
Chapter 1673

Chapter 1673
Chaos and confusion became strange for a while.

There seemed to be invisible enemies on all sides.

Now, without Qin Zheng in his hands, Lin Huang has completely let himself go.

Carrying the Daqin battle flag, he cut all the way from south to north.

No need to beg for mercy.

No need to run away either!

But anyone he met, except those under King Wu, could not escape death.

Gradually, what Lin Huang met was no longer single fighters, but gradually in small groups, with as many as ten or eight.

Obviously, in order to guard against 'Qin Zheng', these warriors started to dispatch.

Of course, Lin Huang also met, three or five came out together, and then the backhand who walked behind started to stab the knife!
Lin Huang was speechless, only killing!
In the chaos and confusion, there is still a vast expanse of whiteness.

But it was full of bloody killings.

three days.

Lin Huang killed for three full days...

He didn't touch the strong man above the Holy King, and left far away after feeling a little bit.

However, he became a nightmare under the Holy Emperor.

In just these three days, Lin Huang killed an unknown number of people, and horribly raised the realm of the Holy King, directly stepping into the realm of the Holy Emperor.

The beads extracted are at least equivalent to ten ginseng trees.

In the mist, the Daqin War Banner in Lin Huang's hand was dripping with blood.

He was dressed in a white robe, turned blood-colored, and his face was stained with blood.

This is better, so that it will be less easy for others to find out that he is not Qin Zheng.


Lin Huang found a place and fell asleep directly.

And in the entire chaotic barrier, there are stone tablets left after Lin Huang's killing, so... I believe that the smasher who stole Qin Zheng can see it.

After one night, Lin Huang suddenly opened his eyes.

He started walking in one direction.

For three days, he seemed to have lost his mind, killing indiscriminately in the chaos.

However, he clearly knew that the gods who had entered the chaotic barrier had already woven a circle of encirclement.

It's just that during these three days, he didn't touch the encirclement.

Even in order to lure Lin Huang into the encirclement, many of those who were beheaded by Lin Huang were released as bait.

Only when he stepped into the Holy Emperor, he had the opportunity and confidence.

There is no wind in the chaotic barrier, only billowing mist...

It is difficult for people to see farsightedness in the fog.

But today, it seems something is different.

The sea of ​​clouds is rolling, like a big wave sweeping, between twists and turns, Lin Huang's figure walks out of the mist.

Holding the Great Qin War Flag in one hand, he gradually moved towards the relatively central encirclement.

All around, there was silence.

A bang.

Lin Huang stood still suddenly, and planted the Great Qin War Flag in his hand. He squinted, and scanned the strange surroundings. The voice of the soul resounded in the maze, covering hundreds of miles around.

"Human Race, Great Qin, Qin Zheng is here!"

Without too many words, it is enough to express the heart of declaring war.

The mist surged.

There was already movement around, rustling, like a group of mice.

But Lin Huang closed his eyes.

he is sensing...

Sensing Qin Zheng's location, if the other party really came, he would definitely be able to sense it at such a close distance.

However, Lin Huang's brows were full of murderous intent.

It seems that there is a mad dragon against the sky in his heart, wanting to break free from the cage and kill him.

Lin Huang was very disappointed.

He still didn't sense Qin Zheng.

So he is very angry.

In his hand, the Great Qin Battle Flag was flying.

Lin Huang still closed his eyes, but he couldn't restrain the murderous aura around him.

There are more and more rustling sounds from all directions, and they are also getting louder.

It seems that there are too many people hunting 'Qin Zheng', no less than a hundred.

But Lin Huang smiled...

If it is true that Qin Zheng is lost, and his life is not enough to pay for it, then it doesn't matter if he dies.

Zhanqi whimpered.

Murderous roar.

Standing in the mist, Lin Huang, the blood-clothed banner, was actually somewhat majestic and domineering.

In the next instant, a beam of light burst out from the mist.

Lin Huang waved the battle flag in his hand!


Before the light came, it exploded in the air, and a blue bead landed on the ground, and Lin Huang directly opened his mouth and sucked it into his belly.

"Wuhuang ants are also worthy of participating in the war?"

Lin Huang sneered, and without waiting for the gods to attack, Lin Huang rushed into the mist holding the Great Qin Battle Flag.

Killing, blooming in the mist.

Blood spattered out in the mist.

The sonorous sound is endless.

I only saw a lot of light beams, shuttling through the fog, vertically and horizontally.

Suddenly, Lin Huang flew upside down.

He fell to the ground, spitting blood.

Then, in the mist, first several figures walked out.

Each path has the realm of the Holy Emperor.

Then... from the mist, no less than fifty figures stepped out, all of whom had the realm of a holy king.

In the end, more than 700 figures walked out of the mist. The three inner floors and the outer three floors directly formed a large circle. Among the 700 figures, there were two hundred martial saints and five hundred martial emperors.

There are only hundreds of strong people here.

This is almost eight hundred strong.

This scene is hard to imagine!
However, Lin Huang stood up resolutely. He held the Daqin battle flag and looked contemptuously, "Eight hundred gods killed me Qin Zheng, hmph...there are seven thousand races who can't see me Qin Zheng?"

This is crazy.

All the experts present were so crazy that they frowned.

It is already a rare scene for more than ten gods to kill together from all the heavens and all races.In order to kill Qin Zheng, all the clans of the alliance sent gods to fight one after another, a total of more than 1000 or [-] gods.

Even the gods of the Nine Realms cannot escape death.

However, Lin Huang at this moment has no fear at all. If the eight hundred gods could work together, he and Qin Zheng would have died hundreds of times earlier.

That was the case at the beginning.

The same is true now!

"Qin Zheng... this chaotic obscurity is your end in hell, you have existed for too long, it's time to call it a day!"

The leading holy emperor spoke.

"Here, you are not a god of the Seventh Realm, nor Qin Zheng who can rebel against the Eighth Realm. You are just a warrior of the Holy Emperor, and there are eight hundred strong men from all races here. You are at the end of the road!"

Another Holy Emperor spoke.

"The glory of your death, because you didn't die without a name, you died at the hands of the strong of my heavens and all races!"

"Emperor Jintian has been dead for tens of thousands of years. As a brother, you should have gone down to accompany him long ago!"

"Human race, no more Qin Zheng!"

In the mist, the voice became noisy, and the voice of cursing also became violent.

Whether it is the Holy Emperor, the Holy King, or those Martial Emperors, Martial Saints!
It seems that it is a pity that Qin Zheng died like this.

He used to be so brilliant that he made all the heavens and all races feel ashamed, now he has to reprimand this thief so that the hatred in his heart can be relieved!
Lin Huang turned his head and looked around, looking at the excited eight hundred strong men, his expression became more and more cold:

"A lot of criticism!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Huang let out a roar, and rushed out stepping on Wanshi Mountain.

If one flag falls horizontally, it will dominate the world!

The bloody robe was flying and torn, and the snow was floating in the world.

In an instant, Lin Huang's precious body glowed, and the sound of Ten Thousand Buddhas chanting resounded all over him.


"I'd like to see how all the heavens and all races and eight hundred gods can kill me, Qin Zheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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