
Chapter 168 Fight Yun Feifei

Chapter 168 Fight Yun Feifei
The sudden scene surprised everyone present.

Looking at the white-clothed figure coming from outside the square with his hands behind his back, his whole body restrained with murderous aura, everyone frowned, and Lin Huang who sounded like a tiger coming out of the gate here made everyone raise their eyebrows even more.

Lin Cangxue's younger brother.

It is finally here!
For Lin Cangxue, this young man who used to kill the Quartet in the name of the Battle of the Outer Sect appeared again.

On the ring, Yun Feifei squinted at Lin Huang, with a biting murderous intent in her eyes.Then the murderous intent subsided, and a smile appeared on her face. She couldn't wish for Lin Huang's appearance now.

"Now that I am the leader, what do you want? To avenge Lin Cangxue?"

Yun Feifei waved her long sword, looking down at the slowly approaching Lin Huang from a high position.

"Naturally to kill you!"

Lin Huang raised his eyes, his expression extremely calm.The gauntlet held between his fingertips went towards Yun Feifei, "I came back from Piaoxue Forbidden Land, and I already have the qualifications to challenge the leader, so I don't know if you have the guts to fight!"

"Snow Forbidden Land?!"

The people present were a little bit surprised, and they only reacted at this moment.Lin Huang had entered the Piaoxue forbidden area before, and now that he appeared here, he had naturally passed the test of the Piaoxue forbidden area.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but gasp, "This guy, has he really returned from the Piaoxue forbidden land?"

"How is this possible? Even Yun Feifei didn't dare to enter easily, but he came out alive!"

"Over the years, besides Xie Qinghou and Lin Cangxue, there is another person who has successfully crossed the Piaoxue Forbidden Land!"


Yun Feifei stabbed her eyes, and then smiled frivolously, "Isn't it great to come back from Piaoxue Forbidden Land? No matter how powerful you are, you are nothing more than the Seventh Layer of Earth Element!"

"You want to challenge me, but you don't look at your own abilities!"

Lin Huang smiled brightly, stepped onto the ring slowly, looked directly at Yun Feifei with lightning-like eyes, and said, "Are you going to fight, or not?"


Yun Feifei said decisively, showing a smile all over her face, "Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for beheading you today, tsk tsk..."

In the square, there was an uproar immediately.

Everyone looked at Lin Huang on the ring, and they were all in disbelief. They never thought that Lin Huang would really challenge Yun Feifei.

Even though Lin Huang has battles in all directions and has been inherited in the tomb of King Wu, but after all, he only has the seventh heaven of earth element, how can he stand shoulder to shoulder with Yun Feifei.

If Lin Huang could stay dormant for three years, maybe it would be possible to fight Yun Feifei, but now it is absolutely impossible to win.

"Miss Feifei is half-step Tianyuan, and it only takes ten moves to kill Linhuang!"

"I don't think it takes ten moves, but three moves are enough!"

"You really are a guy who can't control himself. Do you think you can defeat Yun Feifei with the hatred in your heart? How naive and ridiculous!"

"If you're so arrogant, I'm afraid you'll lose Lin Cangxue's face!"

Not only the disciples in the square didn't believe Lin Huang, but all the elders in the elders' seat frowned, looked at Lin Huang's seemingly resolute figure, and shook their heads in disappointment.

Only Elder Hong Jiu was full of joy.

Anyone can predict the result. How could Lin Huang be Yun Feifei's opponent? He was just seeking his own death.

On the arena, Lin Huang walked towards Lin Cangxue, with a bright smile on his face, and said, "Yun Feifei is not worthy of my sister's action, so let me do it!"

Lin Cangxue was stunned, her eyes were red, and she just stared at Lin Huang like that, full of sorrow and grievance.

No matter how indifferent she was before, no matter how she usually doesn't care about those contempt.But today, Yun Feifei humiliated her so much in front of everyone, how could she not hate it in her heart?

But she can only pretend to be strong, with a smile on her face, because she is the former legend of Dongling, and she has fallen, so she can't show resentment.

Only when he saw Lin Huang, the anger and hatred deep in Lin Cangxue's heart instantly turned into grievances, and he wanted to cry.

Lin Cangxue hummed, walked up to Lin Huang, stretched out her hand to smooth the folds of the latter's collar, and said softly, "Must let them see how high-spirited Lin Cangxue's younger brother is!"

Lin Huang smiled and hummed, then pulled out the Suppressing Demon Knife.


Under the moonlight, on the arena of Piaoxue Palace, there were only two people left.

Yun Feifei!
Forest shortage!

A man in green clothes holds a sword, and under the bright moon, the blue hair flutters lightly, as if he is unattainable like a fairy in the world.The blue blade in his hand was shining brightly, as if it had condensed three feet of moonlight.

Lin Huang was dressed in white and held a magic sword in his hand.His calm eyes gradually brightened, and then became sharp and cold.

The atmosphere on the ring quietly changed drastically, and swords were swept away.

It belongs to the chief battle between the two alone.

"Idiots, how dare you compete with me!"

Looking at Lin Huang in front of her, Yun Feifei smiled meanly, and pointed her sword straight at Lin Huang, piercing through Lin Huang with a piercing chill like a thread.It was as if Lin Huang could be completely beheaded when the bell rang.

Lin Huang narrowed his eyes, showing a cold expression, and spat out his thin lips, "I will let you know that all your pride and strength are just a joke after all!"

In the square, a bell vibrated in all directions.

In an instant, Yun Feifei's body was like a frightened bird, the long sword in her hand was like a dragon's chant, and she went towards Lin Huang in an instant, her sword was so strong that it covered the entire arena.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, took a long breath, and then thrust the Demon Suppressing Knife into the air:

Kill God with a knife!
In an instant, Lin Huang's figure disappeared in place, and several terrifying blood-colored sword lights appeared on the ring, cutting across the four directions with the momentum of splitting mountains and mountains.

The sword qi and the sword light collided, and there was a clanging sound immediately.

Everyone in the field stared wide-eyed, not daring to take a breath.I saw the sword light on the ring sweeping across the four directions, like a thousand troops and horses sweeping past, crushing the sword energy inch by inch with a destructive force.

The light of the sword flitted across, and finally wiped out all the sword energy with invincible power, and landed on Yun Feifei's shoulder.

Yun Feifei's complexion changed drastically, and she stepped back immediately, looking at the blood groove on her shoulder, her eyes were full of murderous intent, she didn't expect that she would underestimate Lin Huang.

Killing the god with a single slash has such power.

The faces of the people in the square also changed greatly. They never expected that the first round of the two people's fight would have such a result.Lin Huang actually injured Yun Feifei with a single knife.

How is this possible?
Lin Huang is nothing more than the seventh heaven of Earth Yuan, and it is a blessing to be able to survive under Yun Feifei's hands.But never imagined that it would be such a scene.

On the ring, Lin Huang smiled slightly, with strong confidence in his eyes, looked at Yun Feifei who was flying upside down, and said, "Is half-step Tianyuan strong? You are just a dog that once attached to my sister's feet! Break away Master, don't even think about turning into a tiger!"

"You really have sharp teeth and sharp mouth!"

Yun Feifei paused, staring at Lin Huang angrily, the long sword in his hand roared, "You cut me just now, let me return it to you ten times now!"

Then, Yun Feifei poured out with her thin lips:

"The sword tree is blooming!"

On the arena, sword aura erupted, and a big tree gradually formed in the void. The sword tree was filled with terrifying sword aura, and its crown was like a sword umbrella, covering the entire arena.

Up and down the arena, there is surging sword energy.

Then, the giant tree of sword qi began to sway in the void, and purple thunder flowers bloomed from the tree, and the terrifying aura of destruction swept all directions.

Yun Feifei smiled triumphantly, and the blossoming sword tree plundered towards the forest.

Looking at the raging sword energy and thunder on the ring, Lin Huang's expression was cold, and there was no trace of fear in his piercing eyes.Today, he will definitely defeat Yun Feifei.

Since he wanted to win, he naturally had to step on the latter completely with a crushing attitude.

Looking at the sword tree covering the sky above his head, Lin Huang's dark eyes showed a little mocking taste.

Under the bright moon, above the arena, one can see Lin Huang in white clothes fluttering, his blue hair rustling, holding the Demon Suppressing Knife in his left hand, and Lin Cangxue's three-foot green sharp edge in his right hand, with his thin lips uttering lightly, his words are as sharp as a blade :

Wang Tu's hegemony!

 Today's third

(End of this chapter)

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