
Chapter 1684 5 layers of confusion

Chapter 1684 Five Layers of Obstacles
Listening to Jumu's words, Lin Huang suddenly became more interested.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Huang asked.

The giant tree glanced at Lin Huang, "Why... You, a little emperor, are still interested, and you are too overwhelmed!"

Lin Huang smiled and said nothing.

According to Jumu, there should be something extraordinary in this chaotic barrier.Otherwise, the latter would not have been here for 3 years.

3 years...

For the gods, it is a very long time.

Even now that he is the Great Emperor, he has such a long lifespan.However, he is actually only in his 20s now.

In the chaos and obscurity, reincarnation occurs once a year, and the realm is stripped away.

It shows that the giant tree has been reincarnated [-] times in this chaotic barrier.

This is terrible.

As for the latter, it is a miracle that he can survive till now.After all, every reincarnation, the realm is exploited, and it is easy to die.

From this point of view, the things in the chaos and confusion are even more important.

And Qin Zheng also said, don't enter the center of chaos and confusion.

High probability...

That thing is at the center of the chaos.

Obviously, it is not something that can be shaken by oneself.

Everyone has desires in their hearts.

There are also forest shortages.

Perhaps, based on his current experience, he is indeed not qualified to enter the center of chaos and confusion, but the road is walked out step by step, and there is a thought in his heart, maybe it will be when the time comes?

But now Jumu refused, and Lin Huang didn't say much.

It's not the most important thing for him right now.

"Let's not talk too far, so now... can we cooperate?"

Lin Huang asked.

"How to divide?"

"Five five!"

"Where's Qin Zheng?"

"He does not need it!"

Lin Huang made the decision for Qin Zheng, "He doesn't like these things of ours!"

Ju Mu nodded, and took a deep look at the front where there was nothing, as if Qin Zheng was hiding there.

"Want to introduce Chaos Obstacle to me?"

Lin Huang spoke.

"Didn't Qin Zheng say that? When he came in with Emperor Jin, he almost broke the chaotic barrier!"

Jumu was a little surprised.

"If he told me, would it still be my own path?"

Lin Huang said very calmly.

"If that's the case, why should I practice step by step. Wouldn't it be better to just let the people use the empowerment method to improve my realm, and then restore the memory of my previous life?"

Lin Huang told a lie, and needed more lies to cover it up.

"It makes seems that you have bigger plans!"

Ju Mu's eyes fell on Lin Huang, "Want to surpass the previous life? It's not easy!"

"Martial arts have no end!"

Lin Huang spoke.

Jumu nodded, and then said: "The chaotic barrier is born with special rules! Even if someone from the eight realms of gods enters it, they will be stripped of their realm!"

"This is enough to prove the horror of Chaos Obstacle!"

"As for the origin of the chaos and obscurity, it is already too ancient. The heavens and all races have never known it too clearly. It is just a rumor that the chaos and the mountain protection formation of a powerful force in ancient times! "

"Think about it, entering the big formation and being stripped of the realm in an instant, it should be terrifying!"

Jumu continued, "So... there are rumors that in the center of the mountain guard formation is a broken ancient sect!"

"You didn't go in either?"

Lin Huang was surprised.

"Want to walk in, how can it be so easy!"

The figure of the giant tree shrank a lot, only a head taller than Lin Huang. He formed several rings with branches, and then said: "I divided the chaos and confusion into five circles!"

"What we are in now is the second circle!"

"The first circle and the second circle are very ordinary, and there is no danger from the maze. On the third floor, there will be some guardian spirit beasts in the maze, and the realm is from the gods!"

"At the fourth floor..."

After Jumu said this, he paused for a while, "I don't know much about it, but I have vaguely seen ancient monks recovering and beheading gods!"

"Huh? An ancient monk?"

Lin Huang frowned.

"At least...their clothing and the power they use are very different from those in the past million years!"

The giant tree opened its mouth.

"Those ancient monks are very strong?"

Lin Huang was puzzled, "To kill a god, what kind of god can be killed?"

"Under the four realms, it's like killing chickens and dogs!"

Jumu described it accurately.

"Above the four realms..."

Lin Huang was secretly startled.

Logically speaking, that sect should have been destroyed.Otherwise, it is impossible to have chaos and confusion at the moment, but this sect can occupy one side.

But if it is destroyed...

What is the state of those ancient monks?

Moreover, if it is destroyed, this chaotic barrier should not exist.

Lin Huang had many questions in his mind.

"As for the fifth floor..."

Jumu paused for a moment, and then said, "This is beyond what I can know!"

"Then how do you know there is a fifth floor?"

Lin Huang asked.


Jumu thought for a moment, "Mo about 7000 years ago...the center of the chaotic barrier seemed to have experienced terrible turmoil. After I escaped to the first floor, I found that the entire barrier disappeared, and everything was clearly visible!"

Ju Mu frowned tightly, and there was still a trace of fear in his heart, "I saw an incomparably majestic figure suddenly appear in the void, as high as ten feet high!"

"That figure was not real...but after that figure appeared, those ancient monks who originally existed on the fourth floor all jumped into the air and bowed down to that figure!"

Hearing Ju Mu's words, Lin Huang's heart trembled slightly.

It seems... not a completely dead sect.

"It's good to know the approximate area!"

Jumu continued, "Actually, in the chaos and confusion, there are not many opportunities except for the center! What you can feel in it depends on your luck!"

"Why is it called Chaos Obstacle?"

Lin Huang suddenly opened his mouth and stunned the giant tree.

What is called and why is it called Chaos Obstacle?

It's always been called that.

Where is there any why!
Seeing that the giant tree was a little confused, Lin Huang didn't say anything more, but he didn't think there was no reason why this place was called chaos and confusion.

Another point, since it is the Zongmen's mountain protection formation, it is enough to strip off the warrior realm.Why can the realm of warriors continue to improve.

Lin Huang guessed that the giant tree didn't know.

"Let's go, first raise your realm to the realm of gods, and then consider entering the third floor!"

Lin Huang patted the shoulder of the giant tree covered with thorns, and said flatly; "You look easy to bully, so you serve as a bait, and I will hide in your body. As long as you can restrain the two great emperors, the other one, I will He can be caught off guard and instantly kill him, so even if you meet the three great emperors, you don't have to be afraid!"

There was ambition in Lin Huang's eyes.

At this moment, he has stepped into the realm of the Great Emperor.

If he wanders through the chaos and confusion alone, it's not impossible.But if he cooperates with Jumu, he may be able to improve faster!
Ju Mu took a deep look at Lin Huang, hesitating a little.

Letting a great emperor hide in one's body is a very dangerous thing.

"Don't worry, I am the reincarnated body of Emperor Jintian, and I don't even bother to play any tricks... No matter how high a person is in a country, no matter how high the position is, he will still be inferior to one person and will never reach the top!"

"Besides, I'm not even afraid that your annual rings will strangle me, what are you afraid of!"

As he said that, Lin Huang didn't wait for the giant tree to think, and directly pulled out a crack in his chest, and hid it in!

(End of this chapter)

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