
Chapter 1617

Chapter 1617
In the sky and earth, which resembled the sky continent, Qin Changsheng suddenly came to kill him.

He was dressed in sackcloth and looked so ordinary, but his eyes were so unruly.

It seems that everything in the world is not in his eyes.

All the arrogant, strong, and evil races are no longer in his eyes, and he is the only one in his world.

However, under the conquest of Xiongtian, the void was in turmoil, and the sword that dominated the world directly blocked all of Lin Huang's escape routes.

Lin Huang also drew his sword.

Dominate the world with the hero vs. dominate the world with the hero!

A loud bang.

Lin Huang was wounded all over his body and flew upside down.


The hero of Qin Changsheng dominates the world, it looks even more terrifying, but in fact it is even more terrifying.This horror lies in God!
Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, leaning on the Shan Na Dao, he stood up, looked at Qin Changsheng who was standing in the air, with a smile on his face, "My senior brother, there is indeed no one invincible through the ages!"

Just now, Lin Huang used Xiong Batian to Xiong Batian, and suppressed his realm to the quasi-emperor realm, but in the end... he was not Qin Changsheng's opponent.

Qin Changsheng lived up to the name that overwhelmed an era back then.

"Don't rush to praise Qin Changsheng, he is the most powerful existence in the human world! If you want to pass the human world, kill him first!"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed.

"Why, do you think I can't do it?"

Lin Huang smiled, "Don't say this is just the senior brother you reflected, even if the real senior brother is here, if I kill him, he won't blame me, know what!"

"I also want to thank you for allowing me to fight my brother!"

Lin Huang laughed, blood boiled in his body, and then he rushed out.

The next moment, two great heroes reappeared in the world.

Afterwards, Lin Huang put on an immortal body.

Qin Changsheng also wears an immortal body.

Lin Huang's long sword pointed at the sky, and he chopped out Fenglang Juxu... With another knife, he condensed the god of life.

On the other hand, Qin Changsheng...

Heroes dominate the world.

Heroes dominate the world.

Only Xiong dominates the world forever.

However, in Qin Changsheng's hands, it seems that only one knife can break all spells.

He broke Lin Huang's immortal body.

Breaking the seal of wolf living in Xu.

Destroy the god of the common people!

The entire human world was in a storm, and the battle between the two spanned thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, spanning nine heavens and ten places.

Mountains and rivers danced for it, and then fell apart.

The vast sea surged for it, and then dried up.

The situation broke up.

The void vanishes like dust.

The years have been cut countless times.

And the two are still fighting endlessly...

There are many methods for Lin Huang, and Qin Changsheng broke all methods with one blow.

The two were on par.

Qin Changsheng was wounded in the end.

On Lin Huang's body, blood was also flowing like rivers.However, at this moment, Lin Huang is full of fighting spirit, only the hearty battle with Qin Changsheng.

He directly dropped Shan Na Dao and rushed towards Qin Changsheng.

Qin Changsheng smiled coldly, and killed Lin Huang with his immortal body.

Boom boom boom...

Between heaven and earth, the two attacked each other with their physical bodies, and the sound of physical collision was like thunder.Just like a dragon fighting a tiger, it makes the human world constantly shake.

However, as time went on, Qin Changsheng gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Because the human world is governed by Huangfu Tianxia, ​​and every time it destroys the entire world, it will have an impact on Huangfu Tianxia.

And... Lin Huang's immortal body possesses the ability of Nirvana.

On the top of the ten-thousand-foot mountain, Lin Huang looked at Qin Changsheng flying upside down, with a calm expression and no joy at all. Instead, he looked up at Huangfu Tianxia, ​​and said with a smile:
"You don't understand senior brother, so... this is not the strongest senior brother!"

"Just you know? Hmph!"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly, then raised his palm... The next moment, Qin Changsheng who flew upside down turned back.

Qin Changsheng's realm was climbing crazily.

In just a few breaths, you have stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor!
"Satisfy you, the strongest Qin Changsheng! I also want to thank you for leading Qin Changsheng to become emperor in the decisive battle in the Zhongzhou Dojo, and helping me perfect the way of the world!"

The voice of Huangfu Tianxia resounded in the void of the world.

Lin Huang shook his head, then his footsteps shook, and his whole body flew into the void.And his realm also climbed up abruptly, possessed by a heavenly Shura, and stepped into the realm of the great emperor.

Lin Huang started to kill Qin Changsheng while laughing, "I've said it before, you don't understand senior brother at all. Do you think the senior brother at the Great Emperor Realm is the strongest Qin Changsheng on the Sky Continent? It's just a repetition It's just a move to dominate the world!"

"In this world, for anyone, domination of the world is the most powerful martial art. But for senior brother, his strongest is not domination of the world! It's..."

"Snow in the world!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Huang twirled the Shan Na knife in his hand, and looked up at Huangfu Tianxia.

The next moment... heavy snow filled the world!

Qin Changsheng, who flew towards the forest, was no longer arrogant or domineering.On the contrary, it is a kind of loneliness, a kind of loneliness engraved in the bone marrow.

And sorrow!

Unforgettable sadness.

And the moment Qin Changsheng used the snow to float in the world, the entire human world began to collapse, the mountains and rivers died, the stars fell, the years stopped, and the space collapsed!

In the sea of ​​blood, Huangfu's expression changed.

He didn't expect that Lin Huang would guide him and make Qin Changsheng use Xue Piao Ren Jian.

And he didn't expect that Xuepiao's world was really as tyrannical as Lin Huang said, and he actually had a strength that transcended the human world.

This shows from another aspect that even if he has become Xuan Zun and cultivated the Six Paths into the world, he still cannot defeat Qin Changsheng in Xuepiao's world.

In the human world, Lin Huang looked at Huangfu Tianxia's somewhat astonished expression, and laughed sarcastically, "Even if you turn the six realms into the world, so what if you cast a shadow on your senior brother, it's enough to kill a senior brother who never thought of projection." Destroy your world!"

"No... you forgot, Qin Changsheng also has weaknesses!"

Huangfu Tianxia retorted, eliminated the surprised expression, and became cold again.Just as he waved his hand, another figure appeared in the human world.

A figure in red came out of the wind and snow with an oil-paper umbrella.

She looked so quiet.

However, there was an indescribable agility in a pair of eyes, like brilliant ice and snow.

all of a sudden...

Qin Changsheng in the void seemed to be fixed, his blood disappeared, and the snowflakes flying between the sky and the earth also melted!

"It turns out that you have suppressed the nightmare in the human world within Senior Sister Xiaoxiao's body! If anyone touches Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, he will be attacked crazily by Senior Brother! Senior Brother is the most powerful ruler in this world!"

Lin Huang reacted and smiled.

"So what?"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed, "You said... Qin Changsheng's Xuepiao is the strongest in the world, if you want you to drive here, you must kill Xiaoxiao; if you want to kill Xiaoxiao, you must kill Qin Changsheng first! But now you, Can you kill Qin Changsheng who is crazy about love?"

"Can't kill!"

Lin Huang said very frankly, but then he raised his head, "But I have a question that I can't get an answer to!"

"Tell me, big brother may be able to help you!"

Huangfu said to the world.

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao...does she really exist?"

Lin Huang raised his head and looked at Huangfu Tianxia with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Huangfu was taken aback for a moment, and was directly confused by Lin Huang's question.

"What does Xiaoxiao really exist?"

(End of this chapter)

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