
Chapter 1602

Chapter 1602 Three Thousand Worlds of Buddhism

In the inner world, Bai Xuanyuan rolled his eyes!

What a bastard, who do you think you are!
Isn't it just the Three Divine Physiques? What's so great about it? I used to be...

Well, the seeds of the Three Divine Physiques are indeed very enviable.

My heart is moved by what I said, do you want to try a way?

"Boy, that's not the first thing you were wondering about! Some of you ran away!"

Bai Xuanyuan said.

Lin Huang nodded and brought the topic back.

"Do not interfere, the avenue is endless, always seek. Seeing the road in front of you, you must also see the road in the future!"

"Then you now know how to get rid of the suppression of Qianliujie?"

"Cultivate the Dao of the Evil Race!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"But your physical body cannot contain the power of the evil race!"

"I only cultivate the Tao, not the physical body!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"But the Dao of the Evil Race and the Dao of the Human Race will also exclude each other!"

Bai Xuanyuan frowned slightly.

"It's okay... I've found a way!"

Lin Huang smiled and said, "Buddhism cultivates three thousand worlds, and I accept one world with one world! First cultivate three thousand worlds, and then three thousand ways!"

As he spoke, Lin Huang slowly stretched out his fingers in the sea of ​​blood, and a little golden Buddha's light lingered around his fingertips, and then the Buddha's light began to bloom... Then the Buddha's light began to gather slowly, turning into a lotus flower!
"One flower, one world, three thousand realms of Buddhism? You know?"

Bai Xuanyuan's eyes widened, as if a little shocked.He didn't expect that Lin Huang could condense the world of Buddhism so easily.

However, Lin Huang shook his head, "Actually, I have never comprehended the Dharma, but the relics of the Buddha God have always influenced me. I was detained in the Western Heaven Buddhist Kingdom for three years, and the Buddha's voice cleansed my mind every day! "

"I have no roots of wisdom, but I have been controlled by the power of Buddhism!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, not seeming too excited, "Nowadays, most of the Buddha Dharma golden body in my body is not realized by myself, it is the shadow of Tuoba Tathagata and the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom... Naturally, there is no such thing in the Three Thousand Realms. !"

"However, there is still the Small Three Realms!"

Lin Huang's palm shook slightly, and the lotus flower formed by the condensed Dharma in his hand suddenly changed from one lotus flower to three.

Bai Xuanyuan calmed down a bit, this kind of explanation makes sense, but the three realms are enough to store the way of the evil race, so there is no need to worry about conflicting with the way of the human race.

"I'm thinking... the Three Thousand Worlds of Buddhism is also the power of the Dao of the Human Race, will it conflict with the power of the Dao of the Evil Race?"

Lin Huang turned to look at Bai Xuanyuan.

"Try it!"

Bai Xuanyuan didn't know the answer either.

Lin Huang held the lotus in one hand, and waved in the sea of ​​blood with the other. In an instant, countless blood souls poured into the lotus continuously.

One flower, one world, the power of the three thousand worlds of Buddhism, the power to restrain the evil race, let this world become the way of the evil race!

With the continuous influx of blood and soul, that lotus flower has undergone a slight change.

The change is imperceptible!
The lotus is withering!

Bai Xuanyuan frowned, a little disappointed.But then he explained: "It seems that the Buddhism that transcends heaven and earth does not transcend heaven and earth! The three thousand realms of still the way of the human race!"

"It's a pity, but you can still give it a try!"

Lin Huang shook his head, but did not give up, "Even the power of the evil clan's avenue condensed by millions of blood souls can't affect this lotus of the world...I can detain it and study it slowly!"

Bai Xuanyuan was a little hesitant, he felt that Lin Huang was wasting his time, and doing so might not have much effect.

"You have to give it a try, don't you? How can you give up so easily!"

Lin Huang laughed, "You know, a child who lives with his parents is a human being. If he lives with wolves since he was a child, then he is a wolf. I can try to tame and strengthen the Dao of the Evil Race in the Lotus of the World Power!"

"But even if you control the power of the evil race, it is only comparable to the power of Shura today, so why waste so much time doing something that doesn't have much benefit. What's more, the current situation cannot tolerate you Too much time wasted!"

Bai Xuanyuan had a different opinion.

"Senior, really can't figure out why?"

Lin Huang raised his head and looked at Bai Xuanyuan with a smile.

Bai Xuanyuan was slightly stunned, then his brows became tighter and tighter, and finally he looked at Lin Huang in disbelief...

"You think so?"

"It depends on whether the three thousand worlds of Buddhism can become the three thousand ways of the heavens!"

"That is a lonely road that will last forever!"

Bai Xuanyuan's expression became serious.

"Why do I find it funny?"

Lin Huang smiled without hiding it, "As long as I control the power of the evil race, I am the evil race; if I control the power of the blazing gods, I am the blazing gods... At that time, The heavens and the worlds are all at my disposal. I can bury the thread within each clan and counter the gods of the heavens!"

Lin Huang's eyebrows are Yu Senhan.

"You shouldn't have said it!"

Bai Xuanyuan suddenly said, "Once you enter the stage of the heavens and all races, your words today may all be traced back!"

"It's okay, Yangmou!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Having said so much, are you sure about the way forward now?"

Bai Xuanyuan asked.

Don't let the two discuss for a long time, but in the end there is nothing to gain, it really becomes a nonsense chat.


Lin Huang's sleeves were rolled up, with a trace of confidence in his eyes, "Hold on!"


Bai Xuanyuan opened his mouth, and then disappeared directly... This bastard is too irritating, just now he thought he was going out to continue the fight, but he turned into a coward without saying a word.

In the sea of ​​blood, Lin Huang is like a silent shadow, wandering around countless blood souls!

A series of blood souls were integrated into Lin Huang's body.

The power of the evil race in the blood soul, which was rejected by the flesh, was imprisoned in the lotus of the world.

Lin Huang was very calm.

He accumulated bit by bit, and gradually restored the broken Tian Shura step by step.

In the vast sea of ​​blood, Lin Huang is like an invisible whale, devouring the power of the sea of ​​blood, and using it to temper the strength of Tian Shura in his body and the power of the evil race in the lotus of the world.

He is feeling!

Feel the power of the evil race.

Why... why is it that you, the evil race, can be reborn from a drop of blood, can hide in shadows or sunlight, can turn your whole body into a mirror, and reflect all attacks?
Lin Huang refuses to accept it, once I understand the power of the Dao, I will go to your evil clan's royal family, steal your evil clan's top martial arts, and use the power of the evil clan to destroy the evil clan.

Lin Huang was fantasizing in his heart.

"Boy, something is wrong..."

Just when Lin Huang was sinking into cultivation, Bai Xuanyuan in his body suddenly woke up, "I felt a terrible devouring aura, as if a god and demon descended!"

When Bai Xuanyuan just opened his mouth, Lin Huang opened his eyes, and retreated extremely quickly and silently.

At this moment, Lin Huang frowned.

His expression was unprecedentedly dignified.

At that moment just now, he suddenly felt that the power in his body was passing away without any reason, and even the evil spirit in Tian Shura's body was being plundered...

It was a kind of peerless power that Lin Huang couldn't resist, it was silent, but it could scare the emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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