
Chapter 171 I Won't Kill You

Chapter 171 I Won't Kill You

On the ring, Lin Huang's expression changed slightly.

He squatted in front of Yun Feifei, watching with his own eyes that even without Xuan Hai, Yun Feifei's aura was getting stronger step by step.

And that bloody smell gave Lin Huang an inexplicable sense of familiarity.


"You actually learned the evil skills of Bloody Marquis!"

Lin Huang frowned and said, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, Yun Feifei's appearance at this moment was just like that of Xue Yihou back then.

The slight difference is that Xue Yihou can directly split a body, while Yun Feifei can only let the wound start to heal.

But even so, it was already extremely terrifying. In less than a few breaths, Yun Feifei's broken wounds were almost healed.

Moreover, to cultivate such an evil skill, one does not need Xuanhai, nor does one need Martial Soul.

"Lin Huang, you forced me to do this!"

Yun Feifei raised her head and stared at Lin Huang viciously, "Don't you remember that on the fourth floor of King Wu's Tomb, I was once controlled by Bloody Marquis. Don't you remember that my martial spirit is like a tree?"

Back then on the fourth floor of King Wu's Tomb, Xue Yihou suddenly appeared and captivated many people.Among them was Yun Feifei, if it wasn't for the appearance of the Xuanzi Camp in Xuanyuan Mansion later, and the death of Blood Yihou.Those who have been captivated by Xue Yihou are probably still puppets until now.

Different from everyone else, Yun Feifei has a martial soul, and he robbed Xue Yihou of a faint soul.

But just relying on that trace of soul power is enough for Yun Feifei to know many things.

On the ring, Yun Feifei stared at Lin Huang with viciousness in her eyes.If it wasn't for Lin Huang's coercion, how could she practice such a sorcery and become a monster from then on.

"Do you think that if you learn Xueyihou's sorcery, you can knock me out of the forest?"

Lin Huang grinned, his face full of coldness.As the words fell, before Yun Feifei fully recovered, she swung the Demon Suppressing Knife in her hand, leaving thirteen wounds on Yun Feifei's body.

"I want to see, is it you who recover faster, or me who cut it faster? I know you will become stronger after recovery, but will I give you this chance?"

Lin Huang said with a gentle smile, but it contained biting cruelty.

"Do you think you can defeat me by learning the sorcery of Xue Yihou? It's a pity you don't know that Xue Yihou once chased me and was killed by me." With a smile on the corner of Lin Huang's mouth, he slashed down with one knife after another. tear the flesh of the latter.

Blood gurgled and flowed, covering the entire arena.

Every time the knife was cut, Yun Feifei's face trembled, and the huge pain swept through her body, and she was in purgatory all the time.

"...Lin Huang, so what if I lose? What if you kill me?"

Yun Feifei spat blood from her mouth, staring at Lin Huang with hatred and resentment on her face.At this moment, she no longer struggled, because she could feel the poison on Lin Huang's knife.

The poison entered her body, causing her skills to stagnate.

Yun Feifei stared at Lin Huang with increasing hatred, the distortion deep in her heart made her laugh wildly:
"I'm defeated! I'm dead! So what if you got revenge? Lin Cangxue will never come back after all. She is no longer the legend of Dongling, she is no longer aloof. He has fallen into the dust and become a hairless Phoenix, not even a pheasant!"

"Do you know how she got here in the past three years, abuse, contempt, ridicule, humiliation... These are Lin Cangxue's three years, and this will also be Lin Cangxue's life!"

Yun Feifei was extremely embarrassed, but she laughed crazily.

"What's the difference between that once high-ranking woman and me now? It's just that they are all the targets of ridicule. And Lin Cangxue is even more shameless. She was able to stay in Piaoxue Palace for three years. If I, Yun Feifei, would have been ashamed and angry And died! Hahaha... No matter how magnificent she is, she is still afraid of death! Afraid of death!"

On the ring, listening to Yun Feifei's scolding, Lin Huang frowned, Yun Feifei provoked his anger again, so Lin Huang stabbed into the latter's thigh.

"I don't like killing people, and I don't even like killing women!"

Lin Huang stood up suddenly, with a smile on his face, but like a devil: "So don't worry, for a bitch like you, I, Lin Huang, will not kill you!"

I saw Lin Huang's footsteps moving, stepped on Yun Feifei's palm, and then slowly rubbed, bit by bit, grinding the latter's ten fingers into powder bit by bit.

On the ring, Yun Feifei's tragic roar sounded, which scared everyone present to turn pale.

However, Lin Huang's face was full of coldness, without the slightest sympathy.

"Don't think about dying today, because I will let you crawl in front of my sister on your knees and beg her for mercy!"

Lin Huang said with a smile, the sourness in his heart was slowly released.The footsteps moved little by little, grinding Yun Feifei's flesh and blood extremely stingily.

Then, Lin Huang picked up the Suppressing Demon Knife, and cut the latter's skin bit by bit, allowing Yun Feifei to see her own arm with bones exposed, and her meridian was torn off by Lin Huang.

The scene on the arena was quite cruel.

It was so cruel that the ring was covered with blood, and Yun Feifei turned into a frame of flesh and blood. She knelt down in the pool of blood and let out a hoarse scream.

The resentment towards Lin Huang deep in his heart has already turned into deep fear.

Just looking at the smile on the corner of Lin Huang's mouth made her scalp tingle and her whole body tremble.At this moment, this young man dressed in white had already become her nightmare.

"Kill...kill me!"

Yun Feifei said intermittently.

"I don't kill sluts!"

Lin Huang shook his head and said with a smile, "However, you can crawl up to my sister and beg her to let me kill you!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Yun Feifei roared.

Lin Huang narrowed his eyes, the smile on his face became more and more charming, and said: "It seems that you don't believe my tricks!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Huang squatted in front of Yun Feifei again, and a small knife appeared in his hand, "If you use your blood as ink, your phalanx as brush, and your flesh as scroll, you can draw a picture of mountains and rivers." Xiulitu, how do you look?"


Yun Feifei was shocked, her eyes were full of horror.

Then he scrambled towards Lin Cangxue, the flesh and blood all over his body grinded forward in the ring, blood dripped down, and he had already turned into a miserable blood man.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was a little shocked. They didn't expect Yun Feifei to be tortured into such a state by Lin Huang, not only physically, but also spiritually.

Everyone looked up at the gentle young man on the ring, and they couldn't help but tremble deep in their hearts.

Only now did everyone clearly realize that this young man who seemed to have been living under Lin Cangxue's protection turned out to be this terrifying.

The three major martial arts in the palm of his hand can kill Tianyuan with his strength.

He always looked so calm and gentle, but once he showed his fangs, he would reveal an extremely bloodthirsty scene, making everyone terrified.

Dragons have inverse scales, you will die if you touch them!
And Lin Cangxue is Lin Huang's reverse scale.

In the square, Yun Feifei rolled off the ring and crawled to Lin Cangxue covered in blood, her bloodshot eyes filled with pleading.

Then, Yun Feifei kowtowed heavily.

Suddenly, Lin Cangxue became the focus of everyone's attention.This peerless genius three years ago, faced the sideways glances of everyone and Yun Feifei at the bottom of his feet, with a calm expression on his face.

She didn't even look down at Yun Feifei.

Even though Lin Cangxue didn't have the vigor of the past, she was still so unattainable, dressed in white like snow, standing in the world!


Lin Huang followed behind Yun Feifei, grinning brightly.

"Who did you learn this method of torture from?"

Lin Cangxue didn't seem to be excited because she was elated, but instead looked at Lin Huang reproachfully.


Lin Huang scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"It will not be used in the future!"

Lin Cangxue said again, and then stretched out her hand to straighten Lin Huang's messy hair, and said, "Leave Yun Feifei alive!"


Lin Huang said categorically.


Lin Cangxue raised her eyebrows, staring straight at Lin Huang.


Lin Huang nodded, for fear of angering Lin Cangxue, he felt annoyed for a while, if he knew this would be the result, he would have ended Yun Feifei's life with a single blow.

At Lin Cangxue's feet, Yun Feifei, who kept kowtowing, was overjoyed. She never thought that Lin Cangxue would spare her life.

Thinking of this, Yun Feifei couldn't help sneering.As long as she doesn't die, she will eventually be able to rely on Xue Yihou's skills to grow up again, "I swear, when the time comes, I will crush both of you siblings!"

However, before Yun Feifei had time to be happy, hearing Lin Cangxue's next words, she felt terrified again.

"My sister is not kind-hearted, she left Yun Feifei alive. My sister just wants Yun Feifei to watch with her own eyes. One day, I, Lin Cangxue, will rise again!"

Lin Cangxue explained to Lin Huang.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, nodded heavily, and then kicked Yun Feifei away.

Since then, this woman who plundered Lin Cangxue's vitality three years ago and rose to become the second in the inner sect, proud as a peacock but extremely twisted in her heart, fell into the dust after all.

Then, a bell sounded from the arena, hovering over the entire square.

The disciples turned their heads and saw Yan Nangui stepping onto the ring slowly, and a low and majestic voice sounded in the square:

"The battle for the Chief of Piaoxue Palace is now over, and Lin Huang will take over as No.30's fourth chief!"

Inside and outside the square, the disciples were stunned for a moment. They were still immersed in the battle just now, and only after they came back to their senses did they realize that the battle for chief battle had ended when Yun Feifei rolled off the ring.

Chief, Lin Huang!
(End of this chapter)

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