
Chapter 165 Year 1 Sword of Qin Xiao 2 Goes Down the Mountain

Chapter 165

In the Martial Law Prison, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said softly: "I also have a master named Xiao Yishan, who is known as the Human Tu in the Yangjian!"

However, Lin Huang was very ashamed, he couldn't remember the day when he worshiped Xiao Yishan as his teacher.

Then Lin Huang continued to read:

"I also have a senior brother. His name is Huangfu Tianxia. This is the most domineering name I have ever heard. The senior senior brother is also extremely handsome and heroic. He is famous all over the world. He is the peerless arrogance of heaven in the Sky Continent once in a thousand years." !"

"Eldest brother obeys master very much, but he doesn't seem to like me very much. I think elder brother's eyes are not clean...I think I'm jealous of elder brother. Master told me that as a warrior, one should be able to contain the universe, hesitate Eternal situation. I didn't do it, and I feel very guilty!"


"Today, Master asked me to practice swords under the waterfall. I am very excited. Because today is the first day that Master taught me martial arts. I washed my face and put on new clothes. I feel that I will be able to perform miraculously in three years. Dacheng, can fly in the sky, can avenge revenge!"

In the Martial Arts Prison, Lin Huang pursed his lips and smiled, thinking that these two senior brothers are really big-hearted, and they can achieve great feats after three years of cultivation?

On the mainland, if you can step into Marquis Wu within three years, you are considered a peerless arrogance.

But can the realm of Marquis Wu take revenge?

When Lin Huang looked back at his notes, it was already three years later.

"Today is the sixth year of 730 in the Tianji calendar, the first day of the Lunar New Year. I have been apprenticed to my master for three years, but I feel like I am a waste! Master said that I haven't opened up the mysterious sea yet!"

"Hey...what the hell is Xuanhai?"

"It took me three years to stand firmly under the waterfall. I don't know what the Xuanhai is. The elder brother never came to see me again, and the master saw me less frequently!"

"Every time I see Master, I dare not look him in the eyes. I dare not even raise my head. Although Master usually has a straight face, I feel that when Master looks at me, there is still disappointment in his eyes!"

"Why do I have no martial arts talent? I don't even know what Xuanhai is. I can't even cut through the water. Every time I call the word 'Master', I feel very ashamed!"


"I'm Master's apprentice, but I've embarrassed him! For the past six months, I've been thinking that I should go down the mountain, let Master forget me, and let Master not remember that there is such a disciple. I don't want to embarrass Master!"

Seeing this, Lin Huang was also a little inconceivable, "With Xiao Yishan's teaching, I haven't opened up the Xuanhai for three years. My senior brother is indeed quite vigorous!"

Vigorous to lawless.

According to Bai Xiaopang's words, even if it is a pig, it should be enlightened in three years.

Lin Huang was speechless inwardly, it's really unimaginable that the second senior brother Qin Changsheng hadn't opened up the Xuanhai for three years, but he actually created the world hegemony in the future.

Afterwards, Lin Huang continued to read:

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I have been apprenticed to my teacher for almost four years, but I still haven't felt the existence of Xuanhai, so I am going to go down the mountain and leave Master. Although I am very reluctant, I don't want people in the world to know that Master has a disciple like me." !"

"I can't embarrass Master, but I don't know where to go yet."

"But I feel that the world is so big that there is always a place for me to go. I can start reading and learn strategies from Uncle Wang Yifeng. I can teach me formations from Uncle Luohetu. I can also go into business and earn a lot of money, and then give it to my master. Build a hundred big houses..."

"But... when I saw the little girl brought by Master, I couldn't walk anymore. It's not that I didn't want to go, but my feet must have been crushed by the stone!"

Master brought the little girl to me and said to me, "Her name is Xiaoxiang, and she will be your little junior sister from now on!"

"I call her Xiaoxiao, I think this name is really nice!"

"I can see Xiaoxiao every day. Every time I see her, I am very happy. I don't know why, but I am very happy. I feel that Xiaoxiao is full of sunshine, and her eyes are big and clear, like stars in the sky!"

"When I saw Xiaoxiao, she was in the Marquis of Wu realm. Although I don't know what Marquis Wu is and how powerful she is, I think she must be very powerful! But Xiaoxiao is so powerful, she doesn't dislike my poor qualifications at all. Come and play with me!"

"I decided not to leave Master, because I want to see Xiaoxiao every day. And every time I see Xiaoxiao, the restlessness and depression in my heart will disappear, and I feel very happy practicing swords under the waterfall!"


The records in the diary have been eight years in a blink of an eye.

"I'm so stupid. I haven't known what Xuanhai is after eight years of apprenticeship. The elder brother has already come out of the mountains. The name of Huangfu has already shaken the world. Even Xiaoxiao has become a legend in the world. And the people in the world also know my name." Existence, they are all laughing at Master!"

"They said that the master was blind and accepted me as a disciple. It was a bad luck for eight lifetimes. I was very sad, and the master was even more sad. I really regretted that I knelt outside the snow cottage for three months eight years ago and let the master accept me. I am a disciple! I really want to practice hard, but I really don't know what Xuanhai is..."

When Lin Huang saw this, his face was full of awe, "I haven't felt the mysterious sea after eight years of cultivation, but I have been persisting all the time. Such a person is terrifying and even more respectable!"

Thinking of this, Lin Huang looked on eagerly, he really wanted to know how Erqin Changsheng soared to the sky.

"On this day, Master came to see me again, and I felt that Master came to drive me away, because I heard from the elder brother that everyone in the outside world was laughing at Master, mocking Master for accepting me as an apprentice!"

"I feel like I have become a disgrace to Master!"

"I want to go down the mountain! I want to leave Master! Even if I can't see Xiaoxiao, I want to leave!"

"But the master didn't drive me away, his expression was still very calm, he just told me seriously, if I don't practice harder, when Xiaoxiao is flying in the sky, I can only run on the ground!"

"Hearing Master say that, I am very sad!"

"Master also told me that even if I can't feel Xuanhai for 100 years, I'm still his disciple!"

"This night, I cried loudly under the waterfall. This is the first time I have cried loudly since I have been apprenticed to a teacher for eight years!"

Lin Huang rubbed his eyes, eight years had passed since the second senior apprentice apprenticeship to what he said above.

For eight years, Qin Changsheng has persisted, which can be described as an extremely terrifying existence.

And when Lin Huang opened the next note again, it had been ten years since Qin Changsheng became a teacher!
"I'm already 21 years old. Senior brother Huangfu Tianxia is 24 years old, already a generation of martial saints. Junior sister Xiaoxiang is 19 years old, and has already stepped into the realm of Martial Emperor! And I... oh, what the hell is Xuanhai!"

"Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and I have been apprenticed to a teacher for ten years. After ten years, I am still a waste. I heard that there is a peerless genius in the mainland, so I may be a peerless waste!"

"Tonight's moon is very round, like a silver plate, illuminating the entire waterfall. But the waterfall is very cold, bitingly cold. I think I should leave Master and Xiaoxiao. But when I was about to leave, Master Again!"

"Master is still so calm. He knows that I haven't read many books, but he said something that I can't understand. Master said: I have sharpened my sword for ten years, but I have never tried the frost blade. Today is this month, draw the sword and cut the southern sky!"

"After saying this sentence, Master asked me to read this sentence aloud a hundred times, a thousand times, until I understood it!"

"After ten years of sharpening a sword, I have never tried the frost blade. Now, on this month, I will draw my sword and slash the southern sky!"


"Just thinking about it, I want to sleep!"

"But just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt my stomach move like thousands of rivers flowing!"

"Suddenly I can see inside my body. I feel that there are big rivers flowing in my body, and there are roaring seas. I can feel vitality surging in 79 meridians!"

"Master, I seem to have made a breakthrough!"

I roared excitedly!

"But before I had time to be happy, I felt something was wrong. My heart was struck by lightning. Master said that the first step in practicing martial arts is to open up the mysterious sea, but before I opened up the mysterious sea, there was vitality in my body. I... I must have gone crazy Already!"

"Alas... Master said that it takes ten years to sharpen a sword, so I'm afraid I'll break myself this time!"

"I also saw Master laughing wildly, I think I have driven Master crazy!"


Seeing this, Lin Huang couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. After sighing how powerful Qin Changsheng was, he couldn't help shaking his head, "It seems that the second senior brother only became enlightened in ten years, and there is a reason for it!"

Breaking through 79 meridians in one night, and still going crazy?
Are you so obsessed?

He thought he had driven Xiao Yishan crazy, so he was overjoyed!


"It's really stupid!"

Lin Huang really wanted to describe Qin Changsheng with the heart of a child, but he couldn't say it, so he shook his head and sighed, he didn't know how to describe Qin Changsheng anymore.

He hasn't opened up the mysterious sea for ten years, so his aptitude can be said to be... Even pigs are better than him!
Opening up 79 meridians overnight, entering the holy realm, is terrifying enough to shake the arrogance of all generations.

The contrast between the two is simply incredible.

Lin Huang continued to read:

"I finally got up the courage to tell my master that I want to go down the mountain. Even if I really go crazy, I still want to go down the mountain to have a look!"

"I want the world to know that my master is Xiao Yishan. I also dream that one day, let the world know that Xiao Yishan has a proud disciple named Qin Changsheng!"

"It's just that if someone kills me one day, I hope Master won't recognize my hobby as a disciple, so that I won't embarrass Master!"

"Before leaving, Master said to give me a word!"

"I yelled excitedly. I have been a teacher for ten years, and I finally waited for the master to give me a character. The senior brother is called Huangfu Changfeng, and the word is Tianxia. Huangfu Tianxia sounds really domineering. I think the master will definitely give me a character." What a great name!"

"Master said it was Tianyi, and my face immediately collapsed... Sigh, Master still doesn't like me, and gave me such an ugly name!"

"I mustered up the courage to retort that my character should be called Batian. Qin Batian, sounds old and powerful!"

"When I finished saying this sentence, I saw Master's eyes straightened. He must have been shocked by my talent. He didn't expect that I could come up with such wonderful words!"

"In the end, Uncle Wang Yifeng on the side couldn't help coughing, and smiled and said that he wanted to fetch words for me!"

"I'm very sad. Although Uncle Wang Yifeng is only eight hundred dollars tall, he is really not good at this. His own character is called Eleven, and that kid Li Baiyi's is called Twelve... I can't be called Thirteen ?”

"But Uncle Wang actually said that I don't have the qualifications to be called Thirteen, which made me furious!"

"It wasn't until midnight, maybe the master was tired and wanted to sleep, he kicked me down the hill and shouted: Zi Xiaoer!"


"This day, I, Qin Xiaoer, went down the mountain!"

"When I looked back at the cliffs and waterfalls, at the snowy hut, and at the domineering master on the top of the mountain, I remembered the words of the master again: I have sharpened my sword for ten years, but I have never tried the frost edge. Draw your sword and cut Nantian!"

"I looked back ten years, and if there was a block in my heart, I wanted to make a knife, the knife that I had practiced repeatedly for ten years, so I made that knife!"

"I always feel that I am useless, so I have to give this trick a more aggressive name, called Killing God One Slash!"

In the Martial Arts Prison, when Lin Huang saw this place, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he fell into a mysterious state suddenly, and murmured involuntarily:

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, but I have never tried the frost blade. Now every month, I draw my sword and slash the southern sky...Killing the gods with a single slash!"

(End of this chapter)

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