
Chapter 1636 Lei Haizhong's Chat

Chapter 1636 Lei Haizhong's Chat
In Fusang God Realm, the sky and the earth are shaking.

That pitch-black sea of ​​thunder.

The world of ice and snow brought by the girl outside Leihai.

There is also the snow-white thunder sea that just tore apart the sky and the earth.

And the young man in sackcloth before.

They didn't do anything...

Why did he suddenly suffer such a catastrophe!
What the hell is going on?
But now, the entire world of Fusang God Realm began to shake again, and there seemed to be different movements.

In the royal court of the evil clan, several powerful monks were looking at the sky and the sky from a distance, looking...a little nervous.

Previously, the strong gods in the clan had some thoughts about the emperor's tomb Leihai, but they just stared at it from a distance, and they were all killed with a single palm, and the vast territory was completely turned into dust.

This severely damaged the vitality of the evil race.

But now, they can only pin their hopes on the Blazing God Race.

After all, the Blazing Gods are very strong!
So strong that the human race is afraid of it.

It's just that, even though they are attached to the Xuantian God Clan, the current practice is to lure wolves into the house, and the final result can only be that the Xie Clan is relying more and more on the Blazing Sky God Clan.

But, now there is no other way.

If it goes on, the evil race is afraid that the sky will be turned upside down.

They can only hope that after the emergence of the powerful members of the Blazing Heaven God Clan, they will be more merciful, and leave some spoils for the Xie Clan after beheading these native chickens and dogs of the Clan.

After all, reporting the letter is also a very tiring thing.

In the sea of ​​thunder, Lin Huang raised his head and only took two breaths before narrowing his eyes.

I saw a crack suddenly appeared on the sky.

In the crack, a divine light appeared.

In an instant...

A pair of majestic wings covered the entire sky, and the wings were shrouded in divine light, looking extremely holy.

And in the middle of the wings, there is a snow-white figure.

White clothes and white hair, he looks like a person, but he doesn't look like a person, because there is a trace of liquefied metal on the face of that figure.

And behind the huge wings, there are several wings stirring. Every time the stirring makes the whole heaven and earth burst with wind and thunder, and a majestic coercion descends from the sky, making people surrender.

And at the moment that Seraphim appeared, he cast his silver eyes on Lei Hai, feeling the breath in Lei Hai, with a look of contempt on his face.

"Emperor Jin...death! Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body, extinguish!"

The silver-eyed blazing angel opened his mouth, and then suddenly fell from the sky, killing towards the sea of ​​thunder.

"Twelve Wings, looks very powerful!"

When Lin Huang opened his mouth, he looked very calm, even with a smile on his face.

"Don't mess around, my body can't bear your powerful strength!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Lin Huang faced Qin Zhengdao.

"rest assured!"

Qin Zheng waved his hand, "Let me show you how to rebel against the gods with the emperor's realm!"

As he spoke, Lin Huang continued to walk in the sea of ​​thunder, approaching the center of the sea of ​​thunder continuously.


The blazing angel fell into the sea of ​​thunder and killed Lin Huang.

The next moment, Lin Huang suddenly appeared, facing the silver-eyed seraphim head-on, and punched out with a simple punch.


The thunder sea was suddenly turbulent, it was the emperor's catastrophe, but in the eyes of the gods, it was nothing more than that.

Under the confrontation between the two sides, Seraph was directly beaten out of the sea of ​​thunder.

And Lin Huang also stepped back for a walk.

"Is the forward speed okay now?"

Qin Zheng asked about the forest shortage in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Look, I'm all cracked, can I walk at a good speed?"

Lin Huang snorted coldly.

"That's right, then I'll walk a little slower, you should understand...I want to play with the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body later!"

Qin Zheng opened his mouth, then rolled up his sleeves, and suddenly pulled out three thousand thunderbolts in the sea of ​​thunder. With his arms shaking, the three thousand thunderbolts turned into a thunder spear.

The long spear pierced the sea and headed towards the Seraph who came to kill again.

Seraph Angel's twelve wings spun like knives, annihilating the thunder spear while breathing, and then turned into a silver light, killing Lin Huang.

Lin Huang folded his arms together, and an illusory Monument of Eternity suddenly appeared in front of him, and with a bang, it blocked the killing silver-eyed Seraph.

However, under the impact of the silver-eyed seraphim, several cracks appeared on the illusory Eternal Monument.

Lin Huang frowned slightly. After all, it was just a projected power, and the power exerted had a lot to do with the power of the host.

"Can I walk faster?"

"Aren't you strong?"

"No matter how strong I am, Wanshi Mountain will not guard? My master came to save you?"

Qin Zheng snorted coldly.

"Then go faster!"

Lin Huang was helpless.

Afterwards, 'Lin Huang' directly turned on the high-speed mode, and rushed towards the center of Leihai.

"I told you to walk faster, not to fly!"

Lin Huang looked at his body that had turned into a skeleton, and was very angry.

"Yeah, it's only a little faster!"

Qin Zheng laughed, "You first upgrade your physical body, and I'll have fun with that miscellaneous bird!"

Saying that, 'Lin Huang' waved his hand and arranged a defense around his body, waiting for the Seraphim to kill him.

While waiting, he condensed another thunder knife from the sea of ​​thunder, and after Seraph broke through the defense, he killed it.

Afterwards, Qin Zheng then withdrew a thunderbolt as a whip, twitching and crackling in the void.


And Lin Huang was cultivating crazily, the Lei Hai here made him unacceptable for a while, and his whole body began to wither!The flame of Nirvana was burning crazily, spitting blood and burning, constantly recovering Lin Huang's strength.

"Boy, how many prototypes of the gods are you carrying, do you want to surpass Emperor Jintian?"

Qin Zheng asked Lin Huang while making weapons to deal with Seraphim.

"Don't chat with me, I'm busy!"

At this moment, Lin Huang didn't have time to deal with Qin Zheng. If he was not careful, his immortal body would be destroyed.

"Thunder is under heavy pressure, why don't you try to integrate several physiques?"

Qin Zheng gave advice to Lin Huang.

Lin Huang raised his brows lightly, seems to be okay?
Just like forging iron, after a thousand years of hammering, some broken copper and rotten iron become a sharp iron sword... Now this thunder is the power of tempering.

What if you combine several physiques into one?

Lin Huang did what he said, and a completely different aura suddenly surged in his body.

The next moment, the surging breath was pressed down by Qin Zheng's palm, "You are so reckless, I will just talk about it!"

"But I think what you said makes sense!"

"I don't think it makes sense myself!"

Qin Zheng shook his head, he was really stupid, "Just now, you dare to merge without even adapting to Thunder? Are you really afraid that several major physiques will collide and explode directly?"

"Aren't you here?"

Lin Huang said straightforwardly.

As long as Qin Zheng didn't want him to die, he couldn't actually die.

There will definitely be risks in merging now, but this is an excellent opportunity...

Qin Zheng was also dumb. He didn't expect that Lin Huang had the desire to squeeze his own wool.

"Don't go too fast, the Sky Continent is still very weak!"

Qin Zheng continued to speak.

"Then what does it matter to me?"

Forest Road.

"Then what happened to you pressing the realm before, didn't you just want to fish?"

Qin Zheng shook his head, "Although I'm not in the Sky Continent, I'll still watch what bad things you do!"

"If you want to use Sky Continent as a Diaoyutai, the Diaoyutai must first be stable, right?"

Qin Zhengdao, "If your own strength keeps rising, Shen Cangqiong will not be able to bear it!"

"It's not that you want to use the Sky Continent as a fishing platform and me as bait? I just want to be both a bait and a fisherman now!"

"You understand it yourself, what are you doing with a few major physiques!"

Qin Zheng forgot that he was the one who told him that he could try physical fusion.

"Oh... I just want to know the answer in advance, what is your layout for the Sky Continent!"

(End of this chapter)

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