
Chapter 1683 The End of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body

Chapter 1683 The End of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body

The dancing branches of the giant tree stopped suddenly.

It's like being stuck in the throat by a fishbone.

Lin Huang spoke out on his own, "It must be very extraordinary for your ancestor to be able to talk to Emperor Jintian!"

"He can gaze at the mysteries of time for Emperor Jintian once, which is definitely a great opportunity for warriors. Not to mention saving your life, even saving his own life is more than enough!"

" should have something you haven't told me, which makes me unable to believe you!"

Lin Huang stared straight at the giant tree, already accumulating strength in his hands, "Or, are you your ancestor?"

The giant tree is still solidified.

"Stall, it's not a good choice for you and me!"

Lin Huang spoke.

"You are very smart!"

The giant tree said, "My ancestor is indeed dead... He wanted to use Emperor Jintian to break the shackles of fate, but in the end, when he was staring at the years for Emperor Jintian, he was touched by the wrath of the sky, and he was killed by the heavenly tribulation!"

"Looking at the years, isn't it your clan's innate supernatural power?"

Lin Huang was a little puzzled.

"Because the ancestor has already stepped into the gods of the seven realms. On the basis of staring at the years, he has taken a step forward and can control the years!"

Jumu shook his head.

"So, it's going against the sky!"

When Lin Huang opened his mouth, he was somewhat surprised and shocked at the same time.

Perhaps, the Jumu clan, although they can only stare at the years.But after stepping into a powerful realm, it may be easier than ordinary monks to comprehend the mysteries of time.


Heaven is ruthless.

Space and time cannot be shaken.

"You may also shake the years?"

Lin Huang asked.

The giant tree shook thousands of branches, "Whether you will or not, it doesn't matter! Time can't be touched, otherwise you will die!"

"Looks like it will!"

Lin Huang spoke.

Jumu didn't agree or refute.

In its view, the so-called power of time is useless at all.

If you use it, you will die. What's the use if you know it.

"teach me?"

Lin Huang spoke.

"You can't pass it on, you can't learn it? The Dao has no form, only enlightenment!"

The giant tree shook its branches.

"Sometimes, you just need some inspiration, don't you?"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, not wanting to give up.

Maybe the giant tree is not strong, or maybe he doesn't know how to control time at all.However, he has seen and seen his ancestors use this kind of power, and that's enough.

The condensed eyes of the giant tree took a deep look at Lin Huang, and then said:
"Isn't it good to take one step at a time, do you have to die?"

At this moment, it seems that Lin Huang is not his enemy.

"To die for the Tao is to die well!"

Lin Huang said.

The giant tree sighed, it really didn't understand the thinking of these human races.

In his opinion, the human race likes to die.

Back then, Emperor Jintian was such a magnificent figure, he insisted on touching taboos.Although he wasn't sure why Emperor Jintian died, but after he saw the scene of the Heavenly Tribulation that year, he decided in his heart that Emperor Jintian might have died because of the Heavenly Tribulation of Myriad Realms.

That is not a power that mortals can match.

Do not……

It is a terrifying existence that even the gods dare not take away its edge.

In the end, Jumu looked at Lin Huang, and said:
"When you stare at the years, the years are also staring at you! If you are not a slave of the years, you are mastering the reciprocation of the years! Whoever dominates the years will be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

Lin Huang was shocked.

Although Jumu just opened his mouth in a very ordinary way, there were thousands of thunderous sounds in his heart.

When you stare at the years!

The years are watching you too.

Not to be a slave to the years.

It is to become the master of the years!
A few simple words may be the key to the birth of the giant tree clan's annual rings, or it may be the reason for the collapse of the giant tree ancestors.

Lin Huang wrote down these few words and didn't say anything more.

Obviously, this place is not suitable for him to practice well.

"Then let's talk about the Chaos Obstacle now?"

Lin Huang said, "I wonder if Senior is interested in cooperating?"

"Why do I need you for cooperation?"

The giant tree shook his head, "In the depths of the mist, gods have already been born. Can't I find them?"

"Do not……"

Lin Huang shook his head, "The basis for a good cooperation is that the strengths of the two parties are equal. Otherwise, it is not a cooperation, but a refuge!"

"Even so, why should I seek you?"

The giant tree still refused, "Before entering the chaotic barrier, you should not be in the realm of the emperor. As long as you have enough resources, you can step into the realm of the emperor with ease. But the realm above the emperor is not so easy!"

"Even if you continue to have massive resources and you can step into the realm of the gods, your ability to control power will appear to be stretched!"

Obviously, Jumu is not very optimistic about Linhuang.

"What if I am the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian?"

Lin Huang suddenly spoke.

The giant tree suddenly became surprised, his thousands of branches flicked, and a third eye was condensed, staring at the forest waste.



The giant tree spoke, with some surprise in his voice, "The Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor... You are really the reincarnation of Emperor Jin, aren't you afraid of being punished by the heavens?"

"What do you mean?"

From the latter's words, Lin Huang heard something different.

"do not know……"

Jumu shook his head.

"Senior is still hiding his words now, it's a little unreasonable!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Emperor Jintian once told my ancestors that the end of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma space!"

The giant tree opened its mouth.

Lin Huang was shocked immediately, and his heart couldn't help being shocked.

Then there was a helpless and self-deprecating smile...

In fact, he has been practicing the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor step by step, but he has not calmed down to practice and comprehend it. For a long time, he still majored in Tianshura.

However, according to what Jumu said, the upper limit of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body is too terrifying.

But it's normal to think about.

Back then, Emperor Jin had opened up a new avenue for the human race by relying on the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body. This was his most powerful capital across the heavens and worlds.

It's just that when it comes to Lin Huang's place, some pearls have been dusted.

"Then now, senior, is he willing to cooperate with me?"

Lin Huang opened his mouth!
"I am the reincarnation body of Emperor Jintian. Even though I am weak now, I still have a pivotal position in the human race. Even if I am in the chaos and confusion, no matter whether it is Qin Zheng or other gods, I will not let me die easily! "

"Senior cooperates with me, I will not die, and neither will you!"

Lin Huang started to fool around.

He discovered from the conversation that the Jumu Great Emperor had been in the chaos before, so he didn't know Qin Zheng's situation.

It doesn't matter if it's clear...

Because as long as Qin Zheng is still in the chaos, as long as no one sees his body, Qin Zheng will be behind him.

"It is impossible for Qin Zheng to walk out of Wanshi Mountain!"

Jumu opened his mouth, but his news was very blocked.

"This time, he is the one who brought me out and traveled across the heavens and worlds, looking for an opportunity for me to step into the gods!"

Lin Huang said confidently.

The hundreds of branches above the huge tree frown, "Qin Zheng... really walked out?"

Lin Huang smiled. He took out the Daqin War Banner and Wanshi Mountain, turned his head and asked Jumu: "How?"

"no problem!"

The giant tree immediately said, "Since Qin Zheng came out of the mountain, there is hope, and it is not in vain that I waited for 3 years in the chaos and confusion!"

(End of this chapter)

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