
Chapter 1672 A Lost 1th Realm God

Chapter 1672 A Lost God of Seven Realms
Lin Huang looked very calm.

But I was very flustered.

Extremely flustered!

It's over, it's over... Qin Zheng was really lost by him.

You know, Qin Zheng's current strength is at most a martial saint, and he is still in a coma. Isn't this the Chinese cabbage that was born to be bowed?
According to what Qin Zheng said before he fell into a coma, he must recover quickly.

But even if he wakes up, it will be useless in his recovered state.

He might be crushed to death by that little shrimp.

If the majestic gods of the seven realms died in the chaos and confusion, and were killed by an ordinary god, let alone what kind of crisis the human race would face.

All the heavens and all races can laugh the human race to death.

Lin Huang forcibly endured the irritability and a trace of panic in his heart, took off the Wanshi Mountain from his neck, and pinched it in his hands.

Wanshi Mountain has a spirit, and he hopes to sense the breath of Qin Zheng through Wanshi Mountain.


Half an hour passed.

Lin Huang got nothing!
He does not have absolute control over Wanshi Mountain, and he was able to control him before, but Qin Zheng gave Lin Huang a little special ability.

Maybe Qin Zheng can find him through Wanshi Mountain.

But it was very difficult for him to find Qin Zheng through Wanshi Mountain.

I don't know how long Qin Zheng has been missing.

I have been away for nearly three hours, and I can run very far in the chaos and confusion.

Where can I find it myself?

All around was a vast expanse of white.

It's too easy to hide someone.

Moreover, if such a big man as Qin Zheng fell into the hands of other clans, he might have died long ago?
Lin Huang coughed twice to stop himself from scaring himself.

Although, he already knew the worst outcome.

But now he doesn't dare to think about the worst outcome. He can't bear this outcome, Shen Cangqiong can't afford it, and the human race can't afford it either.

Lin Huang quickly ran through the chaos and confusion, starting from the place where Qin Zheng lost, and then walked straight for three hours in the Martial Saint Realm as the path, and began to frantically search in an area.

It was the only way he could think of right now.

In the chaos and obscurity, light and shadow criss-cross.

Lin Huang's speed was extremely fast, and he was frantically searching for Qin Zheng.

When encountering living beings, they will kill them without any hesitation.

He is in a bad mood right now.

Bad to the extreme.

It seemed that only killing could alleviate the panic in his heart.


As time passed, Lin Huang felt more and more panicked.

did not find.

Nowhere to be found.

Four hours passed, and Lin Huang searched the area thoroughly, but he couldn't find it!
This made Lin Huang frowned.

Violence gradually appeared in the eyes...

The next moment, he violently rubbed his face, then raised his body an inch, and put on a black robe.

Suddenly, Lin Huang changed into Qin Zheng's appearance.

In fact, only seven points are similar.

But it's almost there, and this place is a chaotic barrier, and sometimes what you see is not real.

Then Wanshi Mountain enlarged and turned into the size of a boat, and was stepped on by Lin Huang and hurried forward.

in the mist.

The killing in the name of Qin Zheng immediately began.

Lin Huang no longer looked for Qin Zheng.

Instead, he was hunting... No, he in the realm of the Holy King didn't need to hunt, but started to clean up and slaughter the chaos.

"Under Qin Zheng's gun, don't kill ants!"

As soon as he got out of the chaos, Lin Huang held Qin Zheng's battle flag and stabbed the three Martial Emperors to death with a single shot, leaving a strong man in the realm of Martial Kings to flee.

It seems that all under the Emperor Wu are ants.

Lin Huang picked up the three blue beads on the ground and swallowed them casually.

Afterwards, Lin Huang erected a stone tablet here, "Capture Qin Zheng alive, and give the opportunity of the seven realms; kill Qin Zheng, he will be the enemy of our Chitian God Clan!"

The words above are a spiritual imprint.

Afterwards, Lin Huang continued to wander and kill in the fog of chaos!

The chaos and confusion became turbulent.

The ants under King Wu were all crying and discussing... They met Qin Zheng, and he began to recover, he was slaughtering, and he was cleaning the powerful people from all races in the chaos.

He is arrogant.

In just half a day, no less than ten Martial Emperors were killed.

Gradually, Qin Zheng's reputation began to spread.

At the same time, in the chaos and obscurity, there are more and more stone tablets with spiritual imprints. As long as Qin Zheng is captured alive, he will have the opportunity of the seven realms bestowed by the Chitian God Clan!
This is a splash of wealth.

Rarely encountered in ten thousand years.

Do not……

Rarely encountered in 10 years.

You know, the gods are not immortal, they also have an end.

Those who can step into the high-level gods are very few in the heavens and all races... The opportunity of the seventh realm is enough to make them the strongest among the heavens and ten thousand races, only weaker than the eighth realm!
Even the current gods of the seven realms cannot refuse.

Because of those opportunities, they will also be tempting, which may take their road one step further.

But now... in this chaotic barrier, it is much easier to kill Qin Zheng than outside.

On the outside, Qin Zheng is a god of the seven realms, no... it can be said to be the pinnacle of the gods of the seven realms, and he can defeat the eight realms.

But in the chaos and confusion...

According to those ants who were not valued by Qin Zheng and thus escaped, the latter is now no more than the Saint King Realm of the human race.

What kind of rubbish is that.

For a while, Qin Zheng's fierce reputation spread, but more powerful people from all races wanted to hunt and capture Qin Zheng alive.

It is not difficult to capture the holy king Qin Zheng alive. If three or five holy kings work together, they may be able to capture him.

It's just that the Blazing God Clan didn't know there was any conspiracy to live Qin Zheng.Could it be that the Chitian Protoss is going to attack the human race, threatening the human race with Qin Zheng's life.

This is a very vicious method.

Although the human race will not compromise, they will always make some behaviors because of Qin Zheng.

It's just that I didn't expect that the gods of the Chitian God Clan also appeared... Before entering the chaos and confusion, I have seen people from the Chitian God Clan. It is said that the Chitian God Clan is still uniting with the top races to hunt and kill Qin Zheng.

In the chaos and obscurity, Lin Huang didn't have the slightest rest.

Holding the Daqin War Banner and stepping on Wanshi Mountain, he started the indiscriminate killing.

In just half a day, even the Saint King Realm was injured by his efforts, killing two of them.

Now that he has reached the Saint King Realm, he has more means to use. In the Saint King Realm, there are not many things that can make him afraid.

The killing continues.

The news is also intensifying.

Even though Lin Huang couldn't perceive it, he knew... In the chaos and obscurity, there must be strong people who started to hunt and kill him together.Because they themselves came because of Qin Zheng.

It is also because of the opportunity of the seven realms promised by the Blazing God Clan.

But Lin Huang was not worried, and his expression was even a little cold.

If there is any worry, it can be more worrying than Qin Zheng's loss.


If Qin Zheng is still alive, only a sky-high price promise can make the strong man who stole Qin Zheng suppress the murderous intention in his heart.Even if one doubts the authenticity of the promise, the content of the promise is absolutely irresistible to ordinary gods, and they would rather believe it.

And he was killing!
Those who stole Qin Zheng will definitely come to confirm who is the real Qin Zheng.

This is his chance.

Chance to find Qin Zheng!
(End of this chapter)

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