
Chapter 1611 I want to rebel

Chapter 1611 I want to rebel
In the hall like a galaxy, Xue Tianjun frowned suddenly when he heard Qin Xuance's words.

"How did you plan it?"

Xue Tianjun asked, "The four ancient clans, the evil clans, plus the possible powerful people from the lower realm... The Sky Continent is in chaos! Even though Mingjiao is not afraid of death, if one is not careful, everything will be lost. Death does not mean that everything is in vain. Send to death!"

"No plan!"

Qin Xuance laughed.

"No plan?"

Xue Tianjun was a little puzzled.

"Why do you have a plan? The layout of the moves may require far-sighted thinking. Take one step and see three steps. But the Sky Continent is no longer a closed chessboard. External forces may appear at any time and directly overturn the chessboard!"

"So even if there is a plan, it becomes no plan!"

"I don't know how the Ming Cult works, how do the four ancient and evil races know?"

Qin Xuance laughed.

"You kid, you're fooling me!"

Xue Tianjun didn't believe it.

Qin Xuance smiled and didn't say much.

Today, the world is in chaos. I don't know how many people are planning to make a move. The outcome is still unknown, and the whole chess game has only just begun.

"Lin Huang..."

Xue Tianjun wanted to ask something.

Qin Xuance shook his head, "Don't worry... nothing will happen!"


Xue Tianjun frowned, "He has disappeared for a while!"

Qin Xuance spread his hands, "Anyone who does anything is at risk, so it can only be done!"

"He went to the sealed land?"

Xue Tianjun asked.

Qin Xuance did not answer.

"Do you have a layout in the sealed land?"

"not me!"

This time, Qin Xuance replied.

"It's not you? Li Baiyi? That's weird!"

Xue Tianjun couldn't figure it out.

"Uncle Xue, don't think about it if you can't figure it out...It's very exhausting to think about this kind of thing!"

Qin Xuance said.

"You kid... you have the same virtue as Wang Yifeng and Li Baiyi back then. You hide everything. No matter how close you are, no one is telling the truth!"

Xue Tianjun scolded.

"Masters, don't they all pretend to be profound?"

Qin Xuance said, "Is there any other way, I'll learn!"

"I'm leaving!"

Xue Tianjun snorted coldly and left the hall.

Qin Xuance turned his gaze to the countless stars in the hall above his head again, frowned tightly, and said to himself there:

"The Sky Continent... in the original world of the human race, what kind of existence is it? Why did it become the focus!"

"Just really trust me so much and leave without caring?"

"You guys left... But tell me some backhands anyway! Even if there are no backhands, tell me something about the pattern of the outside world! I've been hiding in the room and guessing, it's very strenuous!"

"The four ancient clans, the evil clan, the fate clan, and the alien race from the lower realm... are not easy to deal with!"

"If you want to use the Sky Continent to fish, at least let me know, right? I don't want to be the bait, I want to be the one holding the pole!"

"But the Sky Continent is so small, how can you catch any big fish? Could it be that it really gave Lin Huang experience?"

"Damn it...I don't want to be thirteen anymore!"


In the torrential sea of ​​blood, Lin Huang fell asleep very contentedly.

"I woke up so soon, it seems that I am still worried about my own life!"

The voice of Dong Xuanzun's soul sounded.

"Your mind is a little cold, it woke me up!"

Lin Huang said blindly.

"Where are you now? Have you entered the deep sea area where Emperor Xuan is?"


Dong Xuanzun has become a little more serious now.

Soon, his body was in a state of pause, and then a majestic voice pierced through the entire sea of ​​blood, "Zun Dongxuan... please see Lord Xuandi!"

The sound is like a wave, constantly penetrating into the depths of a sea of ​​blood.

However, there was no response.

"Zun Dongxuan begs to see Lord Xuandi!"

"Zun Dongxuan begs to see Lord Xuandi!"


Dong Xuanzun roared several times in a row, but there was no reply at all.

"You're a bit of a mess, people don't want to talk to you at all!"

Lin Huang took the opportunity to mock.

"you shut up!"

Dong Xuanzun was a little annoyed, so he was very rude to Lin Huang.

"It seems that my little life should be saved... With Emperor Xuan's posture, I'm afraid he would think it was a waste of time to talk to you!"

Lin Huang ran on.


Dong Xuanzun snorted coldly, and his voice sounded again in the sea of ​​blood, "Dong Xuanzun has something important to report to Lord Xuandi, trespassing on His domain, I hope His Excellency will forgive me!"

Saying that, Dong Xuanzun directly entered the deep sea.


Not long after Dong Xuanzun entered the deep sea range of Emperor Xuan, a mighty voice resounded in the entire sea of ​​blood, full of ancient majesty.

Dong Xuanzun stopped suddenly.

"Anyone who trespasses into the Emperor's realm without any announcement shall die... You must be convicted!"

Accompanied by a thunderous sound, the huge head reappeared in the ancient deep sea.

The eyes in the head were blood red, full of awe that made the emperor horrified.

Venerable Dongxuan was also shameless, and directly knelt in the deep sea, even prostrated himself on the ground, "Moguye has something important to report, and he appeared without authorization, and please show your respect!"


Emperor Xuan was extremely straightforward.

"Your servant... I want to invite Lord Xuandi... to abdicate to the virtuous!"

Dong Xiezun prostrated and opened his mouth.

In Dong Xuanzun's mind, Lin Huang sat up directly, his face full of doubts and astonishment.

Is this how you talk to people?

Still kneeling and chatting?
Asking Emperor Xuan to abdicate to Xian, isn't this telling him that you want to kill him?
Emperor Xuan can do it?

And... You have rebelled so directly, why can't you stand up and rebel?

Do you have to say the most arrogant words in the most humble posture?

In the sea of ​​blood, Emperor Xuan was also stunned for a moment.

"Can you say that again!"

Emperor Xuan never doubted his hearing, but this time, he suspected that he had heard wrong.

Who is he……

He is Emperor Xuan, and no one can compare with him in this world of thousands of streams.Even if he has not fully recovered, even if ten Dong Xie Zun are bundled together, they will not be his opponent.

This most thoughtless guy wants to abdicate himself?
Sure enough, he is the stupidest one among the four Xuanzuns... he doesn't even know how to rebel. He followed the example of the emperor back then, but he didn't learn very well!
Dong Xuanzun was still kneeling, but this time he raised his head while lying on his stomach, looking up at Emperor Xuan, "Master Xuan Emperor, don't you understand, this slave is about to rebel!"

"Your servant, please invite Lord Xuandi to die!"

This time, what Dongxuanzun said was categorical.

Lin Huang heard it clearly.

Emperor Xuan also heard clearly.

"very good!"

Emperor Xuan suddenly smiled, "If you want to rebel, then stand up. What's the matter with kneeling like this, I don't deserve you to kneel! You stand up, rebel and let me see what you can do !"

"it is good!"

Venerable Dongxuan stood up, with a smile on his face: "Then I will let Lord Xuandi see how my servant rebelled!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire sea of ​​blood surged crazily...

(End of this chapter)

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