
Chapter 164 I Have a Master

Chapter 164 I Have a Master

In the Martial Law Prison, Lin Huang frowned slightly as he watched the vast and falling snow.From the space where the heavy snow was flying, he felt a sense of desolation.

Grief from the depths of my heart.

"Snow in the world!"

Lin Huang murmured in a low voice, and naturally understood.This seemingly poignant and beautiful heavy snow is exactly the martial arts of Piaoxue Palace——Xuepiaorenjian.

"Isn't it said that if you understand a martial art, you can break through the martial arts prison?"

Lin Huang looked at the empty Martial Arts Prison and said.

"This Martial Law Prison is under the control of this Marquis. If you want it to open, this Marquis can open it. If you don't want it to open, you can be imprisoned here!"

In the martial arts prison, a voice suddenly sounded, which startled Lin Huang.I didn't expect that my complaints would actually get a response.

Moreover, this response was very arrogant, and I don't know which patriarch of Piaoxue Palace it was.

Outside the Piaoxue forbidden area, Lin Cangxue frowned, turned her head to look at Nan Yunlie, and said, "Xiaohuang, he can't learn how to be in the world of Xuepiao!"

"Why can't you learn?"

Nagumo Lie laughed.

"To understand Xuepiao's world, you don't need savvy at all, what you need is life experience," Lin Cangxue continued.

Even at the beginning, she had no clue when facing the Xuepiao world. If she hadn't fallen to the realm that day, she would have been betrayed by Yun Feifei.Even if she, Lin Cangxue, had another 100 years to go, she would never want to learn how to float in the world.

Nan Yunlie shook his head, "The Martial Law Prison is controlled by Master, since he is unwilling to open the Martial Law Prison, it means he believes that Lin Huang can do it."

"I want to see Patriarch Zang Feng!"

Lin Cangxue said.

Nan Yunlie didn't reply, but a steady voice sounded from the space outside the forbidden area, "Little girl, just watch carefully, the old man has mastered Xuepiao human martial art for more than [-] years, there must be some reason!"

"Patriarch Zangfeng?"

Lin Cangxue frowned, but there was no reply.

Then, Lin Cangxue clenched her fingers tightly, and turned her head to look at the Martial Law Prison in the light curtain, her dark eyes flashed with worry.

On the side, Jun Qingcheng didn't speak, but his eyes were fixed on the snowflakes in the sky, and there were many doubts and speculations in his heart.

Unlike everyone else, Jun Qingcheng knows about the existence of Qin Changsheng...

That person who pushes the eternal arrogance and invincibility!

Qin Changsheng created his own martial arts to dominate the world, the first move is to kill the gods with a single slash, Jun Qingcheng once saw Lin Huang perform it in Dongling Restaurant.

The second style is this snowy world!

When she went to Piaoxue Palace alone, one of the reasons was to challenge Lin Cangxue.The second is to see the world of Xuepiao, and see how powerful the martial art created by the eternal arrogance is.

However, Jun Qingcheng was a little disappointed in the result.

The so-called Killing God One Sword and Xue Piao Renjian were not as powerful as she imagined.

Besides, there is one thing she is most concerned about. Qin Changsheng was the devil who ruled the world thousands of years ago, so his martial art inheritor...

Will he shoulder Qin Changsheng's mission?

Jun Qingcheng's eyes fell on Lin Huang, with a cold look in his eyes, and the murderous intent that had been silent for a while seemed to be slowly recovering again.

In the Martial Arts Prison, Lin Huang stretched out his hand to catch the falling snowflakes, and the biting cold instantly stung his palm, causing Lin Huang's arm to shrink back.

Lin Huang was walking in the boundless snow, and he had a little understanding in his heart. Maybe Xiao Yishan let him enter the Piaoxue Palace, the biggest purpose was this world of snowpiao.



When Lin Huang was comprehending the artistic conception of Xue Piao's world, the ring in his hand suddenly trembled twice, emitting a scorching light.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and hummed suspiciously.Before he could move, a picture scroll flew out of the ring, suspended in the void.

Slowly unfold...

It was a picture scroll that the forest was regarded as dross, because the painting was really horrible.

In the picture scroll, a down-and-out young man in sackcloth, with a big bald bird under his feet, is struggling to fly in the air. A rusty iron knife hangs on the young man's waist, which looks even worse.

And the mountains and rivers at the bottom of the picture are more like a few mounds!

"Senior Brother Qin Changsheng..."

Looking at the picture scroll that suddenly appeared, Lin Huang was quite curious.He naturally knew that Xuepiao Renjian came from Qin Changsheng, but he didn't know what the meaning of the picture scroll appeared at this time?

And the moment it appeared in the picture scroll, the snowflakes in the Martial Law Prison began to change.

It was no longer as miserable as it was before.

There is no large piece of goose feather before.

The falling snowflakes became poignant and beautiful, pieces of snowflakes falling like cherry blossoms in full bloom, unrestrained and unrestrained, just like the most beautiful scenery in the world.

The sadness in the heavy snow is more and more painful to the heart, as if it comes from the sadness in the soul.

Outside the forbidden area, both Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue's eyes lit up, it seemed that the heavy snow falling at this moment was the real snow floating in the world.

Poignant and beautiful.

Bitter cold.

Following that, the picture scroll in the void shone with a mystical aura and danced with complex words.

After Lin Huang pondered for a while, his spiritual consciousness went towards the picture scroll...

Spiritual consciousness merged into the picture scroll, Lin Huang only saw a roll of notes, which was extremely crumpled, and the handwriting on the notes was also immature.

——Qin Changsheng's self-report!

Lin Huang was stunned for a moment, looking at the big crooked characters, he couldn't wait to open the notebook.


"My name is Qin Changsheng."

"I was born in a small mountain village. My parents hoped that I would live to be a hundred years old, so they named me Qin Changsheng."

"Today is my tenth birthday, and I am very happy. Because my mother said that I have braised pork today! Haha, I haven't eaten meat for half a year..."

Seeing this, Qin Changsheng's first note was over, and Lin Huang turned back.

"On my tenth birthday, a group of thieves suddenly broke into the small mountain village and killed my father, mother, and everyone in the small mountain village!"

"Daddy's head was gone, and my mother frantically wiped blood all over my face, held me in her arms and pressed me under her body, and was hacked 47 times."

"I saw the two pillars of the house next door, being dragged by hooks, and half of their bodies disappeared."

"Aunt Liu knelt in front of those wicked people, begged bitterly, and was finally stripped naked and hung on a tree."


"I, Qin Changsheng, swear, I will take revenge!"

"Even if it is ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years, I will take revenge!"

"I'm going to kill them!"

"I'll crush them to ashes!"

"But those people are so powerful, they can fly, and I saw them holding up the entire mountain with one hand, they are like gods in the sky... No, they are demons!"

"But even if they are demons, I will kill them. My father and mother are gone, and I can no longer eat braised pork!"

"Just yesterday, I saw an uncle. He seemed to have a rope in his hand, and he pulled down the demon flying in the sky. I think he must be very powerful. I want to worship him as a teacher and let the uncle teach me Divine skill!"

Lin Huang smiled slightly, he didn't expect his second senior brother to have such a background, the uncle in his notes would be Xiao Yishan.

Then, Lin Huang continued to read.

"I ran for half a year, and finally found the place where uncle lived. But I was desperate... Uncle actually lived on the cliff. The cliff is so high, I can't see the end! I can't fly, I can't go up at all!"

"I tried it for three days and fell off the cliff 97 times. I climbed [-] feet in the highest one. I think it is very promising, as long as I work harder!"


"It's been half a year, and I've climbed a total of 970 times, and I finally climbed up. I don't know how high the cliff is, but I climbed for seven days and seven nights, so it should be a hundred feet high, right?"

In the Martial Law Prison, Lin Huang smiled blankly, "After climbing for seven days and seven nights, he is only a hundred feet high? Then he should at least be ten thousand feet tall!"

Lin Huang felt that Qin Changsheng must not be able to do arithmetic.

"Haha... I finally met that uncle. He lives in the snow hut. He said his name is Xiao Yishan. He said he is very powerful... But he also said that he doesn't accept apprentices, so I ask him! But I don't If I know how to beg uncle, I can only kneel outside the snow hut."

"Mr. said that a man should stand upright, kneel down to his parents and master, and besides that, no one deserves to kneel! Now that I kneel down to uncle, he must be my master, even if he kneels for three days, Ten days, one hundred days!"

"Three days, the door of Xuelu has not been opened, and the uncle has not appeared!"


"It's been seven days, and uncle still hasn't shown up!"


"It's been a month, and I feel like I can only kneel and never stand up again!"

"It's been three months, and today the door of the snow hut finally opened. Uncle let me go in, and then... I climbed in, haha!"

Seeing this, Lin Huang couldn't help raising his eyebrows and smiling, amused by Qin Changsheng, then Lin Huang continued to read:

"Today is the New Year's Eve of the second year of 730 in the Sky Recording Calendar!"

"During the reunion dinner in the evening, the master told me to sit next to him and looked at the table full of braised pork. I didn't know why I burst into tears. The master scolded me for not being ambitious, and he also said that he didn't like disciples who cried. But I But I cried even louder, I swore that I would practice my magic skills hard, I want revenge, and I want to repay Master's great kindness!"

"In the third year of Tianji calendar 730, the first day of the Lunar New Year, I will always remember this day in my heart. Because today I kowtowed to uncle nine times in the snow, officially worshiping uncle as my teacher, and becoming the second disciple to enter the room!"

"From today onwards, I have a master, his name is Xiao Yishan, and he is known as the human butcher in the world!"

 In the last three chapters, Qin Changsheng's role... He is my own son, even if Jun Qingcheng is here...

(End of this chapter)

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