
Chapter 1655 The Undercurrents of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Clans

Chapter 1655 The Undercurrents of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Clans

Listening to Qin Zheng's words, Lin Huang was slightly silent.

He thought about it.

Perhaps... Many warriors have never separated the original heart of human beings from the original heart of martial arts.

As for the martial artist's search, in fact, sometimes he is very confused.

Qin Zheng didn't say anything more, and if he said more, it would be a bit counterproductive...and he was able to tell Lin Huang these things, which was considered to be something that Lin Huang would come into contact with soon.

It also allowed Lin Huang to have a more sense of identity with the original world of the human race.

Even if they are of the same origin, there is some distance after all. If you can't agree with the original world of the human race, it's better... to kill them directly!
"Boy, you don't have much time to think, the next big world is coming soon!"

Qin Zheng looked at Lin Huang who was lost in thought, and interrupted him directly.

"it is good!"

Lin Huang didn't say much, and stood up from Wanshi Mountain.

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows... Unexpectedly, Lin Huang recovered slightly faster than he expected.And this is when he secretly played tricks and blocked the power of Lin Huang's Nirvana.

Only by constantly squeezing yourself can you force out greater potential.


Two people, a mountain, began to move towards the next race.

It seems only for provocation.

At least, that's how it turned out.

Gradually, the two walked through races one by one.

Constantly jumping across the heavens and worlds repeatedly, he was still here the day before, and when he reappears, he may appear tens of thousands of gods away.

As soon as it appeared, it challenged several races in succession, and then disappeared again.


The entire heavens and worlds responded.

If the two simply challenge a few races, they should only affect one area, and the speed of news transmission will not be too fast.

As for the two people, it can be said that they crossed the four directions of the heavens and the world, stabbing twice here and shooting twice there.

This affected multiple points in the heavens and the worlds, and then the news radiated from these base points like a network, allowing the information to spread quickly throughout the entire heavens and the worlds.

This... After all, it can be regarded as a seven-level god sending a message in person.

a time.

The heavens and all races then shook.

Not only because of Qin Zheng, but also because of Qin Zheng's arrogance.

It's been too long, and they have almost forgotten how the human race's dual masters ran across the heavens back then.That Qin Zheng was also very young at the time, but he was unimaginably powerful. He and Emperor Jintian had suppressed the Dark Earth, infiltrated the Blazing God Clan, wiped out the evils of ancient times, and emerged from the source of nightmares.

The arrogance of all the heavens and all races were trampled underfoot by the two of them.

For this reason, all the heavens and ten thousand races sent many strong men to intercept and kill the two of them openly and secretly.

However, they all ended in failure.

Not only are the two people backed by human races, but also because they are really unbeatable Xiaoqiang. Every time they think that these two people have been driven to extinction, forced into a desperate situation, and absolutely impossible to reappear, the two of them can always fight in a different way. appear in a manner.

And every time it appears, it is a realm improvement.

It took only a few hundred years for the two of them to go from being hunted down to intimidating the powerhouses of the heavens, which is too terrifying.

Everything until Emperor Jintian died in battle.

Qin Zheng returned to the human race and sat in the Wanshi Mountain, coercing the darkness and breaking the ground, which calmed the entire heavens and worlds a lot.

Unexpectedly, now Qin Zheng appeared again!

He actually gave up guarding the darkness and broke ground, once again traversing the heavens and the world.

Why is there a young man beside him, a young man who is not in the realm of gods?

According to legend, Qin Zheng was stuck in the seventh realm for too long.

Is it because he has captured the opportunity of the Eighth Realm, and wants to walk across the heavens, so as to step into the Eighth Realm?

Or, the young man next to him, just like he did in the past, had an experience of going all over the world... Could it be that that young man is expected to become the second Qin Zheng or the second Jintian Emperor?

For a while, the heavens and all the clans seemed to be calm, but under the calm, there were quite a few waves.

Countless messages were sent among the major races in the heavens and the world.

And inside the human race, many wars broke out... The war came from the hidden human spies. They wanted to know the current situation of Wanshi Mountain, who the young man was, and whether it was possible for Qin Zheng to step into the world. eight realms.

Also, during this period of time, the human race also welcomed visits from many races.

It's called a visit, but in fact, I understand what I want to do!
It's important to figure this out!
If it's just for that young man, it's okay, because there is still time for each race... That person who is as strong as Emperor Jintian, who is astonishingly talented, didn't he fall in the end?

But if that young man is just a cover for confusion, the real situation is that Qin Zheng is seizing the opportunity to become the Eighth Realm, which is very bad.

Not only because the human race will add another eight-level god.

Also because that person is Qin Zheng.

For one side, a few or even a dozen more gods are nothing.But if there is an extra eight-level god, it will be a huge shock.

Because, it is very likely that some balance will be broken.

If the balance is broken and there is a storm, the entire heavens and all races may be involved.

Therefore, the spirits of all the heavens and all races are tense at this moment.

No clan hopes that Qin Zheng can step into the Eighth Realm, even the allies of the human race.

Under such circumstances, many races have already begun to prepare...

"What's the news from the human race?"

Among the heavens and all races, in an extremely white palace, an illusory voice sounded.

The owner of that voice came from a mural, and above the mural was a pattern of a snow-white seraphim. The seraphim turned its back to all living beings, and its huge wings occupied the entire picture.

The vast divine power emanates from the wings, making it unclear whether it is eighteen wings, twenty, or... twenty-two!
"Wanshi Mountain has left with Qin Zheng, and the Dark Ground is now guarded by Taiyi Shengwang and Xia Shenzun! Hongtian God still sits in charge of the human race, and there is no sign of leaving!"

"What about the other gods of the human race?"

"The Great Desolate Lord hasn't shown up for a long time, and there are still a few gods who have been hiding their heads and showing their tails, so I'm not sure whether they are secretly following Qin Zheng!"

"The Great Wilderness Lord..."

There was a slight hesitation in the mural, "He disappeared!"

"My lord thinks there is a problem? Could it be that the Great Desolation Lord is secretly following Qin Zheng, doing... defending Qin Zheng?"

"Qin Zheng is really the peak of the seven realms?"

There was a voice in the mural.

"There are a lot of rumors about this!"

The figure under the mural said, "But so many years have passed, with Qin Zheng's aptitude, he should have entered the Seventh Realm long ago, and now it is very reasonable to be at the peak of the Seventh Realm! There are also rumors among the human race that Qin Zheng was actually early. You have entered the Eight Realms!"

"What is the origin of that forest shortage?"

asked the mural.

"I haven't found the root of this person yet. It should be a small realm under the original world of the human race. From now on, the person has shot seventeen times... It seems to have the shadow of Emperor Jin!"

The figure under the mural opened his mouth.

"Emperor Ember..."

The mural said slowly, "Qin Zheng..."

Then, the voice in the mural changed the subject, "What do the other clans mean?"

"They have made it clear that if Qin Zheng's tour this time is to enter the Eighth Realm, they agree to temporarily form an alliance to hunt and kill Qin Zheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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