
Chapter 151 Shocking Thunder Heavenly Rock Beast

Chapter 151 Shocking Thunder Heavenly Rock Beast

The big river is surging.

Xue Yihou looked at the waterfall that dropped more than three hundred feet down, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If you fall from this waterfall, you may die if you fall!"

Afterwards, Xue Yihou flew towards the downstream of the waterfall.

He just needs to wait there, the seriously injured two people will surely float out of the drinking water, it's just a matter of time.

And at this moment...

Lin Huang and Lu Han were at the top of the waterfall, holding onto the boulder at the top with both arms, hanging their whole bodies in the waterfall, letting the mighty water flow down from above their heads.

Both of them curled up their arms, their veins were exposed, and their faces were extremely flushed.

It would not take much effort to simply hold the huge boulder, but the thousands of rivers pouring down above their heads are undoubtedly the weight of gravity pressing on their heads.

If the two of them hadn't practiced under the waterfall all the year round, they wouldn't have been able to do this no matter what.

"It should be fine!"

Below the waterfall, Lu Han asked, his arms began to tremble.

Lin Huang shook his head and said, "I'm sticking to the quarter of an hour!"

Lu Han's face turned dark, and his five strong fingers had already begun to swipe on the boulder, obviously unable to support it.

as predicted.

Not long after Lin Huang finished speaking, Xue Yihou, who was heading downstream, suddenly turned back, and flew up the waterfall in between steps, heading upstream.

At this moment, Xue Yihou's face seemed a little dignified.

Looking at Xue Yihou above the river, Lu Han was stunned. Fortunately, he had just listened to Lin Huang's words, otherwise he might be caught by Xue Yihou.

But after a while, Xue Yihou, who was going upstream to find the two, returned to the top of the waterfall again.Looking up at the downstream of the river where the waterfall extends, his face is solemn.

"Could it be that the speed of being washed away by the river is faster than I thought?"

Xue Yihou frowned and thought.

Afterwards, Xue Yihou sped up his speed, screaming loudly, and hurried towards the downstream of the river.


Just as Xue Yihou left, Lin Huang said.

Then his arms suddenly exerted force, his blue veins twitched rapidly, and he carried the torrential river above his head and climbed up the waterfall with all his strength.

Lu Han roared twice more, and only after mustering up his strength did he climb up the waterfall.

Afterwards, the two of them headed towards the upper reaches of the river with the rest of their strength.

A quarter of an hour later, the two of them were like two dead dogs, paralyzed on the bank of the river panting, their arms almost dead due to the prolonged suspension just now.

Lu Han wiped away the river water from his face, and grinned to show his big white teeth, "I finally got rid of the bloody clothes!"

Lin Huang shook his head, his dark eyes became deeper and deeper.


Lu Han asked with a frown.

Lin Huang stood up, walked towards the depths of the jungle, and said: "Never underestimate your enemies, as long as we haven't returned to Piaoxue Palace for a day, then the entire East Spirit Realm will be the battlefield where Bloody Marquis hunts us down." !"

"We have up to three hours of breathing time!"

Lin Huang said with a determined face.

"Three hours?"

Lu Han looked puzzled.

Lin Huang turned his head to look at Lu Han, and explained: "Xue Yihou will chase downstream at this moment, and it will take half an hour during this period!"

"Then he didn't see us, so he returned to the waterfall, and then went to look for us in the deep pool at the bottom of the cliff!"

"After searching in the deep pool, he still won't find us!"

"At that time, he will return to the upper reaches of the waterfall to look for us! At the beginning, he may not be able to find us, because his focus is in the river!"

"After he calms down, he will find that we left traces on the shore!"

"By that time, our respite will be over!"

Lin Huang let out a breath, his eyes glowed with awe, "So we only have three hours to set up our battlefield."

"Set up the battlefield?"

Lu Han was taken aback, and said, "Shouldn't we run away as soon as possible? How could it be possible to kill a strong man at the peak of Tianyuan!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "This is the central area of ​​the Qinglong Mountain Range. If we want to go out, we have to travel three thousand miles. If the Bloody Marquis is not injured, we will definitely not be able to escape!"

Lu Han frowned and nodded, but didn't know what to do.

What power can kill Xue Yihou?

"Can your puppet still work?"

Lu Han suddenly asked.

Lin Huang shook his head, "The spirit stone in the puppet's body was exhausted when it was in King Wu's tomb!"

Lu Han hesitated, not knowing what to do, so he could only follow behind Lin Huang, but suddenly realized that Lin Huang was heading towards the inner region of Qinglong Mountain Range.

"You want to enter the inner domain?"

Lu Han's complexion changed.

Lin Huang nodded, and didn't explain too much to Lu Han, how could it be possible to kill Xue Yihou without taking risks?

"After entering the inner domain, completely restrain your breath and find a relatively large cave to hide!"

Lin Huang said.

Lu Han nodded blankly, he didn't have the slightest experience in being hunted down, so now he can only follow Lin Huang's method.


"damn it!"

Not long after Lin Huang and the other two entered the inner domain, Xue Yihou returned to the bottom of the waterfall, looked at the deep pool where the white waves flew, and gritted his teeth.

Afterwards, the bloody figure flashed and jumped straight into the deep pool.

After Lin Huang and Lu Han entered the inner domain, they took every step cautiously, restraining all the aura around them.The two of them had heard about the horror of this inner domain countless times.

A monster comparable to the strong Marquis Wu.

Very poisonous flowers.

Hundreds of thousands of mountain army ants can emerge in an instant!

Silver wolves haunting the night!

At this moment, the appearance of the two of them really looked like thieves. They looked around very carefully, and even their breathing became extremely weak.

Not long after, Lu Han pointed his arm far away, and landed towards a cave hundreds of meters ahead. He looked a little excited, and was about to speak, but Lin Huang suddenly covered his mouth.

Afterwards, Lin Huang pointed to a small hill not far from the cave.

Lu Han looked at the small hill with doubts on his face, and then his expression changed drastically.

It was not a small hill at all, but a gigantic monster.

The whole body of the giant beast is covered with rocks, rising high in front of the cave.The limbs are like pillars, tens of feet thick, and the huge head is buried under the body at this moment, as if sleeping soundly.

The giant beast's breath was extremely long, and it took half a quarter of an hour to change its breath, but every breath was like a rolling thunder that exploded.

"This is……"

Lu Han was shocked.

"Thunder Sky Rock Beast!"

Lin Huang lowered his voice, showing surprise on his face, but more excited, looking at the sleeping Thunder Sky Rock Beast in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Thunder Sky Rock Beast, a level [-] monster, is equivalent to the existence of Marquis Wu realm!
In the jungle, after Lin Huang gestured to Lu Han, he led the latter quietly towards the cave behind Jinglei Tianyan Beast...

That cave should be the cave of Thunder Sky Rock Beast.

As the two gradually approached, they became more and more frightened.Legend has it that the Thunderbolt Sky Rock Beast is extremely large, and the two of them did not expect it to be so huge.

The two of them looked like an ant in front of the latter!
Gradually, the two got closer to the cave...

Lin Huang knew that as long as he entered the cave, he might leave Blood Yihou here.

However, at this moment, Lin Huang's footsteps stopped, and a chill rushed from his back to the top of his head.

Just in front of the two, a blood-colored lake appeared at some unknown time, standing in front of the two in a strange way.

Those are the blood-colored eyes of the Thunder Sky Rock Beast.

At this moment, the latter is staring straight at Lin Huang and Lu Han...

(End of this chapter)

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