
Chapter 1610 Cracks

Chapter 1610 Cracks
Hearing Dong Xuanzun's words, Lin Huang was slightly taken aback.

"I didn't expect it to be tricked by you!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"It's not a matter of calculation, in this world of thousands of streams, your life is not up to you to decide!"

Dong Xiezun said indifferently, "So we are still a cooperative relationship. Only when my talks with Emperor Xuan collapsed, you will be tricked by me!"

"You are going to kill Emperor Xuan, how can he have a good talk with you?"

Lin Huang laughed.

"It's not impossible. After all, Emperor Xuan is old, so maybe he wants to abdicate to let the virtuous?"

Dong Xuanzun laughed.

"Then I wish you success!"

Forest Road.

"If I succeed, you will die!"

"Could it be... do you really think that you can trap me with just this mind of yours?"

"It seems that you are very confident! However, you don't know why I became Dong Xuanzun. If you knew, you wouldn't think so!"

Dong Xuanzun said confidently.

In Dong Xuanzun's mind, Lin Huang looked around, "There are indeed some ways, I hope that the two of them will not be caught by the fish!"

"I hope so too!"

Dongxuan said respectfully.

"Okay, I'll take a nap first, just call me when you need me!"

"You can really sleep?"


In Dong Xie Zun's mind, Lin Huang's response was no longer there. Dong Xie Zun took a closer look, only to find that Lin Huang was really asleep.

This made Dong Xie Zun a little lost...

Just, can you really fall asleep?

Afterwards, Dong Xie Zun also ignored Lin Huang.

For his plan, he has been preparing for a long time, what is missing is only an opportunity.Lin Huang's entry into Qianliu Realm became his opportunity.

Now that everything is in place, there is no way he can fail.

In the surging sea of ​​blood, the figure of Dong Xuanzun disappeared!

Sky Continent.

fell into a brief calm.

For a short period of time, the evil race seemed to disappear.

The four ancient clans seemed to be silent as well.

Together with the previous Zuojia Mingjiao... Although it has already been born, the movement is much smaller.

The wind direction of the entire continent, starting from Zhongzhou, has become calmer.

The people were a little dazed, not knowing why they suddenly changed... But they were happy in their hearts, after all, the war had disappeared.

However, in the eyes of the four ancient clans and the Zuojia Mingjiao, there was no such thing.

It's just a brief lull.

After a short period of calm, there was an even more terrifying storm.

At that time, it will be the real catastrophe on earth.

Zhongzhou, Shence Mansion!

In the lonely and cold hall, Qin Xuance kept pacing back and forth.From time to time, he looked down at the Nine Palaces, Bagua and Xuantian patterns under his feet, or looked up at the sky full of stars at the top of the hall.

Around the main hall, there are armillary spheres, emitting illusory rays of light, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, embellishing the main hall as brilliantly as a galaxy.

But in that splendor, Qin Xuance frowned.

He seemed anxious.

This state...has been going on for three days.

Afterwards, he waved his sleeve robe, rolled the stars above his head, the nine palaces and eight trigrams circles under his feet, and the armillary spheres around him began to vibrate violently.

Qin Xuance's brows became more and more wrinkled, and there was worry between his brows.


Outside the hall, there was a knock on the door.

"Thirteen, Lord Xue Tianjun is here!"

An old voice sounded outside the hall.

"please come in!"

Afterwards, Xue Tianjun walked into the hall.He looked at the main hall that seemed to be placed in the galaxy, raised his eyebrows, and then spoke directly:
"There is indeed a crack between heaven and earth! It's in the north of Cangshen Mountain in the Xuanwu God Realm! When I went there, the crack had begun to heal!"

"Is there any breath remaining?"

Qin Xuance asked.


Xue Tianjun replied.

"Are you sure?"

Qin Xuance frowned.

"I used to be in charge of the White Tiger's Fate. Even if I lost to the Emperor...but the breath of the Emperor cannot escape my perception. Unless the opponent has surpassed the Emperor's Realm!"

Xue Tianjun said calmly.

"Didn't it show up?"

Qin Xuance seemed to be talking to himself, "Is it just a test?"

Qin Xuance flipped the chess pieces in his hands, with doubts in his eyes, "But if it's just a test, why did it heal? Or did you enter the boundary before waiting for the healing?"

"Are you thinking too much?"

Xue Tianjun asked, "The Sky Continent is actually very closed. Except for the invasion of the evil race, no other races have entered the realm for thousands of years! Why is there such a situation now!"

"Or there was a big war in the outside world, which spread to the Sky Continent, causing cracks to appear?"

Qin Xuance shook his head, "This self-comforting assumption is totally untenable. As a fighter, you must consider the most terrifying situation!"

Afterwards, Qin Xuance turned his head to look at Xue Tianjun, "Have you found any traces of the four ancient clans?"


Xue Tianjun said.

Qin Xuance suddenly snorted heavily, as if terrible anger was brewing in his heart, and his voice became low, "It seems that the four ancient clans really want to take advantage of the power of the fisherman, and they made it clear that no matter what, let me Zuo Jiaming teach Go fight with the strong from the lower realm!"


Xue Tianjun was too lazy to think, and asked Qin Xuance.

"It's very simple, attack the four ancient clans!"

Qin Xuance's eyes became fierce.

"This... is wrong?"

Xue Tianjun didn't know whether this method was the best, but he only hoped that asking Qin Xuance could calm down a little.

"Of course not!"

Qin Xuance laughed, "The Zuojia Mingjiao fights against the four ancient clans, and the one I am most happy to see is the evil clan. And there is no blow to those strong alien races in the lower realm!"


Xue Tianjun stretched his voice, he didn't know what to say, but he didn't know what Qin Xuance was thinking.

"Assemble the army and hunt outside the crack!"

Qin Xuance said simply.

Xue Tianjun frowned, and then there was an extremely strong fighting intent in his eyes, he snorted coldly, "Okay!"

"This will kill a lot of people!"

Qin Xuance turned his head to look at Xue Tianjun, hoping that Xue Tianjun could persuade him.

"Warrior, shrouded in horse leather, fortunately!"

"I, the Zuojia Mingjiao, may be severely injured in this battle!"

"Blood and death are the medals of the Ming Cult! How can you become an invincible teacher that the world fears without shedding blood and throwing your head away!"

Xue Tianjun became tougher.

"In this way, the four ancient clans and the evil clan will benefit! If there is a fierce battle, my Mingjiao may be destroyed, let alone revenge!"

Qin Xuance stared straight at Xue Tianjun.

Now... Xue Tianjun is the oldest among the group of people thousands of years ago!His will represents the will of many people.

"The reunion of the Ming Cult is not only for revenge! It is for the common people of the world, for the great prosperity of the human race! This is true a thousand years ago, and it will still be true a thousand years later!"

"Besides, it's hard to make a big deal! The four ancient clans killed my fellow Mingjiao, and the hatred is irreconcilable! Even if a wolf cub is bitten by a mad dog, he will never be afraid! Because what a wolf wants is dignity, what a dog wants is dignity. Survive!"

Xue Tianjun seemed to look down on the four ancient clans.

Qin Xuance's eyes turned cold, and he made up his mind:
"Then fight with all your strength, and let the warriors in this world see how I, Zuo Jiaming, can hunt Juefeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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