
Chapter 152 The Origin of Lu Han

Chapter 152 The Origin of Lu Han

Looking at the bloody lake in front of them, both Lin Huang and Lu Han froze in place.

Thunder Sky Rock Beast, awake?

Under the blood pupils, the two of them didn't dare to take a breath. They just felt that if the blood pupils in front of them stared slightly, they would burst into blood and kill them instantly.


Suddenly, the sound of thunder from the sleeping giant beast came from in front of the two of them.Lin Huang and Lu Han looked at each other, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

A false alarm!
It's okay, what are you doing with your eyes open in broad daylight?
Aren't you afraid that the wind and sand will blow in?
Lin Huang made a silent gesture, then led Lu Han, carefully bypassed Xue Tong, and entered the cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, both of them frowned.

A foul smell came from inside, making the faces of the two of them turn black. Presumably, this Thunderbolt Sky Rock Beast never took a bath.

The cave is extremely wide, as if it directly hollowed out a mountain peak.There are also countless forks in the belly of the mountain, which are easy to hide.

"Can Thunder Sky Rock Beast really block Xue Yihou?"

Lu Han frowned and asked, "Since we can come in quietly, so can Bloody Marquis!"

"It depends on how important we are!"

Lin Huang pursed his lips and smiled, "If the Bloody Marquis must kill us, he will naturally come in. And if he wants to come in, we must help him wake up the Thunder Sky Rock Beast!"

"What if the Thunder Sky Rock Beast can't kill Xue Yihou?"

Lu Han asked again.

Lin Huang waved his hand, and continued, "I didn't expect that the giant beast could kill Xue Yihou... No matter whether Xue Yihou came here or not, we will run for our lives at dawn!"

"Escape for your own life?"

Lu Han frowned.

Lin Huang smiled, picked up the firewood in the cave, lit the fire and explained: "Eggs can't be put in one basket!"

"It's very difficult for Xue Yihou to die here. The only hope is to get him seriously injured! But even if he is seriously injured, it may not be that the two of us can contend, so we need to flee separately!"

In the cave, Lu Han nodded silently listening to Lin Huang's words.

"Actually, you don't have to think too much, at least one of us can escape, right?"

Lin Huang said with a smile, but there was a trace of tiredness in his eyes.

Ever since Xue Yihou started chasing them down, Lin Huang hadn't let down his vigilance at all, both mentally and physically, they were already extremely weak.

Lin Huang found this cave not only to drive away tigers and wolves, but more importantly, he could rest here for several hours.

Perhaps after dawn, his escape really began...

Because what he was facing was not someone else, but Blood Yihou, who possessed sorcery.Until now, every time Lin Huang thinks of the blood crow, he feels a little terrified in his heart.

And Xue Yihou's ability to survive under Yang Xuangan's gun was an extremely strange thing in itself.

The night gradually darkened.

The outside of the cave was also quiet. The entire inner region of the Qinglong Mountain Range was filled with deathly silence, which made the expressions of the two people in the cave extremely depressed.

Time passes quietly...

In the cave, Lin Huang took out the Burning Heart Lotus, turned his head to look at Lu Han with a dull face, and said, "You keep this for me, and after returning to Piaoxue Palace, give it to my sister!"

Lu Han raised his head and frowned, then pushed Lin Huang's hand back and said, "No!"

"A man can't say no!"

Lin Huang laughed.

Lu Han's face became more and more serious, and said: "Is Xue Yihou really that powerful? At least I am also a warrior in the Tianyuan realm, and he is only in the Tianyuan realm now!"

Lin Huang shook his head and said, "If you are Xuanyuan Tibing, you can fight across the seventh heaven, maybe it won't be scary. But can you do it?"

Lu Han's face froze, he had just stepped into the realm of Tianyuan.Fighting across the seventh heaven?Except for Xuanyuan who has a special martial spirit, how many people in the world can do it?

In the cave, Lu Han sighed, looked at Fen Xinlian and shook his head, "This thing is in my hands, and I can't guarantee its safety, so it's useless if you hand it over to me!"

"If you hand it over to me, you will definitely die. If you don't hand it over to me, maybe you still have a chance!"

Lu Han grinned and said, although he doesn't understand the rules of survival in the jungle, he understands forest shortages and people's hearts!
If Fen Xinlian is really so important, and Lin Huang will give Fen Xinlian to himself.Then there is only one final outcome, that is, Lin Huang crazily attracts Xue Yihou's attention, so that he can gain a chance of life.

At that time, Lin Huang will die.

And Fen Xinlian is in Lin Huang's hands, he will do whatever it takes to escape Xue Yihou's pursuit.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Lu Han's dark face, and a warm current flowed quietly in his heart. He understood that Lin Huang's giving him the Fen Xinlian was also a chance for his own survival.

He has a friend like Lin Huang, he is very happy!
Afterwards, Lu Han took out a necklace and handed it to Lin Huang.

Lin Huang frowned immediately, and the necklace that Lu Han handed over was exactly the silver jade necklace with Qinglong Mingzi!
It can be exchanged for a promised necklace of Xuanyuan Tibing.

Without saying a word, Lin Huang kicked Lu Han away.

"This one can save your life. If Xuanyuan Tibing is crushed, it will appear!"

After rolling three times on the ground, Lu Han said angrily.

Lin Huang also raised his voice, "Then why don't you keep it for yourself, don't you understand the meaning of this necklace?"

"In this way, you can bring Fen Xinlian back to Piaoxue Palace safely," Lu Han roared.

"Then why don't you crush it now!"

Lin Huang asked immediately.

"Because even if I die, I won't beg that man!"

In the cave, Lu Han's roar sounded. The latter was already blushing because of his excitement, and he clenched his fists and stared at Lin Huang fiercely.

Lin Huang suddenly calmed down, stirred the fire, and asked, "What's the relationship between you and Xuanyuan Tibing!"

"none of your business!"

Lu Hanhan snorted, and sat down by the fire, wondering who was sulking.

Lin Huang pouted and smiled, but did not press on.Instead, he moved his gaze to the entrance of the cave. The sky outside became pitch black, and even the bright moonlight could not shine into the inner area of ​​Qinglong Mountain Range.

In the vast darkness of night, the breath of depressing death is taking advantage of the darkness to unscrupulously sweep across the boundless mountains and plains.

Because Lin Huang was lost in thought, he broke the wooden branch in his hand...

He knew that Xue Yihou was coming soon!
In the cave, both of them leaned against the fire with silent faces.After an unknown amount of time, Lu Han suddenly took out his golden gun, lowered his head and asked Lin Huang:

"Do you know why this gun is called the Axiu Golden Gun?"

Lin Huang froze for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Han.I saw that the latter was looking at the word 'xiu' on the gun body in a daze, with a sad light flowing in his dark eyes.

"Because of my mother, I'm called Axiu!"

Lu Han said in a low voice.

Lin Huang frowned, full of doubts in his heart, and then asked: "I remember Yang Xuangan called it the Xuanyuan Golden Spear before?"

Hearing the word 'Xuanyuan', Lu Han's eyes stabbed suddenly, then he nodded dejectedly, and continued:
"This golden gun has been in existence since the founding of the Xuanyuan family. It has been handed down for more than a thousand years, and it is the ancestral weapon of the Xuanyuan family!"

"Are you from the Xuanyuan family?"

Lin Huang frowned and asked, feeling a little shocked in his heart.


In the cave, Lu Han was silent for a moment, his fists clenched tighter and tighter, his brows were even knit together, but finally he smiled dejectedly and said hoarsely:
"I am the No.30 third generation descendant of the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuanhan!"

Lin Huang suddenly crushed the wooden branch in his hand, and stared at Lu Han in shock. Even though he had guessed in his heart before, when it really came out of Lu Han's mouth, he was still extremely shocked.

Lu Han!

Xuanyuan Han!
Xuanyuan Family No.30 descendants of three generations!
You are a descendant of the Xuanyuan family, what are you doing hiding in Piaoxue Palace?
He is still wearing coarse linen clothes like a beggar!

Aren't you afraid of embarrassing the Xuanyuan family?

Pretend to be low-key?
Is there anyone who pretends to be so low-key!

Lin Huang's thinking was a little messy, he really couldn't figure out why Lu Han was a good son of the Xuanyuan family, why did he go to Piaoxue Palace?He also made himself look like this, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like a son of a big family.

"Then your father..."

Lin Huang stared straight at Lu Han and asked.

Lu Han paused in his hands, looked at the fire in front of him, his brows were tightly knit together, hatred appeared in his dark eyes, and he opened his mouth after a long time:


(End of this chapter)

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