
Chapter 155

Chapter 155
In the jungle!
Xue Yihou looked at Lin Huang's leaving figure, with a piercing killing intent on his face, until now, he had just realized that Lin Huang was so hard to kill.

This is not what a strong Marquis Wu should have encountered when he sniped his prey.

Therefore, Lin Huang must die!
"It should be enough to kill you... the second level of Tianyuan." In the dark night, Xue Yihou murmured to himself.

What Lin Huang didn't know was that every time Xue Yihou split, the strength of the avatar would drop a lot.

At this moment, Xue Yihou, who was chasing and killing Lin Huang, had already split five times, reaching the limit of his split, and his strength had also fallen to the lowest level.

But even if it is the second heaven of Tianyuan, it is far from being something that Lin Huang can contend with.

"This time, this Marquis will crush you to ashes!"

Xue Yihou clenched his fists tightly and said with a bloodthirsty expression on his face, then stretched out his body and chased after Lin Huang in the direction where Lin Huang left.

In the jungle, Lin Huang kept coughing up blood. The repeated battles had already pushed his body to its limit. Not to mention the serious injuries in his body, there was still a long spear piercing through his chest.

If you are not careful, the spear will be biased towards the heart.

As for hiding his whereabouts, Lin Huang could no longer do it at this moment, the only thing he could do was to run away... all the way towards Piaoxue Palace.

And less than half an hour after Lin Huang fled, Xue Yihou followed up again.Looking at the blood dripping from Lin Huang all the way, a cold smile appeared on his face.

This time, he will not let Lin Huang have the slightest chance to escape.

In the jungle under the darkness of night, while Lin Huang was running away, a powerful force suddenly appeared from behind, sweeping towards him...

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically, and his body suddenly moved horizontally.All I saw was a sharp wind of the palm brushing past the body, directly blasting the giant tree not far away into powder.

When Lin Huang turned his head, he saw Xueyi Hou followed behind him, more than ten feet away, not close to Lin Huang, and his eyes were extremely calm, paying attention to everything around him.

Afterwards, Xue Yihou slapped out another palm and roared towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang's eyes were fixed, and he ran wildly again, pulling away the distance from Xue Yihou.

In the rolling Qinglong Mountains, Lin Huang staggered and fled, constantly avoiding the palm of a tiger descending from behind him, his body getting heavier and heavier.

And Xue Yihou followed Lin Huang unhurriedly, neither approaching nor far away.

There is no lore move, but if every palm falls on Lin Huang's body, it is enough to cripple Lin Huang's body.

Even though Lin Huang evaded every time in a dangerous way, his already seriously injured body had already lost half of his life under such a heavy load of movement.

The two of them ran away and chased, like a cat catching a mouse.

"Xue Yihou, why don't you dare to get close, are you afraid of something?"

Lin Huang roared in front of him.

"How about being afraid? So what if you are not afraid? Now that you have no time to escape, do you still have time to plan and kill me?"

Behind, Xue Yihou said with a smile, "I just want to see that you are running away like a dog!"

"Are you sure you can kill me? You need to know that if I live a little longer, I will be more alive. You like to play with fire, so don't burn yourself!"

Lin Huang mocked.

Xue Yihou sneered: "You don't need to provoke me to approach, and you want to exchange your injury for your life? This Marquis will not give you this chance!"

"It seems that you are really scared!"

Lin Huang grinned coldly, but his heart sank. If Xue Yihou really approached, he might really have a chance.But if the latter has been following behind unhurriedly, it will definitely consume him to death.

"You are already seriously injured, and there will be a moment when you will fall!"

Xue Yihou smiled unhurriedly, "As a hunter, this Marquis has enough patience to wait for your death and watch you slowly close your eyes in despair!"

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you again!"

In the jungle, Lin Huang laughed loudly, and his running speed suddenly became faster.

Xue Yihou's expression froze, and he quickened his pace.But at this moment, Lin Huang's footsteps stopped suddenly, as if he was about to turn around and run back.Xue Yihou sneered, and retreated suddenly.

He will not give Lin Huang any chance to get close to his body.

But at the moment when he retreated, Lin Huang's footsteps accelerated again, and he rushed out of the jungle.

Xue Yihou's complexion changed drastically...

I only heard Lin Huang's wanton laughter coming from the front, "This time, guess again, will I go upstream or downstream of the river!"

Immediately afterwards, Xue Yihou came out of the jungle, only to see Lin Huang falling into the river with a thud.

Xue Yihou frowned and pinched his fingers tightly, his heart full of anger.

Lin Huang returned to the previous river.

This may have been planned the moment Lin Huang started to flee for his life.In this vast jungle, only the river can be the only chance for the forest to escape.

Looking at the surging river in front of him, Xue Yihou showed a ferocious smile on his face, and then stepped forward to pursue the downstream of the river.

With Lin Huang's current degree of injury, it is absolutely impossible to go upstream.

As for him, he only needs to guard under the waterfall.

Boom boom boom!

In the mountains, the sound of the waterfall shakes all directions, and the flying white waves are quite conspicuous in the night.

Xue Yihou's figure flickered, and he landed on the edge of the deep pool under the waterfall.

After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, Xue Yihou's eyebrows froze, even though he arrived at the waterfall one step ahead of Lin Huang.But half a quarter of an hour is enough for the forest to be washed down by the river.

"Is it really going upstream? It's impossible!"

Xue Yihou murmured, his brows becoming more and more gloomy.

Above the waterfall, Lin Huang was the same as before. With both arms, he grabbed the boulder above the waterfall and hung it at the entrance of the waterfall.

A pair of arms were horribly bulged with bright blue veins, blood poured out, and his complexion became extremely pale.The whole person is in the waterfall, like a bumpy broken ship.

As long as Lin Huang was a little distracted, his arms would lose strength and fall down the waterfall.

He was waiting, waiting for Xue Yihou to go upstream.

Waiting for another two quarters of an hour.In the waterfall, Lin Huang's arms had already started to tremble violently, and his ten fingers gripping the boulder had already rubbed against the boulder, and blood could be seen.

Lin Huang clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes turned extremely red.

He felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, but the will to survive made his fingers more and more forceful, and they were deeply embedded in the boulder.

He knew that Xue Yihou was waiting for him under the waterfall, waiting for a rabbit!


Lin Huang's teeth were bleeding out from the bite, and his consciousness had begun to blur.If it takes another quarter of an hour, even if Lin Huang does not fall into the waterfall and be killed by Xue Yihou, he will die of exhaustion because of hanging here.

Just when Lin Huang couldn't hold on any longer, Xue Yihou at the bottom of the waterfall finally frowned, and between shouts, he flew up the waterfall and headed for the upper reaches of the river.

Lin Huang pinched his fingers and fell down the waterfall.

"Donkey Kong Technique!"

"Shura's Wrath!"

During the fall, Lin Huang weakly operated his martial arts, causing a touch of golden color to appear on Zhou She.

At the same time, the mysterious spirit pill that Lin Huang obtained from King Wu's tomb was also put into his mouth by Lin Huang.

With a loud noise, Lin Huang fell heavily into the deep pool, and the terrifying impact made his whole body explode.Even after running the Great Vajra Technique, several terrifying cracks appeared all over Lin Huang's body.

Afterwards, Lin Huang sat cross-legged at the bottom of the deep pool and broke through at full speed!
That Profound Spirit Pill is condensed from the purest vitality in the world, and it can help warriors break through the realm at an extremely fast speed.

A Mysterious Spirit Pill the size of a thumb can also make a warrior in the Earth Element Realm break through to the first level.

What Lin Huang swallowed was as big as an egg, enough to break through the double heaven.


Not long after Lin Huang swallowed the Xuanling Pill, a mouthful of blood spurted out violently.The vitality in his body surged like a sea, frantically rushing into all parts of his body.

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically.

Originally, he was in the tomb of King Wu, and he had just broken through to the sixth heaven of earth element, and his realm had not yet stabilized.Forcibly breaking through at this moment is already extremely harmful.

Coupled with Lin Huang being so seriously injured now, it made the original realm even more unstable.This made such a great tonic as the Xuanling Pill become a deadly poison.

But Lin Huang had to break through and repair, so Lin Huang didn't care much, even if it left sequelae in the future.

Under life and death, the rest are trivial matters.

"Get out!"

At the bottom of the icy cold pool, Lin Huang roared in his heart, and the power in his body forcibly suppressed the frenzied vitality time and time again.With an extremely violent attitude, he forced all his vitality into the barrier of the seventh floor entrance.

And the vitality in the body is also like a tiger on the mountain, resisting Lin Huang's suppression time and time again.

A protracted tug-of-war was fully unfolded in Lin Huang's body.But in this battle, Lin Huang's body became more and more broken, and even the corners of his eyes were oozing blood.

"Break it for me!"

At the bottom of the cold pool, Lin Huang's palms were clenched suddenly, roaring in his heart.A domineering force suddenly rose from all over the body, forcing all the vitality in the body out of the entrance of the seventh heaven.

Lin Huang's body trembled, and the entrance to the seventh heaven of earth element was completely crushed at this moment. The manic vitality in his body poured into the seventh meridian, and gradually calmed down.


Lin Huang wiped away the blood from the corner of his eyes, and let out a long sigh in his heart, he finally broke through to the seventh heaven of earth element.

Feeling the gradually recovering strength in his body, the corner of Lin Huang's mouth couldn't help curling up.

It's just that Lin Huang wasted too much vitality in this situation breaking.

The egg-sized Mystic Spirit Pill, if placed normally, would be enough for Lin Huang to break through to the second level, but under such circumstances, the vitality of the Xuan Ling Pill leaked out from Lin Huang's body too much.

The remaining vitality is simply not enough to knock on the entrance of the Eight Heavens!

However, it is more important to use the remaining vitality to nourish one's wounds than to attack the eighth heaven of earth element.Otherwise, even if he knocked on the eighth heaven, his meridians would rupture and he would die.

Afterwards, Lin Huang took out a few healing pills from the storage ring and took them.

At the bottom of the deep pool, Lin Huang rested for half an hour, then walked towards the upper water surface of the deep pool, quietly unsheathing the Demon Suppressing Knife in his hand...

Previously, it was Xue Yihou who waited under the waterfall.

And now, it's time for Lin Huang to hide under the waterfall and hunt Xue Yihou...

 There's another one around eight o'clock in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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