
Chapter 1618 Xiaoxiao's Origin

Chapter 1618 Xiaoxiao's Origin

"Do not understand?"

Seeing Huangfu Tianxia's somewhat puzzled expression, Lin Huang laughed, "It seems that you haven't figured out a single question in the past 1000 years!"

"First of all, I'm curious! Back then, Senior Sister Xiaoxiao was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Was it you who were behind it?"

Lin Huang asked.

Huangfu Tianxia frowned, "I was planning to do this, but the plan has not been implemented yet!"

"You are very honest!"

Lin Huang laughed a little disgustedly.

"There's nothing you can't admit!"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed and said, "After all, Xiaoxiao is my junior sister. If I want to persecute her, I need to do some psychological construction on myself, not just do it!"

"You said you still have some human flavor?"

Lin Huang sneered.

"It doesn't make sense to discuss this now, tell me what I want to know!"

Huangfu Tianxia avoided the topic.


Lin Huang didn't hide it, "Who is Qin Changsheng, who is Xiao Yishan, who is Wang Yifeng, and what kind of existence does Zuo Jiaming sect exist?"

"What is Senior Sister Xiaoxiao's injury? Why is it so serious that even the above-mentioned people and the Zuo Jiaming Sect can't revive her?"

Lin Huang looked at Huangfu Tianxia with a smile, "Don't you think this is a problem in itself?"

Huangfu was stunned.

He fell silent and thought for a long time.


Why is this happening?

Xiaoxiao just blocked Qin Changsheng's palm, but that palm at that time was no more than the palm of the Holy King, how strong could it be?To let Xiao Yishan, Qin Changsheng, and the entire Zuojia Ming Sect fail to recover?
Is there something wrong with that palm, or something wrong with Xiaoxiao.

In the past 1000 years, he has never thought about this problem...

Do not!
Perhaps many people did not think about this issue, including Qin Changsheng.

Because, even the great emperor will die in battle, and may be poisoned to death by the power of the great way.Perhaps Xiaoxiao's situation would be taken for granted.

However, the master who caused Xiaoxiao's palm is only a warrior in the realm of a holy king, who can make the entire Zuo Jiaming sect helpless?
Or maybe Qin Changsheng knew about it, but he himself was unwilling to face it, and the entire Mingjiao people were unwilling to reveal it?
"so what……"

Huangfu Tianxia looked at Lin Huang, wanting to know the answer.

"I've already told you the question, but do you want me to tell you the answer?"

Lin Huang laughed.

"So what if you don't tell me the answer? I can still find the answer myself... It's just that you still can't get out of the human world!"

"Who said that?"

Lin Huang smiled, and said with his sleeves rolled up, he held up the sky with one hand, a sea of ​​rolling knives covered the sky of the world, covering the sight of Huangfu's world.

In the next moment, Lin Huang walked out of the human world and returned to the sea of ​​blood.

Huangfu was shocked all over the world, and stared at Lin Huang in disbelief.

"Do you think that if you suppress all the nightmares in Senior Sister Xiaoxiao's body, and then let the senior brother protect the Dharma, the human world is an unbreakable cage?"

Lin Huang laughed.

"It's a pity... Senior Sister Xiaoxiao doesn't exist at all! So, if you hide the nightmare in Senior Sister Xiaoxiao's body, it's like exposing it between heaven and earth, and I can easily leave the human world!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Huangfu Tianxia couldn't accept the scene in front of him.

"Nothing is impossible, I am in front of you, isn't it the best proof?"

Lin Huang spread his hands and smiled.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for Xiaoxiao not to exist! I watched her grow up and she was in a coma... She exists in everyone's sight and memory, it is impossible for her not to exist!"

Huangfu Tianxia retorted.

"But... Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, what if it's just a projection?"

Lin Huang laughed.

Huangfu Tianxia frowned, then asked, "What do you mean?"

He was dumbfounded by Lin Huang again.

"It's nothing interesting, Senior Sister Xiaoxiao may not belong to the Sky Continent in the first place, she is just a projection of the outside world onto the Sky Continent!"

"And I blocked the way of heaven that you represent just now. In this way, the shadow transmitted from the outside world was closed, so Senior Sister Xiaoxiao didn't exist, and I walked out!"

Lin Huang laughed.


Huangfu Tianxia did not believe this statement.

He suddenly looked towards the human world, only to find that Xiaoxiao was still there in this world.

He frowned again.

"Don't read it, you will look more like a fool!"

Lin Huang smiled and said, "For the Six Realms of Reincarnation, your will is the existence of the Dao of Heaven. You see, Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, it is the existence of the Dao of Heaven, so she will be projected out, and if you don't look at it, Senior Sister Xiaoxiao does not exist! Unable to verify!"

"You really know how to fool!"

Huangfu Tianxia still doesn't believe what Lin Huang said, "If Xiaoxiao is just a projection, then it will be like a mirage. What about Xiaoxiao in the outside world, the same is true for Xiaoxiao in the Sky Continent. Even her behavior should be normal! And Xiaoxiao in the Sky Continent is not So! Moreover, Xiaoxiao really exists, she has flesh and blood!"

"What you are talking about is just a mirror projection! And Senior Sister Xiaoxiao must be transformed by the energy of an extremely strong person, projected into existence! Energy has no flesh and blood, but it can shape flesh and blood! Under the Sky Continent, It is also possible to give birth to ideas... The simplest explanation is the theory of dragon veins transforming into dragons!"

Forest Road.

"If Xiaoxiao is really just a projection, the so-called energy, why can she still be revived?"

Huangfu said to the world.


Lin Huang frowned slightly, feeling that Huangfu Tianxia had become a little naive because of his excitement and surprise, "Buddhism has the power of faith, how does the power of faith grow? How does the cycle of yin prosperity and yang decline exist? In vain of your thousands of years of management, you have achieved your current status and realm, but you have very little thinking about Tao!"

Lin Huang shook his head.

" it really just a projection? Why is it a projection? Why does it appear in the Sky Continent?"

Huangfu murmured to himself, and ignored Lin Huang.


Lin Huang frowned suddenly, and then said: "So, you also like Senior Sister Xiaoxiao?!"

Huangfu Tianxia immediately snorted coldly, "Fantasy, snowy and beautiful, is this what I want. What I want... is the submission and worship of the people of the world! Women will only block my progress!"

Lin Huang spread his hands and didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't care about Huangfu's world of love.

"And how do you know?"

Huangfu Tianxia asked Lin Huang.

"It's very simple, someone is planning... We are all pawns! Senior brother's origin is not simple, so the origin of Senior Sister Xiaoxiao and the problem of her inability to recover are worth thinking about!"

"She came here for Qin Changsheng?"

Huangfu Tianxia lowered his brows, with killing intent in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter if you know, maybe the existence of senior sister Xiaoxiao is to guide the return of senior brother. The existence of projection... can locate the main body!"

Lin Huang told Huangfu the shocking secret of the world, "So, what can you do if you work hard? Not only have you been suppressed by your senior brother, but you don't have the monstrous background behind your senior brother's real identity. This is fate!"

"Even if you are given 1000 or 1 years, you will be far behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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