
Chapter 1635

Chapter 1635
On Wanshi Mountain, Shen Cangqiong didn't listen to Qin Zheng's warning at all.

Fools don't want power.

At this moment, he is very happy to accept Lin Huang's power, and constantly strengthen himself and the Sky Continent.

And in that sea of ​​thunder, Lin Huang never tires of it.

He picked Lei Hai's wool again and again.

Every time the immortal world is broken and recast, it will be stronger than before.Even though Lin Huang still has not stepped into the realm of the great emperor at this moment, but... this is not a question of whether he can do it, but a question of whether he is willing or not.

Stepping into the Great Emperor is not necessarily a very urgent matter.

Anyway, you can step in anytime.

However, within half an hour, the entire area of ​​Lei Hai had shrunk by a third.

Shen Cangqiong was already full!

When Lin Huang dispersed his power and was returned, he knew that the Sky Continent was no longer needed.

Then, with a wave of his hand, he pulled Jun Qingcheng into the thunder sea, and a majestic force enveloped Jun Qingcheng, greatly weakening the power of Thunder.

"The Emperor of Heaven!"

Lin Huang spoke simply.

The next moment, Jun Qingcheng directly sat up cross-legged in the air, and his whole body burst into brilliant light!

Lin Huang cautiously sent thunder into Jun Qingcheng's body to temper the Heavenly Emperor's dharma body.

But Lin Huang immediately frowned...

Tian Shura in his body began to jump again, as if smelling the breath of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body, as if meeting an old enemy, he wanted to break free from the chain and go out to bite someone.

Lin Huang volleyed down with one hand, and two figures flew out of his body.

Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body!

There is also a golden Buddha body.

The Buddha's light shines on the sea of ​​thunder, enveloping Lin Huang's Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven and Jun Qingcheng, and isolating the connection between the Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven and Tian Shura.

Afterwards, Lin Huang was frantically tempering the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body!
Outside the sea of ​​thunder, the mysterious woman was still squatting, looking at the two dharma bodies of the heavenly emperor shining like the sun in the sea of ​​thunder, she seemed very interested, then she raised her head and glanced at the void:
"Is the movement a bit loud!"

Although the woman didn't know many things, he still knew some things.

Back then, Emperor Jintian relied on the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor to slay the darkness and break ground, challenging the heavens and all races.Even though Emperor Jintian had fallen, he left an indelible shadow on the entire world of the heavens.

Therefore, all the heavens and all races must monitor the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

Now that the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body appears majestically, I'm afraid it will lead to some bad results.

"Your appearance here is already big enough!"

Qin Zheng's voice sounded beside the woman.

"Then can I kill someone this time?"

The woman asked with some expectation.

"No, your strength can no longer be lost!"

Qin Zheng was categorical.


"With me here, everything is worry-free!"

Qin Zheng's voice came again, "Don't worry, there will be no big problems. Because this is outside the layout, the people who come will not be too big!"


The woman stopped struggling, "Then let me see if it's okay!"

"Don't force me to send you back!"

Qin Zheng felt helpless.

"But I'm bored by myself. It's been tens of thousands of years... No one talks to me, I just want to come out and have a look!"

The woman lowered her voice, as if she was praying.

"You let Lin Huang step into the Great Emperor's Realm and attracted that sea of ​​thunder! You ate the sea of ​​thunder and replenished the lost strength!"

Qin Zheng met the woman's expectations.

"But... he's Zheng's little junior brother. If I eat Lei Hai, he will lose a chance to temper himself. Isn't that good!"

"He won't care!"

Qin Zheng said, "Did you hear that!"

In the next moment, Lin Huang opened his eyes suddenly, and his breath surged like a rainbow soaring into the sky.

In an instant!
Lin Huang stepped into the Emperor Realm.

In the original world, the thunder cloud was too lazy to move, and I don't know how many times, I always felt that some idiot had stepped into the emperor's realm.

But as soon as I ran out, I didn't feel that way anymore.

So he simply didn't run away.

Just as he was about to take a good night's sleep, he suddenly felt an unusually strong aura, that aura was calling it, summoning it to kill people!
With a thud.

A sea of ​​snow-white thunder tore through the sky, heading towards the Fusang God Realm.



In just a few breaths, the roar of thunder resounded above the Fusang God Realm.The power of that roar is no less than the power of the emperor's tomb.

However, the next moment, Lei Hai's roar became much weaker.

The body of Lei Hai, which came to the half of the Fusang God Realm, stopped, and it was about to leave here.


There is great horror in this!

In the void, the woman's small snow-white hand gently penetrated into the void!

The snow-white sea of ​​thunder was surging crazily, trying to escape with all its might.However, at this moment, it seemed to be tied to its legs and could not move.

Within two breaths, the woman had already picked off the snow-white sea of ​​thunder and put it in her hand to watch, like a cotton candy.

The woman's small snow-white hands squeezed and grabbed the cotton candy directly in her palm, but it was only half the size of a fist.

In the next moment, the woman directly swallowed the thunder sea of ​​the emperor's calamity into her abdomen.

"Hee hee... It's Wan Mie Lei Jie, I should be able to stay for another quarter of an hour!"

The woman smiled coquettishly.

On Wanshi Mountain, Qin Zheng smiled helplessly, with a doting look on his face.

In the thunder sea of ​​the emperor's tomb, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Huang are still practicing, but the speed has begun to slow down...

The entire Thunder Sea has also completely shrunk by two-thirds.

God knows how much power Lin Huang compressed to create the Immortal Body, the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor, the Asura Body, the Golden Body of Buddhism, and the Dharma Body of the Emperor Qingcheng.

This time, it was a big profit.

Not long after, Lin Huang sent Jun Qingcheng out of the Emperor's Grave Thunder Sea.

All the bodies merged into one, Lin Huang looked at the center of Lei Hai, his eyes lit up.

Lei Hai has shrunk by a third, but it doesn't necessarily mean that Lei Hai has been truly suppressed by Lin Huang.

What he was in now was nothing but the blood-red lightning area.

In front of him, there is still a snow-white area!
In the center of the snow-white area, there is a thick fog.

And that dense fog is the core part of the Emperor's Tomb Thunder Sea.

After leaving Leihai, Jun Qingcheng stabilized his mind a little bit, looking at the forest desert where Leihai was, he was not as flustered as before.

After all, Lin Huang came out of the enchanted state, and it was a blessing in disguise.

On Wanshi Mountain, Qin Zheng laughed...

"Boy, a strong man from the Blazing God Clan is coming, I have an idea!"

Qin Zheng's voice rang in Lin Huang's ear.

"Understood, you want to steal my body! Just don't disturb my body tempering training!"

Lin Huang spoke simply and directly, he was already very proficient.

"On the road!"

Qin Zheng got up, and the next moment, a figure walked out of his body and left Wanshi Mountain...

In the sea of ​​thunder, 'Lin Huang' raised his eyebrows and looked up at the void.

It's been a long time since I killed some chickens and dogs!

(End of this chapter)

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