
Chapter 159 How to Get Yourself to You

Chapter 159 How to Get Yourself to You
"Battle of the chief?"

Lin Huang frowned deeply, squeezed Lin Cangxue's cold palm, and murmured a little disappointed, "The battle for the chief is about to start, did you miss it again?"

Lin Huang never thought that he would lie on the bed for a month and a half.

Such a long time is enough to miss a lot of things.

"Can Yunfeifei break through to the Tianyuan realm?"

Lin Huang then asked.

Lin Cangxue was slightly startled, and then said: "She is now in the half-step Tianyuan realm, and she should have been able to break through the Tianyuan realm as early as half a month ago!"

Lin Huang's eyes stabbed, and his squinted eyes showed a hint of murderous intent, "For the chief position?"

In Piaoxue Palace, the current chief disciple is still Lin Cangxue.

And Yun Feifei's reluctance to enter the Tianyuan Realm was naturally to snatch Lin Cangxue's chief position.

"What a villain!"

Lin Huang sneered, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Has Lu Han returned to Piaoxue Palace?"

Lin Huang continued.

"I'm back early, I came to see you before!"

Lin Cangxue said with a shallow smile, and looked at Lin Huang with her chin resting, her slightly narrowed beautiful eyes were full of unstoppable smiles.

Lin Huang collected himself and let out a long sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Lu Han would fall into the hands of Xue Yihou.However, the descendants of the Xuanyuan family can't be killed if they want to.

"Where is Bai Xiaopang, why don't you see him!"


Lin Cangxue's expression was a little strange, "He seems to be evolving!"


Lin Huang frowned.

Lin Cangxue was also a little confused, and explained: "Since you went down the mountain, Xiaobai has fallen into a strange state, and no one can wake him up!"

Lin Huang became more and more confused, but Lin Cangxue's last sentence stunned Lin Huang with fright:
"But his realm has broken through the three heavens consecutively within a month!"

"One month? Three Heavens?"

Lin Huang looked shocked, and his heart suddenly became cold.

Damn it, it's on again!

For ordinary warriors, to ascend to the first level is to die or live.And Bai Xiaopang broke through the third level of heaven in one month?
All warriors in the world are pigs.

"Qingcheng is here!"

Lin Cangxue said suddenly.

Lin Huang let out a casual oh, and after a little hesitation, he suddenly turned around, his face full of surprise, "Qingcheng came to Piaoxue Palace?"

Lin Huang turned over and wanted to get out of bed.

Lin Cangxue stopped Lin Huang, teasingly said: "You better not go to her, I see her looking at you, it seems that she wants to kill you, are you bullying her?"

"Who dares to bully her!"

Lin Huang stroked his forehead with his hands, his face full of helplessness.He is still a little confused now, why does Jun Qingcheng want to kill himself?

Isn't it the inheritance of Yang Xuangan?

Is it because of killing God?
Or did he absorb the evil spirit from the second floor of King Wu's tomb?

Lin Huang gritted his teeth, feeling that the future was gloomy.He was expecting Jun Qingcheng to appear with full expectation, and then he successfully won the latter with his exquisite operation.

But she never thought that Jun Qingcheng would kill herself as soon as they met!

I really want to kill myself.

Lin Huang looked bleak.




How can this make Jun Qingcheng...

"In the past few days, you should take good care of your injuries, so don't move around. Although your injuries are almost healed, you should forcefully break through the seventh heaven of earth element, and your realm has already begun to float, and you need time to settle down!"

In the room, Lin Cangxue looked at Lin Huang as if he was about to jump into the sky, and said admonishingly.

Lin Huang nodded helplessly, his eyes flickering.

"Is Elder Shen in Piaoxue Palace?"

After Lin Huang glanced at the Fen Xinlian on the bedside, he suddenly asked.

Lin Cangxue was slightly puzzled, and then replied: "Master returned to Piaoxue Palace a few days ago, and is currently in Piaoxue Palace these days, but she doesn't seem to be in a good mood!"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, followed by a look of disappointment on his face.

Shen Diexin once said that she would go out of the palace to find a fourth-level fire array master.Now that Shen Die's heart has returned and she is in a bad mood, Lin Huang has already guessed the outcome of this matter.

Now, Yehai Flower and Burning Heart Lotus are in his hands.

The only materials needed to help Lin Cangxue Nirvana were Yanlongguo and the fourth-level fire formation.

Although Yanlong Fruit is the reward of the chief disciple, it has been settled after all.

But the fourth-level formation division has no news at all.

Lin Huang sighed quietly, feeling a little troubled.

Not long after Lin Cangxue left, Lin Huang secretly called Lu Han.

"woke up?"

Lu Han's face was dull, and there didn't seem to be any joy on his dark face.

"You killed Xue Yihou who was chasing you?"

Lin Huang asked back.

"Who made him push me into a hurry!"

Lu Han snorted, "You killed the Bloody Marquis who chased you?"

Lin Huang smiled.

"That evildoer has come to Piaoxue Palace, you have to be careful!"

Lu Han suddenly thought of Jun Qingcheng, and said with a vigilant face.

When he heard the news that the girl in red was coming to Piaoxue Palace, he felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.It feels like that extremely good-looking evildoer is here to harm Lin Huang.

Lu Han, on the other hand, was extremely disappointed with Lin Huang.

One look at this guy's expression on that monstrous person, one can tell he's a soft bone.

Lin Huang grinned, "I just like it!"

"I'll kill her when I become stronger in the future, and help you cut off your love, so that this evildoer will not miss your way of martial arts," Lu Han said earnestly.

"You have such a beautiful idea! Among the people of the same age in the world, I am afraid that there are only a handful of people who can kill her!"

Lin Huang stared at Lu Han mockingly, "Remember, I'm talking about the world, not the East Spirit Realm!"

"Then she will be even more evil!"

Lu Han snorted, with a look of displeasure on his face, but he couldn't refute, and then stared at Lin Huang contemptuously, "Do you want to hug her thigh, and the sky will go straight up!"

"It's better to hold her!"

Lin Huang smiled.

"He is a white swan, you are a toad!"

Lu Han smiled, staring at Lin Huang more and more contemptuously.

"That's why the toad wants to eat swan meat!"

Lin Huang smiled as a matter of course.

call out……

The smile on Lin Huang's face hadn't fully bloomed yet, when he saw a sword flying towards him suddenly, carrying a bright sword light, full of murderous aura.

That is Jun Qingcheng's sword.

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically, and he rolled off the bed in an instant...

Then run away!

Lu Han looked at the red dress that appeared, and smiled embarrassingly, running more like a mad dog than Lin Huang.

Looking at the figures of the two running away, Jun Qingcheng's eyes were cold, and he snorted coldly.If it wasn't for Lin Cangxue's face, Lin Huang would have died by now.

In Piaoxue Palace, Lin Huang and Lu Han ran for a full quarter of an hour, and stopped panting only after seeing that Jun Qingcheng hadn't chased after them.

"You're out of action!"

Lu Han shook his head and smiled.

Lin Huang blushed, and made a fool of himself in front of the person he liked again.


"I beg you something!"

Under the cliff of Tianpu, after the two discussed the topic of Jun Qingcheng, Lin Huang said seriously.

"Don't beg, I'm afraid!"

Lu Han also looked serious.

He followed Lin Huang to the tomb of King Wu, but was hunted down by Xue Yihou and almost died.Now Lin Huang asked him again.

Lu Han felt that his life couldn't stand such a toss.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, "Do you know why I insisted on entering King Wu's tomb?"

"For Burning Heart Lotus?"

Lu Han turned his head and looked at Lin Huang with a serious expression, "Why do you have to get the Burning Heart Lotus?"

"Yehaihua, Burning Heart Lotus, Yanlong Fruit plus the fourth-level fire element formation, can make my sister's martial soul nirvana!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Miss Cangxue's Wuhun Nirvana?"

Lu Han's eyes lit up, shining hot light, "You mean Miss Cangxue's Wuhun Nirvana?!"

Lin Huang nodded.

"But I have already stepped into the realm of Tianyuan, so I am not qualified to participate in the battle for the chief, and I cannot get the Yanlong fruit. And you just woke up, but the battle for the chief has already begun!"

Lu Han frowned tightly, his face full of regret.

"I'm going to enter the Snow Forbidden Land in three days' time."

Lin Huang was lying under the cliff of Tianpu, holding a piece of foxtail in his mouth, and said with a smile.

Lu Han's complexion changed slightly, "The Piaoxue Forbidden Land is very dangerous, and you have just woken up, and your realm is still very vain. Entering the Piaoxue Forbidden Land is very likely to be close to death!"

"But if you can get out of the Piaoxue forbidden area, you have the qualification to directly challenge the chief!"

Lin Huang grinned and said, not being moved by Lu Han's persuasion, with a sharp edge in his pitch-black eyes, "Yanlong Fruit must not fall into the hands of others, especially Yun Feifei!"

"...In this way, I won't stop you."

Lu Han fell silent. He also looked forward to Lin Cangxue's legendary return one day, and he knew that Lin Huang was looking forward to it even more.He believed that no one in the world could stop Lin Huang's determination to achieve the nirvana of Lin Cangxue's martial soul.

"You said before that you are the No.30 third-generation descendant of the Xuanyuan family."

Lin Huang turned around and stared at Lu Han seriously, with expectation in his eyes, "But even if I get the Yanlong Fruit, I'm still short of a fourth-level fire array master!"

"So I ask you!"

Under the cliff of Tianpu, amidst the sound of the rumbling waterfall, Lu Han fell into a long silence.

The meaning of Lin Huang is naturally obvious.

Lin Cangxue's Wuhun Nirvana still lacks a formation master.And Lu Han is the son of Xuanyuan Tibing, with Xuanyuan Tibing's ability, it is easy to find a fourth-level fire formation master.

But the crux of it is the relationship between Lu Han and Xuanyuan Tibing.This guy can't wait to kill Xuanyuan Tibing.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Han got up, dusted off his clothes and left.

Lin Huang's complexion darkened, and he showed a helpless smile. It was indeed forcing Lu Han to do so.

"As I said, I also hope that Miss Cangxue will return as a legend one day!"

Suddenly, Lu Han's voice came from ahead.

Lin Huang raised his eyes, and saw Lu Han turned around slowly, and said with a dull and serious face:
"I'm going down the mountain now!"

Lin Huang was overjoyed, and his heart was extremely excited, "I owe you a favor!"

Lu Han grinned, his dark eyes were extremely clean, "We have been through life and death, so I don't want you to use favors to measure the relationship between you and me. I, Lu Han, have kindness and revenge. But Brothers don't care about kindness or hatred!"

"Then hurry up!"

Lin Huang pretended to laugh to hide his inner emotion.

A disdainful smile appeared on Lu Han's dark face, and he raised his middle finger at Lin Huang very rarely.Then bid farewell to Lin Huang and go down the mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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