smile appeared on his face:

"The two little babies, being targeted by this Marquis, can they still escape? If the two of you die, it may be the most painful blow to Xuanyuan Tibing and Yang Xuangan!"

On the top of the mountain, Xue Yihou's unscrupulous laughter resounded.I saw a bloody figure flickering, heading towards the place where Lin Huang and Lu Han disappeared.

"Why did Xue Yihou appear here? Wasn't he stabbed to death by Yang Xuangan?"

While running wildly all the way, Lu Han asked with a frown.

"Don't talk! Hold back your breath and follow me!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth to warn Lu Han, his mind was extremely heavy.

Although Xue Yihou doesn't seem to have returned to the realm of Wuwang, but even if he exists in the realm of Tianyuan, it is also extremely terrifying.Wanting to kill the two of them was like trampling two ants to death.

The only good thing is that there are rolling mountains here.

And Linhuang has an innate sense of closeness to mountains.He was hunted down by Liu Cangsheng for ten years in his previous life, so it was hard not to get close...

Among the mountains and dense forests, Lin Huang and Lu Han walked forward like two ghosts, leaving no trace at every step, like two breezes.

"He's a formidable kid, he can leave no trace in the jungle!"

Xue Yihou stood in the middle of the dense forest, with admiration in his eyes.However, in the appreciation, there was a hint of banter, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Should get rid of Xue Yihou!"

After half a quarter of an hour, Lu Han opened his mouth and said.His whole body was extremely sore, but he didn't have such a flexible body like Lin Huang's. In order not to leave any traces in the past half a quarter of an hour, he used all kinds of weird movements forcibly.

Lu Han's bones were about to fall apart.

"You underestimate the strength of a strong Marquis Wu!"

However, Lin Huang shook his head and said, the vigilance in his eyes became more intense, "As long as we have existed, there will be traces left behind, but ordinary people can't detect it, but what we are facing is blood clothes!"

Lu Han frowned, somewhat questioning Lin Huang's statement.


At some point, Lin Huang's rapidly advancing figure finally stopped, and his tense mind relaxed a little.

Lu Han also let out a long sigh of relief. Since Lin Huang stopped, it meant that the two of them should have been out of danger, at least Xue Yihou would not chase after him in a short time.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the dense forest, like a thunderclap in the hearts of the two of them:
"Why didn't you stop running? Did you give up struggling?"

The two turned their heads suddenly, and saw a blood-colored figure walking slowly in the dense forest, but the speed was astonishingly fast. The latter was dressed in blood and was looking at the two of them with a smile on his face.

Lu Han's dark face turned pale, and he realized that what Lin Huang said before was true.

"Why hunt us down?"

Lin Huang seemed to have foreseen it a long time ago, but there was not much shock on his face.

"It's such a pity that you don't do the thirteen kills with such a way of hiding your body shape," Xue Yihou laughed, and looked at Lin Huang carefully with a pair of blood-red eyes.

"Why hunt us down?"

Lin Huang asked again.

Xue Yihou fluttered his blood robe, and said: "Having inherited Yang Xuangan's inheritance, shouldn't he be killed? Holding the Xuanyuan Golden Spear, shouldn't he be killed?"

Lin Huang turned his head to look at Lu Han, and then at the Axiu golden spear in Lu Han's hand.

"That's no reason!"

Lin Huang turned his head to stare at Xue Yihou, shook his head and said, even if he got Yang Xuangan's inheritance, he was so weak that he didn't deserve Xue Yihou's trouble.

"Hand over the ancient scroll of mountains and rivers!"

Xue Yihou said with a smile.

Lin Huang was startled, and thought to himself: Sure enough!
"Do you think it's possible?"

Lin Huang calmed down at this moment, looked directly at Xue Yihou, and said, "If I hand it over, I will definitely die. If I don't hand it over, there is still a chance of life!"

Xue Yihou shook his head and said:

"If you hand it over, you will die very happily. If you don't hand it over, I will make you a puppet, and you will never be reborn. Before you become a puppet, you will feel that life is better than death!"

Lin Huang's face froze, and his sense of crisis increased greatly.

"Don't try to escape from the hands of this Marquis," Xue Yihou smiled slightly, and continued: "Because you don't know anything about real power!"

While speaking, the bloody Hou sleeves fluttered, and a huge palm slammed towards Lin Huang and Lu Han.

Lin Huang and Lu Han looked terrified, they could only feel that a mountain was bombarding them, and the blood-colored palm prints in their eyes continued to magnify until they covered a void above their heads.

Then, a huge blood-colored palm fell down...


Lin Huang suddenly shouted, dragged Lu Han and jumped into the river behind him.

The surging river immediately submerged Lin Huang and Lu Han's figures.

"Tsk tsk... Is that why you stopped before? Interesting!"

Xue Yihou smiled calmly, looking at his missed palm and the disappearing figures of the two, he was not angry at all, but had more playful smiles on his face.

Afterwards, Xue Yihou took a step forward and followed the direction of the river.

While Xue Yihou was walking, there were one after another blood palms who shot out and fell into the river with a crash. The terrifying force blocked the river time and time again.


In the river, the two who were heading downstream suddenly spit out big mouthfuls of blood.

Xue Yihou clapped his hands indiscriminately, still hitting the two of them.Although the power falling on the two of them has been cut off by seven or eight out of ten after being blocked by the river water, the degree of terror is still not something that Lu Han and Lin Huang can contend with today.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the two of them had already been hit seven or eight times by Xue Yihou's random attack, and their bodies had already fallen apart, and they were seriously injured!

"We're going upstream!"

Lu Han gestured with difficulty in the river.

Lin Huang shook his head, the river was moving very fast, if the two of them went upstream, it would be extremely exhausting.And once it goes retrograde, there must be traces, and with bloody eyesight, how could it be impossible to detect it.

In the river, Lu Han frowned, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, the speed of the river around the two of them suddenly accelerated, like a dragon rushing, mighty...

Lin Huang raised his head and looked ahead, only to see a fault in front of the river.


Lin Huang immediately realized that there was a waterfall formed by a cliff not more than a hundred feet in front of the two of them.

Seeing this, Lu Han's face was pale, but Lin Huang's face was joyful.

If an ordinary person falls from the waterfall, then naturally there will be no bones left, but Lin Huang and Lu Han are different.

In the waterfall, Lin Huang gestured to Lu Han for a long time, and the latter finally understood, then nodded firmly, rubbing his palms, showing an eager look.

On the river, Xue Yihou was still walking slowly, and the huge blood palm kept falling down.

When he saw the waterfall in front of him, Xue Yihou paused in his footsteps, his face showed joy, and he murmured: "It's because God didn't help you, no wonder I'm here!"

The big river is surging, the water is as fierce as a dragon, and the entrance of the waterfall is full of turbulent waves and broken banks, boundless and mighty.

In the river, Lin Huang and Lu Han cascaded down from the top of the waterfall along the mighty river...

(End of this chapter)

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