
Chapter 1680 Giant Wood and Golden Lion

Chapter 1680 Giant Wood and Golden Lion

Thunder and lightning flashed all over the giant tree, like a wild dragon dancing wildly.

He strewed branches and walked in the chaotic barrier, his power was like a vast sea, sweeping towards the four directions wave after wave.

Lin Huang squeezed the Shan Na Dao in his hand, his gaze was like a torch.

Then, Lin Huang stepped back suddenly.

He has been found!
It's not the giant tree, but a powerful aura lurking around, at least it has the realm of a great emperor.

is really leaving.

If you don't leave, is it possible that you will be eaten by a titmouse like a praying mantis?
In about a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang had already gone a long way!

The Giant Wood Emperor was no longer visible.


Lin Huang panted, looking in the direction of the giant tree, his eyes still flickering.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged in the maze and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Half an hour.

One quarter of an hour.


Two quarters of an hour later, Lin Huang suddenly opened his eyes, his figure suddenly became ethereal, hidden in the rolling mist, and walked towards the giant tree emperor again.

The powerful aura before was obviously thinking about the giant tree.

This is not capital enemy.

It was already at the realm of the great emperor, if he swallowed the giant wood again, wouldn't he be able to push himself to the ground and hammer it?
Lin Huang could not allow such a situation to happen.

The giant tree looked like it was his own, how could it be stolen by others.

After about two quarters of an hour, Lin Huang touched the location where the giant tree had been before.

It's just that the giant tree has disappeared, and only the aftertaste of the powerful breath remains in place.

Afterwards, Lin Huang followed the direction where the breath remained.

Not long after, Lin Huang saw thousands of branches dancing wildly, the giant tree had swelled to ten thousand feet, endless thunder covered all directions, and the trunk was covered with bloody mouths, which was incomparably terrifying.

And under the thousands of branches of thunder, there is a powerful figure.'s not strong anymore.

Lin Huang's eyes widened, only to see thousands of branches shining with thunder, wrapping that powerful figure like a rice dumpling.Not even a chance to struggle.

"So strong?"

Lin Huang looked up at the giant tree immediately, and saw that the giant tree seemed to be a little calm at the moment, and kept waving the rice dumplings in his hand.

It doesn't explode either.

Just shaking and shaking, like playing with a ball.

This is humiliating the emperor.

Lin Huang sighed a little, fortunately he was not the first one to rush in, otherwise the zongzi inside would be himself now.

That Giant Wood Emperor is too powerful.

Lin Huang was about to retreat... Ju Mu was obviously not an ordinary emperor, because he could hold the emperor in his hands and play with it.

call out……

At this moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang took out his knife and cut off the giant tree branch.


The giant tree suddenly roared like a wild beast, like a centipede with thousands of feet, it rushed towards the forest wilderness.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, he didn't run away this time.

He turned into an afterimage and walked towards the giant tree on his own initiative.In the blink of an eye, three swords in a row dominate the world.

The first cut blocked the thunder and lightning branches.

The second knife cut off part of the branches.

The third knife was chopped on the zongzi.

Only a clang was heard.

He dominates the world with a single knife, but he didn't cut through that zongzi.

Lin Huang frowned suddenly.

He turned into a streamer of lightning, appeared above the rice dumpling, and stomped down fiercely with one foot.

A loud bang.

The zongzi fell a lot.

In the next moment, there are thousands of branches, like sharp cold spears, covering the forest.

Lin Huang hopped nimbly and narrowly avoided the attack that covered him, but what awaited him was a big net.

An impenetrable net woven by tens of thousands of Thunder notes!
Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and retreated abruptly. With a roar, the elders of the heavens struck the rice dumpling immediately.

A loud bang.

There was a crack on the zongzi.


In the next moment, the huge net shrank and directly entangled Lin Huang.

Thousands of branches are like pythons, entangled Lin Huang's body tightly, and the terrifying power of thunder continuously seeped into Lin Huang's body.

With just two breaths, Lin Huang turned into a zongzi as he wished.

On the other side, after Lin Huang split the zongzi into a crack, a giant golden hand suddenly protruded from the crack.

Then there was only a roar, and a gleaming golden figure angrily tore apart the rice dumpling and got out from inside.

At this moment, that figure was shining with golden light, dazzling like the sun!
A golden flame ignited between his eyes, and he looked extremely manic!Then, the golden figure zoomed in, punched like a mountain, and slashed towards the giant tree.

He didn't expect that, in a moment of carelessness, he almost became a zongzi.

This made him, who had a noble golden blood, unbearable.

Boom boom boom.

The golden figure began to punch violently, and each punch left a fist mark on the giant tree.

And the giant tree was not afraid at all, and thousands of branches covered it again, entwining the golden giant.

This time, the golden figure didn't seem to be afraid anymore, his figure enlarged again, standing on the ground, grabbing the branches wrapped around his body, and exerting force violently.

In an instant, the giant tree was like a kite flying in the air, being danced by the golden figure.

But only two breaths.

The golden figure violently threw the giant tree away, as if he was a little afraid.

On his arm, thick smoke and green liquid appeared, burning his body.

And on the thousands of branches of giant trees not far away, the green liquid is like rain.

humming sound.

The arms of the golden figure trembled, and golden flames ignited all over his body.He stared coldly at the giant tree in the distance, and suddenly stretched out two wings from behind.

And that golden figure also began to transform out of its main body.

A golden lion with three tails.

In the next moment, the golden lion rushed towards the giant tree, and opened its giant mouth like a vast golden ocean, trying to swallow the giant tree in one gulp.

And the giant tree also quickly danced and rotated in the void.

Crazy rotation, just like a spinning top.Thousands of lightning branches danced along with it, like a spiraling water flow.

In just a few breaths, the giant tree turned into a cone-shaped drill bit as high as [-] zhang, violently heading towards the giant mouth of the golden lion.

The golden lion shut up abruptly.

Keng Keng Keng Keng...

However, the giant wood drill directly hit the golden lion's front teeth.

In an instant, sparks flowed like a long river in the chaotic fog!The huge sound was like the Great Wall of Steel being pierced continuously, which made Lin Huang, who was wrapped into rice dumplings, feel distressed when he heard it.

In this wave, the golden lion will destroy at least two front teeth.

However, the power of the giant tree was obviously stronger. He quickly pierced through the front teeth of the golden lion, intending to smash the latter's head directly.

At the critical moment, the golden lion grasped the rotating giant log with both palms, ignoring the bloody palm, and suddenly inserted the giant log under the ground.

However, in just two breaths, the giant tree stretched thousands of branches, pierced through the ground in an instant, formed a giant net, and surrounded the golden lion...

The golden lion was furious, he never thought that the giant tree would be stronger when it meets the soil...

The next moment, the golden lion roared to the sky, and the gold around him began to solidify, turning into an ancient golden armor!The lion roared and rushed forward, heading directly towards the giant mouths on the trunk of the giant tree...

(End of this chapter)

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