
Chapter 1681

Chapter 1681
In the chaos, the mist billows.

Seeing the oncoming golden lion, the giant tree suddenly closed all its mouths.

He seemed to be afraid of something too.

However, at this moment, a sharp edge suddenly appeared on the head of the golden lion.


The edges and corners smashed through the giant tree immediately, and then the figure of the golden lion shrank suddenly and squeezed directly into the giant tree.

Then the giant tree shook crazily on the ground, and countless branches pierced into the body, chasing and killing the golden lion.

However, the golden lion kept colliding with the giant wood, causing countless cracks to appear on the giant wood.

The giant tree roared like thunder.

Suddenly, the giant tree directly scattered the zongzi that wrapped Lin Huang, and threw Lin Huang into his body.

As soon as he entered Jumu's body, Lin Huang's figure suddenly shrunk. He hid in the gully inside Jumu's body, and did not compete with the golden lion for the edge as Jumu expected.

At this time, who doesn't want to be a weasel.

He absolutely can't make a move.

As soon as he made a move, only Jumu won in the end.

And the golden lion obviously discovered the existence of Lin Huang, but after he glanced at Lin Huang, he continued to attack inside the giant tree.

An ant is not worthy of his attention.



The golden lion was crashing crazily, and inside the giant tree, countless branches began to chase and kill the golden lion.

Countless green liquids envelop the golden lion.

However, nothing seems to be working at the moment.

The golden lion is rampant, with an invincible posture.

The next moment, Lin Huang, who was hiding in it, suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy.

A terrifying roulette appeared inside the giant wood.

The roulette rotates alternately, squeezing the golden lion and forest waste.

Lin Huang's expression changed, and he jumped directly to the center of the annual ring.

But the golden lion, because its body is too large, has many growth rings vertically and horizontally, which makes his body pull strangely, and cannot go to the center of the growth rings.

"This is... the power of time?"

Lin Huang looked at the annual rings spinning in all directions, and began to strangle the golden lion's body like a millstone.

And the annual rings around the entire giant tree also began to increase.

Giant trees are getting old.

It was consuming its lifespan, condensing its killing techniques, and strangling the golden lion.

The golden lion roared, he tried his best to jump between the annual rings, but he was always restrained.

Finally, with a bang...

The armor around the golden lion was shredded directly, his body was cut, and the golden blood filled the entire giant tree.

Seeing this scene, Lin Huang was stunned.

The power of the annual rings seems to come from the strangling of the years, it is too strong.

The previously domineering golden lion was completely turned into plasma by the annual ring grinding disc in just a few blinks of an eye.

However, before Lin Huang could think too much, countless branches had already killed Lin Huang.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, raised his hand to block the branches, and asked:
"Is this the power of time?"


The giant tree spoke angrily, but did not answer Lin Huang's question.

"Answer my question, I won't kill you!"

Lin Huang gave up the huge temptation and wanted to know an answer.

Qin Zheng once said that in the heavens and worlds, space and time are rules that ordinary people cannot touch.

Even if you are a peerless arrogance, don't try to get involved in these two forces.Because this will shake the foundation of the entire heavens and worlds, and shaking the foundation is absolutely not allowed by the heavens and worlds.

But in the rotation of the annual rings in the giant tree, Lin Huang felt the power of time.

It is not the power of the years of a small world.

It is the power of the years of the heavens and the world.

These are two forces that are completely incomparable.

The former one is to surrender to Xiaojie's heaven.The latter type can exist in the heavens and worlds.

However, the giant tree didn't care about the threat of forest shortage.

He can even kill a golden lion, let alone an ant.

As long as he is driven out of the center of the annual ring, he will die immediately.

In all directions, tens of thousands of branches began to come towards the forest.Every branch is a long spear stained with thunder. If you want to destroy Lin Huang, you will also let Lin Huang's bones disappear.

Lin Huang shook his head.

"You are indeed very powerful... However, I was hunted down by the emperor's tomb!"

Before the words fell, Lin Huang suddenly walked out of the body of the emperor's tomb.

In an instant, a powerful thunder net wrapped Lin Huang, and began to destroy those thunder spears in reverse.

Feeling the same thunder, the tens of thousands of branches immediately shrank back like tentacles, as if they were very afraid.

"Don't tell me yet?"

Lin Huang held the thunder in his palm, and looked at the annual rings spinning wildly around him, "No matter what, your body is still wood! You are afraid of thunder, and you are afraid of fire!"

As he spoke, snow-white flames flickered in Lin Huang's palms.

"One answer, in exchange for your life, it's a good deal for you! But you have to give me the golden lion's bead!"

Lin Huang spoke.

In the next moment, cracks began to appear on the growth ring platform at the center of Lin Huang's feet.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, "You want to kill yourself? Do you really think that you can kill me? Would you rather die together than tell me?"

The annual ring platform in the center began to break faster and faster.

And the annual ring grinding discs around it also began to squeeze towards the forest.

"You brought it on yourself!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, no more kind thoughts in his heart, as he waved his hand, Wanshi Mountain appeared.

Suddenly, Wanshi Mountain enlarged and swelled inside the giant wood.

Keng Keng Keng Keng...

Inside the giant tree, the annual rings collided with the Wanshi Mountain, and suddenly there was a terrible clang sound, and countless sparks fell into a river...

Under the power of Wanshi Mountain, the giant tree rings began to break down until they were forced to stop.

"Do you think your annual rings can be strong enough to crush the Human Race's Wanshi Mountain?"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, took back Wanshi Mountain, looked at the broken annual rings, and frowned slightly in his heart.

If the annual rings are intact, he may be more interested.

"Give you one last chance!"

Lin Huang danced thunder and flames, threatening the giant tree.

"The great secret of time and age, if you pass it on, you will be punished by heaven!"

Jumu had a positive reply.

Obviously, the giant tree is far more afraid of the scourge than the threat of the forest shortage.

"Then let me ask you!"

Lin Huang spoke.

"Is this the power of time?"

There was a bang in Jumu's body, expressing his agreement.

"But not the real power of time?"


"You can't control the years?"


"The years have given you annual rings?"


"Your annual rings have the power of time because they are contaminated with time, but you can't control it, you can only possess it passively!"


"Is this just the lowest manifestation of the years?"


"You take root in the earth, and the growth rings grow due to the years, so... there are years in the chaos, which can be absorbed!"


"However, in all the heavens and all races, everyone is in the age, but only the Mu clan has annual rings. Does this mean that it requires innate supernatural powers, or is there some other reason?"


"Then you can speak now, what kind of talent do you have?"

Lin Huang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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