
Chapter 1601 I want to be a pig in the sky continent

Chapter 1601 I want to be a pig in the sky continent

Bai Xuanyuan's words made Lin Huang feel very reasonable.

But he doesn't understand...

Because he can neither see nor feel.

Even if there is a fork in the years, even if there is a higher level of existence, he cannot perceive it.Therefore, this is also a theory, the theory of warriors.

What can be proved?
Lin Huang didn't know.

But what he knows is that his control over the power of time has allowed him to escape several catastrophes of his life.

And he is still him!


Bai Xuanyuan's voice softened slightly, "This is just a Dao theory I know, and it's possible that other people don't think so! The reason why the human race can last forever is that after each destruction, it revives like grass after wildfire. In addition to the district server, there is also a search for Tao!"

"Because of these pursuits, there is a divine body that has been passed down from ancient times to the present!"

"There is such an epiphyllum as Wan Daozhu!"

"It is only with Empress Tiandi that he embarks on an unusual path with the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body!"

"For the Sky Continent, the Martial King is the realm of pushing the door to enter the Tao; and for the original world of the human race, the Great Emperor is also the starting point of pushing the door to enter the Tao!"

"You are still young, and you still have a long way to go. So, don't worry, you have a lot of time to experiment slowly. Even if the current path is wrong, everything still has a chance to start over!"

Bai Xuanyuan laughed, with envy on his face, "Warrior, you can't stop thinking about the Dao. But don't worry, the road... is walked out step by step! It doesn't matter if you make a mistake, as long as you can correct it in time .Even if you go completely wrong, what can you do, jumping off the cliff will not necessarily kill you!"

"Everything can be corrected, so don't worry, but you can't stop. Because if you stop, the road you see is actually your imagination, and it is something you have never experienced. If you have no experience, you will never feel it!"

Bai Xuanyuan said slowly, "So, even if you have cultivated the seeds of the three great gods, your future not necessarily the three great gods. Warriors are growing, and thoughts are also growing! You don't Is it the best example?"

"Living in the moment?"

Lin Huang asked Bai Xuanyuan.

"That's almost what it means, but you still have to look two steps ahead. Otherwise, what are you doing with the eyes, decoration?"

Bai Xuanyuan laughed.

"Does the senior have any suggestions for me now?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Abandon everything you have abandoned, what do you want to do most now?"

Bai Xuanyuan asked.

"Marry Qingcheng!"


"Abandon this too, what do you want to do most now?"

"Take my master and Xiaoxiao to find my senior brother!"


"Throw this away, too!"

"That's naturally killing the evil race and destroying the four ancient races!"

"You can only choose one, what do you choose?"

"Children make choices, and I want them all!"

"It's tiring talking to you!"

Bai Xuanyuan didn't want to talk anymore.

"I think senior is quite happy. After all, there is nothing wrong with someone who can talk to you!"

Forest Road.

Afterwards, Lin Huang's eyes became lowered, "I want to take control of the Sky Continent, kill the evil race and the four ancient clans, and then use the Sky Continent as a Diaoyutai!"

"If you are going to die now, there is only one thing you can do. Kill the evil race, destroy the four ancient races, catch fish from all the heavens and worlds, what do you want to do most?"

Bai Xuanyuan framed the range of answers for Lin Huang.


Lin Huang frowned slightly, "The four ancient clans have been wiped out!"

"Why is this the answer!"

Bai Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, he thought that Lin Huang would choose to kill the Xie Clan, after all, the four great ancient clans are still human races, while the Xie Clan are alien races.

"Why not..."

There was a sneer on Lin Huang's face, "My grandfather told me when I was a child. Soldiers are not afraid to die on the battlefield. Facing the enemy, life and death depend on fate. Wealth and wealth are in the sky. It's a good thing that you shroud your body in horse leather!"

"However, soldiers cannot tolerate being stabbed in the back! This is betrayal, naked betrayal!"

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves, "It's hard for a rebellious person to be loyal in their bones. In essence, they take profit as the highest goal. This kind of profit may be rights, or it may be life!"

"And the more turbulent it is, under the trend of interests, the things these traitors have done are even more frightening!"

"Don't kill them, keep them for the New Year? Or keep them, keep killing my human race!"

Lin Huang's voice was calm and indifferent, "So, let me choose! I will destroy the evil race first, destroy this cancer. Then I will reorganize my human race, strengthen my belief in the common people, and face the alien race! At that time, even the defeated If it is destroyed, it will not lose the strength of my human race!"

"Then why do you still come to Qianliu Realm?"

Bai Xuanyuan said, "You should kill the four ancient clans now!"

"Isn't this my ambition, I want both!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Once the purpose is not simple, the situation will be complicated, and the choice will be hesitant!"

Bai Xuanyuan said.

"I know, why don't you ask me for senior's opinion!"

Forest Road.

Bai Xuanyuan felt tired of chatting with Lin Huang again!

"So do you have any suggestions, senior?"

Lin Huang went back to the previous topic.

"If you don't want to fish, try your best to improve your realm and enter the original world as soon as possible. There are gods, myths and martial arts, and the Dao of Heaven. Going to the original world will make you progress faster!"

"But if you want to fish, you need to hide your clumsiness, and you need to grasp the fire! And grasping the fire is something that ordinary people can't do!"

Bai Xuanyuan said.

"Because, fish can only be caught in the chaotic Sky Continent! If the water is too clear, there will be no fish. If you are in charge of the Sky Continent alone, who will come to die!"

"So, I can't destroy the four ancient and evil races?"

Forest Road.

"At least not completely wiped out!"

Bai Xuanyuan said, "But you can't look too weak. If you are weak, others will look down on you. If you are strong, others will strike you with a thunderbolt!"

Lin Huang thought for a while, then nodded slightly.

"you understood?"


Bai Xuanyuan stared, he didn't know what he was talking about, so he just said it casually, and then you understood?

"What do you unserstand?"

Bai Xuanyuan's questioning now is very like a woman.

"I want to be a pig in the Sky Continent!"

Forest Road.

"But you are not the strongest tiger now!"

Bai Xuanyuan said.

"Maybe, I still have time!"

Lin Huang smiled.

"Then tell me, senior, how should I go fishing?"

Lin Huang continued to ask.

"You killed the Holy Infant Emperor first, and then you killed the two emperors of the evil race. As quasi-emperors, you killed the three quasi-emperors of the evil race. Perhaps your fish have already started to swim over!"

"If you haven't come over, it means that all the heavens and all races think you are nothing more than this, and your bait is not sweet enough!"

"Shall I kill a more powerful emperor?"

Lin Huang said, "But my strength is not enough! Maybe I will be hacked to death!"

"If you kill easily, there will be strong people in the lower realms who will be slaughtered by you as pigs? The reason why each clan exists is that they are not fools; the heat is difficult to control, and sometimes you have to be serious. Go bet your life!"

"Do not……"

Lin Huang shook his head and stared at Bai Xuanyuan, "I think senior is greedy for my body, so he can use his strength to kill me and get my three gods' seeds!"

(End of this chapter)

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