
Chapter 161 The boy in the forbidden area

Chapter 161 The boy in the forbidden area
Snowy forbidden land.

Lin Huang didn't know where he was, and where should he go?

At this moment, he has become a walking ice sculpture.

The frosty air entered the body, completely freezing the vitality in Lin Huang's body.This made Lin Huang an ordinary person who could not control any vitality in the ice prison.

Relying only on the instinct of survival, walking on the vast ice field.

And he can't stop at all, because once he stops, the joints where he walks will be completely condensed, and he will change from a walking ice sculpture to an icicle standing eternally in the cold prison.

Under the thick layer of ice, Lin Huang was expressionless, and his skin had already lost consciousness.

Freeze like a silly dog!

But even so, Lin Huang had to move forward with all his strength, moving his extremely stiff body, step by step towards the end of the ice prison.

After half a day, Lin Huang's breathing became extremely weak.

The power of cold ice entered the body, and the vitality could not be controlled, so that the internal organs in Lin Huang's body gradually went into a dormant state. If Lin Huang hadn't kept beating his body, he might have lost his vitality.

But slapping his body made Lin Huang more painful.

The flesh cracked along the ice, and the blood flowed out, and then condensed and blocked the wound.Then beat it again, the flesh and blood will split and coagulate again...

so repeatedly!

The eyes were separated by thick frost, and the dark eyes stopped turning. They could only look forward firmly and move forward step by step.

A full two days.

Lin Huang didn't even know what he had become.

Two days later, Lin Huang's eyes lit up, only to see the fire in front of him soaring into the sky, as if there were endless flames burning the void.

Karma Hell!
Lin Huang was overjoyed, he tripped himself to the ground and rolled towards Karma Hell.

In the Karma Prison, Lin Huang roared in pain.

The previous power of ice entered the body, but now it is burned by flames.The extreme cold and scorching heat blended in the body, using the body as a battlefield, causing Lin Huang's meridians to rapidly expand and tear.

The flesh and blood all over his body began to swell strangely.

Lin Huang felt that the internal organs in his body were melting rapidly.

The only thing to be thankful for is that in the Karma Hell, one can control the vitality to continuously nourish the body and suppress the burning of the karmic fire in the body.

After half a day, the power of ice in Lin Huang's body was completely removed.

What greeted him was the even more terrifying power of karmic fire.

The karmic fire burned, making the vitality in the body more and more manic, to the point where Lin Huang could hardly control it.

Yuan Qi flowed away like a giant beast.

The meridians and lungs in Lin Huang's body are mountains and rivers.

Under the impact of the giant beast, the mountains and rivers shook, and the rivers turbulent!
And the only thing Lin Huang can do is to grit his teeth, try his best to control his unbridled vitality, and then use the power of karmic fire to continuously temper his tattered body.

In the vast karmic fire prison, Lin Huang's whole body was red, and he ran wildly in the sea of ​​flames. The pain in his body was far worse than that in the cold ice prison.

Another three days in a blink of an eye!

When Lin Huang saw the space where the thunder was raging in front of him, his whole body was extremely red, like a roast suckling pig.

Without allowing the slightest hesitation, he stepped into Thunder Prison.


When Lin Huang was struggling painfully in the Snow Forbidden Land, the first round of the chief battle was over.

With Yun Feifei's sword falling, the top 120 eight of the chief battle were chosen.

The next one is the top 64 three days later.

The news of Lin Huang's entry into the Piaoxue Forbidden Area was also spread in Piaoxue Palace, but it did not cause much disturbance.

Although Lin Huang is Lin Cangxue's younger brother.

Although he has fought in all directions to enter the inner gate.

Although he got the inheritance of Martial King Yang Xuangan.

But he is just Lin Huang, his realm is too low, far from being able to compare with Yun Feifei, Xie Qinghou and others.And even Yun Feifei didn't dare to touch the Piaoxue Forbidden Land lightly.

Not to mention Lin Huang.

He will inevitably die in the forbidden snow.

"It's just a pity to lose the inheritance of a generation of Martial Kings!"

A disciple sighed.

"Why is Lin Huang in such a hurry to enter Piaoxue Forbidden Land? Is it for the chief position?"

"He missed the chief battle. If he can come out of Piaoxue Forbidden Land, he is indeed qualified to challenge for the chief position!"

"It doesn't make any sense. Even if he is lucky enough to come back alive, how can he defeat Miss Yun Feifei? That's a half-step Tianyuan existence!"

"Makes sense!"



When Piaoxue Palace started the battle of the top 64, Lin Huang was almost out of Thunder Prison.The whole person was furious, and his whole body was pitch black.

At a glance, he knew that he had been bombarded by lightning and turned into a stupid dog.

However, compared to the previous two prisons, Lin Huang is much more energetic.Although the skin was emitting black smoke, the flesh, muscles, bones, and heart beneath the black smoke were surprisingly strong.

Thunder has the effect of quenching the body.

Once it is carried down and not directly killed, the power of Thunder will become a blessing and an opportunity for warriors.

In fact, the Ice Prison and Karmic Fire Prison also have the same effect.

Therefore, Lin Huang's body at this moment is much stronger than when he entered the Piaoxue forbidden area.Lin Huang believed that as long as the skin on the surface of his body faded away, his physical body would surprise everyone under the Vajra Technique.

Afterwards, Lin Huang stepped towards the Magic Sound Prison.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a magic sound...

There is the sound of swords singing and clanging, whistling thousands of miles away.

There is the sound of a mad knife splitting the mountain and breaking the mountain, and the rocks collapsing.

There are giant beasts howling wildly, watching the sound of mountains and rivers.

There is the melody of the glorious court.

There is the voice of the battlefield of thousands of troops fighting and dying generously.

And the voice of subjugation.

The sound of crying.

The call of hell.


The Magic Sound Prison is only a hundred feet in size, but it is filled with endless sounds.The moment Lin Huang stepped in, those countless voices penetrated Lin Huang's ears, attacking towards the soul.

Sound attack!

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, clinging to his soul consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, tens of thousands of voices poured in at this moment, like a river converging in one place, and finally condensed into a terrifying sound wave force, which attacked the soul from the sea of ​​consciousness.


It is the weakest point of a warrior.

If you are not careful, you will be annihilated in an instant, or even your soul will be scattered, and you will never be reborn forever.

Therefore, the danger of the Magic Sound Prison is more terrifying than the previous prisons.

Life or death!

However, it is precisely this kind of place that brings death to people, and it is more likely to bring opportunities to people.When the magic sound enters the sea of ​​consciousness, it either completely annihilates the soul, or continuously tempers the soul.

As for annihilation or tempering, it all depends on Lin Huang's will!


A full seven days!
However, the space of hundreds of feet trapped Lin Huang for seven days.

During these seven days, Lin Huang stepped on the verge of soul annihilation several times.After being crushed countless times, the soul finally gradually became tyrannical under the power of the magic sound.

It was only at this moment that Lin Huang opened his eyes, and with a single glance, the emptiness around him was revealed.The surrounding magic sound world disappeared, replaced by a desolate land.

Monster Prison!
Lin Huang glanced over, with despair in his eyes, and the Suppressing Demon Knife was suddenly in his hand.

In the eyes, there are barren Shangchuan, dry rivers, and dead giant trees.It has been extending towards the distance, with a territory of thousands of miles.

On the mountains and rivers, there are sleeping tigers and wolves in groups.

In the river, there are crawling crocodiles and giant sharks that can swim without water!
On the giant tree, there is a python!
Under the giant tree, there are swarms of blood-colored ants, winding densely, there are millions of them.

These monsters are not strong, and the most powerful ones are only equivalent to the earth element realm of human beings.

But in the territory of thousands of miles, there are enough monsters to tens of thousands, even the strong ones in the Tianyuan realm can easily pile up to death!

"It seems that this monster prison is determined to let me fight a bloody way!"

Lin Huang clenched the Suppressing Demon Knife tightly in his hand. After despair, endless fighting intent appeared in his eyes, and he raised the knife and walked forward...

When Lin Huang was still fighting in the forbidden area and the chief battle was in full swing, a young man with a weathered face appeared in Xuanyuan City.

The boy was a little dull.

And a little dark.

Like a fool, he raised his eyes and looked at the majestic mansion in front of him.

The two big stone lions in front of the mansion are still so mighty, like giant beasts that frighten all directions, blocking thousands of demons.

The boy looked along the stone ball in the mouth of the stone lion, only to find that the gold ingot behind the stone ball was still there!
Outside the mansion, the armor is thick!
Dozens of guards were all wearing black armor and holding long spears, their eyes were full of awe, and there was an aura of iron and blood fighting all over their bodies.

"Who is coming, this is Xuanyuan Mansion. If there is no invitation card, please stay away from Baizhang!"

The guard outside the gate of the mansion looked solemn, and the pitch-black spear in his hand swung.

Since Xuanyuan Tibing became famous, too many people wanted to enter Xuanyuan Mansion.Obviously, the down-and-out young man standing not far in front of him at this moment is one.

The young man frowned, then smiled dully, ignored the guards, and sat on the street corner outside Xuanyuan Mansion instead.

The guards of Xuanyuan Mansion's eyes were fixed, and the murderous aura of iron and blood came out of their bodies. They were about to pick the young man out of this place with a single shot, but they suddenly saw the young man raised his head.

The young man shook the dust off his clothes, Axiu stomped his golden spear on the ground, and said calmly:

"My name is Lu Han!"

"I'm looking for Xuanyuan to raise troops!"

"I'm busy, so I only give him half a quarter of an hour!"

(End of this chapter)

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