
Chapter 153

Chapter 153
In the cave, Lin Huang's eyes widened and he was completely stunned.Rao already had the answer in his heart, but when he said it from Lu Han's mouth, Lin Huang was really shocked.

Xuanyuan raises troops!

Xuanyuan Han.

Lu Han's father turned out to be Xuanyuan Tibing, a human myth in the East Spirit Realm.

This is really shocking...

If you let others see it, you can't imagine it anyway.Lu Han looked unattractive, even a little dark, but he was the son of Xuanyuan Tibing.

It can be said that Lu Han is the biggest eldest son in the entire East Spirit Realm.

No wonder...

Lin Huang exclaimed in his heart, it's no wonder that Lu Han has the Qinglong Mingzi necklace in his hand, which can be exchanged for a promise from Xuanyuan Tibing.

No wonder Feng Wanli took Bai Wuchang's palm for Lu Han at all costs during the blood triangle.

No wonder Lu Han became Nan Yunlie's younger brother and Yan Zangfeng's disciple.

No wonder Lu Han knew that there was Axiu's golden gun in Wanbao Building, and he could easily remove it.

No wonder Lu Han dared to stab Xuanyuan Lihen to death with one shot!

Lin Huang's eyelids twitched, only then did he realize that the dull-looking young man beside him actually had such a big background and such a powerful backer.

Xuanyuan Tibing, the man who can single-handedly suppress the entire Eastern Spirit Realm.

"The Xuanyuan Sword?"

Lin Huang asked again.

"That's my brother, the real brother of the same mother!"

Lu Han raised his eyebrows and explained:

"Since the Xuanyuan Wuxiang ancestor, the Xuanyuan family has been sparsely populated, and the nine bloodlines have only passed on. It was not until our generation that there was a change!"

"The Xuanyuan family started from Xuanyuan Changge's ancestor 300 years ago. The men of all generations have died in battle without exception. And my mother hid my existence in order to protect me!"

"So, people in the world only know that Xuanyuan Tibing has only son Xuanyuanjian, but they don't know the existence of Xuanyuanhan!"

Lin Huang was a little silent, and said: "I want to do this, but I also hope that your life will be safe. After all, the Xuanyuan family has a mission. Since your brother is known to the world, this responsibility should be on him!"

Lu Han nodded silently, and continued: "That's why my brother started practicing at the age of four, and stepped into the realm of Earth Yuan at the age of seven! According to his cultivation talent, even Miss Cangxue can't match it!"

In the cave, Lin Huang gasped.

Cultivation at the age of four, Earth element at the age of seven!
In this way, at the age of 12, you can enter Tianyuan and Wuhou.

If this is the case, then Xuanyuanjian's talent is not much different from that of Dayu's genius.

"It's just that my brother was killed later!"

In the cave, Lu Han clenched his fists tightly, his dark eyes were full of hatred, "He died in front of my own eyes, and his head was crushed by the palm of that mysterious man in black!"

"Until now, I still remember the way my brother looked at me when he was about to die, with a doting smile in his eyes, and the golden gun tightly in his hand!"

Lu Han said in a low voice, his eyes were already rosy.


"Later, Xuanyuan's million-dollar army came to destroy Dongxuan?"

After Lu Han's mood stabilized a little, Lin Huang continued to ask.

"Hmph, raising a million troops to destroy Dongxuan?"

Lu Han sneered, with a sneer in his dark eyes, "If it weren't for this golden gun sacrificed by my mother's blood, Xuanyuan Tibing would not be able to destroy Dongxuanzong."

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and said comfortingly, "He also wanted to avenge your brother!"

"But my mother is dead!"

Lu Han suddenly turned his head and shouted, his dark smiling face was full of hatred, and his eyes were a little red, "I hid in the dark and watched Xuanyuan Tibing shoot my mother to death with my own eyes, you know that I saw my mother die with my own eyes Do you feel the feeling in front of you, do you know the despair of your mother's blood splashed on your face?"

In the cave, Lu Han was like a mad lion, yelling frantically, "Have you held your mother's corpse for three days, and the warmth before has turned into an incomparably cold feeling?"

Lu Han's expression became more and more excited, his five fingers clenched and clanged, and the two lines of coldness slid down his face...

In the end, the slightly skinny boy looked at the word 'Xiu' on the golden gun, hugged it in his arms, and cried loudly!

Lin Huang's nose was also a little sour, and he reached out to pat Lu Han's shoulder, but didn't speak.It's better to cry out than to hold it in your heart.

"So I got the Xuanyuan Golden Spear back! Because it didn't belong to Xuanyuan Tibing, it belonged to me!"

Lu Han hugged the golden gun and screamed, "There is my mother's blood on it, her name is Axiu! There is also the will of my brother on it. When my brother died, he held the golden gun tightly. When I look at me, I know it. He wants me to shoulder this mission!"

"I will guard the East Spirit Realm!"

Lu Han wiped away the tears on his face, his expression became more and more determined, he gritted his teeth and said, "But I swear to kill Xuanyuan Tibing!"

"I want to sacrifice this spear with the blood of Xuanyuan Tibing!"

"I'm going to let him die!"

Lin Huang was stunned, seeing endless determination from Lu Han's face.

"Perhaps, there is some tortuous misunderstanding. After all, Xuanyuan Tibing shouldn't have killed his wife!"

Lin Huang persuaded.

"I've seen it with my own eyes, can it be wrong?"

Lu Han turned his head and stared at Lin Huang viciously, and said through gritted teeth, "If Xuanyuan Tibing didn't insist on calling back the soldier soul of the golden gun, how could my mother die?"

Seeing Lu Han falling into hatred, Lin Huang sighed helplessly.Unexpectedly, the relationship between Lu Han and Xuanyuan Tibing is so complicated.

Father and son are enemies!

"Even if you want to take revenge, you have to wait until you are strong. Don't let hatred blind your heart, it will become a stumbling block on the road to martial arts," Lin Huang patted the latter's shoulder, persuading him.

Lu Han smirked, "I know, but can this kind of hatred also be a kind of motivation?"

"But he is your father after all!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"so what?"

Lu Han coldly said: "Either he dies in Yin Yang Valley before I rise up, or he waits to fight me to the death!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, not knowing how to persuade.


Just when the cave was filled with Lu Han's hatred, a faint breeze blew in, causing Lin Huang's expression to change suddenly.

"Blood Yihou is here!"

Lin Huang frowned, his eyes full of vigor, and Lu Han also got up with a golden gun in his hand.

The two moved to the entrance of the cave, and the thunderous rock beast was still asleep, snoring like thunder, as if it was going to sleep on him until the sky was dark.

And not far in front of the giant beast, there is a hazy blood-colored figure, cautiously approaching the entrance of the cave.


The two gazed together, and the figure in front of them was naturally very familiar.

cough cough...

Lin Huang coughed twice. He was seriously injured by Xue Yihou in the river before, and he has not fully recovered until now.

Looking at the bloody figure, Lin Huang coughed up blood and raised a smile. After forgetting his eyes on Lu Han, he said softly, "'s time to wake up this giant beast!"

"Blood Yihou, Lin Huang is here!"

Lin Huang suddenly roared loudly.

I saw the bloody figure in front paused, and then came towards the forest to kill.

And the sound of the thunderous rock beast's deep sleep also stopped, as if it felt a strange breath, invading its territory.

Lin Huang and Lu Han looked at each other, then suddenly drew out their weapons, and slammed towards the Thunderous Sky Rock Beast...

Klang clang clang!

The soldiers came forward and pulled out a series of sparks on the Jinglei Tianyan Beast, but they didn't penetrate the giant beast's skin at all.

Lin Huang's expression froze, and he drew his sword again:

Kill God with a knife!
Shura's wrath!
In the dark night, a blood light shone, instantly piercing the steel-like skin of the giant beast, and ruthlessly inserted into the giant beast's body.

The Thunder Sky Rock Beast let out a roar, and its huge blood eyes were filled with anger.


With a low cry, Lin Huang led Lu Han back into the cave.

Outside the cave, Xue Yihou's face turned cold, and he saw a giant palm slapped down horizontally, covering a range of thirty feet around.In an instant, Xue Yihou's figure suddenly moved...

"Little bunny!"

Looking at the two people submerged in the cave, Xue Yihou's face revealed a gloomy murderous intent.

Afterwards, in the vast darkness, Xue Yihou's body was emitting a torrent of blood mist, and his body was split into two at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One of the clones went towards the thunderous sky rock beast.

The other clone swept straight into the cave, killing Lu Han and Lin Huang.

In the cave, feeling a powerful aura approaching suddenly, Lin Huang and Lu Han nodded silently, looking tensely at Xue Yihou who was approaching quickly.

In an instant, Xue Yihou's body sank into the cave.

At this moment, Lu Han and Lin Huang who were hiding at the entrance of the cave suddenly moved and left the cave like thunder.

The moment he left the cave, Lin Huangshi commanded, and countless formation marks flew into the cave, forming more than 30 sword formations in an instant...

During the few hours in the cave, Lin Huang didn't just focus on recuperating, but gathered more than 500 formation seals, and only at this moment, they all flooded the cave.

The sword array spun around, exuding surging sword energy, but did not go to surround and kill Xue Yihou.

In the eyes of Xue Yihou, the so-called first-level sword formations are nothing more than scratching an itch. Unless there are thousands of sword formations, there is nothing to do about the latter.

However, although the first-level sword array is useless to Xue Yihou, it is useful to caves.

Only at the moment when the sword array was formed, the entrance of the entire cave began to collapse rapidly, completely burying the entrance in just a few breaths.

When Xue Yihou reacted, it was too late, and he was directly buried in the mountain.

"court death!"

Xue Yihou outside the cave turned cold, and walked towards Lin Huang and Lu Han with a murderous look all over his body.

At this moment, the Jinglei Tianyan Beast roared, and its huge palm was like a millstone covering the sky, crushing and killing Xue Yihou.

Xue Yihou's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly gave up Lin Huang and Lu Han after thinking about it, and resisted the giant beast's attack with all his strength.


Outside the cave, Lin Huang stared at Lu Han and said.

Afterwards, without the slightest hesitation, the two headed in two completely opposite directions.

Under the pitch-black night, two streamer-like figures could be vaguely seen in the inner region of the Qinglong Mountain Range, fleeing frantically like thunder.

"Puppy, you can't escape!"

Behind the two, Xue Yihou's roar came out.


Less than half an hour's time!
In the inner region of the Qinglong Mountains, a collapsed hill suddenly burst open.Amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, a blood-colored figure flew into the void, looking gloomy at the direction where Lin Huang and Lu Han were leaving.

Afterwards, the blood-colored figure split into two again in the void, crossing the pitch-black night, chasing towards Lin Huang and Lu Han respectively...

(End of this chapter)

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