
Chapter 1600

Chapter 1600

In the sea of ​​blood, Lin Huang didn't hesitate at all, and just did what he said.

He sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​blood, and the speed of devouring the blood soul began to slow down.Restrained spirit, observing the process of the blood soul being devoured.

The moment the blood souls poured into the body, the evil spirit in Tian Xiuluo's body turned into a storm, quickly enveloping the blood souls.

The evil spirit storm spun, tearing the blood soul apart with powerful tearing force.

Not long after, a trace of doubt rose in Lin Huang's heart.

I saw that part of the power of the blood soul was swallowed and fused by Tian Shura's evil spirit storm, but what Lin Huang hadn't noticed before was that after the power of the blood soul was swallowed, there was a part of the extremely pure breath that was repelled by his body. Throw it out.

And that part of pure power...

It seemed to be the power left after the blood soul was drawn away.

Lin Huang had doubts in his heart, and at the same time he had an answer. It turned out that... Tian Shura did not completely swallow the blood soul, but only swallowed the evil power in the blood soul.

The power of the blood soul is formed by the fusion of two breaths, one part is the evil breath, and the other part is the pure breath expelled by the forest.

However, this breath is too weak to be felt.

Lin Huang immediately waved his palms, increasing the absorption of blood and soul from the whole body, and at the same time controlling the physical body, trapping the pure power in the body.

Not long after, Lin Huang devoured hundreds of thousands of blood souls.

And after the hundreds of thousands of blood souls were devoured, the pure aura left behind became stronger.However, it is not rich, it can only be said to be like hair.

But it can make Lin Huang perceive it.

Hundreds of thousands of blood souls allowed Lin Huang to condense a trace of the power of the evil race.

Afterwards, Lin Huang's soul sank into the aura of the hair, and he realized the origin of the power of the Dao.Not long after, Lin Huang frowned.

His expression was a little strange.

He used the power of the human race's hair to collide with the power of the evil race's hair.

Then, in the microcosm of Lin Huang's body, a battle between dragon and tiger happened.The two avenues of power began to collide fiercely, each time causing the microcosm to shake the ground, shake the mountains, and shake the wind and thunder.

It didn't take long for the two hairline roads to hurt both sides.

With a flick of his fingers, Lin Huang dissipated the power of the Dao of the evil race, and frowned slightly...


That's right, exclusion.The power of the human race is repelling the power of the evil race, like a natural enemy, and it is difficult to coexist peacefully.

Just like the Three Thousand Ways in the human world, in fact, there will be rejection, and if you encounter it, you will be immortal.

But now, the Dao of the Human Race and the Dao of the Evil Race are like the Three Thousand Dao of the Human Race, and they will never die when they encounter them.

It's just that in the Three Thousand Ways of the human race, there will also be fusions. As long as you find the trick, you can get close to each other.

The simplest explanation is the theory of the five elements.

Metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal.

On the other hand, there is also the saying that wood produces fire, fire produces earth, and earth produces metal.

If you go up, you will have the power of gossip.

And going down, it is the yin and yang that generate and restrain each other.

Lin Huang was puzzled, since the power of the Dao of the human race and the evil race are mutually exclusive, how did the Master of the Thousand Daoes integrate the power of the Dao of all the heavens and all races into one.

Could it be said that the power of the Dao of the heavens and all races will also generate and restrain each other.

It's just that the power of the evil race and the power of the human race restrain each other.

Or, under certain circumstances, it is easier for the power of the evil race to restrain the avenue of the human race?
Lin Huang secretly analyzed in his heart, if this is the case, then how did Wan Daozhu know from the beginning, or did he not care about 21, just try it first?
Lin Huang was puzzled!

However, the cycle of ten thousand paths generates and restrains each other is too complicated, and it is many times more complicated than the generation and restraint of the five elements.How did Wan Daozhu know about the relationship?

Try again and again?

Or do you know the secret to the birth of grams?
Lin Huang was also puzzled.

"Boy, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Lin Huang hadn't spoken for a long time, Bai Xuanyuan asked.

"How does Wan Dao Lord rule Wan Dao?"

Lin Huang replied.

"Who knows?"

Bai Xuanyuan shook his head, "He is an odd number. Before his rise, he was unknown, but after his rise, he fell quickly. He didn't even leave his legacy! It's just a flash in the pan, it's lamentable and pathetic!"

"Do not……"

Lin Huang shook his head suddenly, "If he has the power of ten thousand ways, then among the ten thousand ways, there is no way for him to escape destruction? Is he really dead?"

Lin Huang thought of other places in his mind.

"I don't know!"

Bai Xuanyuan shook his head, "However, there is cause and effect in this world! Among the heavens and all races, no race can escape the constraints of the law of cause and effect!"

"And once the cause and effect are destroyed, any power of the Great Dao will cease to exist!"

Lin Huang became interested, "That is to say, Karma is an existence above the Dao of the Heavens? Can it be cultivated?"

"are you crazy!"

Bai Xuanyuan stared at Lin Huang strangely, "The gods and countless powerful people are all studying cause and effect, but I have never heard of a strong person who has practiced before!"

"That means you can't practice?"

Lin Huang asked, and then answered himself: "Yes, if both cause and effect can be cultivated, then the method is too terrifying. As long as the cause of the past is eliminated, the result of today can be ended!"


Speaking of this, Lin Huang was stunned again, "The cause of the past, the fruit of the future...the past and the future, the power of time! Is cause and effect hidden in time?"

"Years are also not allowed to practice!"

Bai Xuanyuan said.

"No, time can be cultivated and controlled!"

Lin Huang shook his head and refuted Bai Xuanyuan. When he waved his hand, the flow of time around the entire sea of ​​blood slowed down. With another wave of his hand, the flow of time around him accelerated.

"Who said you can't practice and control?"

Lin Huang turned his head and asked Bai Xuanyuan.

"That's just the ability that the Dao has given you. If the Dao doesn't want to give it to you, you can take it away at any time!"

Bai Xuanyuan smiled softly, "And any result obtained by using the power of time will change a lot of things. It's just that you may not be able to see it!"

"Why can't I see it!"

Lin Huang didn't recognize it.

"Among the heavens and myriad races, there is one race that has only one side. They don't exist in space, they are invisible. In their world, we can't see us! Just like we can see the sky and the earth, see this space, but can't see anything more A high form of existence!"

"You have taken one step, and you are now one step behind. But have you ever thought that in front of some big screens, what they see are countless you who have taken this step!"

"Have you ever thought that you are really you? Is the you who talked to me before, the you who is talking to me now! If there is no power of time, you may not exist. But you exist because of the power of time, Then you, who do not have the power of time, have disappeared?"

"Before a road, there are three forks. You can choose a road to go forward, and there may be three of you going forward! But when you step into one fork, can you see you in the other fork? The you on the three forks are all you , but after the death of you on the other two forks, you are still you!"

"The years you perceive have only one path. But there is really no fork in the years?"

Bai Xuanyuan said one by one, "Under the sky of the heavens and races, there are spaces, years, and races! But what is the root of the existence of the sky of the heavens and races?"

"If it can be changed at all, then can this sky be changed at any time, and can those gods who passed away be reborn?"

"If it can be changed, are you really you? Do you really belong to this sky?"

In the sea of ​​blood, listening to Bai Xuanyuan's eloquence, Lin Huang was stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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