
Chapter 1693 Empress Heaven Emperor's Way

Chapter 1693 Empress Heaven Emperor's Way

A loud bang.

In the void, the last of the four gods was directly annihilated by Lin Huang's punch.

"This way..."

Then, in the distance, in the north and south directions, the roar of the giant tree was heard.

He was very helpless, he could only delay the two gods who escaped earlier, and he couldn't kill them!

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor flew directly towards one side, while Lin Huang was wearing a heavenly Shura, and killed towards the other direction.


Half a quarter of an hour later, the giant trees merged into one.

Lin Huang also regained his composure.

But at this moment, the giant tree is still a little dazed, with its thousands of branches hanging down, all pointing at the forest waste, as if observing the forest waste.

"How is this possible..."

Half a day later, Jumu still asked incredulously.

Just now, Lin Huang's performance was obviously beyond his understanding.

It would be fine if the gods of the first stage rebelled against the gods of the second stage. After all, there is everything in the great world, and there are also some amazing talents among the heavens and myriad races, who break through the barriers of the realm and attack the upper realm.


Lin Huang, this is not a rebellion against the upper realm.

He carried the catastrophe twice and beheaded a total of nine gods, and among the nine gods, six were second-level gods.

This is completely indiscriminate killing.

And Lin Huang...

It's just that he has just stepped into the realm of the gods.


Totally unbelievable.

Even at the end, Lin Huang actually provoked Tian Jie and shattered Tian Jie.

But at this moment, Lin Huang was a little silent.

He looked at his palms, feeling the previous battle...

Even he himself was surprised.

He completely underestimated the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body.

In other words, he hadn't paid special attention to the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body before.He has been practicing step by step, and has no special research and insights.

until this time...


The Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor did not break through the realm of the gods.

Because the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor does not follow the path of the gods!
And just now, it was only Lin Huang who really activated the power of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body for the first time...

Use acupuncture points as points, collect the power of the stars, reshape the stars in the body, let yourself be transformed into heaven and earth, into eternity!
And just now...

Lin Huang once again saw Emperor Ember in his soul!

It's just that what he saw was the remnant consciousness of Emperor Jintian.

Until now, Lin Huang has obtained the inheritance of Emperor Jintian, understood the path of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body, and also understood many rumored things... such as the power of space.

Being so brave just now, he still touched the power of consciousness of Emperor Jintian, temporarily opened the acupuncture points in his body, connected with the star treasure technique, and suppressed and killed the gods in all directions.

Lin Huang also used this to see the terrifying future of the Heavenly Emperor's magic.

What kind of power of space...

The emperor of heaven is eternal, and how many ancient stars are floating there.They may have died, or they may have declined, but every star has the power it once had.

Such as Ziwei.

Such as Greedy Wolf!

And the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor is the grabbing of the power of the stars in the sky... It can grab Ziwei's power of luck, the power of life and death of the Big Dipper and the South Dipper...

These forces are all Dao!

And in this way, as long as he finds the stars with the power of space, time, and reincarnation, he can directly grab them, and even incorporate the stars into his body, making himself the source of power.

Emperor Jintian, amazingly talented, so terrifying!
For a moment, Lin Huang was thinking whether to give up the Heavenly Shura and the Immortal Body, and focus on cultivating the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body.

Because of the Heavenly Emperor's Law Body, you can take a shortcut first, and then slowly realize it.

In the confusion, seeing that Lin Huang was silent for a long time, Ju Mu also sat down. He wanted to know something, but he didn't know what to ask, "Tell me!"

"Say what?"

Lin Huang was dumbfounded, what shall I tell you.

"The treasured art of the stars has appeared, you should have recovered some memories...Look at me, how can I practice to become stronger?"

Jumu began to humbly ask for advice.

"Time is invincible!"

Lin Huang said.

Jumu was immediately discouraged, didn't he know that time is invincible, but he dared not... he would be struck to death by the heavenly calamity when he cultivated in time.

That day's catastrophe is not an ordinary catastrophe for becoming a god, at least it will be higher than my own three-level catastrophe!
"Are you serious?"

Jumu doesn't give up, if the forest in front of him recovers part of his memory, then he is Emperor Jintian.

I hugged the super thigh.

Sprinkle water casually, you may be able to give yourself some insights and breakthroughs!

"The heart of invincibility, if you want to practice, cultivate the strongest one... What kind of god are you afraid of the catastrophe? No matter how strong the catastrophe is, what can it do, just kill it! You know, things with consciousness are destined to be surpassed!"

Lin Huang said calmly.

The giant tree opened its mouth made of woven branches. What you said makes sense, and I can't refute it.But... if he can resist the catastrophe that transcends the three realms, how can he practice according to you?

"You said... the catastrophe came, and I am in reincarnation, can the catastrophe find me or not?"

Lin Huang asked.

"You said, when the catastrophe comes, I will deceive the catastrophe with the way of death, can I succeed?"

"You said, when the catastrophe comes, can I survive with the supreme luck? Can I kill the catastrophe with the way of killing in my hand?"


Lin Huang turned his head and glanced at the giant tree, "The road ahead is difficult and dangerous! But if there is a way to complement each other, it may not be impossible to try!"

"According to what you mean, the knowledge of space and time is not impossible to cultivate?"

Jumu's eyes shone brightly, and there was a strong expectation in his heart.

"I didn't say that!"

Looking at the wildly flying branches in the corner of Jumu's eyes, Lin Huang was startled, he had never verified it, and he didn't know... Jumu shouldn't really believe it.

But what I just said is not without reason.

At least he had a feeling just now, in fact, after the final golden thunder tribulation descended, he used Emperor Jintian's treasure technique to attack and kill, and the power was greatly reduced.

It's as if the Golden Heavenly Tribulation was born to restrain the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

In the end, he relied on his strong physical body and the power of Tian Shura to annihilate the Heavenly Tribulation.

He somewhat understood why Jintian Emperor had to cultivate both the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body and Tai Asura... Maybe it was because the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body could not exert absolute combat power when facing his own catastrophe.

So he chose Tai Asura to prove the way by killing.

But this may be a situation where the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body and Tai Asura collide with each other again!

While thinking about it, Lin Huang had some ideas in his heart...

It is impossible for him to follow the path of Emperor Jintian all the time, then he will never be able to surpass Emperor Jintian.It is also impossible to follow the way of Tian Shura all the time, so he will never be able to surpass Tuoba Tathagata.

Then I asked myself...where is it?
What if he dissolves Heavenly Shura by himself, integrates it into the acupuncture points all over his body, and then dissolves the immortal body, so that the power of stars in each acupuncture point is accompanied by evil spirit attack and immortal defense?

Emperor Jintian must have thought about such a method, he must have tried countless ways, and many of them must not be able to go through.

So did Emperor Jin finally find a stronger path?
And his own should he go?

(End of this chapter)

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