
Chapter 162 Martial Arts Prison

Chapter 162 Martial Arts Prison

Time is like flowing water, passing by in a hurry only inadvertently.

In just a few days, the battle for the head of Piaoxue Palace has entered the battle of the top sixteen, and the top ten inner disciples will also be born soon.

Holding Axiu's golden spear in his hand, Lu Han walked slowly into Xuanyuan Mansion.

In the Piaoxue Forbidden Land, Lin Huang was dressed in a blood-clothed suit, holding a demon-suppressing knife in his hand, and left the monster prison with scars all over his body.

Behind him were the corpses of monster beasts. There were tens of thousands of them, stacked enough to form a hill.

In the void, there is a smell of blood.

Lin Huang raised his head and looked at the space where vitality was raging ahead, raised his eyebrows, straightened his messy black hair, and stepped in.


At this time, among the vast mountains, a large hall appeared at some point.

The main hall is bright red, and it is located on the top of Wanshan Mountain. It looks like a huge and ferocious monster crawling, watching the land of Dongling with its teeth and claws, which makes people daunting.

Outside the main hall, countless blood robes stood still, and a cold aura emanated, covering the entire towering mountain like a rain curtain, making the entire mountain look murderous.

At this moment, a young man in blue shirt stepped into the blood-colored giant hall with a compass in his hand.

Inside the giant hall, there was nothing.There are only a few huge pillars supporting the entire hall, and the patterns of crows are engraved on the giant pillars, and the extremely blood-red figure reveals infinite murderous intent.

Above the main hall is the Blood Crow Throne.

On the throne, there is a ball of blood wriggling.

"You are the master of the gods?"

A cold breath suddenly leaked out of the bloody water.Even though he didn't have any form, it still sent chills down the back of Mr. Shenji, and he felt a pair of terrifying eyes peeping at him from the dark.


Young Master Shenji waved his sleeve robe, with a slightly proud smile on his handsome face, he said, "Which prince in the Blood Spirit Palace is your Excellency?"

"Jie, jie, jie...Since Mr. Shenji is well-educated and proficient in celestial phenomena and fate, don't you know who this Marquis is?"

There was a terrifying laugh in the pool of blood.

But Master Shenji smiled conceitedly, "There are four great Blood Marquises in the Blood Spirit Hall, and the Blood Clothes Marquis is already extinct. Then the one who appears at this moment is naturally the weakest Blood Spirit Marquis among the other three Marquises!"

The blood surged rapidly, and then suddenly went towards Mr. Shenji...

Master Shenji smiled with his hands behind his back, and didn't dodge.

When the blood pierced Young Master Shenji's eyebrows, he stopped instantly, suspended in the void, and a sharp voice came from inside: "He is really a sharp-mouthed kid, I don't know if the compass in your hand has yours. Great mouth?"

"Just try it out!"

Mr. Shenji smiled coldly, and continued: "I can help you find the Dragon Vein of the East Spirit, and even help you find the other prisons that seal the Yin-Yang Valley!"

"Tell me about your purpose!"

Xue Linghou laughed.

"There is a relic in the East Spirit Realm, I need to get it!"

Master Shenji said bluntly.

"Relic? What is that?"

Xue Linghou asked suspiciously.

"You don't have to worry about anything, but after I find the relic, the Blood Spirit Palace must help me get it," Master Shenji sneered.

In the void, the pool of blood was not flowing, as if he was thinking.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the voice of Xue Linghou came out of the blood: "I have doubts about this condition. It is easy for me to agree to you. Find the dragon vein first!"

"Only if you find the dragon's veins, will the Marquis believe in your ability, otherwise..."

"make a deal!"

Mr. Shenji smiled slightly, showing strong confidence on his face, and the compass in his hand began to emit mysterious light, and then said: "It is said that you have an ancient scroll of mountains and rivers, and you can hand it over to me!"

"The Ancient Scroll of Mountains and Rivers may not be true!"

Blood Spirit Marquis said.

Young Master Shenji smiled proudly, "Even if it is a fake, it still has its value! As long as I, Xue Shenji, is here, breaking the detention of Yin Yang Valley is as easy as pie!"


Xuanyuan Mansion!
Sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, Qin Xuance looked at the three compass compass shining brightly in front of him, and then looked up at the stars under the night sky, his brows frowned slightly, and then he chuckled softly.

"How dare you disturb the astrology in the East Spirit Realm? I don't know how capable you are, against Qin Xuance!"

After saying that, Qin Xuance commanded and turned the three compass floating in the air in front of him, and there was a frivolous and domineering aura of a scholar among the flying white clothes.


In the Piaoxue Forbidden Land, Lin Huang has been sitting cross-legged in the Yuan Qi Prison for six days.

After six days of struggling, the restless energy in Lin Huang's body finally calmed down.The young man waved his palm to feel the strong vitality of the void, and was slightly disappointed.

When stepping into the Yuan Qi Prison, the surrounding Yuan Qi rushed into the body frantically, causing the Yuan Qi in the body to plunder like a beast.

Coupled with the vain state of Lin Huang, the vitality in his body became more and more manic, and he almost used Lin Huang's body as a fighting arena.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Tian Shura in his body let out a roar, and the evil spirit inside swept out of the mysterious sea, and he suppressed the raging vitality in his body just now.

But to Lin Huang's disappointment, he entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed.

If he enters here in a good state, and his realm is not vain, he can use the vitality prison to attack the two small heavens.

But the greatest limit he can do now is to stabilize the realm of the seventh heaven of earth element.

It is impossible to go further.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang sighed even more in his heart, realizing that he had missed the realm of the third heaven.

The Xuanling Pill has the effect of breaking the two heavens.

At that time, Lin Huang was hunted down by the Bloody Marquis, and he had to break through the realm with his life and death, which resulted in the waste of eighty-nine out of ten of the power of Xuanling Pill, and only broke through the realm of the first layer of heaven.

It also caused his own realm to be vain.

As for the Yuan Qi Prison that entered the Piaoxue Forbidden Land, as long as one can endure the pain of the Yuan Qi raging, one can enter the Second Heaven again.

However, Lin Huang was unable to break through because of his vain realm, so he could only stabilize his current realm.

Calculated in this way, the realm of the third heaven was wasted by Lin Huang.


Lin Huang sighed and shook his head, got up and walked towards the Martial Law Prison.

When stepping into the martial arts prison, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and Lin Huang then entered a martial arts space.

In the space, the momentum is like mountains, like rivers, like thunder and like rivers and seas, magnificent and boundless.

Lin Huang opened his eyes, only to see that the surrounding void was full of sword light, full of knife marks, long arrows chasing souls ten miles away, fist marks covered with rocks, and snowflakes all over the sky.

"This is……"

After Lin Huang was a little dazed, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that the Martial Law Prison was not as dangerous as imagined, or even without any danger.

The sword light, knife marks, arrow shadows, and fist marks in this space are all used for the martial artist to comprehend.

Martial law prison, the place where you can understand martial arts.

In this space, Lin Huang felt hegemony.

Just when Lin Huang was rejoicing, an old voice suddenly sounded in the space, "Only by understanding a martial art can you get out of the martial arts prison."

Lin Huang was stunned, and then smiled. Although he is not a genius like Lin Cangxue, it is not too difficult for him to understand a martial art.

When Lin Huang sat cross-legged, the surrounding environment changed again, and the previous sword light, fist shadow and many other martial arts all disappeared...

There are only two remaining martial arts:
In the void where the snow is flying, there is an overlord coming down the mountain, sweeping all directions, and controlling half of the world.

And on the other half of the country, there is an emperor, with his feet on thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and a kingly sword hanging from his waist, he rules the world with his hands behind his back!

Wang Tu!

Lin Huang focused his eyes, and instantly recognized the martial arts represented by the two figures, one was Hegemony and the other was Wangtu.

Together, it will be Wang Tu's hegemony!

As for the hegemony of martial arts, Lin Huang has practiced for a long time.

As for Wang Tu, Lin Huang had seen the Mo brothers do it before.

It's just that Wang Tu's hegemony cannot be integrated into one cultivation, otherwise the two completely different auras will collide, and the strong Wuhou realm will die.

Now that Lin Huang has practiced Ba Ye, he can no longer practice Wang Tu.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang smiled slightly, the Martial Law Prison could no longer trap him, because...he already had more than half of his comprehension of Ba Ye.

In the illusory martial law prison, Lin Huang holds the magic sword in his hand, and he cuts out his hegemony.

In the Martial Law Prison, the sharp light of the sword flashed, accompanied by the sound of roaring, it was as if the overlord descended from the mountain, beheading all directions.

However, there was no change in the Martial Law Prison after the slash, and the hegemony that was cut out was like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing the slightest wave.

"Ba Ye can't split the Martial Law Prison?"

Lin Huang frowned gradually, looking at the overlord and the emperor in the heavy snow, his thoughts turned concentratingly, and finally his eyes fell on the emperor, and he murmured:
"Could it be that you still need to comprehend Wang Tu?"

(End of this chapter)

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