
Chapter 1678 Abandoned

Chapter 1678 Abandoned
Chaos was in the way, and Lin Huang fell into that cycle again.

Qin Zheng was lost.

Qin Zheng was gone.

Was it really killed...

In this chaotic obscurity, if you are killed, you can't even leave your body, it can only be turned into an obscurity bead.

According to this calculation, Qin Zheng now has no bones left.

It would be too tragic for a majestic god of the seven realms of the human race, what a glorious existence it used to be, if it really died in this chaotic barrier.

Lin Huang sighed.

He set up a game, but in the end, Qin Zheng didn't even feel the breath.


Lin Huang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

I dare not face the elders of the human race.

In the confusion, Lin Huang still travels and hunts, even though the hope is extremely slim, but he can't give up.

If it doesn't work now, then keep climbing until his spiritual consciousness can cover the entire chaotic barrier.

One person killed eight hundred gods.

Lin Huang's realm has officially stepped into the quasi-emperor realm.

Lin Huang didn't know if there was a more powerful existence in the chaos.However, in terms of speed, the previous group of gods who had just entered the maze should not be able to match him in their restored realm.

It is not an exaggeration to be arrogant.

time flies……

Lin Huang couldn't lift his spirits.

If Qin Zheng cannot be found, he can only kill the gods and improve his realm.

Days like this are really boring.

Lin Huang looked at the Great Qin War Flag in his hand, and frowned slightly.

I don't know if refining the Great Qin Zhan Banner can capture the residual breath of Qin Zheng?

There is also an ancient bronze sword.

Wanshishan is also available.

This is not to bully Qin Zheng, he is looking for Qin Zheng.

"Let's refine the battle flag first!"

Streams of pure and confusing energy began to pour into the Great Qin Zhan Banner, and began to deprive Qin Zheng of the brand that originally belonged to him.


Suddenly, Lin Huang vomited blood.

He frowned tightly, and there was a perverted smile on his face.

His spirit was easily crushed by Daqin Zhanqi's will...

This made it impossible for him to refine it.

On the contrary, Lin Huang was a little surprised. If Qin Zheng passed away, all his brand marks would gradually disappear.

And now...

He refined the Great Qin Zhanqi and received such a tyrannical counterattack, which shows that Qin Zheng should probably still be alive.

This excited Lin Huang a lot.

As long as you don't die, everything is fine!

Lin Huang got up suddenly, holding the Daqin battle flag, and shuttled through the dense fog.

Qin Zheng is not dead, he should kill two gods to celebrate.


In the fog of chaos.

Suddenly there was a voice, "This kid, it's not bad!"

"so so!"

Someone on the side spoke.

"Although they stopped at the realm of the Holy Emperor just now, it can be regarded as a one-man massacre of eight hundred gods. What a feat against the sky, isn't it enough?"


"Are there a lot of eight hundred gods? There are eight thousand gods in the heavens and all races. I don't know how many gods there are in one clan. How many gods does he kill?"

"Besides, everyone in my human race has killed embryos and killed gods. No one has done less. It's not like no one has reached the number of eight hundred!"

"Back then, you and Emperor Jintian killed more gods than these!"

"I am a human race, but I have always convinced people with virtue, courtesy first and then soldiers, and everyone kills embryos!"

The man was a little upset.

"You guys like all the vain things, the conquest of thousands of races, where is there any justice and evil, where is there any distinction between right and wrong, not all for the continuation of your own race, massacre is massacre, what fig leaf do you want!"

"This is the reason why you, the Great Desolate Lord, shrank into a corner before!"

"I'm calling you a king! You think you're just like you, you're a frontier guard!"

"Why don't we fight?"

"You are a holy emperor now, you can't even beat that kid, how can you be qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with my great emperor, you are not worthy!"

The Great Wilderness Lord made no effort to hide his contempt.

"you sure?"

Qin Zheng squinted his eyes and stared coldly at the Great Desolate Lord. Beside the latter, there was squatting a beast like Qiong Qi, dozens of times taller than both of them.

However, at this moment, the giant beast put its head on the ground, allowing Qin Zheng to stroke it, with an obedient look on its face.

"Forget it, you want two against one, you are not a fastidious person!"

The Great Wilderness refused.

Qin Zheng smiled softly and didn't say much.

"That kid seems to care about you?"

The Great Wilderness.

"If you lose your father, can you not panic?"

"You have to show some face!"

"Okay... get ready to leave!"

Qin Zheng didn't say any more nonsense, and his expression became slightly serious.

"You're not going to tell him?"

The Great Wilderness frowned.

"What is there to tell, grief and indignation are also a driving force for progress!"

"You really don't need the Ancient Bronze Sword and Wanshi Mountain?"

"You underestimate me, Qin Zheng!"

"In this chaos and obscurity, the god of the eighth realm is also in it now! It should be about to step into the realm of gods now, don't you worry that he will kill that kid?"

"Is he your son of a bitch? You are so caring!"

Qin Zheng snorted coldly.

"He looks like my apprentice!"

The Great Wilderness.

"You do not deserve……"

"Is there anything I don't deserve? I am a majestic god of the seven realms, and I am not qualified to accept a great emperor as an apprentice?"

"Emperor Jintian didn't accept him as an apprentice, what do you think?"

"Isn't he the Emperor Ember?"

"Big wild man, what do you know? When will you kill a God of the Eighth Realm to prove that you can be trusted, and I will show you some shocking secrets by extravagant kindness!"

Qin Zheng's words sounded like a fool.

As he said that, Qin Zheng hammered the giant beast beside him with his fist, but actually stroked it, "Go... I will come to see you next time I have time!"


The giant beast whimpered twice, and seemed a bit reluctant.

Qin Zheng smiled, didn't say much, and gradually left the chaos and confusion with the Great Desolate Lord.

"I said, why did you insist on taking this kid across the heavens and worlds before... The co-author is holding this kid as your spearman and covering you!"

"I, Qin Zheng, are so bright and bright, I am not that kind of person!"

"That kid, you won't touch the taboo in the maze, will you?"

"Don't worry, you and I are afraid of its existence, he doesn't even have the qualifications to enter it!"


In the chaos and confusion, Lin Huang was still sighing.

Little did they know that two people in the maze walked away happily, not caring about his life or death at all.

Now, his realm improvement has also become slow.

The vast resources of the eight hundred gods had piled him up to the quasi-emperor level just now, and now killing one or two Martial Emperors and Martial Saints would not even be able to fill the gap between his teeth.

I don't know if there is a quasi-emperor in this chaotic obscurity.

After getting used to getting rich overnight, how could he go back to support his family and work.

Lin Huang wandered in the maze, and began to sweep away the ants and look for prey...

Just today.

Lin Huang suddenly encountered an extremely strange situation!
(End of this chapter)

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