
Chapter 1677 One Person Kills Eight Gods

Chapter 1677

Obstacles are treacherous, like a vast sea surging.

Huaguang, quietly flashing...

The two holy kings who escaped also fell.

Lin Huang's figure appeared, coughed twice, swallowed all the holy king beads, and began to recover.


His realm is still a certain distance away from that of Emperor Zhun.

The eight holy emperors, plus more than 50 holy kings, allowed him to walk nearly four-fifths of the road to the holy emperor.

It is getting more and more difficult to go up.

However, there are still seven hundred Martial Emperors and Martial Saints behind.

In the maze, after Lin Huang recovered briefly, he continued on the road.

Without the oppression of the Holy King and the Holy Emperor, the current injury can slowly recover.

Afterwards, his figure disappeared, heading towards the army of seven hundred Martial Emperor Martial Saints.

Not long after, Lin Huang discovered the majestic army.

But now it's a little messy.

Because they fell behind the Holy King and the Holy Emperor in front, they could only charge forward based on their should be in that direction.

As for Lin Huang, at some point, he had already sneaked into the [-] army, hanging at the back.

"Can you hurry up, the speed of the entire army has been slowed down by you, if you can't catch up, you won't even have a mouthful of soup!"

Beside Lin Huang, a god like a log spoke.

call out!
For a moment, the log froze for a moment.

Then there was a hole in the back of the wood, and a figure got in directly.

Afterwards, the log came alive again, and followed the mighty army, trying to pursue it.

Half an hour.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour...

Time passed quickly, but they never caught up with Qin Zheng's figure.

Even the gods who were in front of them had never seen a trace.

Is it...

Already done?
Not to mention drinking soup, even the basin is gone?

At the forefront, the martial saints who led the charge began to become suspicious.

And the whole team has become a lot more scattered.

Blind men feel the elephant, they can't find the target.

However, the entire team continued to charge forward, because the martial saints at the front knew very well that if they stopped, they would really have no chance to drink soup.

At least now is not the most desperate time.

Just like that, a soulless army of seven hundred charged forward in the chaos and confusion.

Oh no, in two quarters of an hour, there are only more than 500 left in the [-] army.

The last log is still alive.

Time passed, and another half an hour passed.

The few people at the front finally couldn't hold on anymore and stopped.

It's been too long after chasing, Mao didn't even see it, it was too desperate.

They could only stop for a while, and then figure out how to find Qin Zheng. After all, their realm was not high, but they had a full army of [-], and one person throwing a skill was enough to kill Qin Zheng.

Several people turned their heads and glanced at the seven hundred troops.

The eyes suddenly froze!


How come there are only more than 200 left.

The group of Martial Emperors in the back are out of touch?

Damn, tier [-] and tier [-] gods are rubbish...they've all slowed down and they're still out of touch.

Forget it, let's wait, wait until it's all over, and then plan.

After all, they are considered to be of good background among the heavens and ten thousand races, and they have a certain right to speak in the [-] army. As long as Qin Zheng reappears, they can eat meat.

There are more than 200 martial saints here, still calculating.

But after waiting for a long time, the army behind did not appear.

"That piece of wood, go and have a look, why hasn't it come yet!"

A martial sage at the front spoke and ordered the log at the back of the team.

Mu Mu was very servile, nodded and bent over to investigate, and disappeared into the mist within a few breaths.


This investigation took another half an hour to pass.

Just as the army waited impatiently, the sound of wood suddenly sounded in the mist...

Qin... Qin Zheng...

The army suddenly shook.

The few leaders immediately turned their guns and headed towards the source of the sound.

I only saw that the wood was turning into a bead.

"Qin Zheng has appeared!"

Everyone was vigilant and overjoyed at the same time.

It finally appeared, I thought there was no hope, now I'm afraid it's a blessing in disguise?

Moreover, there is no Holy King and Holy Emperor now, so there is no need to share a share.With these two hundred martial sages, it is not difficult to kill Qin Zheng!

"Qin Zheng has appeared, scattered in formation, follow his trail!"

A martial sage began to issue orders, wanting to become the leader of this hunt.


In the next moment, Hua Guang flashed, and his head rolled to the ground.

For a moment, all the martial saints were shocked.

They didn't even see clearly, the martial saint's life was gone.


too fast!
For a while, they seemed to wake up quite a bit...

What they have to face is a holy emperor of the human race.

The speed is far from what Wu Sheng can match.

For a while, the two hundred martial saints no longer diverged, but gathered inward. Unfortunately, they were not from the same clan and could not form a powerful clan formation within a short period of time. Otherwise, the two hundred martial saints could easily suppress and kill the Holy Emperor.

"Just you, want to kill me, Lin Huang?"

In this land of confusion, Lin Huang's voice sounded, and with his voice, there were many ghosts around the fog.

All the martial saints were shocked.

"Lin Huang? Not Qin Zheng? What's going on?"

Their news is very closed, so they don't know that Qin Zheng is a fake.

call out……

All of a sudden, a saber light came covering it brutally, like a raging sea.

All the martial saints were startled, and they shot at the same time to resist the saber light.


In the mist, there was a violent explosion.

A hero who dominates the world was finally blocked, but... also directly beheaded more than 20 martial saints.

Lin Huang came out from the mist, he still had Qin Zheng's face on his face.

With an evil smile on his face.

In an instant, he once again dominates the world with one sword.

The faces of those two hundred martial sages turned green, and then they shot out in a rage, and all their attacking moves went towards Lin Huang.


In a blink of an eye, Lin Huang crossed the attack area, turned into a bolt of lightning, and rushed directly into the army of two hundred warriors.


A loud bang sounded in the fog.

I saw Lin Huang rushed into the army of martial arts saints like a cold spear shining in the world, and directly dug a tunnel. Under the tunnel, more than 30 martial arts saints were instantly killed.

On both sides of the corridor, it can be said that people are turned on their backs.

"It's boring, don't play anymore!"

After one move, Lin Huang suddenly felt a little bored, he shook his head, held the Shan Na knife, and rushed into the army of martial arts saints again.

Knife up and down.

Knife up and down.

With a knife in hand, fall, fall, fall...

It's like wolves joining sheep, and killing martial arts saints is like chopping melons and vegetables.Not to mention the terrifying supernatural powers of the gods of all races, under the suppression of the realm, everything is just a cloud.

Just half an hour.

Two hundred martial saints were directly hacked to death by Lin Huang.

Looking at the beads all over the floor, Lin Huang waved his sleeves and left this place without the slightest nostalgia.Cutting melons and vegetables is not a place of meritorious service, and it is not worthy of his nostalgia!
(End of this chapter)

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