
Chapter 163: Left-handed dominance and right-handed king

Chapter 163: Left-handed dominance and right-handed king

In the martial arts prison, Lin Huang fell into a choice for a while.

After many verifications, he finally determined that with the power of dominance, it is absolutely impossible to split the Martial Law Prison.

The only possibility is Wang Tu.

In other words, the combination of Wang Tu and hegemony can split the Martial Law Prison.

This is exactly where Lin Huang hesitated. The hegemony master is domineering, and the king is the king's way. The two ways are different, and the final result of the combination is that the king and the hegemony will fight and die unexpectedly.

But to break the Martial Law Prison, one needs to practice Wang Tu...

Lin Huang frowned, staring at the figure of the emperor.

Outside the forbidden area, Lin Cangxue's delicate brows trembled slightly, and everything in Piaoxue's forbidden area could be seen from the outside.Originally, after Lin Huang passed through the previous prisons, Lin Cangxue had let go of the worries in his heart.

But she never expected that Lin Huang would meet Wang Tu Ba Ye in the martial arts prison.

"Elder Nan, this is beyond the difficulty of training in Piaoxue Forbidden Land!"

Lin Cangxue turned her head and said to Nan Yunlie.

Wang Tu hegemony cannot be cultivated at the same time, this is the law of warriors, just like flames and water cannot coexist, and the sun and the moon will never meet.

At this moment, Nan Yunlie also frowned, never thought that Lin Huang would meet Wang Tubaye.


This is absolutely impossible.

However, only Yan Zangfeng can control the martial arts in the Martial Arts Prison, and he cannot interfere.

"There is no absolute in anything in the world!"

When the two were worried, Jun Qingcheng's voice sounded outside the forbidden area.I saw Jun Qingcheng curling in in a red dress, and Xinghui stared at the light curtain ahead.

In the light curtain, Lin Huang sat cross-legged and had already begun to understand Wang Tu's martial arts.

Lin Cangxue looked back at Jun Qingcheng, and said, "How is this possible?"

Jun Qingcheng withdrew his gaze, hesitated slightly, and then said: "I don't know how it is possible, but I have heard that there were people who practiced the way of kingship, domineering, emperor and killing at the same time!"

"One person cultivates four ways at the same time?"

Lin Cangxue frowned instantly, looking at the Martial Law Prison in the light curtain, lost in thought, "If Wang Tu's hegemony can really be compatible, how can it be compatible?"

Jun Qingcheng also frowned. Although she had heard about it, she hadn't thought about it.

In the Martial Law Prison, Lin Huang lay cross-legged, and he was no longer thinking about whether Wang Tu Ba Ye could be cultivated concurrently. Since Wang Tu Ba Ye was required to break through here, he would default to being able to practice concurrently.

Since it is possible to study concurrently, let's learn Wang Tu first.

Lin Huang opened his pitch-black eyes, staring at the emperor's elephant in the martial arts prison, observing it attentively.The palms kept crossing, trying to run Wang Tu's martial arts...

Outside of the Martial Law Prison, Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng have been thinking about this issue.

How compatible is Wang Tu Baye?

After half a day, Lin Cangxue told Jun Qingcheng the formula of Wang Tu's martial arts.

Jun Qingcheng frowned slightly, looked at Nan Yunlie, and after seeing Nan Yunlie nodding, he immediately began to practice the martial arts king map.

At the same time, Lin Cangxue began to practice Hegemony!
Three hours later, Jun Qingcheng opened her bright eyes.While waving the long sleeves, a powerful force spread out, and when the jade hand was cut, it was like a long sword coming to the world.

A trace of kingly sword energy quietly permeates...

In the same way, Lin Cangxue cultivated to dominate.

After the two looked at each other, they shot one after another, evolving the power of Wang Tu Baye, hoping to find a way to integrate Wang Tu Baye.

In the Martial Law Prison, Lin Huang also opened his eyes, looking at the emperor elephant in front of him, he couldn't help but smile.Before the Suppressing Demon Knife was shot, thirteen knives were made consecutively.

In one day, practice martial arts to become a king!
This speed surprised Lin Huang himself.

It's just that he didn't know that outside the Piaoxue Forbidden Land, it took only three hours for Jun Qingcheng to comprehend Wang Tu, and it only took Lin Cangxue three hours to comprehend Tyranny.

"Huh... I want to see how incompatible Wang Tu Baye is!"

Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered softly, then slowly raised his palms, his left hand rotated Baye, and his left hand rotated Wangtu, causing the vitality in his body to slowly surge.


In less than a few breaths, Lin Huang felt the vitality in his body collide, as if there was a sign of an explosion, instantly hurting the meridians.

Lin Huang frowned, lost in thought for a while.

Outside the forbidden area, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue deduced for a long time, but they still didn't come up with a solution.

Half an hour later, Lin Huang opened his eyes again, his eyes were much firmer than before, Wang Tu with one hand, and hegemony with the other, they started to work from within his body.

Immediately, Lin Huang's face was red, his body was swollen, and the meridians all over his body were curled up, as if they were about to burst at any moment, and blood was constantly spitting out from his mouth.

However, even so, Lin Huang still did not give up his cultivation.

The vitality in the body circulates, constantly changing the contact points of Wang Tu and Ba Ye's power, from one meridian to another, from one acupuncture point to another.

Unsurprisingly, every contact between the two forces will cause a terrifying explosion.

Lin Huang clenched his teeth and tried hundreds of times within half an hour, but each time ended in failure, his complexion became extremely red, and his body became extremely weak.

"Could it be... in the mysterious sea?"

Lin Huang frowned.

Outside the forbidden area, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue finally stopped and shook their heads helplessly.After several attempts, they still couldn't find a solution.

"Perhaps the two powers can be merged in the mysterious sea!"

After a moment of contemplation, Jun Qingcheng said boldly.

Lin Cangxue nodded, and then said, "Perhaps there is another possibility."

Jun Qingcheng raised his head and looked at Lin Cangxue suspiciously.

Lin Cangxue smiled slightly, and said, "The king of vital qi circulation, the dominance of physical cultivation!"

Just when the two were about to discuss, they heard Nan Yunlie exclaim, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng immediately raised their eyebrows, staring at Lin Huang in the martial law prison.

At this moment, I saw that Lin Huang had a king map in one hand and a dominance in the other hand, constantly evolving from his hands.And Lin Huang's body seemed to be getting better at this moment.

"This is……"

Lin Cangxue was surprised.

In the Martial Arts Prison, Lin Huang never thought that the possibility that he vetoed at the beginning of the trial would actually be effective.

Before, Lin Huang had never dared to let Wang Tu and Ba Ye's power enter the mysterious sea.

Because the mysterious sea is the foundation of martial arts, if the power of Wang Tu and Baye really exploded in the mysterious sea, the result would be unimaginable.

But after real practice, the result is quite different.

Because Lin Huang didn't expect that the mysterious sea in his body was so big that he couldn't imagine it.The impact and burst effect of Wang Tu and Ba Ye is like a wave in the vast mysterious sea.

Such a result made Lin Huang a little dumbfounded.

Thinking about it carefully, Lin Huang was quite happy.When the Heavenly Asura Martial Soul first appeared, there was a reshaping of the Xuanhai, and the size of the Xuanhai at that time was already more than ten times that of ordinary warriors.

Later, Lin Huang was played by Xiao Yishan once, and after that time, Lin Huang's mysterious sea expanded a lot.

Lin Huang's current mysterious sea is already dozens of times larger than that of ordinary warriors. It can really be said that the ocean is unrestrained, as vast as the sky.

Even if Wang TuBaYe collided vigorously in the mysterious sea, it wouldn't hurt Lin Huang at all.

After no longer worrying about the collision of vitality, Lin Huang began to frantically fuse the two forces in the mysterious sea like a wild horse.

In the current situation, in fact, the two forces are not integrated, and Lin Huang is not worried anymore.

Because his Xuanhai is terrifying!

Another half an hour later, Lin Huang let out a long sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.When he got up and waved his sleeves, Wang Tubaye was already in his hands.

And in the wild forest and mysterious sea, there is a huge vortex, like the cycle of yin and yang, constantly changing the power of Wang Tu's hegemony.

In the Martial Law Prison, Lin Huang holds Wang Tu Ba Ye in his hand, with a strong confidence in his eyes, "Let me see, after Wang Tu Ba Ye is combined into one, what power will it have?"

After saying that, Lin Huang held the knife in both hands, and when he raised it, two completely different auras permeated.

One way is like an overlord descending the mountain, invincible!
The other way is to rule the world with one's hands behind one's back, hiding the aura of an emperor.

The two long knives were neighing in the void, shining brightly.I saw Lin Huang yelled angrily, and two rays of light, one red and one blue, took advantage of the momentum and converged at a point in the void, forming a terrifying cross knife light!
In the Martial Arts Prison, there was a loud noise, and the sound of the explosion shook Lin Huang's ears, and Lin Huang's body was blown away by the explosion's blast!

Lin Huang lay sprawled on the ground, his eyes full of astonishment, looking at the cross blade light that had not dissipated in the void, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Such power is comparable to killing a god!"

Lin Huang murmured.

Outside the forbidden area, Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng were also a little stunned. What they deduced for a long time and hadn't solved for a long time was actually solved by Lin Huang.

The power of Wang Tu's hegemony is actually comparable to earth-level martial arts.

Jun Qingcheng stared at Lin Huang in the Martial Arts Prison, a strange gleam floated in his clear eyes, "A person who can integrate Wang Tu's hegemony is not an ordinary warrior!"

Lin Huang was pleasantly surprised, but he suddenly discovered that after he had hacked Wang Tu's hegemony, he still hadn't hacked the Martial Law Prison!
Lin Huang's expression froze, and he looked around, only to see the cold wind howling in the Martial Law Prison, and the boundless snow falling...

(End of this chapter)

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