
Chapter 1656

Chapter 1656
In the void of the Ten Thousand Worlds, Qin Zheng was still wandering with Lin Huang and Wanshi Mountain.

Constantly wandering.

It's just that as time goes by, the speed of each walk becomes faster, and it won't stay in a certain place for too long.

In these heavens and worlds, living for tens of thousands of years is not a good stubble.

Even if there is no news, Qin Zheng knows what kind of turmoil he will cause in the heavens and worlds.

And with the change of battle during this period, Lin Huang was much calmer than before. When facing the great emperors of various races, at least he would not be directly crushed to death on the ground.

And among the three thousand realms of the Buddha in his body, many small realms have also been opened up to store the insights of each battle.

He didn't rush to understand or comprehend, but was still honing his current abilities.

Qin Zheng, on the other hand, seemed to be as strong as ever.

At least until now, Lin Huang has never seen Qin Zheng get injured.

"All heaven and all races...are they really not going to hunt you down?"

On Wanshi Mountain, Lin Huang suddenly asked.

Although he doesn't know much about the heavens and worlds, he understands that a person like Qin Zheng walking under the void of the heavens will inevitably attract the attention of many powerful people.

Killing him is the best!

"How can it be so fast!"

Qin Zheng didn't hide it, "Otherwise they will really look down on me, Qin Zheng. If they want to kill me, they will definitely think of everything and pay attention to killing me with one blow."

"That is to say, we will be in trouble next?"

Forest Road.

"It's a dead end!"

Qin Zhengdao, "But this doesn't include you, they still can't take a fancy to you!"

Lin Huang felt that he was insulted again.

"So, you know how much risk I took to bring you out! What, do you want to change the condition for killing one Seraph in a hundred years to two?"

Qin Zheng felt that the price he had to pay was too high, and he wanted to change the agreement.

"This is not good!"

Lin Huang shook his head, then said with a smile: "The conditions negotiated earlier, whatever should be done. I will never go back on my word like a bitch!"

Lin Huang was pointing at Sang and scolding Huai.

Moreover, "You know that you may face a death situation, and you brought me out, which means you have a way to deal with it. I don't believe that my potential is more important than your life!"

"Expand and talk!"

Qin Zheng had a slight desire to speak to Lin Huang.

"There's nothing to unfold... You're traversing the heavens, using yourself as a bait to attract the attention of powerful people from all races. It seems that you're in a crisis. But... you're not that fisherman anymore?"

Lin Huang smiled, with confidence on his face, "I believe that you will be miserable at that time. But you should not die, because the purpose of you bringing me out is not to kill yourself!"

"But things in the world are unpredictable. You can think of it, and the strong of other races can also think of it, so...they will kill all my preparations, won't they?"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"It depends on who has a higher realm, who is a thousand-year-old demon!"

Lin Huang bypassed Qin Zheng's logic, "And if you come out to hang out, you have to gamble. The greater the danger, the greater the profit, that's all!"

"It makes sense!"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"So, it may be your wish to go on a tour of the heavens and all races. And my appeal just happens to fit some thoughts in your heart!"

Forest Road.

"Then tell me, why do I have to travel across the heavens and worlds?"

Qin Zheng asked Lin Huang.

"do not know……"

Lin Huang simply shook his head.

"It's already very good to think of it here!"

Qin Zheng smiled, "Since you understand everything in your heart, you have to be more serious. The next battle has just begun, and... I may not be able to keep you by then!"

"Perhaps, I should be more outstanding, and you should be more embarrassed!"

Lin Huang suddenly spoke.

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, and instantly understood what Lin Huang meant.

Regarding the purpose of Qin Zheng's trip, Lin Huang only had some guesses, and the strong men of all heavens and ten thousand races must also have guesses.

But what Lin Huang was sure of was that the main purpose of Qin Zheng's tour this time was not for himself.

In this case, Lin Huang could stand out even more and attract the attention of the powerful people from all the heavens and races. Originally, a mere emperor couldn't do it, but he had the shadow of Emperor Jintian on his body.

This deserves the attention of all heaven and all races.

And Qin Zheng was a little bit more embarrassed, he was actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, making the powerhouses of the heavens and all races guess that Qin Zheng's tour was just for him.

"You can be more outstanding, but I don't want to bow my head!"

Qin Zheng said, "I have never lost a fight in my life, and I won't bow my head to hide my clumsiness and become embarrassed!"

"He's pretty careful with his image!"

Lin Huang complained a few words, then nodded.

He really wanted to help Qin Zheng, if possible!Because no matter what Qin Zheng's ultimate goal is, it is a gift from the gods for him to travel across the heavens and worlds with him.

From all the heavens and all races, how many people can get such a chance?

Absolutely impossible!
And Qin Zheng did this... Now that he has done it, Lin Huang will never forget the kindness here.Being able to help Qin Zheng is what he should do, but Lin Huang knows that his current state is too low, and if he is not careful, Qin Zheng will be distracted and become a pig teammate.

"Are you sure you want to help me?"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"Do my best!"

"it is good……"

Qin Zheng smiled, and as he walked, he suddenly stopped at Wanshi Mountain.Standing on the dragon's head of Wanshi Mountain, he looked down at the borders of many races in the endless space ahead, and said:

"Qianyi is the Great Nirvana of the Heavens and Myriad Worlds. In the Great Nirvana, there are no fewer than 30 races. We challenge the past one by one!"

"In the next battle, you can only lose, not win! I want you to play the demeanor of my human emperor!"

Qin Zheng's eyebrows were deep, and his voice was like gold and stone.

"it is good!"

Lin Huang spoke immediately, and then frowned suddenly.

"Is this the end point of the layout?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Guess for yourself!"

Qin Zheng did not say so clearly.

Lin Huang suddenly had a feeling in his heart, feeling that he was being tricked by Qin Zheng invisibly. Although he couldn't find the reason, he firmly believed... Qin Zheng was inducing him.

Afterwards, Lin Huang opened the Chronicle of Ten Thousand Clans.

In it, he found the nearby races in the Great Nirvana Realm, and frowned slightly.

"The Great Nirvana Realm... the Great Nirvana, is this place? What kind of place is this, can it kill gods?"

Lin Huang was cheating Qin Zheng indiscriminately.

"Think again..."

Qin Zheng laughed.

"Um, right?"

Lin Huang frowned, and then expanded the scope of the investigation race...

Gradually, Lin Huang developed a map on Wanshi Mountain, with three red dots flashing on it.

"The Great Abyss of Silence!"

"The Ruins of the Gods!"

"Sunset Galaxy!"

"Is your move one of these three?"

(End of this chapter)

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