
Chapter 1676 Destroying Saint

Chapter 1676 Destroying Saint
Seeing the distress here, but the voice was a little calm, and all the saint kings around him hesitated.

There are more than 50 holy kings, and now there are only fifteen left.

Before and after, it was only a quarter of an hour.

More than 40 people joined forces to attack just now, but none of them killed the latter.

Can fifteen be enough now?
At this moment, the remaining saint kings doubted themselves.


Although Lin Huang looked shaky at the moment, it looked like he was about to fall down if he was at the end of his strength.

But...they were a little scared.

Just now, they thought that Lin Huang would die, but this guy directly took out the Wanshi Mountain, causing them to lose several holy kings at once.

If it happens again, I don't know what will be taken out, and a few more holy kings will die.

Could it be me?

"Before you entered the chaos and obscurity, you were also a family of gods, so greedy for life and afraid of death, how did you step into the realm of gods?"

Lin Huang looked at the crowd of holy kings in front of him and taunted wildly.

"I'm really dying now, are you really not coming to kill me?"

"Don't you know the story of the wolf coming... Qin Zheng and I have played it several times before we entered the chaos and confusion. Are you still fooled?"

"It doesn't take much, just one holy king can cut off my head!"

"Or you..."

Lin Huang raised his hand, pointed to a holy king, and said, "You are so ugly, you have lost face to your clan, why don't you risk your life and try?"

The holy king who was named like a toad didn't move at all, as if he was deaf.

"Didn't you find that I was delaying recovery?"

Lin Huang began to perform alone again, "If I can kill you, why do I have to talk so much nonsense with you. You have never shot, and when I recover, you will have no chance at all!"

"You run and don't run, fight and don't fight, just wait for me to recover?"

A bright smile appeared on Lin Huang's face, and the flame of Nirvana was burning all over his body, "Look, I have recovered a lot. If you don't take action, there will be no chance!"

In the fog, the situation is very strange.

Lin Huang also didn't expect that these gods were really bluffed by him.

The gods of all races don't seem to be very smart.

Right at this moment...

A holy king suddenly flew towards Lin Huang.

He looked terrified, but suddenly pulled out his long sword and walked towards Lin Huang.

He didn't come to test Lin Huang on his own initiative, but the Holy King in the rear teamed up and kicked him out, using his life to test Lin Huang.

Lin Huang's eyes suddenly burst into murderous aura.

Knife up and down.

Dominate the world with one sword!

Suddenly, the holy king's head rolled to the ground.

All the holy kings in the four directions were in an uproar immediately, and immediately retreated to leave this place.


This bastard was acting, teasing them, looking like he was in a mess, looking like he was going to die.In the end, without blinking an eye, he killed a holy king.

Even if it is easy for the Holy Emperor to kill the Holy King, it is too easy, and it is a seriously injured and dying Holy Emperor.

If you can't be fooled by this shit, you will lose your life.

All of a sudden, the remaining fourteen holy kings dispersed like birds and beasts.

Seeing this, Lin Huang quickly escaped into the maze and disappeared.

He really can't.

But half a quarter of an hour...

While spitting blood, Lin Huang stopped, and a strong flame of Nirvana burst out from his body, and he quickly began to recover.

Now time is life.

There are more than 700 Martial Emperors and Martial Saints in the back. If he can eat all of them, he is expected to be the quasi-emperor or even the great emperor.

Seeking wealth and wealth is a life-threatening business.


Just as Lin Huang was practicing meditation, a shadow suddenly manifested in front of Lin Huang.

The pitch-black dagger headed towards Lin Huang's neck as fast as lightning.

Then, the picture froze.

The figure that walked out of nothingness completely stagnated before it completely walked out.

And that pitch-black dagger stopped at Lin Huang's throat forever.

Lin Huang looked up at the latter's unbelievable expression, and an evil smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Don't you really know that the greater the benefit, the greater the risk?"

"You want to follow me to see opportunities... But I'll tell you quietly, in all directions of this fog, the other thirteen gods all want to be orioles, and they are all full of bad water!"

"Only you are the stupidest person, you want to be the first one to rush up! If you just joined forces and killed me, I would have died long ago. But my throat is dry, you just don't believe me!"

Lin Huang took the beads that fell from Hei Ying's death and swallowed them directly into his abdomen.

Afterwards, he began to practice in a grand manner.

Now he is in the light and the enemy is in the dark, but he is not worried at all.

What I should worry about is those people in the dark, will I become a praying mantis or a squirrel?

This is a matter of patience.

And these people were able to quietly follow Lin Huang to appear here because of greed.

Because they are afraid of losing their lives, but they also hope that Lin Huang will really die, so that they can pick up a big leak without sharing the spoils with others.

Not to mention other things, just the Wanshi Mountain and the Daqin Zhanqi, which have been obtained from the heavens and the world, are top-level fetishes.

At this moment, the scene became extremely quiet.


Everyone is waiting...

Waiting for someone else to make the first move.

On the contrary, Lin Huang was very indifferent.

Time goes by little by little...

Lin Huang seemed to have suffered an extremely serious injury, and his broken legs hadn't recovered yet.The hole in the chest, and a lot of blood gurgling.

It seems that there is a feeling of hopelessness.

And the people in the dark also became a little anxious.

Because more than 700 Martial Saints and Martial Emperors in the rear are about to appear, they don't have much time to wait.At that time, even if Lin Huang is killed, in order to share the spoils, the Thirteen Saint Kings will definitely not be able to stop the Seven Hundred Martial Saints and Martial Emperors.

That is absolutely impossible.

They were still hesitating and tangled, and even cursed in their hearts, scolding other holy kings for not taking action.


when they are still hesitating.

Lin Huang, who was sitting cross-legged in the maze, suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant, several rays of light flew across the void, as fast as lightning!
bang bang bang...

After that, only a few cracking sounds were heard in the maze.

Without doubting him, the still alive Holy King hurriedly ran for his life.

That human dog thief was actually deceiving them, seeing him as if he was going to die if he cultivated, but in the end he was secretly accumulating energy, and he might have already recovered.

And in the maze, Lin Huang's figure quietly appeared, he lifted the head of a holy king, and threw it on the ground lightly.

Afterwards, Instant Knife flew back.

Wanshishan flew back.

The Great Qin battle flag flew back.

Heavenly Shura, Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body, Emperor's Tomb Thunder Body, Heroic Dominator, Buddhist King Kong, Changping Tianyuan, and Overlord Wushuang have all returned.

They all brought back a bead.

In an instant, Lin Huang beheaded the Eleven Saint Kings.

There are actually only two Holy Kings who are still alive...

"Cough cough!"

Lin Huang suddenly coughed twice, and directly blocked the hole in his body with his fist, "This chaos and confusion is quite fun!"

(End of this chapter)

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