
Chapter 1657 Sand Sculpture Forest Desolation

Chapter 1657 Sand Sculpture Forest Desolation
In response to Lin Huang's question, Qin Zheng just smiled and did not give Lin Huang an answer.

"Your realm is too low, and it is easy to be peeped into thinking!"

Qin Zhengdao.

Lin Huang was suddenly agitated.

You wait for me for 100 years, don't hack you to death!
However, since Qin Zheng had other plans, Lin Huang also made the best preparations in his heart, hoping not to die in the Great Silence Realm.

Then, on Wanshi Mountain, Lin Huang took the initiative to yell towards the big world in front of him.

"Lin Huang, a descendant of the human race, asked the Scarlet Blood Clan, the great emperor of the clan, come out and die!"

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, "The strength of the Red Blood Clan can be compared with that of the Human Race. The strength of their alliance may be even stronger than that of the Human Race. Among them, the Red Blood Clan's Chi Xue Hansha is ranked 97th on the Great Emperor List!"

"47, is it strong? I am invincible under the gods!"

Lin Huang was extremely insolent.

But my heart trembled. There are more than 8000 races in the heavens and myriad worlds. Among all the great emperors of the 90 races, they can rank No. [-] and [-]th, which is definitely very strong.

"You wish for luck!"

Qin Zheng took a deep look.

The next moment, the great world ahead was surging, and amidst the turmoil of the wind and cloud, a blood-colored long rainbow rushed out of the great world and appeared in front of Wanshi Mountain.

Then, the blood-colored river turned into blood-colored sand all over the sky, condensing into a figure.

The bloody figure saw Qin Zheng first.

"Don't worry, I won't shoot! If you want to kill him, kill him!"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"Even if the Longevity God wants to make a move, he still has to ask me whether the Red Blood God Clan will agree or not!"

Behind the bloody sand figure, a piece of yellow sand appeared... The yellow sand was rolling, but there was no figure, but a vast voice sounded from inside.

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Afterwards, the bloody figure glanced at Lin Huang on Wanshi Mountain, "If you lose, you will become the emperor's servant!"

"it is good!"

Lin Huang got up angrily, "But you are not worthy to be the emperor's servant!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Huang raised his saber to kill Chixue Hansha.


The red blood cold sand remained motionless, and was directly split into sand flying all over the sky by Lin Huang.

However, the sand then reunited and turned into the previous figure again.

"This emperor is No. 90 on the list of great emperors. I want you to make three moves. Just now, you have passed one move, and you still have two chances. After two moves, you have no chance to make a move!"

Chixue Hansha opened his mouth, and the sand around him surged like a stream of water.


Lin Huang snorted coldly, "Today, I'm going to be number 97 on the list of great emperors!"

As he said that, Lin Huang turned over with one hand, and suddenly heavy snow fell between the sky and the earth.


Chixue Hansha snorted coldly, his figure turned around, and suddenly turned into a long spear, and came towards Lin Huang to assassinate him.

A bang.

Lin Huang slashed the knife and chopped off the sand gun.

The sand spears collapsed, but when they turned their heads, a long sword formed and came from Lin Huang's back.

Lin Huang jumped up directly, wrapped in the wind and snow to block the sand gun.

The sound of puff puff sounded, and countless sand directly penetrated the wind and snow barrier, and once again rushed towards the forest waste.

Lin Huang's sleeves rolled up, blocking the surrounding space!

In the void, the two trembled.

The power of the red blood and cold sand is too strange, it is as soft as water, but it can move mountains and seas like a tsunami.Every grain of sand is much more powerful than water droplets.

Defense seems to be useless in the face of the sand all over the sky.

On the scene, it seems that Lin Huang and Chixue Hansha can share equal prizes, but Lin Huang is also a little helpless. If he can't hit it, this is the most important thing.
Once the time is prolonged, Lin Huang will definitely lose.

"Qin Zheng, Chixue Hansha has won, you should leave the Great Silence Realm! Here, I don't want to be involved in a big war!"

Above the void, a sound resounded in the rolling yellow sand.


Qin Zheng responded very easily, "But haven't you noticed that Chixue Hansha's speed has slowed down!"

"Because the air is much humid!"

Respond in the yellow sand.

"The outcome is undecided, don't be too complacent!"

Qin Zheng laughed.

"It seems that you have forgotten the ancient sand sea that you and Emperor Jintian fell into!"

There was a voice in the yellow sand.

"Later, didn't we escape... and kill us?"

Qin Zheng said with a smile, "We can do it, and he can do it too. Our human race is better than the ancients from generation to generation!"

"Wait and see!"

The one in the yellow sand didn't want to talk to Qin Zheng anymore.

In the void, Lin Huang also fell into a disadvantage step by step, but his expression was very calm. Under his immortal body, it would be difficult for Chixue Hansha to harm him without using powerful means.

It's just that the latter's methods are becoming more and more weird, and every move he makes is like hitting cotton.

"You don't have many chances!"

Chixue Hansha opened his mouth, but before the words fell, the bloody sand between the sky and the earth suddenly condensed into four storms... a tornado storm composed of four bloody sands.

The storm swept towards the forest in four directions.

In the void, with the appearance of the tornado storm, there was a huge tearing force, all the breath was pulled into the storm, and Lin Huang's body also began to float in the void, a little unstable.

With a long roar, Lin Huang's body suddenly magnified, turning into an ancient giant to stabilize his figure.

However, at the moment when Lin Huang turned into a giant, the four tornadoes flashed into the void, appeared at Lin Huang's limbs, entangled directly, and locked on Lin Huang's limbs.

Lin Huang frowned, knowing he had been tricked.

Sure enough, at the moment when the tornado storm entangled Lin Huang's limbs, its power really manifested. The majestic and ancient power of blood sand entwined Lin Huang's limbs, and in a spiral manner, the blood-colored sand continuously pierced his body. into the skin, and then the sand was like rivets, locking Lin Huang's limbs.

In the next moment, the power of Tian Shura surged towards the limbs and arms.

The blood-colored sand surged in Lin Huang's limbs, gathering and dispersing like water, even if the power of Tian Shura slashed wildly, it was somewhat futile.

Gradually, Lin Huang was lifted up by the four tornadoes, and his whole body was tensed in the void.

More and more sand poured into Lin Huang's body, causing sand to appear in the pupils of his face... Lin Huang began to gradually desertify.

And with the continuous desertification, the power of forest shortage has been greatly compressed, becoming weaker and weaker.

In just a few breaths, Lin Huang's body was completely filled with blood-colored sand.

Face, hair, body, and limbs all turned into sand.

It became a sand sculpture!

Then with a bang, Lin Huang was pulled to the ground by the tornado, and countless blood-colored sand suddenly fell from the sky, like a vast ocean capsized, trying to bury Lin Huang.

"Qin Zheng, you lost!"

In the yellow sand, there was a voice.

"not necessarily!"

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows and said, "He hasn't completely died yet!"

"It is impossible for any living thing to escape in the sea of ​​sand!"

There was a sound in the yellow sand.

"Chi Xuechen, you are too confident! This deity has a hundred ways to escape from a sea of ​​sand!"

Qin Zheng smiled.



As soon as Qin Zheng finished speaking, the sea of ​​sand below began to hum and vibrate. It was obvious that the forest that had turned into a sand sculpture was struggling!
(End of this chapter)

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