
Chapter 167 Chief

Chapter 167 Chief
In the Martial Law Prison, Lin Huang let out a long sigh and took back the scroll.

Looking at the heavy snow falling in the sky, like cherry blossoms, the poignant beauty reveals endless sadness, biting despair, and hidden murderous intent.

Lin Huang stretched out his hand to touch the snowflakes, and murmured with a desolate expression: "Qing buried the mud in the spring, and I sent my head full of snow in the world! Hehe... It's a good sentence, I send my head full of snow in the world!"

Lin Huang was wrapped in heavy snow and thought of Jun Qingcheng.

Why wasn't the two of them in the previous life like this?

For ten years, the movement is like participating in business.

Liu Cangsheng's hundreds of chases, Jun Qingcheng's father who is as powerful as a god, are the natural moats between the two.

Jun Qingcheng may not understand, but Lin Huang has an unforgettable feeling. He and Jun Qingcheng cannot love each other, and they are separated by thousands of miles.Even if the love is deep, so what?

No matter how hard he tried, it would be difficult for him to see Jun Qingcheng.

No matter how hard he fought, it would be difficult for him to be with Jun Qingcheng. Lin Huang seemed to be chasing a dream, a dream that would never come true.

Ten years of gray hair, snow sent to the world!
Even if he finally appeared in the wind and snow region, it was just a struggle to muster up the courage for the rest of his life...

"Qingcheng, what should I use to protect you? How can I become strong so that I can justifiably stand by your side and hold up a piece of sky for you?"

Lin Huang smiled hoarsely, and walked forward in the snow with his hands behind his back. The snowflakes wrapped around his body became bigger and bigger until it swept across the entire Martial Law Prison...

That is the snowy world that belongs to Linhuang!
Outside the Forbidden Land of Piaoxue, Jun Qingcheng looked at the young man in the light curtain, and there was a slight trance in his beautiful eyes.Looking at that desolate and lonely figure, I couldn't help being stabbed deep in my heart.

She already understood that the so-called cultivation into the snowy world is the realization after experiencing great joy and great sorrow, and heart-piercing pain.Without such experience, it would be difficult for even a peerless genius to cultivate.

Therefore, Yan Zangfeng practiced successfully.

Lin Cangxue succeeded in training.

Lin Huang has also succeeded in cultivation, and what's more, Lin Huang is even worse. In just a few breaths, the whole body is covered with heavy snow, which is more poignant than the original snow in the martial arts prison.

And even sadder!
A pair of autumn-like eyes fell on Lin Huang's body tightly, looking at the latter with a sad and frosty expression, blue hair bleak, snowy palms on the world, while muttering the word "Qingcheng", standing quietly outside the snow forbidden area The red-clothed girl's complexion was extremely pale, and her heart trembled unknowingly, as if she was hiding endless sadness.

Just like that, Lin Huang walked out of the Martial Law Prison with a dejected expression, and the entire snowy area was covered with beautiful snowflakes. The snowflakes annihilated the fire, frozen the thunder, made the magic sound quiet, and stagnated vitality.


In the snow palace.

With the sound of a bell, two figures jumped onto the ring like a frightened bird, indicating that the battle for the leader of Piaoxue Palace was about to begin.

Yun Feifei is the second in the inner sect of Piaoxue Palace.

Lu Tianque is the third in the inner sect of Piaoxue Palace.

Looking at the two figures on the stage, everyone was full of excitement.Now the number one in the inner sect, Xie Qinghou, has stepped into the realm of Tianyuan and no longer participates in the ranking.

Then these two are the well-deserved top two.

Most of the disciples' eyes fell on Yun Feifei, and their expressions were agitated, not only because the latter had great strength, but also because of her devil-like figure.

In contrast, Lu Tianque is much dimmer, after all, he is only in the realm of the ninth heaven of earth element now.

If there is no accident, today's ending will be decided at this moment, Yun Feifei is probably the well-deserved number one in the inner sect, and will take over the chief order from Lin Cangxue.

"Just admit defeat, I don't want to embarrass you!"

Yun Feifei wore a long Tsing Yi dress, and stared at Lu Tianque with a cold expression, as holy as a hibiscus coming out of clear water.As soon as the long sword in his hand was raised, there were cheers from the disciples of Piaoxue Palace.

Lu Tianque was dressed in a blue robe, with a burly and magnificent figure, with a big knife on his back, quite domineering.

I saw Lu Tianque shook his head resolutely, with a serious look in his tiger eyes, "From the day I knew you left Miss Cangxue, I knew you were a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions, and Miss Cangxue was kind to me. No matter what, I will teach you a lesson today!"

"It's Lin Cangxue again!"

Yun Feifei stabbed her eyes, and there was a sharp murderous intent in her eyes, "There are countless people in Piaoxue Palace who have received Lin Cangxue's kindness, even Xie Qinghou is no exception. Only a elm-headed person like you can remember Lin Cangxue's love." Snow's kindness!"

"A woman like you doesn't understand what kindness is and what morality is!"

Lu Tianque spat and hummed solemnly.

Yun Feifei smiled instead of anger, her peach blossom eyes were full of sarcasm, "Since you want to repay Lin Cangxue's kindness, today I will teach you a lesson, so that you can know what will happen if you ask Lin Cangxue for an explanation !"

As soon as Yun Feifei finished speaking, the long sword in her hand rushed towards Lu Tianque...

In the square, the battle suddenly broke out.

In a blink of an eye, Yun Feifei and Lu Tianque were fighting together, with layers of sharp and horizontal sword energy rolling in like a tidal wave.The blood-colored blade glowed like a rock of the mainstay, motionless.

At the back of the square, Lin Cangxue looked at the scene not far away, holding the chief token in her hand with a calm expression.

After a quarter of an hour, Lu Tianque showed a tendency to retreat.

"It seems that the chief position of Piaoxue Palace must belong to Miss Feifei!"

"Lu Tianque is too conceited, dare to compete with Miss Feifei!"

"Even though he is also in the Ninth Heaven of Earth Element, how can he be Feifei's opponent. You know, Miss Feifei has been defeated by one move most of the time. Today, I have fought with Lu Tianque for a quarter of an hour, and I have given him a lot of face!"

"This Lu Tianque really doesn't know what is good or bad, and he still doesn't admit defeat!"


People outside the arena were talking about it, but Lu Tianque on the ring was firmly supporting him.In terms of combat experience, Yun Feifei is definitely not as rich as him.

But Yun Feifei's martial spirit is so weird that it can absorb her own attack and use it for her own use.

There is also a boundary gap between the two.

"It's really overpowering, and you still don't admit defeat, so don't blame me for being ruthless." Yun Feifei smiled coldly, her eyes burst into murderous intent, and a sword suddenly pierced through Lu Tianque's chest.

Lu Tianque frowned, then slashed at Yun Feifei.

Yun Feifei smiled strangely, her body suddenly disappeared in place, and the sharp long sword fell on Lu Tianque's shoulder again...

After two sword strikes, even though Lu Tianque was a fierce tiger, Yun Feifei finally pinned down the tiger's head, and was stabbed by Yun Feifei's long sword one sword after another.

In just a quarter of an hour, more than 30 wounds appeared on Lu Tianque's body, dripping blood all over his body, and he was no longer able to fight.

Yun Feifei smiled brightly, her expression became more and more mean, "Do you still want to avenge Lin Cangxue? Then pay the price with your life!"

After saying that, Yun Feifei held the sword in both hands, and the blade pointed directly at Lu Tianque's throat, and stabbed out suddenly.

At the moment when the long sword was about to stab Lu Tianque's throat, a token appeared across the ring, and it slammed into Yun Feifei's long sword, causing the blade to brush past Lu Tianque's neck...

Everyone's complexion suddenly changed, and their eyes fell on a place outside the square.

There, there stood a snow-white figure with eyes like autumn water, calmly looking at Yun Feifei above the ring.Then the lotus steps moved lightly, heading towards the arena.

"Since Lu Tianque has already been defeated, why bother to kill them all?"

Lin Cangxue raised her head and stared at Yun Feifei calmly.

Looking at the woman in front of her who was like a lotus in the water, Yun Feifei frowned beautifully, but there was a bright smile on her face, "Lin Cangxue, do you still think this is your era?"

Standing on the arena, Yun Feifei stared at Lin Cangxue condescendingly, her pretty face smiling like a flower, "Even though you are a genius and a peerless beauty, you will eventually fall. A trash who doesn't even have a martial soul, no matter how talented you are, , it’s just a shedding phoenix, not even as good as a pheasant!”

Lu Tianque on the side frowned, but Lin Cangxue remained calm, pulled Lu Tianque off the ring, and said: "The chief token, I will exchange Lu Tianque's life!"

Afterwards, Lin Cangxue turned and left, only to hear Yun Feifei's cold voice from behind: "As the chief disciple of the previous generation, according to the rules, shouldn't you entrust the order of the chief to me?"

On the ring, Shen Diexin frowned, then stood up suddenly.

"Elder Shen, don't get angry. You must know that the inheritance of the Chief Order is like this. Lin Cangxue threw the Chief Order wantonly. It is a great kindness not to hold her accountable. Now let her pick it up and hand it over to the new generation Chief Yun Feifei. There is no problem at all!"

As soon as Shen Diexin got up, Elder Hong Jiu said in a cold voice.

"Cang Xue has given up her chief disciple, what do you want from her?"

Shen Diexin turned around, staring at Hong Jiu with cold eyes.

"The old man said, this is the rule of inheritance!"

Hong Jiu sneered.

On the ring, Yun Feifei looked at Lin Cangxue who had stopped, and smiled more meanly, "If I were you, you should have picked up the chief token earlier, handed it to me, and then get out of Piaoxue Palace, So as not to embarrass yourself here!"

"Yun Feifei, are you really so heartless?"

Below the arena, Lu Tianque covered his wound with his hands, and stared at Yun Feifei with gritted teeth.


Yun Feifei smiled frivolously, "If you want to become a real strong man, you must be ruthless. If Lin Cangxue wants to get out of here today, you must personally hand over the chief token to me!"

In the arena, Lin Cangxue's frowning brows relaxed, and then she smiled at herself, turned around and lifted onto the ring, picking up the chief token that she had thrown out earlier.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field shook their heads.

Chief Inheritance...

Since today, Lin Cangxue has finally fallen.The era that belonged to the legend of Dongling will no longer exist.Instead, there is a new generation of Chief Yun Feifei!
Looking at Lin Cangxue who was coming towards her with a token in her hand, Yun Feifei on the ring was smiling all over her face, as proud as a peacock.She knew that the moment Lin Cangxue handed over the token to her, Lin Cangxue's name would be lost forever.

And Yun Feifei's name, like a shining star, will hang in the East Spirit Realm.

At the moment when Lin Cangxue handed the chief token to Yun Feifei, the sound of a long knife cutting through the air suddenly came from the void.

Everyone's complexion changed slightly...

I saw a bright long knife rushing in from outside the square, and landed in front of Lin Cangxue and Yun Feifei with a clang.

Then, a snow-white figure approached with his hands behind his back, and Feng Leng's voice exploded in the square like a tiger coming out of the gate:
"Lin Huang is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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