
Chapter 160

Chapter 160
On the third day after Lin Huang woke up, without telling Lin Cangxue, he quietly entered Piaoxue forbidden area.

"Lin Huang!"

When he stepped into the snow forbidden area, Lin Huang could still hear Lin Cangxue's angry voice behind him.

Lin Huang turned his head, looked at Lin Cangxue who hurried over, smiled embarrassingly, and said:
"Sister, I'll be fine!"

Lin Cangxue didn't even look at Lin Huang, but looked at Nan Yunlie who had opened the entrance of Piaoxue Forbidden Area and said, "Elder Nan, don't let Lin Huang enter Piaoxue Forbidden Area!"

Nan Yunlie scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Sister, if you can come out of the Piaoxue forbidden area alive, I can do the same, trust me!"

Lin Huang stood in front of Nan Yunlie, looking at Lin Cangxue with a bright smile, "The day I come out of Piaoxue Forbidden Land, it will be the time when my sister's martial soul is nirvana!"


Lin Cangxue's face was startled, and her eyes were instantly rosy.

Since her martial soul was shattered, Piaoxue Palace has made many efforts, but they couldn't revive her martial soul, so everyone gave up.

Lin Huang has been in Piaoxue Palace for more than a few months, and he has never mentioned the matter of Wuhun, but he never thought that he would continue to work hard silently.

Although Lin Cangxue didn't understand how her martial soul could be nirvana, she has now figured it out...

Bought Ye Haihua from Lu Han.

When Lin Huang came back dressed in blood and armor, he brought back the Burning Heart Lotus.

And then enter the snow forbidden area today.

Lin Huang is working hard silently, so persistent that he does not hesitate to fight with his life.All of this is for her Wuhun Nirvana!

Looking at Lin Huang's persistent face, Lin Cangxue smiled brightly, straightened Lin Huang's collar, and said softly, "Even if my sister is like this all her life, as long as you are here, I am willing!"

"But I'm not reconciled!"

Lin Huang looked at Lin Cangxue and shook his head firmly, "I will help my sister knock Yun Feifei off the dust, and I will make your martial soul nirvana. Cangxue's name cannot be despised by anyone!"

Lin Cangxue was silent for a moment, and then said, "In the Piaoxue Forbidden Land, there are Ice Prison, Karma Prison, Thunder Prison, Magic Sound Prison, followed by Monster Prison, Yuan Qi Prison, and finally Martial Law Prison!"

Lin Cangxue was in the middle of speaking, but was interrupted by Nan Yunlie, "Cangxue, this is against the rules!"

Lin Cangxue looked at Nan Yunlie and smiled, then continued:
"The first four prisons mainly test the body. The magic sound prison is aimed at the soul. There are thousands of monsters in the monster prison. If you wipe them out, you can enter the vitality prison. Your current realm is vain, and the vitality prison is especially terrifying."

"The last martial law prison is the martial arts of Piaoxue Palace. If you understand it, you will live, if you don't understand it, you will die!"

Lin Huang smiled knowingly, "I wrote it down!"

"Sister, wait for me to come back!"

Afterwards, Lin Huang stepped back into the Snow Forbidden Land, and said to Nan Yunlie, "Elder Nan, let's start, time is running out!"

Nan Yunlie nodded, and with a wave of his arm, he closed the entrance to Piaoxue Forbidden Land.

"Cang Xue, you go back first. There is an old man guarding here. After Lin Huang comes out, the old man will notify you as soon as possible!"

Nan Yunlie opened his mouth and said.

"I'll stay here!"


The so-called forbidden places are places where ordinary people cannot live.

The moment Lin Huang stepped into the Snow Forbidden Land, he felt his world spinning, and after a short period of darkness before his eyes, he suddenly felt a biting chill all over his body.

Lin Huang opened his eyes, and saw that his surroundings were a hell of ice, where his eyes were frosted like knives, and the cold wind was tearing at him. The biting cold made Lin Huang's muscles stiffen.

"Is this the Ice Prison?"

Lin Huang looked at the frost-covered palm and said in a low voice.Immediately, his arm shook, and the ice around his body was quickly shaken away.

In less than three breaths, frost covered Lin Huang's body again.

Looking at the endless ice prison, Lin Huang took a long breath and rushed forward.There was no trace of fear on the persistent face, but a seething fighting spirit.

He knew that at the end of Piaoxue forbidden area was that bitch named Yun Feifei.

Since she wants to win the chief position, Lin Huang must cut her into the dust.


When Lin Huang entered Piaoxue Forbidden Land, the battle for the chief in Piaoxue Palace was in full swing.

Compared with the inner sect's battle not long ago, the chief's battle is even more eye-catching, because this is a battle that belongs exclusively to inner sect disciples.

In the three days since the start of the war, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace have seen countless amazing battles.

There was Lei Ting, a top ten disciple in the inner sect, beheading his opponent.

There is a dark horse who is usually unknown but is now a blockbuster.

There are evenly matched bitter fights.

There is a sudden comeback when the defeat is decided.

Among the several battles, the most dazzling disciple was undoubtedly Yun Feifei, the second most beautiful woman in the inner sect.

Ever since Xie Qinghou broke through the Tianyuan Realm and lost the qualifications, it was Yun Feifei who came out on top with unparalleled splendor.With his half-step Tianyuan realm, even if he encounters the top ten disciples in the inner sect, he can defeat the enemy within ten strokes.

Whether it was Yun Feifei's strength or Yun Feifei's appearance, they all received great support from the disciples of Piaoxue Palace.

Every time Yun Feifei came on stage, the entire Piaoxue Palace was filled with excitement.

Such a grand occasion was not inferior to that of Lin Cangxue back then.

Faintly, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace also seemed to regard Yun Feifei as Lin Cangxue, who would become a rising genius again.

Undoubtedly, everyone has already decided that in this chief battle, this character stunner will definitely win the first place, replacing Lin Cangxue as the chief of Piaoxue Palace.

On the ring, when Yun Feifei kicked a disciple off the ring, a faint smile appeared on her charming face.Feeling the voice of the disciples of Piaoxue Palace, the smile in his eyes became even more unrestrained.

She knew that after she became the chief disciple, no one in Piaoxue Palace would remember Lin Cangxue again.

Thinking of the time when Lin Cangxue stood high-spirited on the ring, while she was hidden in the crowd and was inconspicuous, Yun Feifei had a smug smile on her face.

In three years, times come and go!

Lin Cangxue had long since fallen into the dust, while she, Yun Feifei, was standing on the focused arena, enjoying the attention of everyone and the courtship of the disciples of Piaoxue Palace.

She, Yun Feifei, will kill Lin Cangxue's name one day!
"Hmph, I'm afraid that while you are still waiting for Lin Huang's return, I have already become the chief of Piaoxue Palace!"

Yun Feifei smiled sarcastically in her heart, when she heard that Lin Huang had entered the snow forbidden area, she was extremely happy.Even now, she doesn't dare to step in easily.That Lin Huang dared to step into the snow forbidden area just after waking up from a serious injury?
Just looking for death!
Fortunately, Lin Cangxue was still foolishly guarding the exit of Piaoxue forbidden area.


Yun Feifei let out a soft sigh, and walked off the ring in awe-inspiring manner.

In addition to Yun Feifei's radiance that covered everyone's radiance, the Mo Brothers also showed their talents this time.

At the beginning, the two of them learned Yang Xuangan's martial arts in the tomb of King Wu, which greatly increased their realm, and their strength directly ranked among the top ten in the inner sect.

One must know that once the two of them joined together, they could fight Xie Qinghou.

With such strength now, if the two were combined, how terrifying would their power be?
The vigorous chief battle attracted the attention of everyone in Piaoxue Palace, even some retreating elders showed up several times, hoping to find good seedlings and pass on the mantle.

Jun Qingcheng has also been there.

It's just that after going there once, I no longer have any interest.Instead, he went to Lin Cangxue every day to discuss martial arts and deduce martial arts.

However, there must be no talk of Lin Huang between the two of them.

When it comes to forest shortages, Jun Qingcheng will go crazy!

In this way, Lin Cangxue was very helpless, and didn't dare to ask Lin Huang what he did to Jun Qingcheng to make the latter's killing intent so strong.Lin Cangxue could only worry silently in her heart...

Such a talented and stunning girl, how good it is to be my younger brother and sister!

But Lin Huang didn't live up to himself, what should he do?
Although Lin Cangxue felt that Lin Huang was the best man in the world, deep down in her heart, she also felt that it was really difficult for Lin Huang to be with Jun Qingcheng.

too difficult!
Jun Qingcheng has been looking for Lin Cangxue to discuss martial arts.

But Lin Cangxue kept thinking about how to help Lin Huang, how to mention Lin Huang without any trace, and how to package Lin Huang well.

It's just the gap between the two... too big!

Martial arts talent, the difference is hundreds of thousands of miles.

There is a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles in the realm of strength.

Their backgrounds are vastly different.

Even the appearance... Let's not talk about it!

Every time Lin Cangxue stared at Jun Qingcheng, her eyes were full of sadness. She compared the gap between Lin Huang and Jun Qingcheng countless times, and finally came to a conclusion.

too big.

too difficult.

Although Lin Huang is her own younger brother, Lin Cangxue still has a feeling that if it is true that Jun Qingcheng can be her younger brother and sister, it is definitely... a pig with cabbage!
The fact is there.

Can't change it.


Lin Cangxue let out a long sigh. For the first time in her life, she felt that there was something in this world that could make a peerless genius like her helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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