
Chapter 154

Chapter 154

The vast night is full of darkness!
A deadly silence enveloped the entire Qinglong Mountain Range.

In the mountain forest, Lin Huang's figure is like a ghost, shuttling through the jungle.However, no matter how he concealed the traces of his figure, the injuries in his body became more and more serious as he ran away quickly.

Along the way, Lin Huang kept coughing.

The smell of blood has already left traces all the way.

Lin Huang turned his head to look at the deep jungle behind him, his dark eyes flashed with ruthlessness, and he fell onto an ancient tree in an instant.


Less than half an hour!

In the dark night, a blood-colored figure rushed towards him.

"The breath is gone?"

Xue Yihou frowned slightly, he chased here, the smell of blood was full, but there was no direction for Lin Huang to escape.

On the giant tree, Lin Huang closed his eyes, quietly feeling the position of Xue Yihou below.

"It's really a pity that you don't do thirteen kills!"

Suddenly, the blood-clothed Hou who was below laughed loudly, "I know that you are here, but the method of hiding your figure is really good, and you can escape my eyes!"

"But don't think that you can sneak attack on this Marquis. In front of the strong Tian Yuan, the sneak attack of the Earth Yuan warrior is just a joke!"

"If you're sensible and come out by yourself, I'll save your life for the time being, as long as you hand over the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers!"

In the night sky, Xue Yihou's words did not receive any response.

puff puff...  

In the void, the sound of flames bursting suddenly sounded, and the scorching breath filled the void.In a place tens of feet away from Xue Yihou, suddenly there was a flame bursting out.

In just a few breaths, the fire blazes brightly, forming a wall of fire tens of feet high, coming towards the most central bloody lord.

"Fire attack?"

Xue Yihou frowned, with a look of disdain in his eyes, and then said loudly: "You should understand that ordinary flames have no effect on me. You are too naive to want to kill me with a fire attack."

call out……

With a bang, in the night reflected by the flames, a bright knife light suddenly appeared, heading towards Xue Yihou like a gust of lightning.

Afterwards, the jungle around Xue Yihou's body began to rustle, it was Lin Huang running.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Seeing the light of the saber approaching rapidly, Xue Yihou smiled indifferently, and with a flick of his sleeve, the light of the saber was completely dispersed.

A ray of saber light scatter, followed by more saber lights, one after another, they headed towards Xue Yihou.

Lin Huang ran wildly all the way in the jungle, drawing his knife constantly, pulling out countless afterimages from his body, making Xue Yihou elusive for the latter's position for a while.

In the middle of the jungle, Xue Yihou had a playful expression on his face, he didn't care about the lights of the sword around him at all, he seemed to be able to guess what Lin Huang's next move would be...

Since he could guess it, he didn't care even more.

The sword lights in the jungle lasted for a full quarter of an hour. During this quarter of an hour, Bloody Hou flicked his sleeves and dusted off his clothes, crushing and killing all the flying sword lights.

After half a quarter of an hour, Xue Yihou hummed, and he suddenly found that the saber light had not been scattered.

There was a sharp chill in the light of the knife, and it turned into a solid Demon Suppressing Knife, and behind the Demon Suppressing Knife was a person who was completely black and blended into the night.


Xue Yihou secretly thought that sure enough, a look of contempt appeared on his face.

Facing Lin Huang's slash with all his strength, Xue Yihou didn't retreat, instead he stretched out his hand to meet him, and slapped the sharp blade with his palm.

The Suppressing Demon Knife was slapped away, and Lin Huang's entire arm was almost crippled.Xue Yihou immediately rushed forward, hooking his five fingers towards Lin Huang's throat.

"How about it, I didn't expect Benhou to be on guard. You dare to fiddle with such a small skill in front of Benhou!"

Xue Yihou sneered.

The moment Xue Yihou's palm touched Lin Huang's throat, the young man in the dark finally showed a smile, swung his left hand suddenly, and slashed at Xue Yihou's arm.

After that, Lin Huang followed the counter-shock force of the blade and quickly moved away from Xue Yihou.

"It turned out to be a left-handed genius!"

Xue Yihou looked at the blood groove on his arm where the bones were visible, and smiled instead of anger, but he wanted to kill him with this strength, it was beyond his control!
"The knife you tried with all your strength only hurt Benhou's flesh and blood!"

Xue Yihou laughed, but there was anger surging deep in his heart.

He was actually successfully tricked by Lin Huang.

In the distance, Lin Huang, who was submerged in the jungle again, smiled hoarsely, and said: "I forgot to tell you, the blade is poisonous, even if you were once a strong Marquis Wu, I'm afraid it won't feel good."

Xue Yihou paused, and his face suddenly darkened.Looking down, I could only see the wound on the arm, which had become extremely dark, and the entire arm was extremely stiff.

"Damn you!"

Xue Yihou gritted his teeth and said, with a cold killing intent in his cold eyes, then grabbed his right arm with his left hand, broke it suddenly, and pulled it off abruptly, staring at Lin Huang faintly, and said: "You I've heard of rebirth with a broken arm!"

Before Xue Yihou finished speaking, the wound on his right shoulder gradually began to condense and recover, and a baby-like white arm was appearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Huang's eyes widened with shock.

It turned out to be rebirth with a broken arm...

Xue Yihou waved his hand and smiled, his face full of murderous intent, "Boy, you have successfully provoked the anger of this Marquis. Next, please welcome your own death!"

Before he finished speaking, Xue Yihou suddenly turned into an afterimage, and slammed towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang looked terrified and retreated quickly.

However, the speed of the Earth Yuan Realm will never be able to reach the Tian Yuan Realm.

In just two breaths, Xue Yihou had already slaughtered in front of Lin Huang, raised his palm and dropped it towards Lin Huang's chest...

At this moment, Lin Huang had a smile on his face.

A very cruel smile.

At the moment when Lu Han received the palm, his body shifted slightly. As he retreated, a long spear pierced through Lin Huang's back and pierced through his chest.

Afterwards, before Xue Yihou had time to close his body, the tip of the spear pierced into Xue Yihou's heart fiercely.

At this moment, outside the forest fire curtain, there was the sound of a long gun whistling, piercing through the pitch-black night, piercing into Xue Yihou's back like a sharp arrow, and coming out across.

"I don't know, the heart is poisoned, can it be removed and reborn?"

Lin Huang spit out fresh blood from his mouth, and stared at Xue Yihou with a cold grin, with a hint of madness in his dark eyes.


Xue Yihou frowned, looked up at Lin Huang, his face was full of disbelief.

He never thought that he would still be tricked by Lin Huang.

He also didn't expect that Lin Huang would be so ruthless that he would not hesitate to kill himself at the cost of serious injuries.

Use your own pursuit to ambush the spear behind you.Relying on the inertia of the impact, let the spear point sink into his body.And Lin Huang even calculated the location.

The tip of the gun passed by Lin Huang's heart, but it was directly inserted into Xue Yihou's heart.

At this moment, a chill rose deep in Xue Yihou's heart, and he suddenly realized that the combat experience of the young man in front of him was surprisingly terrifying.

Chasing and killing him all the way made him frustrated several times!
Lin Huang cut off the spear that crossed his body, stared at Xue Yihou indifferently and said, "If it wasn't for the lack of tools, your head should have been under my knife at this moment!"

"The poison penetrated into the heart, and the other several shots were inserted into your internal organs. You are dead!"

Lin Huang sat down, dressed roughly and said.

"Boy, don't you think it's too early to be proud?"

Xue Yihou said with a cold smile, his whole body had gradually turned black.

"I have three clones for chasing you, one of which is against the giant beast, and the other is for chasing and killing Lu Han. The other one is here." Xue Yihou smiled with terror, and continued:
"But do you know how many clones I can have in total?"

Lin Huang's complexion changed slightly, only to hear that Xue Yihou's dark face was full of smiles:
"This is the first time that the Marquis split. A clone entered Xuanyuan City, and a clone entered the Tomb of King Wu!"

"The avatars of King Wu's tomb, this Marquis split again, one of them was killed by Yang Xuangan, and the other came after you and Lu Han."

"In the inner domain of the Qinglong Mountains, this Marquis split again. One of them will deal with the thunderous sky rock beast, and the other will be trapped in the cave by you and Lu Han!"

"It's a pity, a cave can't stop Ben Hou at all!"

Bloody Hou laughed.

"So after the avatar in the cave came out, it split into two, one chasing you and the other chasing Lu Han."

"From the above, the Marquis has split four times in total!"

Xue Yihou concluded, the smile on his face became brighter and more terrifying, "But this Marquis can split five times, so..."

Before Xue Yihou finished speaking, Lin Huang got up suddenly and walked towards the depths of the jungle, only the sound of Xue Yihou's laughter came from behind him.

In the jungle, the complexion of Xue Yihou, who was chasing and killing Lin Huang, had turned extremely dark, and the poison had already spread all over his body.But at this moment, a dense blood mist gushed out from his body again.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xue Yihou's figure once again condensed from the blood mist...

(End of this chapter)

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