
Chapter 1694

Chapter 1694

Amidst the confusion, Lin Huang sits looking at the sky.

For a moment, his thoughts were wandering, and he didn't know where he went.

Immediately, Lin Huang came back to his senses, glanced at the giant tree, and threw a bead of a second-level god to the latter, "I just finished making the other ones, and this is the only one!"


Jumu asked while receiving the beads from the gods of the second realm.

He was really puzzled.

The majestic nine gods, six beads from the second-level gods plus two from the first-level gods, and you are still a first-level god... so edible?
If you eat this second-level god bead by yourself, you can step into the second level.

Is the difference that big?

Lin Huang didn't say anything, so many beads, in fact, only the power of four second-level god beads remained in his body.

The others were all squandered by him in the battle just now.

"What's the next step?"

Lin Huang began to ask about the giant tree. In terms of familiarity with the chaos and confusion, it had to be a giant tree.

"This... to hunt spirit beasts?"

The giant tree said, "The third layer of the Chaos Obstacle is actually the most expansive! It is bigger than the first and second layers combined!"

"And on the fourth floor of the maze, those lonely and powerful people at least have the power of the gods of the four realms. Therefore, we must at least step into the fourth realm on the third floor before we consider going deeper!"

Lin Huang nodded.

Then he looked at Jumu, "Now, can you tell me the reason why you stayed here for 3 years?"

The flowers and branches of the giant tree trembled wildly. Sure enough, the thief was thinking about the meat in his own pot.

"You can't get it for 3 years in the chaos and confusion. Relying on your own strength, maybe if you give you another ten 3 years, you may not be able to get it. Why don't you use another way!"

Lin Huang started to fool the giant tree again.

Jumu was silent for a moment.

"Don't you think it's safer to have a race as a backer than you to obtain the things in the chaos? Otherwise, you just faced the six gods, how dare you rush to save me?"

Lin Huang continued to fool around.

" you think the value of the things inside has surpassed the backing of the human race. Then, will you be able to afford it by yourself?"

Lin Huang said one sentence after another.

"Believe me, even though I don't know how Emperor Jintian died. But I believe that he definitely did not die under the catastrophe. Since he is not dead in the palm of his hand, then you may continue to peek at the years, understand the years, and control the years not die!"


The giant tree began to make noise.

Lin Huang smiled in satisfaction, didn't speak any more, and waited for Jumu's follow-up.

"In the chaos and obscurity, there should be a power that makes the gods of the seven realms covet. This kind of power may not be weaker than the gods of the human race, the blazing supernatural power of the blazing gods, and the eternal life and death of the abyssal demons..."

The giant tree opened its mouth.

"You said before that every year here, the realm of all living beings will be reset. Is it the power of reincarnation?"

Lin Huang asked.

"The pure power of reincarnation cannot compare with the above!"

The giant tree shook thousands of branches, "I'm not sure about the specifics. It's just that according to my 3-year observation, a god of all spirits will be born in the chaos and confusion!"

"Almighty God?"

Lin Huang frowned, "What does this mean?"

"The void is myriad realms, and the avenues are boundless... Even the gods don't know how many avenues have been born under the eternal sky! So...the way of the gods lies in seeking!"

"Some gods will continue to expand their understanding of the Tao. They are compatible with several Taos, and what's more, they are tens of thousands of Taos... There have been such peerless talents in the human race!"

"There are still gods who are proficient in one way, and keep advancing on this way!"

"To put it simply, there are people who practice ten thousand dharmas together, and some one dharma breaks ten thousand ways. These are two different paths!"

"Quanlingshen refers to beings who are born with countless Taoism?"

Lin Huang asked.

"No no no..."

Jumu shook his head, "The whole spirit god is born with the ultimate understanding of a certain achievement, or he has become the incarnation of the Dao!"

"Why do the gods of the heavens and the world seldom use the name of Tao as their god's name, such as the god of fire and the god of water?"

Jumu asked Lin Huang.

"Because you don't deserve it?"

Forest Road.

"It must be unworthy, or maybe it doesn't sound good. However, in the heavens and the world, there will be a default concept. If a god dares to be named the god of fire and is recognized by the heavens and the world, then he must be the fire god." An all-spirited god who can control the fire path of the heavens and all realms!"

Jumu explained.

"Does the longevity god count?"

Lin Huang asked curiously.

"Of course it doesn't count..."

Ju Mu smiled and said, "The word "Longevity" was proclaimed by Qin Zheng when he was not yet strong, and no one recognized it. Even now, the gods recognize his strength, but they will not recognize his word "Longevity!"

"Do you think that Qin Zheng and the God of Longevity match well?"

cough cough...

Lin Huang pretended to cough twice.

Ju Mu suddenly changed his face, forgetting that Qin Zheng should be nearby, and immediately said loudly, "Only the word "eternal life" can be worthy of Qin Zheng's majestic and heroic posture throughout the ages!"

"The power in the chaos and confusion should be the all-spirited god with the way of reincarnation?"

Lin Huang asked.

"This one……"

Jumu hesitated for a moment, then shook his head very cautiously, "Probably not!"

"Shouldn't it mean something?"

Forest Road.

"Didn't you say that on the fifth floor... more than 7000 years ago, there was a stalwart figure?"

Jumu said, "Actually, more than 8000 years ago, there was another one!"


After a little hesitation, Jumu said, "They have all walked out of the chaotic barrier. Although I have been in the chaotic barrier, there are still strong people entering it and bringing news from outside!"

"The one who lived more than 8000 years ago should have died in battle more than 1 years ago! It is said that in that battle, Bi Yu was exhausted, causing many gods to shed blood and completely perish!"

Lin Huang suddenly became interested, "Tell me in detail!"

"Actually, I was wrong!"

Jumu reacted, "What I want to say is that those two incomparably stalwarts from 8000 years ago and 7000 years ago, the figures who walked out of the chaos and confusion are all gods!"

"However, they are different all-spirited gods!"

"Because they are different all-spirit gods, so... I can't be sure what is in the fifth layer. It can give birth to all-spirit gods, and it can also give birth to different all-spirit gods!"

Lin Huang also frowned, becoming more and more curious about the fifth layer of chaos and obscurity.

"Actually... if you restore the memory of Emperor Jintian, you should know more than me. After all, you and Qin Zheng almost upset this chaotic barrier! What's more, the place where this chaotic barrier is located The ancient sect should be closely related to the human race, at least the two I saw were both human race!"

Jumu opened his mouth, in fact, he is also very powerless, he has been here for 3 years, but he still doesn't know what's in the fifth floor, it's too useless.

"7000 years ago, what kind of all-spirited god?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.

"Hmm... I don't know! That aura is too terrifying, I can't peek at it, and I dare not peek at it! But I know, that aura is definitely different from what appeared 8000 years ago!"

Ju Mu sighed and opened his mouth, as if he had fallen into memory. His recalled expression made Lin Huang see how insignificant Ju Mu felt about himself:
"Raise your eyes and lower your brows, and you will be forever! Thin lips open and close, the sky and the earth are pale! He is [-] feet tall, and he raises his hands to hold the sky! One thought crosses the sea, and throws his feet to break through the boundaries! The rustling white clothes cover the sky and the sun. The flowing black hair, He dances across the sky. He is unruly and powerful, and he looks down upon the gods, as if he is the only one who dominates all the heavens and myriad worlds!"

(End of this chapter)

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